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Posts posted by motormouthcj

  1. 7:47pm bbt Alex and Jason only 2 left.  Alex yells "I want safety and a jury vote" ... Matt points out its just them just and one of them needs to end it. Alex wants something and Jason will not let up. Matt says come on guys this is shady,  jump off and lets go inside for pizza... I know I got 2 votes then accused Jason of pointing at Alex.  Alex keeps saying she'll jump off but she wants something.  Matt keeps encouraging them to jump.  Both keep saying they want hoh.

    7:52pm bbt Jason almost slipped off. Alex is begging Jason for safety and a jury vote... Jason says ok safety and a jury vote... Alex still holding on and asking bb to put it down so she can jump then says Jason i want to be picked for veto and Jason says cool... Matt still confused why they are renegotiating...

    7:54pm bbt Alex jumps... Jason wins hoh 

  2. 7:43pm bbt Alex starts bumping her butt against the bun and Paul yells "who's fucking inside their bun" everyone laughs.  

    7:45pm bbt both Alex and Paul asking America why they have Jessica the hex. Paul says "and she went home the next week". Raven yells "what do you guys wasn't?" Paul yells "sex!" Raven again... "Come on guys, i want a letter from my mother "

    7:47pm bbt PAUL AND RAVEN FALL OFF

  3. 8:27pm bbt -Paul yells as thge wall moves forward and the water sprays "Gravity is not your friend in space or the Big Brother house!"

    8:28pm bbt - Alex asks Jason what's the deal and Jason says "You all fall off and I'm the HoH" ... Elaina tells cowboy if he jumps off she won't put him up, jason says swear and elaina says i swear and at 8:30pm bbt Jason jumps off.  Alex swears to elaina she's safe and at 8:32pm bbt elaina jumps. 




  4. 3:50am BBT - HOH room Aaryn talking about Nick being sketchy, Judd saying he thinks it's weird how they call him to DR like 20 times a day. Aaryn says her game is to keep strong players in and Nicks is probably to get strong players out, Jeremy says Nick is playing GM, Judd says when he was in hammock with GM she told Judd when Nick came out "get out cockblock", they talked about how GM asked Nick if he would kiss her and he said "yes in 80 days" Aaryn said its because Nick just broke up with his fiance before coming in and doesn't want to do anything on TV.... Aaryn says she can't wait till finally so she can hook up with David, David isn't going know what hit him. Aaryn says that David wanted to get freaky in front of the cameras and she said no, she said what if showmances did sex tapes after they got out they could make money, Aaryn happy, spinning around and bouncing around because she is safe, says David will be happy to see that she won HOH. They talked about as soon as she got her key to HOH she turned around and said "Now who the fuck voted David out"... now they are talking about the competition

    (I'm out people... hope someone else takes over.)

  5. 3:43am BBT Kaitlyn is worried about Spencer and like a good Moving Co member should he says Spencer is his boy and not to worry. Aaryn is back in the room. GM and Nick still in hammock talking about each person and their strengths and weakness... GM says that Spencer is a floater, Nick said I'm not worried about the floaters, he is worried about the spicy ones, Nick says I'm not trying to be spicy, like Elissa, she is like public enemy number one so I have to avoid her. GM asks Nick who he thinks Jeremy and Aaryn will put up, Nick says only one person can go home so no matter what they are going to target Elissa.

  6. 3:31am BBT - GM and Nick in hammock and Gm saying how she is going to ask Elissa if she made negotiations with anyone and that she is open for negotiation, Nick tells her that it could get really sticky in those situations and it turns into a he said she said situation, GM says she has to look out for herself and who is going to believe Elissa she tells lies out of her ass.

    Kaitlyn and Jeremy are collecting stuff to take up to HOH

    Nick telling GM that Elissa can't keep getting MVP and if she does she can still keep getting put up, so as long as she goes up you probably wont. McCrae and Amanda are whispering in bed but I cannot hear what they are saying

    3:39am BBT - nick and GM stll in hammock still talking scenarios. Cameras on McCrae and Amanda but you cannot hear anything they are saying. Aaryn is out of Dr and back in HOH and Kaitlyn just told her she thinks Nick is lying and voted for David... Jeremy and Kaitlyn are reading HOH rules and making out in HOH bed. Judd has arrived back in the HOH and just sitting there with random chit chat... Aaryn leaves to go put shorts on since she has no clothes in the room yet. Jeremy and Kaitlyn talking to each other in HOH bed like Judd isn't in the room.

