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Posts posted by redmanjbj

  1. 1 minute ago, Keepittogether said:

    I'm not a fan of Paul, Cody or Jessica.  I have to say though, the three of them are at least annoying and with Paul over the top enough to keep things interesting. I don't really "like" anyone so far.  And usually by this point in the season I'm rooting for someone.  If not for these three, I doubt I would even be paying much attention.  There have been players over the years, who I have thought seemed like genuine good people and weren't annoying, but had no real game.  An example of that type of personality this year would be Ramses.  But how I long for the days where the personality was cool and they were also a game badass.  Like Janelle.  Derrick was also good, just perhaps a bit boring.


    I wish one of the sheep would wake up and go after Paul.  Then we'd have a real game going.

    yeah it's amazing to me how none of them realize how much Paul is manipulating them. And I'm kind of in the same boat as you... I don't really know who I want to win yet.  I'm kind of leaning toward Kevin at this point.

  2. 1:36 BBT - Mark, Paul, Dom in HOH BR talking about the conversation they just had with Ramses.  Paul and Mark say they want him out of the house.  Also, Mark suspects that Elaina divulged some info that was supposed to be secret [not sure what he's referring to]  Mark indicates he's going to confront her about it.

    1:37 BBT - Raven walks in and they all change the conversation.  Paul tells her that there are eggs ready downstairs.  Paul and Raven leave the room

    1:38 BBT - Mark and Dom talking one-on-one now.  Dom says she called ramses in for that conversation just to scare him into not throwing her name around.

    1:40 BBT - Jason, Josh, Jessica, Kevin, Matt, Ramses, Paul, Alex at kitchen counter just talking about random stuff... nothing game related.

  3. 1:20 BBT - Dom and Ramses talking in HoH BR.  Ramses says Dom is being sketchy with him.  Dom says he just interpreted it the wrong way.  Dom is calling out Ramses now about the airplane banner.  [Apparently the banner said something about a Dom/Mark alliance ?? or at least that what Ramses told people]  Dom keeps pressing him about why he's been telling the house that she is targeting him.  Says she just wants clarity about why Ramses thought she was targeting him and she assures him that she is not targeting him.  Ramses basically says he thought he was a target because Dom told him that Julian was targeting him... he felt like she was trying cause dissension.   Dom wraps up the conversation by saying that Ramses is NOT her target and that if he was then he'd know it.

    1:25 BBT - Ramses wants clarification about how Dom knows about the banner.  Dom not really saying how she knows... she flips the question and wants to know if Ramses really saw the banner or if he made it all up.  Mark chimes in and says he never saw a banner he only saw smoke writing which is not a banner.  Ramses says yeah that's what he means when he says "Banner"  that he really means it was "smoke writing".  Mark and Dom say that they saw the smoke writing and it did NOT says anything about "Mark & Dom" alliance.  Paul interupts all of them and says people try to do this every year, and that in last season someone was yelling through a mega-phone and dropped a blow up doll.  We get Puppies.

    1:35 BBT - Back to the HoH BR.  Ramses saying he didn't tell anyone about what he saw the banner [smoke writing] said.  Mark says that maybe Cody is the one who started the rumor.  Dom wraps up the conversation and Ramses leaves the room

  4. 1:15 BBT - Alex and Jessica still talking.  Jessica tells Alex that she and Elana had an alliance but that Elana turned her back on her when they voted to keep Christmas.  Also says Raven hid Alex's Coca-Cola and then blamed it on her.   Says that many people in the house are lying on her.  Alex tells Jessica that she wants to flip the house and that she wants Jessica to keep it quiet. That if she tells anyone she'll be screwing over herself, Alex and Jason.

  5. 1:10 BBT - Alex and Jessica talking in padded room.  Alex reveals to Jessica that she is NOT the target this week but doesn't tell Jessica who is.  Jessica thanks her and says she wants to work with her and Jason and flip the house upside down.  Alex basically tells Jessica that she will be a pawn this week but to act like she doesn't know it.  Says that she is not 100% sure yet if she has votes to implement her secret plan [to backdoor Christmas].

  6. 11:52 BBT - Kevin & Paul still in HoH BR.  P continue warning K to not align with Ramses.  K swears he's not aligned with Ramses. Reiterates that he'll go along with Paul's plan to cast a vote to evict Ramses.  Paul also gives Kevin advise to start remembering when things happen in the house [Kevin will appreciate that later for sure!].  Paul says no one else is paying attention to those things. Says he knows K is a "f'n good dude", that they "live the same lifestyle", that they'll friends outside the house.

    11:57 BBT - Kevin exits HOH BR.  Jason comes in and says he really wants to keep promises he made to Alex.  Paul tells him that he needs to be careful because he has eyes on him because of hanging out with Cody and Jessica.  Paul tells Jason that he can't continue working with him if he doesn't start taking his advice.  Jason says he thinks Ramses will vote to keep Cody... Paul reminds him that Ramses can't vote [DUH!].  Paul tells Jason that if he wins HoH he should put Ramses and Jessica on the block.

