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Posts posted by odinsraven

  1. Shocker!! Shocker!! If I had thought about who the final two were going to be , I would have never wasted my votes on Dan! I would have given AC to Brit because she was funny to watch when she was imitating Dan. Did any Frank fans ever stop to think why the other HG wanted Frank out from the beginning. Number one he was on Boogie's team, number two he was very good at challenges, and number three, IMHO, his social game stunk. He had no friends except Boogie.So after Boogie was evicted and Ashley sent to the jury house he was all alone. When I would chat while watching live feeds, I never heard anyone say that they had voted for Frank. It was always Dan or Ian. I would have even threw my 10 votes to Shane if I had thought Frank would have come in third. There's got to be a better system for voting for AC. IT's like voting for a president. The votes for AC were split between Ian and Dan, so the next runner up was the poor wrestler's son who got nominated many times. I'm sure Boogie had a lot of his friends voting for Frank. And in my opinion, these juriers were soar losers. I saw a better game played by Dan, and Ian was just as evil, which showed during the jury questions..

  2. Sadly for Ian, I don't think he is worried about his safety in the house. He has stated QP final four..I would like to see him and Dan in final two because they both deserve to be there..This is just my opinion and how I have perceived this year. Dan has played the best game this season and should not be penalized not winning the grand prize because he has won before. But all that being said if anyone deserves to win instead of Dan it should be Ian..Not Dani because she has hung on to Dan and Shane, and not Shane because he just hasn't done much of anything, and that also includes Jenn..So I am rooting that Jenn leaves on Tuesday, and the final 2 will be Ian and Dan..

  3. Okay I'll write something for Shane to read when he gets out...Shane you have a nice physique, and I have enjoyed watching you sun bathe, but son you need to find some brain cells..You alligned yourself with a good group of players or you would have been gone a long time ago..You have let a 21 year old student who cannot lift weights outlast you in endurance competitions (he should have only won the memory ones) and a 30 year old out play you in the mental moves..If you don't win either the POV or HOH you will probably be out played by Ian, out witted by Dan, and out lasted by Dani your on again off again girl. But I still think you are a nice guy!!!

  4. Thanks guys for the song that is so Dan in a nice way..I wish I knew how to do all these things.

    Anyway back to Dan..What is the problem with him winning again? It's okay to have repeat wins in the Super Bowl or the World Series..So what is the problem with having a returning winner on BB to win..Dan has played a fantastic game, and he deserves it. I am just worried that all his side alliances are going to come back and bite him ! I'm not going to watch it live tonight because everytime I do some one else wins. I'll just sit back and wait until all of tonights episode ends then read Morty's updates before I watch the show.

  5. Dan my man!! You are just the best player ever in BB history..There is no one in the house that knows how to play this game but you. With out a doubt if America does not vote you their choice then there is no humidity in Ga...LOL. I hope that all the viewers who are against Dan winning a second time change their minds. He gets Ian do to what he wants, then Frank on board for almost throwing the veto, and actually suggesting to pull Jenn off the block. What kind of players are we dealing with. I am so glad Dr. Will is not in this house because him and Dan would make a clean sweep..Keep up the good work. Just one side note, that was very humbling to see how caring Dan was to Ian when talking about his OCD..

  6. I really don't know how to respond to this. It's a tough one. I have not liked any one player in the game except some of the coaches, and I liked Shane until I saw how indecisive he was. Janelle was my all time favorite, but I did not like her game. Boogie I have not liked any season, and he ruined Frank's season. Brit was enjoyable with her in your face comments. But my favorite of the season has been Dan's game!! Love him or not he made the game since his funeral..He will probably be gone before the final 4,but he made a boring season come alive for me.

    I agree that a lot of the players got an early out because of the coaches. But since the reset, I have enjoyed a dead season. There has been more back stabbing and big game moves in any season of BB. And I still don't know who is going to stick by who...But I can't wait to see..

  7. That makes some sense dog (love the name and breed)...But I believe if Shelly would have stayed a little longer with J/J her and Adam might have had a better shot getting to the final 2, but that also means Shelly would have to start winning..And she would have to get Rachael out..Shelly and Adam have a lot of hurdles to get through for final two...Neverless, she is going to have a hard time when she gets out and begins to read post or watch the show. I truly believe that deep down she is nice, and sometimes winning takes over and causes a person to lose some of their integrity. My problem is that I have always been a sucker for the sweet, innocent one, so when Shelly hurt Jordan, I felt her pain...That's why I could never play BB or Survivor..

    I've pretty much kept my opionins to myself because I don't like to ruffle feathers..I do see all sides of the game, and it just hurts me when my HG of any season (I go back to the beginning)is evicted..none of us here want to see our favorite sent packing..so each one of you keep cool and we will get through this season as agreeing to disagree..Have a blessed day!!