  7. 3:24am BBT looks like everyone is in bed except Nick, GM, Jeremy and Aaryn in HOH and just like that GM says she is going to bed but is out on the hammock with Judd now. She is telling Judd she isn't hooking up with Nick and doesn't want anyone to think she is. Aaryn is called to DR at 3:28am... Kaitlyn is in HOH bed with Jeremy now and Kaitlyn says to Nick "I'm surprised your not in the hammock with GM right now" Nick says hes on his way.... in the meantime.... GM is telling Judd how the HOH crew are sick of Elissa and how she will win the MVP. Kaitlyn and Jeremy are leaving the HOH room with Nick, Nick heads outside, Judd leaves hammock and goes to bed, Jeremy and Kaitlyn in bathroom getting ready for bed

  8. 3:15am BBT - Amanda end the conversation with just let them keep thinking what they want about Elissa, both Amanda and McCrae say goodnight, Judd and Andy saying how funny its gonna be that they pledge their alligence to "them" (Aaryn/Kaitlyn) and then vote against them again and how they will just say it was Candice, she told them to vote that way... they are cracking up... Andy says goodnight to Judd and says "don't be laughing like that around them" as they both laugh.

  9. 3:01am BBT - back in the HOH is Aaryn, Jermey, GM and Nick and they are talking about old HOH games and shows... talking about the HOH tonight.

    Back in the BR McCrae and Amanda are catching Howard up and telling them how Candice needs to shut her mouth and Howard says if everyone sticks to their stories it will be ok. Andy comes in and says that Judd stuck to his story.. Howard says even if they figure the numbers out as long as we stick to our story they will never know who really voted for David. Judd and Jessie come in from outside, Jessie starts talking to Howard, Judd comes into bathroom, Andy says goodnight and Amanda calls him into BR and tells him to quit going upstairs and he says ok then tells them about his last trip up there and how Kaitlyn goes on and on about Elissa and Candice.... Andy leaves to go to bed. Judd comes out of the BR and washes hands. Judd asks if Amanda wants to go outside and smoke and she says yes... Howard comes in BR and tells Amanda and Mccrae how Jessie tried to get him upstairs and he said hell no I'm going to bed

    3:08am BBT - Andy, Judd, Amanda and McCrae outside and Judd says he kept to the story, Amanda says from now on they need to stay out of their or something is going to slip. we are all good and we don't need anymore information getting out. Judd tells them how he apologized to McCrae and that she might give him a second chance. Andy saying that the only thing Aaryn knows is that he was scared and voted to save himself... both Judd and Andy say Candice told them both that someone else told her to vote for Elissa and they both laugh. Andy finally makes the point that no one every mentions howard. Judd tells them how they both threw Candice under the bus and laugh... McCrae says we gotta quit laughing.

    3:15am BBT - talk is now to different scenarios, how to back door jeremy out because he wins too many comps, how if jeremy wasn't there either Judd or Andy would have won HOH.

    Back in HOH Nick, Jeremy Aaryn and GM stil talking about HOH comps, the popcicle HOH and how each person performed in that comp

  10. 2:52am BBT - McCrae and Amanda still in Bathroom (Kaitlyn is called to DR) McCrae says do not trust anyone. Kaitlyn comes in BR and tells them how she just busted Judd out, they asked what Candice said, kaitlyn says she is gonna kick her ass, that Candice made a big scene that she didn't vote for David but she just got confrontation that Candice changed Judd's vote and that she told Judd he missed out on seeing her boobs, not that they are amazing but it's something. (Kaitlyn is getting ready for DR) Kaitlyn says Andy told her that Elissa is going after showmances, Amanda says she thinks that someone is telling Candice what to say and do, Kaitlyn says she hopes they are telling the truth cuz she's so confused... kaitlyn says BB is going to hate her cuz she's drunk and is taking too long... Kaitlyn says Aaryn is on a bunch of conspiracies... Kaitlyn doesn't understand why anyone would want to keep Elissa, she tells them how Elissa called her a whore, Amanda said she didn't hear that when did she call her that, Kaitlyn says when Aaryn said that me and Jeremy could switch out in the HOH bed and Elissa said oh great your gonna turn the HOH into a whore house. (McCrae keeps calling Elissa a bitch and hates her to fuel Kaitlyn) Kaitlyn threatens to confront Elissa and Amanda says no don't Kaitln says she wont she is just drunk and talking out loud... Howard makes an appearance to use the BR.

