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Posts posted by Teri

  1. This Team America thing *has* the potential to sink someone's game. Both voting options, if executed well, could send someone out the door. If I'm sitting in the BB house, the first person I'll vote out is anyone I suspect is in a showmance followed by someone I think has a connection to someone that was in a previous season of BB. I'd be looking for reasons to vote people out, and it wouldn't take much to get everyone else on that bandwagon. Heck, if I was on Team America, I'd seriously be considering waiting for one of my teammates to start the rumor, then exposing them and getting them out as a "troublemaker". I'm evil like that. LOL

  2. I like that they don't have a script (per say) to follow as to nominations. Means they're actually going to have to use their brains and THINK. And you never know if it's going to be a physical, smart, or just blind luck comp so do you just toss up people you want out and hope for the best or do you try to lose?? My real question is when will this twist end? It's not going to take too long before they won't have enough people for there to be 2 HoHs and 4 noms.

  3. I was wondering if they would replace Team America members if they got voted out too.

    I want Joey voted out this week BECAUSE of the Team America twist. I don't like that the voting was done before we even knew who any of these people were (and maybe that's the point, so we'll feel like how the houseguests feel when they are trying to make alliances without really knowing who these people are). But, I still think we should have been able to see them in the house before starting to cast our votes, it's still early enough that we don't really know any of them yet, but we should have been allowed to get some strong first impressions before voting.

    I just hope that the "assignments" aren't stupid turning off the lights or giving someone our baby blanket.

  4. I personally thought it was kind of pathetic that the best thing she has going on in her life, the thing she wants people to see her for... is politics (which I could have seen if she were an actually politician, but to be labeled a lib or a conserve, that just translates to mouthpiece/tool to me). I'm not watching the feeds, so I am only seeing what CBS is putting out there, I just felt kinda sad for her that she doesn't have anything else in her life to define her. With hair like that, you would have thought she would have something going on that would have been interesting. Oh, and I don't for a moment buy that she was America's choice. Hope she goes home this week, just because I don't believe she was America's pick.

  5. I have to admit, this is the 1st time this season I'm excited about BB. Just the thought about McManda going up and one of them going home has really got me going!!!

    This is the first time I'm excited and actually regretting not getting the feeds. I cannot wait to see Amanda flip out when she realizes the entire house is against HER. They might all have to hide int he HoH room together... or maybe the producers can slip Amanda some Valium instead of her other meds.

  6. I wanted Amanda on the block for other reasons, truth be told. When one person runs everything, the game gets predictable and boring. I wanted her gone to see these other people scramble and now that's not going to happen. Mc and Amanda will be final 2 at this rate because these other people are are sheep and can't think for themselves.... except for Helen, who isn't so much thinking, as she is doing the politic game that she clearly has down to a science.

  7. What the hell is wrong with him.... I am sitting here wishing that there were some sort of grounds for the FBI to get a warrant and pull his computer. Behind EVERY joke is a shred of truth. Every time someone says something hurtful, they always pull that whole "I was just joking" excuse. I'm sick of it.... I think we need to get back to the time where if you opened your big fat stupid mouth and said something crappy, you could expect a punch right to the face because you deserved it.


  8. Just for laughs and giggles I sent all 10 votes to Elissa!

    This is a really stupid twist because it doesn't allow a replacement nom to even play for POV if one of the noms comes off the block (like GM last week). If they are going to do this they should allow any last replacement nom who was not picked for POV to play for it, otherwise it could just become Grodner's backdoor.

    Yeah, we'd be playing Vetos until the end of time if the replacements all got a chance at it. =)

    I think there's too many variables to be a guaranteed backdoor for Grodner. I think the only real control she has over it is in the edit, to be honest, and that will only take her so far... then things like people being on the block or getting off on vetos start to make the edit not so important. We went down to the third choice last week. The votes start to get slimmer at that point and that's when voting someone like Amanda or Helen might make an impact.

    On a side note, I LOVE that they told us how America voted. That transparency was AWESOME. They should do more of that.

  9. I honestly think GM will get this week's MVP nom (based off what we saw last week). So, 10 on Amanda makes a lot of sense in case GM gets pulled off for some reason. I would settle for Helen or Ellissa as well, but like I said before, I think Amanda would go off on the house trying to figure out who dare put her up. Plus, why don't these clowns see that you have to split up the couples? I thought they understood that, they were doing so good getting them out in the beginning (even though half these twits went in wanting to be in showmances -what a bunch of twits, that MAKES you a target-).

  10. Well it's official...the Brenchal Army really are a special kind of stupid. There's been many of them in chats who've said since Thursday night that they didn't read at CBS's website and voted for Elissa thinking they were voting for her for MVP. Obviously too many of them. Mass confusion and hysteria on twitter. lol. Sucks for those of us who wanted Amanda on the block and know how to read.

    Well... it's a non-issue now. But, I can't help but think they deserve it, what kind of people are so dim-witted that they follow along like a mindless zombie and just do what they're told. Brenchel should have expected this... they've attracted idiots to their cause. Any kind of army made up of mindless twits is bound to not be bright enough to follow understand (hell, do they even watch the show????)

    And to the person that posted earlier about reading books and not catching the show, at least you noticed that was something up before all your votes were cast. =)

  11. I'd like to think that there were people out there like me, that had a lick of common sense and split their votes so that if their first pick was on the block, it would fall to the second pick. I put votes on Aaryn, just in case she wasn't on the block... but the bulk of my votes did go to Elissa. She's RUINING the MVP twist. I know I'm not the only one that feels that way, so the racist pigs can wait a week, I'd like to see the game back on track first.

  12. Yelen's been working the pity card from day one. She wants everyone to think she's a holy mother who's been victimized by the mean people. They all think she's the sweetest thang since Little Debbie snack cakes. She has most of the house completely snowed and none of them see any blood on her hands, nor will they until it's too late. She deflects blame very well.

    OTOH, I think Judd sees right thru her. I read somewhere this morning that Judd made the comment last night that there were people who were running the house while keeping the blood off themselves. He had to have been talking about Yelen, Amanda and Mcpizza.

    I hope Judd doesn't let Yelen run his show.

    Yelen!!!! LOLOLOLOLOL

    I hope that one catches on.

  13. I like the McManda Mance the best...they are really the odd couple yet they appear so comfortable with each other and they are the probably the most genuine showmance of BB

    GM and Nick were a NoMance.

    "NoMance" made me giggle.



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