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Posts posted by flashboredom

  1. 5:55pm bbt Emmett went up to the HOH room to talk with Andrew. Andrew wants to make sure Talla's still on board with them and to reassure her that Emmett is not coming after her. They like that she said Alec's lying to her and want to make sure that Talla didn't talk to Topaz about her staying. (She did). They want Talla on their side for numbers and because they're worried she could win HOH if it's an endurance comp. They don't want her to win and put up Emmett and Jillbot.

    After they left the HOH room on their way eventually to the hot tub, Andrew quickly told Talla that they'll talk later this evening.

  2. 1:15AM

    Alec is telling Gary that Topaz has a locket & that she kissed it, and the locket was from Topaz's boyfriend back home. Alec says that their whole showmance was a lie because Topaz's boyfriend.

    Gary says it's ridiculous and the locket may be from her family member. Gary says that Topaz has real feelings for him. Gary says he wants Alec and Topaz to patch things up.

    Gary says that Alec has just ditched her. Alec says Topaz ditched him by not speaking to him. Gary says that's because he turned his back on her first by voting out AJ instead of Andrew. Alec says he saw red when he heard about the locket. Gary says he's gonna get to the bottom of it.

  3. 5:15PM BBT: While, Tpoaz, Talla and Suzette are playing air hockey, Andrew and Jillian are in the kitchen talking game. Andrew tells her that if he wins HoH he wants to put up Gary and Topaz. Andrew says it's a move that would least upset the house. Jillian says good. [Jillian and the house are nervous about Andrew, because he's said on several occasiobs that he wants to "make a big move."]

    Andrew asks her who she'd nominate if she won. Jillian is evasive and won't say any names. She says she wouldn't be opposed to the Gary / Topaz combo. Andrew says she can trust him. Andrew says he's going to nominate Gary and Topaz because they don't clean anything, and are always whining. Andrew says he's afraid to make big moves because he has good relationships with everyone in the house. He says it's only good to make a big move during a double eviction. Andrew wants to talk to Jillian further. Jillian says he already knows who she wants out (Gary). Sounds like most everyone is targeting Gary next week.



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