  11. 2:38am BBT - Amanda, McCrae and Andy in bathroom, Amanda tells him how Jessie pulled Judd into the HOH room. Andy says as long as they stick to their stories everyone is fine. Andy says Spencer is the best actor in the house cuz he cannot stand Aaryn and she doesn't know it. Andy says if no one cracks we are fine, even if two of us are up again Candice or Elissa, one of them are going home due to votes.... Andy says don't worry about Judd, he is a strong player he is probably doing what I did, I told them I was a loner and wild card and they came to me and sucked me in to change my vote. Andy says don't worry about Spencer he is 100% with us, I trust him. Jeremy is asked to exchange battery so Andy bails from bathroom so he doesn't get caught... McCrae says things are too random and he tells Amanda not to go up there anymore and let him talk to them. He says selling Nick out won't do shit, Amanda says she wasn't, McCrae said you were to Jessie outside, Amanda says Jessie brought it up, McCrae says stop it or you are going to be back doored. Amanda is saying that Jeremy thinks I'm on their side, McCrae keeps telling her she is wrong, that Jeremy is a great liar and he has the back up and she cannot go up there anymore.. Amanda says she isn't going to. Amanda says Candice needs to shut the fuck up, McCrae says Candice never will. McCrae says "we are so fucked" and Amanda says shut up quit saying that, he says "just don't talk to them anymore, something doesn't add up"

    2:47am BBT - Spencer and Jeremy in SR talking about how the girls are more pissed about Judd and how they are laying into him in the HOH and how he is throwing Candice under the bus, Spencer says keep telling them that Spencer is trustworthy and will vote with us, Spencer says right now non of us have any power but we got influence and you got the most up with them up there. spencer says he has been bullshitting with Helen about life and shit and he isn't going to leak any info. They are both worried about McCrae with Amanda so they need to have a little meeting... they leave SR

  12. 2:34am BBT - They are telling Judd that they need to know he is going to vote Elissa out this week and he said he will, shame on me if I make the same mistake twice. Aaryn says she accepts his apology and is over it and she loves him, his says he loves her too. Kaitlyn can't let it go, she just doesn't understand why he would keep her here and that she is going to get MVP no matter what. Judd said he doesn't understand why Elissa got MVP, people hated her sister, Aaryn says she made good TV... now they are talking about how Brendon shows his penis to strangers and Elissa says we are a whore house up here? look at your sister (this is getting more stupid as the wine flows)

  13. 2:26am BBT - Judd said that Candice brought up the idea. Kaitlyn tells him that "You are now on our radar". They are telling him how Candice told them that she didn't that her mom was watching and she wouldn't lie. Judd says Candice acted like she didn't vote vote for David. Judd says he changed his vote and he has apologized to McCrae and to them and he is sorry but nothing else he could do, Aaryn says you were the swing vote, I put my faith and heart in you and you broke my heart and I would never do that to you and you stabbed me in the chest. Kaitlyn says they just used you and we had your back... Judd says as soon as he heard the numbers he knew he made a mistake, Aaryn says David loved you man, Judd said I loved him too, I really didn't think he was going, I thought he only had 3 votes, Kaitlyn asked why don't you want Elissa out? Judd says I'm not saying I don't want her out, he speach made me change my mind, Kaitlyn says well you messed up, keeping her here means this game is rigged for her, Judd keeps saying that he sincerely apologizes and he feels bad. Kaitlyn keeps saying it was fucked up what he did. Jeremy says regardless you need to stick with us this week and Kaitlyn says or you will be going up next week.



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