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Posts posted by Awkwarddddddd

  1. there is a thread on morty's called hoh cheating started by creativgirl with video clearly showing them exchanging cups instead of pouring it from cup to cup........and if others did it too that is not right either, its not fair to hte ones that played right......Jermey let Aaron have the hoh

    I totally agree.

    It’s one thing to cheat, lie, backstab, etc. within the game but should not be tolerated during competitions. BB needs to review the tapes, disqualify those who did not follow the rules and have a do-over for HOH (IMO)

  2. this is the only place where I heard they cheated. It was not posted anywhere else. Maybe someone saw it wrong. They were off to the side on the feeds and really could not see them.

    On facebook there is a Big Brother Page and there are A LOT of people that seen it.

    Quote from FB

    "If you have the life feeds Go to 6:49 pm cam 4 that Shows Aaryn & Jeremy cheating."

  3. OMG I cannot stand Amanda. I truly want to b**** slap her!

    She must not be a real fan of the show.

    While making out with McChicken, she said "They can't hear anything, they cant see us".

    He had to explain to her that yes, they CAN see and hear us. Now I understand why she was pissed at him the other day. She thought HE spilled the beans about them making out in the DR, but in reality everyone knew because it was on the live feeds, and she didn't know about the night vision cams.

    That is hilarious; has she not ever watched BB?



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