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Posts posted by fluff

  1. I try to like Elissa but she is pretty annoying. Everyone else is sooooo grosssss and dissscussssttinggg.

    She was talking to Andy and Spencer about how her life is so much better than Amanda's. Then Amanda comes in and says "Elissa you always say your life is better than everyone elses". Then Elissa says "I have never said that". You just said it 2 minutes prior.

    Amanda is a colossal bitch and crybaby and Elissa is an uppity fake beyotch. I can't like either one of them.

  2. Wow Elissa in GinaMarie's HOH room is being so phony right now. She has said "This is sooooo amaaaazingggg" at least 24 times and actually uttered the words "I already miss Aaryn" and "I can't think of any place I'd rather be". I don't know if she's purposely trying to bait Amanda into snapping or if she's just actually that annoying and phony.

    I don't know who to hate more, Amanda or Elissa.

  3. Wow Amanda. She just said (about Candice) "she just doesn't want her big black d*ck to go". Wonder if THAT comment will make it to the show?

    That's a little different than the stuff Aaryn was saying. Just because you mention something about race doesn't make it racist.

  4. Ok was thinking and thinking. What if Dan goes to Frank and tries to form a new alliance. Dan, Frank, Ian and Shane. They work out that Ian takes down Dan and Frank puts up Britney. Shane knows and has heard that he is a target by Britney and Frank wants Britney out. Frank must now realize that that they are planning to get him out. He gets Dan's word that he won't put him up for 2 weeks. (somebody else can) Ian may see that Britney is more aligned with Danielle and Jenn. Ian may want to roll with the big guys. I think Dan can sell it.

    The Quack Pack has abandoned Dan so he needs to try for a deal and a for a new alliance. It is Dan's only hope

    I like it.

  5. I notice all the coaches (except maybe Dan) are always saying, "These people have no idea how to play this game". Do we really need professional veteran Big Brother players? It always pisses me off when they say that. Should they really be that proud that they are good at whispering behind peoples backs? Congratulations. How about if every player is new then they can play the game however they want and it may be new and exciting!

  6. dumb idea

    the best thing i would do is have

    the coaches plus Jodi, Kara, Jojo, and the evicted HG on thursday (Frank or Joe) battle it out for 4spots in the house

    janelle would likely get in, but britney probably wouldnt and the other HGs have a chance to get back in the house just like the coaches...that would be the fairest thing i think they could do with this

    That would be perfect.



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