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Posts posted by stagehand

  1. I have watched the live feeds for all 16 seasons of BB, including BB 1. Over the past couple of days I've been watching BB 2, which most know was the first season with an HOH, nominations, etc It has truly been eye opening to see how much the game has changed. It really was much more of true game back then. You had people who applied to be on the show rather than recruited, not wanna be celebrities, the DR sessions were not highly polished scripted sound bites as they have become. The entire show had a much more raw, genuine feel to it. At one of the first nomination meetings, before it became a "ceremony" the HOH wore a robe and a towel on her hair. Production appeared to be there to capture the action rather than manipulate it.


    Over the year, the show has been tweaked with the various "twists" to the point where it is no longer the show it used to be, despite the roar from hard core fans wanting it to be so. 


    BB16 has been a very frustrating season for me to watch on several accounts, the lack of game play, but primarily the Frankie factor. I loathe Frankie, but it's not so much how ill I feel every time he looked at the camera, it's really more about what he represents.


    It's very clear to me, he was the chosen one for this season. The predetermined story line to follow him to the win. Now of course he is not going to this year, mostly I think because I think the production manipulation, opps I mean rewind twist, back fired. Oh course this is not the first season with this kind of thing. It's just so in your face this time around, as if CBS isn't even trying to hide it any more.


    I got sucked in as a fan early in it history. Year after year hoping it would go back to what it once was, but it's not going to happen. I think that it's time to say BB16 will be my last. I don't really want to invest another summer watching something so phony and predetermined. It may take a 12 step program to get me there, but I can't do this any more...

  2. Last night I watched several episodes of Dick@Nite While I hated the guy as a player, I really like him on his show. He's got some great insight along with past season's HG's.as well as not pulling many punches. Although I watched the episode where he had Rachel and Elisa on, Rachel is such a CBS tool that he really had to dumb down for her. And Elisa kept wandering off camera, just like she played the game last year, pretty much completely clueless lol

  3. That would actually make perfect sense in Grodner's warped little world.  If Cody (as HOH) is given Pandora's and allowed to take one or maybe two persons with him to VMA's of course he would have to take Frankie.  The other senario is that Cody would open Pandora's and get a punishment and the rest of the house would get to watch the VMA's on TV!


    Are the VMA's being broadcast on CBS?

    I was really laughing hard when Cody seriously considered back dooring Frankie  if Donny wins the Veto.  But of course, Derrick talked him out of it.  Cody can't do anything without the approval of Derrick.  But I would bet my last dime on Derrick taking Victoria or Christine to the final 2 over Cody.


    The LF's were playing in the other room when I heard that discussion and I thought YES!!! But yeah, you're absolutely right, Cody is really not all that much different from Victoria in terms of not being about to make decisions on his own. And when it comes right down to it playing the game at just about the same level as Victoria as well.

  4. Julie said they could tell. Wonder if the DR told Donny that since I doubt Frankie will tell them. Donny really should tell the others about it in his final speech before vote. Something like, Frankie and Derrick, I hope since we were TA since week two you will have my back like you always said and not vote me out.


    I also remember when Joey (that was her name right?) read the card in the DR about her being chosen for TA, and it said she had the option of telling others or keeping it to herself.


    At the beginning of the game, I liked Donny, I don't any more. He reminds me a lot of my grandfather, appearing to most to be this kind nice guy, but making comments and other actions that were very hurtful and revealing a very selfish person just below the surface.


    Anyway, that being said if Donny were to blow up TA in his last speech, that would be epic, save the season for me and could win Donny my vote for AFP!, 

  5. In the game the houseguests don't see things the way we do watching them.


    Frankie clearly thinks he has the house mesmerized and will win against anyone


    Beast Mode Cowboy thinks he is America's favorite and will win against anyone


    Cody I am not sure what he thinks but he might think he has all the girls


    Zach fancies himself as a Dr. Will and thinks he can charm his way to the win


    Christine might think she has a lot of fans but who knows


    Victoria was still thinking she might get America's favorite so not sure if she is delusional to think she could win.


    Derrick is a little insecure in who he can win against but he thinks he can beat Cody and Victoria and Christine.


    I think Donny thinks he can win against most people except Derrick. He has a good grasp on who the jury would vote for.


    It is always funny to me how the HG's perceive themselves and how they believe they are being perceived by those watching the show. For example last night Frankie making some comment about how epic it was that they got Nicole out last week, and how much the fans must have been cheering for it. .  

  6. In that case from my perspective, Frankie has Caleb, Christine, Zack, Jakosta, and maybe Hayden, which is enough to win but close. It would also depend on who got whom out, which might tend to sway votes. And would also assume that Derrick would take Frankie to the final two, of course who has that decision. On the other hand, who but Derrick is really going to have the sway to get Frankie out? 


