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Posts posted by onechase69

  1. no ones bashing Gm for the color of her skin, gm's ignorance is beyond belief for a woman of her age..it's ok to bash Elissa for having plastic surgery yet gm has had liposuction, nose job, fake hair...etc on top of that she said many,many, racist things and even bashes a small child..sorry, that's not bashing ..that's fact! :mellow:


    Thank you!!!! To see people on this board say...yay if GM that will show Candice.............what..really????? I dont care for any of the HG that are remaining, but in regards to game play I hope that Andy wins......he is the best rat of the bunch......

  2. Why oh why do they keep bringing back old houseguest...........IMO the season of BB was doomed from the start. They are boring and cry babies.......and Im talking about the coaches. Bring back the BB of old, you know all new HG............Im glad I didnt pay for the live feeds this season..........BB may not last much longer with another season like this one

  3. 1 -- wasn't attacking you, if you saw what I said that way, know that wasn't the intention at all.

    2 -- just took a cultural diversity class so issues of race etc is something I am more hard-wired/tuned into at the moment, and I see references to racism, and the token black girl kind of stuff all over the internet at present about her, and your post just sparked a cord with a similar tone, even though you were not expressing the exact sentiments. So I took your post a chance to talk about / get my own opinion out there and see what others might have to say on the subject. Wasn't meant to get your hackles up.

    3 -- I wasn't specifically stating you thought it was offensive, more just.. seen posts similar to yours where the person was offended and wondering out loud/via text about why this is?

    4-- Token is a buzz word used in minority talks more than it's not, so I guess am just sensitive to it. I took exception to your use of it, within this context.

    5-- I wasn't preaching or reprimanding anyone .. nor do I have to ignore your opinion. This is a discussion forum, people state their opinions, others respond with their own opinions. This is the semblance of conversation. I was trying to make conversation .. not attack you.

    6-- you are absolutely right we are entitled to our own opinions, myself included, and I wasn't in any way saying you shouldn't have one of your own.

    Ok I get it....Welcome to Morty's and I hope to have more conversations with you when the show starts.

  4. Not sure how to take this .. people compare blonde ditzy blondes to one another, and that's not offensive, but if people compare chubby black women to previous chubby black women that is?

    I also disliked the usage of the word "token" in your phrasing, mostly because all of the house guests are token on the show. They cast for type a lot on big brother, the dumb jock, the dumb ditzy blonde whose secretly smart, the evil master-mind/puppet master guy ..

    All the house guests each season are "token" they are chosen to represent different slices of America .. and for some reason every season there seems to be a racial issue made out of it, when it comes to a person of color on the show, and I don't get that. I think Big Brother has done a lot over the years to try to cast for type, with people whom defy the stereotype. They expect people to go in there and prejudge people based on what they look like, only for real colors to come out as the season goes on, as people get to know each other, and the differences get stripped away.

    Ok here we go and the season hasnt even started yet. First of all I have been watdhing BB since season 1 so I know they cast "token" folks all of the time ie token gay, black, jock....etc.........Im not NEVER state being compared to other black females was offensive, In my opinion of this HG I stated that I hope she is not compared to HG of the past. Token is used on other HG also so I dont think that is offensive....On this board we are all entitled to our opinions, that makes the work go around. Please dont preach to reprimand me on giving my opinion. If you dont agree with what I typed, fine lets leave it at that.

  5. my last post about my girl libra....I really liked libra from the beginning and thought she could go far in the game. her 1st mistake was running her mouth too much, 2nd was hooking up with skreesha and skanky april and finally that talk she had with manchelle....never own up to anying in BB! Im glad they showed her family cause i did feel people were unfairly on her about leaving her kids to play BB. Bye libra, i will miss you in the house cause it is going to be boring now!



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