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  1. Please post ONLY Live Feed, televised show, Big Brother After Dark observations and screen captures here ! Here's a handy guide you can print out to identify the HGs until you learn their names. CLICK HERE If you are adding personal comments, please keep them to a minimum and use brackets [personal comment]around the text. Remember your time zones. Big Brother Time (BBT) is West Coast Daylight Saving Time (See Map Here). Please be careful in identifying who is speaking, and do not use confusing abbreviations. We may have several HGs with names which start with the same letter. Try to be consistent with abbreviations, like: Washroom Area (WA) Water Closet (WC) Kitchen (KT) Living Room (LR) Back Yard (BY) Bedroom (BR) Indoor Lock Down (ILD) Outdoor Lock Down (OLD) Head of House Room (HOHR) Storage Room (SR) Blue bedroom (BBR) Pink bedroom (PBR) The combined bedroom is (CBR) The fidget spinner bedroom is (SBR) It only takes a few good posts to earn your "Live Feed Updater" badge and LFU status. Also, all registered members of the forums have access to our chat rooms, at http://www.tvfanforums.net/index.php?/chat.html/ Stop in talk to SMVanBoyz, Fuskie, and I'm in there from time-to-time too. It's fun to be able to watch the feeds at dish the HGs at the same time. Please feel free to post info for other updaters to let them know how long you can update, or when you're taking a break and you want someone else to take over. ...And pictures, screen caps are welcome here too. Thank you! -Morty
  2. Happy Tuesday! Where did the holiday weekend go? Well in the BB house the game certainly hasn’t gone anywhere. With a reset week on the boards this week there has been a serious lag in the house this week! It’s been far more eventful for production and social media. Last I brewed a fresh pot of RealiTea Faysal was evicted and Scottie rejoined the game. Scottie won the jury buy back competition and has been stuck in the revolving door ever since! Tyler won the HOH competition. It came down to Haleigh and Tyler after Kaycee finally dropped! Kaycee performed very well but just couldn’t hold on quite long enough to outlast Haleigh’s tenacity! Tyler is this week’s HOH! Now I’m guessing many of the readers have caught wind of the conspiracy theories and possibly seen our resident production leaker’s tweet. I’m not going deep into this because it’s literally one of the most absurd conspiracy theories I’ve seen from our fandom! Flopte fans have been chewing on this like the toughest Beef jerkey you’ve ever attempted to sink your teeth into. What I will say is TYLER WON THE HOH! There is NO rule that says a foot or both feet have to remain on the disk. Proposing one foot must remain as a rule is just the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard! It’s impossible to keep just one foot on a small disk attached to a rope! That being a rule wouldn’t even make sense! We’ve had this comp nearly every season since BB15. That’s never been a rule and will never be a rule. We ALL saw and HEARD Tyler during the comps hanging on by upper body strength only! He never touched the ground, his feet never even fall below the disk, and he never sat his bum on it. They even showed it on the episode! LOL! It wasn’t a quick touch off and touch back on. He was dangling for some time! Production would have seen it. The HG all watched and it was talked about by many of them including Tyler when it happened. Moving on. Friday, Tyler nominated Haleigh and Scottie for eviction. No surprises here. It’s basically a rinse and repeat week beginning to end swapping Scottie for Faysal OTB and Tyler for Angela as HOH. Nearly everything has been exactly the same as last week. Haleigh isn’t the target (that could change). Saturday Veto players were drawn and voila! The exact same veto players are drawn as last week! Veto players: HOH-Tyler Nominess-Haleigh/Scottie Players-JC/Sam/Kaycee Veto is played Saturday and shocker! Kaycee wins again! Did you think I was being dramatic? Nope exactly like last week! You go Kaycee! She’s turning up the competition heat just as I’ve predicted all season she would. She’s putting in work and maintaining and exceptional social game as well. Kaycee, believe it or not, is in an outstanding position in the game and is definitely a contender to win if she makes it to those F2 seats! That’s great for her! That could also mean real trouble for