  7. 11:45 BBT - Jessica says the Josh is the dog of the house. That whomever is in power can use sic him on the other side [cause him to fly off the handle].  Says to Cody "Didn't you see Paul say 'Josh Sit' and he sat down, he's a like a dog"

    11:48 BBT - Paul in HoH room talking to Kevin.  Tells Kevin that he knows he's been giving info to Ramses and that he needs to be careful. Wants Kevin to vote to evict Ramses just to sow some chaos.  Kevin denies talking to Ramses but seems to be on board with voting to evict him.

  8. 12:17 bbt - FINALLY cams switch to outside where Jason is telling Cody and Jessica that he thinks Paul is going to win the game (they're all 3 in the pool)  Cody hypothesizes that Paul is probably really popular with the BB fans outside the house and that he is not because he didn't get a temptation.  

    12:30 bbt - Jason, Jessica, Cody talk about Paul glamorizing how great the jury house is. They think it's intentional so that people will not care as much about winning and just care about getting to Jury.

    12:32 bbt - Cody says he felt completely crushed and wanted to cry when last week's 8-4 vote tally was read.  Cody says he thinks Pauls current alliance with Mark and Elana will fall apart soon.  Kevin walks over and Cody tells him to be ready to strike when that happens.

    12:35 bbt - Cody relives his HoH reign and says he was selfless through the whole week but nobody cared.  That the other HG only notice when people are selfish but don't appreciate selflessness.  (I'm guessing someone commented about him not washing his dishes)

    12:40 bbt - Kevin walks toward the pool.  Production tells him to put on his microphone (for the 100th time ?)  Kevin does so and then playfully kicks the blow-up swan as if he's angry.  Says he's loosing his mind in the house.  Lies down in the tanning chair.  Jason asks Kevin to explain why he keeps his hair that way.  Kevin doesn't really have a good reason says it only costs 12 bucks to keep it cut that way.  Jason says it's a 90's style that people in his high school used to have.  

    12:45 bbt - Production tells Cody and Jessica to stop whispering/whistling (not sure?).  Sounds like he was giving her game advice for when he's gone next week.  Feeds switch to Josh in the padded, blue room.  Josh is talking to the live feeders saying that he knows his anxiety got the best of him up until now but that he's going to do better.  That he'll try to get on everyone's good side now by helping clean the house. (I guess Matt and Raven gave him some positive reinforcement when he was helping clean the kitchen earlier)  Says his strategy now is to also lay low and just make it to jury.  He stops talking and starts reading his Bible.  He stops, recaps his strategy again... to lay low.  Says he wants Ramses out the door next.  Says he wants to keep working with Dom, Paul, Christmas, Kevin, doesn't like all the showmances.  Dom walks in for a sec and he stops talking.  She walks out and now Josh says that Dom is cool but talks too much.  He just keeps rambling on and on and repeating himself... doesn't really make a lot of sense.   He wraps up his chat by giving shout outs to everyone in his family.  Says this is the coolest experience ever.

    12:55 bbt - Paul to the DR


  9. 11:45 bbt - Kevin tells Ramses to cover his mouth when he yawns.  Also production tells the hg that the storage room is now open. Everyone cheers.  

    11:55 bbt - Raven is cleaning the kitchen. Josh is just walking around doing nothing.  Kevin, Alex, and Ramses are talking random, non-game chat on the couch.  

    12:00 bbt - ANTS, the ants have finally arrived.  Josh tells Raven and Matt that they're attracted to the maple syrup spilled on the counter.  None of them know what to do about the ants.  Matt suggest spraying them down with bleach.  Kevin, Ramses walk to the kitchen to observe the ants.   All 4 cams on the kitchen now as Raven and Josh continue washing dishes.  Raven finds an open bag of chips on the microwave and now they think that's what the ants are after.  She grunts and says "We're all adults", slightly mad about the messiness of the other HG

    12:05 bbt - Matt prepares the bleach ant-spray.  They move the microwave and spray down the counter.  all 4 cams still on the kitchen.  Matt also said something about looking like a fool in yesterday's veto comp.  Raven is now stretched out on the counter to reach the far back corner with bleach spray.

    12:10 bbt - All 4 cams STILL on the kitchen as Raven, Matt, Josh clean.  Ramses walks in from outside and thanks them for trying to kill the ants.  Ramses asks if he can help clean because he doesn't want to go outside.  They ask him to wash the pots under the sink.   Kevin comes in from outside and takes over bleach spray duty from Raven. He imparts roach-killing wisdom to all of them. 


    Pretty much nothing interesting going on  for the past 30 min I've been watching... unless you find an ant infestation interesting lol.








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