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Posts posted by MissyA

  1. Poor little Warrior Princess thought she could ride Derrick's coattails to F2 with a possible chance of winning $50K - because she wants Derrick to win the $500K.

    She tried to play a simple game -but that's just not enough for Big Brother.

    She got a lot of lucky breaks that others did not get and it's too bad, for her, that she couldn't take advantage of them.

    Simple game? She's a simpleton with zero game....

  2. I could see if Derrick was her parent and raised her he could take some responsibility for her behavior. He is a person playing a game and so is Victoria. She is responsible for her own lunatic behavior. Just over a week ago she was happy to be going to the jury.  I think all the whining is more for camera time and she thinks like Brittney Haynes she could get AFP pity vote because she is being cut by the guys at the end. :rolleyes:


  3. Weeks ago, Derrick and Caleb were having a convo and Derrick told Caleb, "You take who you know you can beat."  I think he'll take Vic.  I hope Cody would do the same.  It would be the smartest move for either of them.

    It might be the smartest move but I really hope final two are Derrick/Cody, if either of them take the "Twit" to final 2 I'll be disappointed.

  4. Victoria is the biggest mockery in 16 seasons of BB to get to this point in the game, and now the stupid twit is coming off like she has carried Derrick and Cody to F3 on her hair extensions.  Kudos to her mom and Grodner for her F3!

    The only reason Victoria/Veronica thinks she's carried Derrick and Cody to final three is because that is what she was told in DR, that twit has never had an original thought in her life.

  5. I don't think he would lie about his military record since his Dad is retired military. His weakness was coming into this game with very little knowledge of BB game. Remember when Victoria "won" the POV because Caleb, the last HG standing and chose the $5,000 over the Veto. Frankie had to explain to Caleb he should have chosen the Veto over the $$$.


    BTW, Caleb did spend part of his childhood in Dallas since his parents divorced many years ago. Hence the "cowboy" stuff.


    I wish him well.

    Dallas isn't exactly a cowboy kind of city, nor is Allen where Caleb was singing karaoke with one of Morty's posters. Quite frankly I don't care what HGs do after leaving BB.



    Frankly, even with all Caleb's lies, I would have more questions for the person who wrote the story than I would have for Caleb. One of the first things I noticed that she did is change what Caleb said. According to her story, Caleb said that his unit was the last out of Baghdad, but later when she contradicted his story she mentions the last unit out of Iraq. Iraq is the country. Baghdad is the capital city of Iraq. US forces pulled out of Iraqi cities in 2009. We pulled out of the country in 2011. 

    Since the feeds are down... and some time on my hands...

    thought  I'd see if I could find anything on Google about Caleb's military career.


    She also questions his serving as a guard, since he was infantry and not a MP. You could be in almost any MOS or job and end up pulling guard duty in a prison, especially if you were with a national guard unit. Frankly, it pisses me off when people who has never served a day in there life starts trying to question the service of other veterans. That needs to be left to people who actually served and understand a little about how military service works.

    Caleb is the idiot that tried telling the other house guests that he went to West Point, he lies every time he opens his mouth.

  7. Personally, I just wouldn't clap for particular houseguests, but I'm cool with others booing as long as name-calling doesn't start to enter into it.  In this case, as pointed out already, the Zingbot's comment was fair forewarning as to how her caresses were being seen outside, and she decided to continue.  *shrug*

    I agree with you, and Donny had said in the house that he had never seen married people act like some of the house guests so he was keeping it real with his comment about the lawyer.

  8. Sounds to me like Frankie is used to hatred from people and does not let it change his life.  I admire that about him.  I have not heard him say anything bad about people in the house and omg he says something about Nicole and it will be on the 6:00 news.  lol  Come on people lighten up.  He is a big BB fan and you could try to at least respect that he is playing the game hard and not sitting around crying.  He was making Derrick feel better because Derrick knows that people are hating him because of Donny and Frankie more or less said that you can't make everyone like you or please everyone, so don't worry about it.  


    I think a lot of people just don't like him because he is gay, but no one will say that.  That is my 2 cents.



    Frankie is gay? Seriously? I wouldn't have guessed that... Frankie is disliked for many reasons but being gay isn't on my list of reasons for not liking him.



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