some others. Haleigh knows post veto competition that nominations are likely to stay the same. She’s trying to get some traction with her social game. Unfortunately she’s also hitting a wall being OTB for 2 weeks in a row and realizing again if Scottie goes she’s all alone. I’ve seen her do some work. Haleigh is working on developing some genuine inroads with Angela and Kaycee. She is now forced to interact with people throughout the house. I wish she had been doing this all season. I see potential in her. Not this season, don’t get me wrong, she is going to jury. She has some tools that were she more eager to use them earlier in the season she could have proven herself a contender. Coulda. Woulda. Shoulda. Scottie has done well this week. He’s laying low. He sees the writing on the wall. He is a super fan so you have to realize he knew coming back in there was a high likelihood he would go right back out again if not this week then next. He knows JC and Brett were against him. He know Haleigh does nothing for his game. He’s staying calm. He’s socializing and making everyone comfortable and that’s really his best chance to survive this week because Haleigh is not! Haleigh has had a meltdown nearly every day. She’s been told by all of L6 and JC that she is safe this week. Scottie is the target. Now, I can’t blame her for being worried! She should be. However, this is BB. You work behind the scenes, maintain your composure, avoid making people feel uncomfortable. Apply a strong social game and let that do the work for you. Instead every day Haleigh is sobbing in a corner somewhere at some point over some thing. Kaycee works hard to reassure Haleigh. Tyler has rolled up his sleeves and put a lot of time and effort in to making sure she knows she’s good and reminding her to just chill so she’s doesn’t create a target where there isn’t one. It’s exhausting to watch so I know the other HG are tired of dealing with it. I’ve said before I think Tyler should be targeting Haleigh. Same is true this week. She has ties to JC and to Brett. If they wanted to turn the house upside down and join forces they easily could. They absolutely should! Haleigh has also devoted a lot of time and effort to bonding with Angela and Kaycee. They could easily turn around in the next week and the one after that and say, ‘JC and Sam’ are bigger threats than Haleigh.’ That would be no Bueno for anyone but Haleigh. Haleigh has also spent an enormous amount of time trashing Sam. She goes on and on and on about how much she loathes Sam and wants her out! I think this is true in that she hates Sam. I think you have to be an idiot to believe if she won HOH Sam would be her target. Haleigh has shown she can be very good at mental comps and after this last HOH on the disks she’s no slouch in endurance either. No one should want her anywhere beyond F6. She will have 4 locked votes in that jury and ANYTHING can happen towards the end game. If you’re Haleigh talking about your disdain for Sam 11 hours a Day is a good strategy. People hear things long enough they begin to believe it. Brett and JC are certainly clinging to this narrative. Whether they are buying it remains to be seen. However her narrative works to their advantage for the moment. Both these guys are terrified of Scottie! Whereas eliminating Haleigh and keeping Scottie who has NO ONE but Tyler is the better move for Tyler, Angela, and Kaycee as well as Sam in the short term. Scottie definitely needs to go but he can go next week. If Haleigh wins the next HOH JC and Brett will be on her like white on rice. JC. JC. JC. Although he’s not been able to win anything all season JC has played a stellar game this season. He’s worked with Tyler all along and helped to ensure many of the L6 decisions have been flawlessly executed in more often than not. Socially he is fire and ice. He’s the most entertaining on the feeds. However he pushes the envelope and has been at the center of a lot of controversy. Some justifiable and some absurd. JC was putting a lot of time and effort into Brett last week. About midway through this week he jumpstarted that again. I also see Brett conspiring willingly with JC. We haven’t seen him talk about it in his DR’s yet, but I’d wager it’s coming. These two constantly discuss the need for Angela to go. The problem is neither one of them wants to pull the trigger because they fear the blowback. That’s a problem. They should be going after Angela