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Posts posted by brucebeh

  1. Well now on the quad cam it is broken in to 4 seperate sections now.  Since the feeds have been blacked out it had just been one big screen.... Maybe we are closer!!! waaaaahhhh

    are you sure? still getting fishes on all 4 feeds...... :(

    I really hope what yana said isn't true, as I'd love to watch the last few days of BB6 Live Feeds :)

  2. CBS doesn't know what type of people these are.

    They won't know Ivette is racist and makes fun of people's religions during their casting, because they WANT to get on the show, and she knows that those type of things are bad for TV and are offensive, so she's not going to do those things no matter how many tests they run on her.

    its just common sense. i think the best way is probably to get a replacement HG or leave the things they are... afterall, shes the one being embarrased not us nor cbs.

  3. If someone says something that offends you, don't talk to them anymore. If the HGs say something that offends you, don't watch the show. The problem with the internet feed is we get to see people the way they really are. Some people are really like this. We can't change the way they are by hiding it. There is a reason we won't see these comments they make on CBS. 

    When Ivette or anyone else that acts that way leave the house, they will realize that they were being racist. Trust me, they will see the comments on the internet, or have people confront them on the street. They can't change until they realize what they did. I'm glad people are outraged by the comments she and others have made, but we can't hide it because it might make some of us realize some of the things we say are crossing the line.

    One of the great things about this show is we think about how we would act in the same situation, and more importantly how we shouldn't act in our everyday lives.

    I completely agree with what you said.. that's why we have the internet feeds.

    And i'm not really complaining, if i were, i'd send an email to CBS and not post here, but my post here is to let people that don't have live feeds know what this girl does and saids in the unedited live feeds.

    It's a good CBS doesn't show this stuff on tv, i can gurantee CBS if they showed that, they would be in so much crap BB6 would have to be cancelled immediately, but the whole world will know that these type of people exist..

  4. 18+ for talking about doing another man?

    When something gets rated 18+ there are usually bits of nudity or extremely vulgar language.

    Come on, even movies like "Scary Movie" are only 14a.. and you would have no idea how innapropriate that movie can get... its WAY worst than "doing another man", i have to say if HouseCalls gets 18+, Scary Movie will DEFINITELY need to be 18+ ADULTS ONLY.

    i think the highest ratings house calls should get is PG13 or something.

    Parental guidance is really all you need for a show like house calls, its not even close to being worst than the BB live feeds.

  5. I for one watch HouseCalls BECAUSE its an online show, and they don't have to follow all the rules of a standard on air tv show.

    I think that's the reason why lots of others like watching housecalls, its an online talkshow, so they can go all out without CBS really caring much since there aren't regulations.

    If Housecalls was a show on TV, that would be a different story, but there's so many things on the internet, you choose what you want to see and like Marcellas said, if you find housecalls offensive, don't watch it.. simple as that.

    Not everyone can be pleased.

    And for one, Marcellas and Gretchen, you gained a fan :). I loved it how you guys took it with Eric.. it was amazing, and funny, its really great to see other people feel the same way as you and bashing them on a live webcast :). It's something we'll NEVER see on tv, and that's why i like it so much!

  6. Maggie, and Sarah, Beau and a few others were playing the "pass the cup" game and now all feeds cut to fish.

    ---- 1:16PM

    Feeds back, Kaysar and James playing Coasters.

    Ivette, maggie, Sarah, April, Beau, Janelle practicing the cup game..

    ---- 1:22 PM

    Jennifer, Janelle, Beau, April, Ivette, Maggie, Sarah are finally starting to get the basics of the game.. they are now playing for real

    Howie and James playing coasters, Rachel and Kaysar is sitting on the couches watching them.

  7. I found a great simple program to connect my laptop via cell phone, watch the live feeds and totally be connect to the web! It is pdanet if anyone else wants to connect with only a cell phone.

    You better have a unlimited data plan on your account or REALLY cheap data... because mobile data is so expensive without a plan. Just don't want you to get a surprise bill.. they can reach as high as $500+ very easily especially if you're streaming video.

    Just letting you know.. if you knew about this.. then great.. but if not, now you know :)

  8. ha, i can't believe it, I'm watching housecalls right now and Eric practically denies all these things Marcellus said he did.

    How long is that guy going to keep denying everything, does he not realize theres millions of other people that watch the live feeds or read the message boards.

