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Posts posted by Colo

  1. Thank you so much for posting the Julie Chen house tour!! Now im super excited for BB 18. I HOPE and pray they make them really work for stuff this year like food, and I know this is foolish to hope for in the age of technology, but I want them to bring back the pulling of Keys! That was the most fun! and Food Comps...I wish I could LFU, but I my right hand, and my fingertips tingle, so I type with two fingers. not fast enough to keep up. But I wanted to say thank you to Morty, Marty, Morty TV Admin and all the LFU!! You bring Joy to my summer. =)

    Colo (Kim)

  2. 1 hour ago, morty said:

    My life’s motto is… 
    Get my money, develop my body, and get women. 

    Doesnt he mean, Greedy, Egotistical, and womanizer? Wonderful...another big head. I see him and Corey hanging out. Two Big ego's. That might be dangerous. Either they come together or they will be at each others throats, Corey and Victor because they are VERY similar. Could be interesting!

  3. Seems like a nice girl. She is a High School teacher. BUT she does not look 32. I think they got Bridgette and Tiffany's age mixed up. I am very suspicious that her last name is Rousso. I know Vanessas was "Russo", but how easy would it be to put a O in Russo. She reminds me of a TV actress and I cant remember her name. She was on ER years ago. Good luck hun, with a last name like Rousso even if it is spelled different, they will think you are related to Vanessa no matter what you say. Paranoia will win.

  4. Doesnt he kind of look like he is Amish in the clothes he has on? LOL. Sorru. First thing to pop into my head. He might not last long, but I like his smile. I hope he is genuine, that might help socially. That smile reminds me of my kids smiles. They dont smile for pictures, they have that silly half grin, just like him. 

  5. She is a ball of energy and is a political consultant. Im sure someone else said this but knowing politics can only be an advantage in the BB house. I hope she gets past the first couple weeks, it would be interesting to see if her strategies will pay off... :pleased:

  6. COLO...you do realize what ur name means in spanish, right???, LOL...... :animated_rotfl: ......

    Im not sure...its an abbreviation for Colorado, that i know. Its my nickname, hmmmm, maybe it cracks you up because it sounds like Culo which means buttocks in spanish, not Colo if thats where you were going with this... :smile1:

  7. Getting more and more excited!! woohoo! Still a bit away, but maybe I can finish a prediction challenge this year. Illness made me miss last years last couple of prediction threads...I also hope AG comes up with a good idea this year. Tired of the same old same old, and NO MORE RACHEL...please. Please. For the love of pete, no more rachel unless she is in pandoras box to irritate a houseguest for hours.

    peace all. cant wait




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