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Posts posted by dragon_fly

  1. I think the Biggest Secret Yet is more likely to be that America gets a choice in the decision.

    If it gets down to two or even three - and Janelle is in there, we know who AMERICA will vote for!

    Wouldnt that be fun?

    ************************************You know, Julie keeps telling the evicted HG that she will see them back "to help us decide the winner".

    Maybe the choice is not gonna be all theirs.

  2. i have problems pulling up the boards sometimes, i thought it was just heavy traffic dunno though

    It is HUGE traffic and too many people refreshing ... just wait a few minutes and keep trying ... even the Mods are plagued with this problem, but it is nice to be loved at Morty's!

    Ranster, I realize that the board can only hold a certain amount of people. Is it possible to update for a larger capacity. I know that cannot be done for nothing, but I love Mortys and I am willing to make a contibution. I can't speak for everyone but we all spend alot of time here and i'll bet they would all kick in a little.

  3. we have to all vote Kaysar so Eric cannot come back in the house. If we vote for Mike, he & Janelle are gonna seclude themselves from all other HG.

    We need Kaysar back to make the idiots sweat and to show them that America does not "LOVE CAPPY".

    We'd rather have KAYSAR over Eric anyday.

    Please don't split the votes between Kaysar & Mike.

    Mikes been gone too long. Bring back Kaysar..............

  4. The feeds have only been back a short time and Eric has already 3 times taken credit for James winning PoV. "He would not have done it so fast if I had not told him what to do, turn it upside down". What a narcissistic ass naepoleon crappy-aparte.

    D-flys says. Maybe James will get tired of Eric taking credit for everything. Eric did it to him last night when he took credit for James' plan to cast the vote for Kaysar and let everyone think it was Michael. I guess we couldn't get lucky enough for him to take Michael off the block.

  5. BB must have polled all the HG and were assured that they would vote Michael out. They surely cannot think that this won't happen again. As far a BB telling Eric it was a "Physical Threat but we are gonna give you a second chance", coud ust be one of Erics little lies.

    He will get his..


  6. I think this has just backfired on Ivette. She has continously pushed Eric's buttons from day one, especially hard tonight. Her intentions were to make sure Michael was gone and to plant seeds for Kaysar and Janelle'e demise next. I dont think she planned on Eric's demise!

    dragon-fly says..

    i hope you are correct. maybe Ivette can help him pack his bags.

  7. Eric....Can't tolerate him. Then comes Ivette. I would also have to put Howie in the mix because he's just not as funny as he thinks...at least not to me. Not too sure of everyone else as of yet. Trying to get a better read on them.  Oh, Maggie. Annoying because she is aligned with Eric... Sara and James are one of the saddest couples I've ever seen.

    Can you imagine what it is gonna be like when Eric gets back to the firehall. They are probably he is on the show so they can have a rest from him. I sure bet there are no women in his unit.

  8. Ivette has been badmouthing and lying about Mike ever since she found out that his family has money.  

    April has been lying about Mike ever since she chastized Jenn for flirting with him.

    Once they got Eric involved, they've just been fanning the flames and adding more lies.

    Sarah jumped on the bandwagon to help eliminate a strong player for her and James.

    Rachel's only Mike criticisms stem from the lies of April, Eric and Ivette.

    Mike's biggest crime is being a little smug, and way too smart for these other nitwits.

    The producers have even to

    ld Eric to drop the Sexual Harassment talk, because they know the video shows otherwise. Accusations of being a sexual predator go WAY above and beyond gameplay when the "game" is watched by millions of people.

    After watching the feeds almost around the clock since day 1, I've seen fewer lies from Mike and Kaysar in two weeks than I've seen in ANY conversation involving April or Ivette.

    Mike, Kaysar & Janelle seem to be a little more mature that the rest of the HG. But nowadays, they only come on BB looking to show out and maybe "hit the big time". News Flash for Eric, he will never be big time.

    You're kidding right? Janelle and Micheal are so far up eachother's asses that THEY are the ones who cant see the light of day...yet Micheal likes to say Ivette is a kiss ass when he is just intmidated by her because SHE is a strong minded women, unlike that behotch Janelle that he loooves so much. The only one kissing Eric's ass is James, who is a right-wing pompus FOOL anyways. And Micheal isnt smart...he just has a complex and feels the need to try to make himself look smart because he is well traveled. And its James creating all the lies, NOT April....April is crafty and knows who to talk to, but James is started to eff up her strategy. Sarah didnt jump on a bandwagon (well alliance wise, yes) but not about being creeped out by Micheal...he touched her crotch with his toe and dont tell me it was an accident I was watching the feeds at that time (and contrary to many people, it was intentional....not matter how many Micheal lovers will respond to this post saying it wasnt). Good riddance....hopefully this crap will die down once Micheal is evicted *hopes it is this week*

    Ruffled your feathers huh. don't know if you were directing the attitude to me or to Tenacious Pee.


  9. Ivette has been badmouthing and lying about Mike ever since she found out that his family has money.  

    April has been lying about Mike ever since she chastized Jenn for flirting with him.

    Once they got Eric involved, they've just been fanning the flames and adding more lies.

    Sarah jumped on the bandwagon to help eliminate a strong player for her and James.

    Rachel's only Mike criticisms stem from the lies of April, Eric and Ivette.

    Mike's biggest crime is being a little smug, and way too smart for these other nitwits.

    The producers have even told Eric to drop the Sexual Harassment talk, because they know the video shows otherwise. Accusations of being a sexual predator go WAY above and beyond gameplay when the "game" is watched by millions of people.

    After watching the feeds almost around the clock since day 1, I've seen fewer lies from Mike and Kaysar in two weeks than I've seen in ANY conversation involving April or Ivette.

    Mike, Kaysar & Janelle seem to be a little more mature that the rest of the HG. But nowadays, they only come on BB looking to show out and maybe "hit the big time". News Flash for Eric, he will never be big time.

  10. Sorry but I think Eric is creating more of this than anyone... When one of them come to him and tell him Mike accidently touched my leg with his foot and all of a sudden ERIC starts telling others that Mike rub his foot up and down her leg feeling her up... He's the balme... Not the women... I was only saying that Mike didn't do anything to Jenny that wasn't encouraged until she was told it wasn't going to look good to her BF then it's all unwated, but she didn't tell Mike that she told ERIC...

    Yana, i agree 100%. Can't stand Eric. I just do not believe these women can all be stupid enough to fall for his crap. I like Mike. He

    may put some fear in Eric with his lawsuit spin.

  11. We established that, but there is still Sarah Rachel Ivette April and Maggie...and Eric didnt create the sexual harassment problem...Jen did, Eric DIDNT brainwash anyone.

    How can you create sexual harassment when you encourage teh advancement's until someone points out it isn't going to look good to you BF? That's teasing not creating...

    you are correct, Eric did not brain wash any of these women. He is not that smart. The women are playing along with him so he can get all the men out. Eric is not smart enough to know he is being used. When he is of no more use to them, they will kick him to the curb. I think Maggie (bless her heart) is the only one that will stick with. Heck, she doesn't have a choice.



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