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Posts posted by starshine

  1. Troll...

    I beg your pardon? I'm not a troll at all. I joined this board to discuss BB, saw this topic and joined in just like everyone else did.

    For you to call my comments irrelevant and call me a troll because you made a statement that simply isn't true is very immature and condescending. I also have to wonder if you discriminate against women. I don't know exactly who you think you are, but I'm not someone who will take the word of someone who has 3,000+ posts on a message board as gospel. I'm sorry you're wrong, but that's the way things go sometimes when you know not of which you speak. There are average people who have received the same charge as Paris Hilton and received a stiffer punishment. That's life. I'm sorry you can't accept it that you are wrong, but it's true, so just man up about it. I live in the United States of America, and know firsthand what type of punishments are meted out for probation violations and DUi's because of the instances I have noted in previous posts. Do you?

    Perhaps the administrator of the board needs to be informed of your behavior, but something tells me you're the resident troll on this board, not anyone else. Tsk tsk for resorting to name calling when you're obviously not man enough to admit when you are wrong. My fiance wants to know what it's like to live in your mom's basement and what it's like to be you.

  2. It's still irrelevant though, I said the average case not every case.

    I think it is relevant because what you actually stated was,

    The average person with the same charges would not have got the same time and conditions.

    Now you're trying to backpedal and say it isn't relevant. Sorry, but that's not working for me. I would think you would man up at this point, but we can always agree to disagree on this issue. Maybe you can write to Paris while she's incarcerated. I imagine she is very lonely. You can be her prison pen pal and ask her if she is wearing panties while in jail. LOL. ;)

    TheStilesClan, you made an excellent point. There is a difference between driving under suspension and violating probation.

    Yana, I'm so sorry to hear about what happened to your brother. He got a raw deal. :(

  3. Because a guy that used to work with me had almost the same thing happen to him.

    Almost doesn't count as the same...

    You're right. And do you know why? Because

    He violated his probation and had to serve 60 days. He was not in solitary during his stint and he also lost his job.
  4. The average person with the same charges would not have got the same time and conditions.

    Really? Because a guy that used to work with me had almost the same thing happen to him. He violated his probation and had to serve 60 days. He was not in solitary during his stint and he also lost his job.

    A friend of mine, an average Joe Schmoe who has always been employed full-time, involved in his community, plays sports, good looking, etc., and had no trouble whatsoever with the law previously, was out celebrating with his buddies one night and had quite a few too many. When he decided to leave the bar they were at to go home, his friends asked for his car keys, but he refused to hand them over. On his way home, he drove across the yellow lines into a field, went airborne, and came down between two trees. He was in the hospital for 3 days. When he arrived home, the authorities were waiting for him and charged him with DUI. His license was suspended for 90 days, he had regular appointments with a shrink, had to take DUI classes, and paid a fine of $1,200 + attorney's fees. If he did not follow through on any of those things, his butt was going to jail. Did he have poor judgment in not turning over his car keys to his friends when they asked for them? He sure did. Did he learn his lesson the first time around? He sure did.

    Unfortunately, Ms. Hilton didn't learn her lesson the first time around, therefore, she got exactly what she deserved. Poor thing. She really seems to be having a rough time of it. :rolleyes:


  5. I'm glad Paris Hilton has to serve the remainder of her sentence. I'm sick and tired of celebrities getting a free ride from the illegal activities they are involved in simply because they are celebrities. If it was just an average joe schmo off the street like us, you bet your sweet butts we'd be in jail for the duration.

    Maybe her medical condition is one of withdrawal from all the drugs and alcohol.

    I had to laugh at the pic posted with Paris being hauled away. It looks like the authorities were laughing at her.

    Poor Paris. Back in the clink. I wonder if she's anyone's bitch yet.



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