  8. Well I have had my work cut out reading all these post about how Shelly has played the game. And I don't want to get in a war with some posters about whether Shelly is callous or not. All I do want to say is, did her way of turning on J/J the way she did get her any closer in getting in the final two? By what I have been observing, she has just given the win and runner up to just another pair. Now I will say that I am glad that one of the other Hg's was taken out. And I did not understand why Shelly wanted her to stay because that still would not get Shelly any closer to the final two. Unless it was just a personal issue that a vet would win. Some of you are right about how J/J played the game especially Jeff being somewhat my way or the highway (but he was very sexy while doing it)..but I see other HG acting the same way, no matter. I really believe that because of how Shelly has been portraying herself lately,some of her relatives are embarrassed! She is still going to the jury...

  9. I hope she does. What else can she learn that she doesn't already know. Maybe she will be stuck under the bed all night, and when she tries to stand up the next morning she can't walk. Then BB will have to take her out of the game on a stretcher. She might be surprised and hear how little they waste their time on talking about the NH. Go for it Ivette, sleep tight and don't let the bed bugs bite......

  10. GO SOV 2: My feeds will be canceled after Howie leaves. All the humor will be gone. Now if you like to spend your life having sleep overs and talking about everyone who doesn't dress, cook, eat, fix hair, put on make-up, exercise, clean, sleep, play for HOH, play for veto's, talk to guys,bathe, and play the game the way we do then you are evicted from the house!!!!

  11. I get so tired of BB always having the NH on the feeds. Any time the 3 of them are together it turns into a Jani bashing. I have to say that Maggie says the least, but when she does add her 2 cent in, it cuts into the skin like a knife. While they were preparing supper the topic went from Jani walking too much to they, I guess the SOV 6, are able to be mean because they have no love interest outside the house. April continued on to say that they only came into the house to play the game, but we came for reasons. HUH, what reasons did the NH come into the game? I guess that they wanted to find friends to have sleep overs with every night.

  12. How do these post gets so way off the topic. I think in the very beginning the one that was posting was joking for Eric to come back and by the time it gets to the end, the replys have gone to personal attacks on Kaysar.

    Kaysar is an American citizen with the same rights as anyone else who chooses to play on BB. I believe that CBS was doing a favor to a lot of Iragis who live in the US. Should we not let a person play the game because of his or her race, religeon, or sex.

    Kaysar represented himself well and did not push his beliefs on anyone. So now because he is from Iraq, he doesn't have the same rights as other races. Give him a break, he is an American too.

    Kaysar, I hope you come back in the game. At least you treated each HG with honor and respect. I would love to meet Kaysar and have him as my friend.

  13. I have been having the same problems connecting to Morty's site since last Thursday. Then when it did connect, it would take a long time. It really gets to be a bummer because I use Real Player on this site too. I have really enjoyed not being timed out. I also do not have to go through the hassle that it takes to get BB in Real Player.

    But thanks to Morty for working to keep his site the best on the Internet, I am now getting lightning fast connections.

    Is anyone else experiencing a problem with the time being off? My time here on the east coast is 9:32 PM, but my posting time says 1:30 AM. Again a big thanks to Morty for making this site the best!!!!!

  14. OMG, I cannot believe some of these responses to HC's, and Marcella's remark...and a post stating that his replys were always too long, unbelievable, since that response was long....

    It bothers me to hear all the bad language and sex talk on BB live feeds. But is that going to stop me from watching, "no." And just because I might not agree with Marcella's choice of mates, that doesn't mean that I do not enjoy or will stop watching him and G. If he is out in the open and is attracted to another man, then there is no harm in expressing it. He could have been more explicive, but Marcellas used a lot of taste.

    Marcellas keep up the good work and stop reading these negative remarks. I enjoy HC, and yours and G opinions. And we know that there will always be a sour grape in the mix, that's why they watch your show and read your post just to stir up trouble.

  15. I see both guys as crossing the line. Either way these two choose to flirt, nauseates me. It's kind of sad that some of the women of the house verbalize that it is okay for Howie to talk the way he does but feel offended by Michael's advances. I find myself watching less of the live feeds because of the sexual overtones that just happen to be the number one topic this year.

    I am a little disgusted about how far the Michael thing has been blown up. When Howie is just as bad. He keeps on with Jan even when she says stop. But Jan is using her assets on him to get to the end. And how about the Jennifer thing. She laid across Jame's crotch,(I wander what she was implying). Jen was very flirtatious in the beginning, but she seems to be crying wolf now. And I also don't see any of the HG's throwing stones at Beau for his playfulness to Gaysar. IMO, most of the BB HG are egging some of these advances on the way they talk and listen. I was proud of Rachael when she called Howie down.



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