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Posts posted by yaahyaah

  1. 2:50PM BBT


    Ky and Brit go to the HOH room to talk.  Ky says there is no a need for him to campaign at this moment because people sitting next to Big D would be predictable.  He says that's why he's not targeting either Brit of Big D.  Brit says that Big D says he is not campaigning and that Brit should.  Ky says he is unaware of that.  Brit tells Ky she is not campaigning but telling people if she is viable for their game they should keep her.  She tells Ky if he has any questions for her, she would be glad to answer them and that she does not want any bad blood.  Brit is saying she is just trying to get a 5 to 4 (she mean 3) vote.  Ky says if there is a tie vote he is not at the point of thinking about that and he doesn't know what he would do.  (They are continue to talk...but I must go.)

  2. 3:31PM BBT Nichole goes to the HNR where Da and Zac are after she has left the HOH room with Coey and Frank.  Nic says that they need to get Frank out now.  She says that Frank told Corey and her that I want Tiffany out next week not Bronte get over it Nichole.  Frank then said that she is coming after me.. I'm not sitting on that block...then Da says oh you will be.  Da ask if they thought James would vote him (Frank) out.  Nichole said yes..then Da says then we have five votes...Tif, you,  me, Zak and James.  Da says we gotta do it next week.  Nichole says he is gunning for her like no one's business.   Nichole says Frank is gonna cover his butt with Paulie because Tiffany is gonna go up and an Eight Pack is gonna do it.  Nichole then says Frank is going to tell Paulie about the eight pack.  Nichole says they should tell Paulie first, but then they decide not to and just take the heat because Paulie and Frank are close.  Nichole says we should just take the heat from Paulie.  They are then saying that they have to win HOH next week.  

  3. 1:45pmBBT Paul, DaVonne and Nichole are in the HOH room.  Paul has been discussing how people on his team would feel if he used the veto on himself.  James knocks on the door and joins the group.  Paul is worried what his other group members will think of him if he uses the veto on himself.  James tells him to use the veto on himself and save his on a**.  The group is telling him if you win the veto you should use it on yourself.  He thanks the group and tells them he appreciate their advice and leaves. The people left in the room wonder if Jozea got in his ear about the veto.  Nichole says that Bridgette came to the HOH room the night before to spy on them. Nic says that Bridgette said the others were bullying her.  The HOH group don't believe Bridgette and say they don't like bullying and don't think anyone would be doing that at this point in the game.  



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