    And how can he call Jase acting stupid as a firefighter on camera... when he comes in and does all these things, denies what he does, and doesn't show much sportsmanship when he didn't hug anyone from the other team when leaving.

    btw, eric's answer to "do you think you have good sportsmanship" was...

    Yes.. i play lots of sports.. and I don't play cheap. (umm, i think the caller was asking about your sportsmanship in the GAME, not SPORTS.. )

  9. Feeds 1 &2 show April, Jennifer, Maggie, Beau outside sitting on the big gray green lawn chair talking about the other team. They are going to come and say so and so is bad.. just ignore them.

    Feed 3 shows Howie, James, Janelle, Kaysar sitting by the coasters table. Silent (no audio). Sarah is in DR.

    Feed 4 on empty big round dinner table.

    April: It was all so sad, but now its the best thing, because now, we can do it.

    Ivette: You guys, we just have to stay strong.

    Beau saying what Maggie said on the live tv show about what she said before evictions.

    April: you and cappy did really well (doing the speech)

    Ivette: we have to stick together, they will use cheap shoots?

    April: Love is stronger than stratergy...

    Beau: I was watching Howie running around and jump, and "oh yeah i'm training for HOH" (pretends to be howie)... I looked at them and I was like, i have nothing to do with these people.

    ---- 7:30PM

    April and Ivette telling the "group" what James and Kaysar told them, Jennifer told the "group" Kaysar tried to split April and her up..

    Jennifer: If I came with April, I'm going to play with April, and leave with April.

    ---- 7:37PM

    Ivette: You know what the funny thing is? They (the other group), still thinks you guys are still weak and flumsy, and you guys have to show them you're not.

    BB: MAGGIE please go to the DR.

    Everyone in the evil group cheers.. "yay!!! maggie!!, shes our hero!"

    ---- 7:41PM

    Rachel is outside with the "evil" group and agreeing with most things the other team are saying.

    Ivette: You can only be so mean to certain people.

    Rachel: I agree, i'm happy for Maggie, she did great! I'm sitting in the hot tub, I like hanging out with everybody, i don't like seeing this house divided.

    Ivette: Too much damage has been done to this house.

    April: You might not agree, but I like kaysar.

  10. They all came in from the BY.

    Howie is in the toilet taking a dump..

    Kaysar is washing out his smokingt hing...

    Janelle is eating a peanut butter sandwich..

    Beau is going to take a shower..

    April is waiting to use the bathroom....

    Janelle, Howie, and Kaysar is going to work out together once howie finishes his ....

    11:42 pm----

    Jennifer's feet fell asleep and she is kicking the counter... Janelle is trying to hit it with her hand.

    Howie is massaging her feet now.

    11:52 pm----

    April, Jennifer, Sarah, Kaysar are now looking at the fish. James came out with his new haircut. (*i think he got a new haircut*)

    Sarah thinks he looks cute.. so does April.

    James saids he is a good school boy now.

    April saids he is a gay school boy... *james smiles and leaves*

    12:57 pm ----

    James, Howie, Kaysar and Janelle are working out in the BY and howie is yelling softly "HOH.. HOH.. HOH"

  11. Oh wow..

    Kaysar is smoking the hooka again..

    beau explaining what schools he applied for and talking about his sisters.

    10:50 pm---

    K: What's a shockra? (*sorry, cant spell*)

    B: its like your inner soul...

    K: What language is that?

    B: yoga?

    K: where did it arrive from?

    B: Buddest..

    10:52 pm----

    A: I'm starving!

    K: want some hooka?

    A: Sarah, what did you eat for the today? like how much do you eat a day?

    S: Half peanut butter sandwich.. piece of stuff Ivette made.. 4 pieces of toast with cinnamon.

    A: And you're not starvin?

    S: no, but i like starve myself.. like today.. and i took a nap then i was so hungry so i ate

    S: Are you taking vitamins?

    A: ---- a day (*couldnt hear*)

    S: oh that doesn't help..

    10:54 pm----

    J: I couldn't think of any favorite songs

    K: Mine was blank.

    B: really?

    K: yeah, the only reason they had GR up there was because I stood up to the camera and i was like ," i want GR please"

    B: really?

    K: yeah.

    A: I wanna go to bed..

    B: what so early?

    A: beau beau, when you're smoking a hooka, it doesn't mean april has to stay up

    B: You said you'd stay up till 1

    A: I didn't say that...

