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Posts posted by volzzilla

  1. I hope I'm not out of line for making a topic in the discussion area.

    I don't like using the term, "hate" but this cast makes it really hard not too. Especially now with Helen deciding not get a clue of what America is telling her, and how GM is going on about how she's some sort of queen in how her personal opinion of Candice is more important than a game one.

    This proposal is to try and get CBS to listen in the only way they understand regarding our opinion of this show.

    1) We need to stop watching the TV telecasts. That is all they really understand right there, ratings. There are great websites like this one that can give you any important recaps.

    2) Try and get CBS to put up 'None of the Above' as an option for America's player in the end. The only way to do that is an email campaign and odds are they won't pay attention, but there is a chance that they will, and it will at least let whoever needs to know that there is a loud voice that really disapproves of all the cast members.

    I know I'm not the only one that really can't stand this group, I've seen it all over the internet and on this very forum. Why not try and organize that into one voice?

  2. here is the optimal thing to happen...

    in her paranoia that judd is mvp, demanda pisses him off. aaryn gets really pissed off for how demanda is going on about how whoever needs to us pov on her, now realizing demanda only sees her as a puppet.

    spencer wins pov and takes jessie off the block.

    all 4 of them band together and decide demanda needs to go.

  3. it probably wouldnt have made a difference. helen's head is so far up demanda's butt that whether he came clean or not, she'd have kept holding it against.

    remember, that is the MO of the sheep patrol. villify anyone else for anything they can to try and legitimize they are the good people doing the right thing.

  4. politics? aint no way she'll be able to run for office after BB15. all the opponent will have to do is, "look at how manipulative and comfortable she was with lying on national tv"

    heck, being a political consultant is probably why she is so comfortable being so manipulative and dishonest.

  5. so let me get this straight.

    demanda attacks jessie about info her little rat buddy andy gave her. jessie defended herself and helen makes herself the victim over what jessie said.

    her self righteous and hypocrit nature is one thing, but that kind of twisting is pretty pathetic.

  6. 6borders,

    how on earth can you dislike elissa as much as aaryn after all the things aaryn did and said before? the main thing i'm rooting for is hoping aaryn gone soon so as media rips her apart and to watch her reaction to getting fired from 2 jobs. unfortunately, now due to amanda's lackies, that might not happen until after the show ends due to she might make jury now.

    while elissa had very poor execution of exposing everything, at least it increased the odds of aaryn getting picked to leave this week (probably won't happen anyway unless helen has a change of heart but she's too loyal to amanda for some reason, even though that whole alliance talk badly abouth er behind her back)

  7. as i stated in the amanda topic, recently came back to BB after a long absence. however it might be a short stay if kaitlin leaves and one of amanda's lackies wins HOH again.

    i never really liked anyone in the cast and mainly rooted for GM and aaryn to get kicked out to watch their reactions to the media backlash and what they'll do when they found out how they were in the house got them fired.

    i kind of liked helen, but after lying to kaitlin about protecting her, and then not backing the person she says is her closest friend due to wanting to stay with the people who talk behind her (helen) back badly, bugs the crap out of me. throw in how i despise how horrible a person amanda is and she very well may be a grodner plant, and i really think my return will be very short lived.

  8. she either did it at cbs request and didnt fully understand how (that why totally incoherent) or she just straight up lost it due to being pissed off at how people convinced her to vote out kaitlin (told kait would target her and that kait was in secret alliance with howard/spencer)

    btw, from the update, apparently helen is now throwing her under the bus. losing more respect for helen due to that.

  9. been out of BB for a really long time. i began to pay attention again when read on zap2it about how bad aaryn and ginamarie were and how GM's "boyfriend" got blindsided. kept paying attention waiting for when the 2 of them would get kicked out to where i could laugh at the media backlash at them.

    in short, explaining why i came back to post...

    saw further proof about amanda being a production plant, and possibly a friend of grodner and maybe positioned to win like Hailey Jones mentioned.

    Reality Staff: View Resume

    amanda's online resume regarding working in reality tv. seriously hoping that all of this coming out gets grodner to rethink her plan and no longer protect her because she is just as bad as aaryn.

    btw, who slept in HOH last night? i'd like to know if she took advantage of judd again.



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