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Posts posted by SueNRob

  1. i do think it was very bonehead of him to blowup at shelly before the live show

    blowing up at anyone in bb to me is very bad gameplay

    people hold grudges for days and one blowup will make an enemy for the rest of the game

    controlling his temper has always been an issue for jeff :animated_bouncy:

    I think you have it wrong. If you remember in his speech, he said to Shelly, I hope you remember the respect we showed you when everyone else was fighting in the backyard, and show me the same respect. The others were fighting. Jeff and Jordan had talked the night before and said that they were going to respect her cause she was a wife and mother. Jeff did not blowup at Shelly.

  2. Dani played the best game with the weakest alliance, that was her downfall. Had Jeff kept his word with Dani he would still be at the house with Jordan. With all that said, it still bothers me immensely that Shelly was so concerned that all her kids teachers, parents, her kids friends would see what a chain smoker she is, yet she is ok with flipping (backstabbing) on the one person she claimed she loved and wanted a true, long lasting, real friendship with after the conclusion of the game. I watch BB After Dark on Showtime every night. I found it interesting last night that Shelly wouldn't even acknowledge or look Jordans way. Talk about awkward..lol I have a feeling the finale will be the best part of the season. Old saying is what goes around comes around.

    Have to disagree with Jeff in house if Dani stayed. She had him next on the list for her to take out. Had her "crew" won Jeff would have been gone instead of Dani.

    Dani played the best game with the weakest alliance, that was her downfall. Had Jeff kept his word with Dani he would still be at the house with Jordan. With all that said, it still bothers me immensely that Shelly was so concerned that all her kids teachers, parents, her kids friends would see what a chain smoker she is, yet she is ok with flipping (backstabbing) on the one person she claimed she loved and wanted a true, long lasting, real friendship with after the conclusion of the game. I watch BB After Dark on Showtime every night. I found it interesting last night that Shelly wouldn't even acknowledge or look Jordans way. Talk about awkward..lol I have a feeling the finale will be the best part of the season. Old saying is what goes around comes around.

    What I didn't understand was Dani saying that they were writing the check for Jeff & Jordan; was she just ticked off because they weren't writing the check for Dani?

  3. She will be fine at school. While I am a huge big brother fan you people are acting crazy. You really think anyone is going to pick on Josie or talk about her mom because of a reality tv game show move???

    My niece is friends with Josie and she goes to a great school with great parents.

    I also really like JJ but think logically people its a GAME!!!!! And Shelly made a great move.

    Oh and once again:

    Does everyone forget that a few weeks ago when Shelly was on the block JJ was trying to see if they had enough votes to get rid of her?

    I understand that Shelly thought it was a great game move, but she really didn't think it through. She is further away from prize now than she was before. What I dislike about Shelly is how she handled herself with Jordan. Jordan was not yelling at Shelly. Shelly, a 41 year old woman who just got her way, got in Jordan's face and started screaming at her. Perhaps it's an intimadation tactic that she uses at work, but completely uncalled for last night. For that she gets an F+ in my book.

  4. Full disclosure:

    OK so maybe its because I'm from Baton Rouge or the fact that my niece is friends with Josie but I cannot believe how horrible some of these comments are!

    Its a game people! and Shelly did a great job of staying in the middle until it was necessary to make a big move. Does everyone forget that a few weeks ago when Shelly was on the block JJ was trying to see if they had enough votes to get rid of her?

    Its a game! and I believe Shelly sincerely loves JJ but what do you expect her to do, leave her family for 3 months to end up with third place because she likes JJ?????

    I sure hope Josie doesn't get hurt through all of this. It is a game, but if this is a social experiment...Shelly failed. JMHO

  5. So True! I think there's two definitions the BB community uses for "floater"

    1. an alliance swapper based on power.

    2. a person who "floats" through the game by not making any moves or decisions of their own

    Maybe we need another word for #2. All season BR & JJ have been saying the other side were floaters "because they don't do anything or win anything"...so people are using their own words. Love Jordan, but she is an ultimate floater based on her OWN definiton of the word.

    #2 was called a coaster, as they coasted through the game. People also think that backdoor means being put up as a replacment nom, when it fact a backdoor is when you don't get a chance to play for veto and are put up as a replacement nom.

  6. I was rooting for her, and you are correct she made mistakes. If you read her HOH blog she admitted those mistakes and says she felt terribly about DOM and embarrassed about Lawon. She played poorly, yet through all of that she was inches close to figuring out a way to stay, and convinced these nothing newbies to get off their butts and fight and get Jeff out ASAP, and they did exactly that. She helped turned the house and if she couldn't win, I bet she couldn't imagine a better situation for how the game is situated right now. She planted those seeds to Shelly and it got rolling. Even when Dani played bad she still had a ton of influence on the game. At the end of the day she had more influence on the game to Shelly then Jejo did, that is the least impressive.


    Pretty sure the DR planted seeds long before Dani did.

  7. IMO Dani single handedly ruined season 13 of BB and screwed every other vet in the house. No wonder she is such a disrespected disliked person inside and out.....SO GLAD she is gone and I wish I could see her cows porshits and shellys faces when they realize how much america DESPISES them~!!

    You hit the nail on the head! I hope she is proud of herself...Shocker!


    As for exits, not sure what exits some people watched, but the ones I saw showed Dani hugging her 'crew' & heading out the door. Followed by Jeff, who hugged everyone & wished them a good game. Her interview with Julie--she only had 3 days to prepare it & she still came off snotty. Jeff had 45 seconds to prepare for his, yet still managed to be civil & respectful. So no, I don't see her class or his bitterness at all.

    Agree, Agree, Agree!



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