    K: These two won't sleep early (James & Sarah)

    S: I might wake up early tomorrow to work out..

    K: You just woke up a few hours ago..

    S: I know.

    11:00 pm----

    S: What time is it?

    B: like 11, 11:30...

    S: I think i'm gonna go lay down... because the sonner i sleep.. tthe sooner its thursday.. and...

    A: the sonner its my BIRTHDAY! i'm turning 31!

    S: oh yeah..

    J: Are you going to kiss your bf good night?

    11:01 pm----

    B: My mom is like 32D....

    A: damn shes little.. 32 is little

    B: then shes 34.. or 36C

    H: Are these Jenny's panties?

    B: yes put them down

    *Howie sniffs them*

    J: You're not a 32 are you? (to april)

    A: no.. i'm 34... 32 is very small

    J: yeah...

    11:02 pm-----

    A: let me tell you about howie.. howie goes and takes a shower.. and he puts the same damn thing on.

    B: ewww

    H: no i didnt.. i had blue shorts

    H: Ask kaysar.. what was i sleeping on

    K: uh....

    11:03 pm-----

    J: I really thought Eric was like my brother..we really got along well.. we worked out together in the morning.. and we hung out together.. it hurt thati knew he had to stab my back.. but its part of a stratergy.

    A: Maggie and him is probably like.. you are to sarah (you as in james)

    J: well thats the thing.. you didnt choose who to come here with

    K: well you guys didnt know what i said in the DR.. but when i had to see michael go.. it really hurt

    11:09 pm-----

    S: My biggest thing is I don't even know what I want to do.

    J: But when you go into college, you will figure out what you really like

    K: i don't really know what to do

    A: Mike? wants to go to Law school

    K: I want to go to law school


    J: I couldn't get an unpaid intern at CNN because I didn't have a college degree I mean.. its like your passport to so many different things.. the older you get the more crap comes

    K: It's because the economy are so low.. and they don't want to take a risk

    A: People with like MBAs are like competiting.. MBA that's like a friggin bachelor.

    J: When you get out in the world.. you'll find that 30% of your class will have all these degrees.. like business admin.. marketing degree.. communications degree.. history.. things like that.. so its like.. what can you do with psychology .. you really need to have further education.

    K: nothing is guranteed except for sciences.

    A: the job i am in.. its very very secure

    J: you're a pusher.. yous ell drugs.. *chuckles*

    A: *uh huh.. ignores*

  12. Feeds 1 & 2 show Janelle working out.

    Feeds 3 & 4 show James, Sarah, April, Kaysar, Beau talking by the hottub (hottub isn't opened) just chattering.

    Part of the chatter:

    B: Where's the wrap up party?

    A: I heard it was here.. not here here, but at the studio.

    J: Bring some celebrity friends to come out.

    B: Oh, they will probably be there

    J: It's funny, I never recognize celebrities in person, but i recognie them in movies.

    A: Danyelle? from season 3 will be there.. shes a big supporter.

    K:Marcellas will be there.


    J: Beau, If i get HOH, will you give me a hair cut?

    A: what? you can get a haircut now.

    J: I don't trust him unless i get HOH

    B: I'll give it after nomination

    J: Will you though?..... Not now though.


    They are now talking about Beau Kissing Howie... last night.

    They are trying to explain what happened to Kaysar.

    K: Did he kiss your neck? did he really?

    J: yeah...

    B: The camera guy was right behind us.. and i was like.. woah

    J: You don't like your mom seeing you kiss another guy?

    B: I don't want to see my mom make out..

    J: Good point.

  13. Feeds 1 & 2 is showing outside backyard with the same people.

    Feeds 3 & 4 showing April, Rachel, and Jennifer looking at fishes.

    We can hear all 4 feeds AND the Fish water sound loud in the mix.

    ---- April, Rachel, and Jennifer finish looking at fishes.

    Jennifer is washing some dishes.

    Feed 3 now on kitchen.. feed 4 on big round table.

  14. Feeds 1 & 2

    Eric, Jennifer, Beau, Ivette, Maggie..

    Sitting outside in the backyard talking about having sex. Ivette sharing how when she has sex.. she has sex with her girlfriend and talk.. then have sex.. they don't even watch tv....

    Feed 3

    Showing April feeding the fishes and Rachel is watching her.

    Feed 4

    Empty big round table....



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