    Of the two, I would absolutely prefer that Derrick win, Frankie makes my skin crawl. Just trying to be objective here :)

  7. The smartest move is to attempt to get Derrick out, if that fails than get out one of his buddies.   I am sure Frankie is biding his time on this one.  He thinks he needs to be cautious, but I think he would get his numbers to get Derrick out.


    Frankie has Christine and Caleb for sure, probably Zack, and maybe Donny. Even without Donny, he has the tie breaker. Moving forward he has Christine, Caleb, Zack, and can probably sway Victoria versus Cody and Donny both of whom have just been taking up space this season. Even with a returning player, Frankie still has the numbers and would be difficult to beat, unless the cards fall against him. If he keeps Derrick then everything pretty much stays the status quo and we grind out another week of no true game play.

  8. I wonder how much information Frankie is getting in the DR that could be influencing his decisions. If Zack get evicted and manages to make it back in the game, there would be some fireworks for awhile, but we've seen how much influence Frankie has over Zack, and would probably have him evicted was the best move for Zack's game in short order.


    On the other hand if Hayden/Nicole/Derrick are the returning player, they are all gunning for Frankie long term. Doesn't mean they will be successful, but it makes life much more difficult for Frankie.


    Otherwise at this point in the game it doesn't seem to make a lot of sense why Zack would be the target this week. 

  9. When Frankie was hosting his "big brother Frankie funeral" he asked what his last name was to the girls and someone answered and then he said who is sister was. I COULD NOT STAND WATCHING THE WHOLE THING PLAY OUT. He was dancing when he was telling them. His facial expressions when he said he was in "social media",. I wanted to break my brand new 62" smart HD 3D tv. lol. I can't stand him! "I came into the house with 1.5 million fans" UGH!! "I will probably win Americas Favorite houseguest!" Everything about this guy bugs me.


    Actually he exaggerated by about 1.2 million fans, more like 300k, far from celebrity status on youtube. 


    For most people it was a who cares revelation, but it did change the conversation from everyone hating on him. And now he gets a reset, he gets a pass on any past lies and can now claim he's telling 100% the truth and the HG's are buying it. 


    The word "weasel" in the dictionary has his picture next to it, he has forever tainted the phrase "I love you", and why the heck does he always get to sleep in the HOH bed?

  10. I do think Donny thinks TA is his alliance and maybe that is why he doesn't talk game with others.

    I wish that I the bb gods would somehow get the low five get together and get the detonators out. I hate it win one group controls the game the whole season. Starting to get to be no reason to watch.

    I know I am about the only person who actually wants Donny to go to the end.... :(

    I'd like to see Donny go to the end or close to it. And I agree these guys have too much power, something has to break them up to make the game more interesting, bring some emotion in there. As seems to have happened the past few years, all the women are getting evicted first, this year it's just more of the same.

  11. I personally don't believe in some sky daddy.

    And with 20,000 kids dying PER DAY of starvation it's a ridiculous concept.

    I would DEMAND equal book-time.



    Bottom line is that I really don't care what people believe. What I do care about is when someone else's beliefs infringe on my life, unfortunately, that is all too prevalent in the world. What I especially don't like is filling an entertainment show with religious extremist. which seems to be the theme of BB this year.

  12. I thought I read before the season started that the game would be played with two teams. Every week each team would have a HOH winner, and each HOH would nominate two people from the opposing team. Since the game started, other than entering the house as two "teams" of eight, I haven't anything mentioned about playing as teams. Was that just misinformation they would be playing as teams?

  13. VERY happy to see a cast of all new people. Based only on Jeff's interviews most all seem to have positive attitudes, I like that. Of course it's always interesting, a couple of weeks from now everyone will start to have strong opinions about who they like and who they dislike. That's what makes it all fun to watch, no? :)

  14. Ok, first I apologize if this has been discussed already, BUT how will the bring back a juror work? Will they have that competition first and then the HOH with the returning juror playing for it too? If the returning juror cant play for HOH then it is a waste. That person will sent out next week. I hope Helen gets it and returns and wins HOH and puts up mcmanda!

    The returning HG usually takes place before the HOH comp, so the returning HG gets to play. I expect the comp for returning HG will be slanted for Helen to win because she is obviously the production favorite this year. I thought it was interesting they didn't mention anything about the returning HG on last Thursday's show until after the HOH comp. I think that was because with Aaryn winning it was obvious that Helen and Elissa were going to be nominated. If Elissa or Helen had won HOH, they likely would have waited another week JMO

    In past seasons, the returning HG, special powers, changes in the rules for just this week etc have always been a production ploy to save a popular player. This year I think it's kind of interesting because in the past a very popular player has always been saved. This year I don't see any of the potential four filling that role. So I think it's a little difficult to predict, but I think it will likely be Helen.



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