for some reasons but not all of those are the reasons they are considering. JC is on Tyler like a fly to a cow pie. He HATES Angela and Tyler spending so much time together. He and Brett try their best to c@(& block the pair whenever possible. If Tyler and Angela are in the HOH 90% of the time so are JC and/or Brett. I get it! JC should be worried. He’s put ALL of his eggs in Tyler’s basket and if Tyler does get into a showmance in the 4th quarter that could be a disaster for JC’s end game. The problem I have is the aggressive nature by which he’s conveying his perception. JC and Tyler have replaced the daily arguments of Haleigh and Faysal over the Angela business. It’s exhausting to watch at times but more often than not I find the scenes where these two go back and forth over whether Tyler is in a showmance or not and whether Angela needs to go sooner or later. Tyler continues to lie and say he’s not in a showmance with her. He is! Absolutely 100%. He’s already asked her out after the game. Sunday night the house got liquor. Right after HN are announced for the week! Lol. What’s hilarious is it was actually in the SR Saturday night but no one discovered it. So they end up not getting it until Sunday night. Well, HN’s were selected by BB and were the first 3 players to drop from the HOH competition. Sam/JC/Scottie. You know what that means? JC the terror is stomping around the house! OMG! When they find the alcohol he says “they did on purpose! They (production) waited until I’m a HN to give us alcohol!” Ok so after some cocktails Angela and Tyler decide to spend the night up in the HOH room. She’s stayed until the wee hours before but sneaks down to her bed at 3-4 a.m. because she’s aware of JC’s nightly bed checks to confirm she’s not snuggling up to Tyler all night. Well he’s up multiple times checking the bed or standing in the KIT staring up at the HOH with smoke coming out of his ears. He goes to Tyler and says I KNOW SHE SLEPT UP HERE! I KNOW I CHECKED HER BED AT 4:51 a.m. and she wasn’t in it! JC also said this to Brett. Brett says he saw her in bed at 6 a.m. JC dismisses that saying he checked her bed at 4 a.m. and she wasn’t in it! This is one of many examples of the outlandish behavior JC is demonstrating with regards to the threat he’s feeling about Angela replacing him as Tyler’s ride or die. What’s amusing is JC has no idea Angela or no Angela Tyler never planned to let JC make it to the end. It’s always been Kaycee! LOL. Angela and Tyler were in the HOH cuddling and saw JC coming to the door. As usual Angela jumps from be bed and sprints to the couch. The problem is JC heard her! LOL. Here is a funny clip of JC confronting Tyler about this incident and digging his heels in on the subject. https://www.facebook.com/groups/mortystv/permalink/10157655011837388/ I think Tyler needs to deny, deny, deny. JC is smart to see what’s happening and has every reason to be concerned. What he shouldn’t be doing is obviously blocking the two all day every day. Stalking the house all hours of the night to track Angela’s movements and perform frequent bed checks. It’s going to wear on Tyler and Angela quickly. Have you ever heard the saying, “what you fear you create.” That’s what I see here with JC and this situation. Unfortunately for JC he is not aware that Brett told Tyler about JC’s efforts to flip Brett and target Angela. Tyler I do believe is slipping up some with his distraction. Tyler is also aware of the dynamics of the jury thanks to Scottie. I do believe he was willing to pull the trigger when necessary (not yet) but....Scottie may have changed all that. Bottom line JC needs to back off or he could end up going out because of the pair which is his fear. Scottie has told Haleigh (now the whole house is aware) that the current jury HATES Angela. Scottie has also shared that Bayleigh and Angie made a pact with Scottie that Flopte will agree on one player as we get closer to the end they all agree none of them will vote for. They are very aware of the fact it’s very likely all 5 remaining Flopte allies will be on the jury together. That’s a 5 person voting block that could agree, for example, none of us vote for Angela or maybe JC. Scottie sharing this valuable intel was meant to be a strategic move. In RealiTea it was a boneheaded move! You’ve just guaranteed L6 will want to sit next to a L6 regardless of what happens the next few weeks. Tyler is also now aware of the odds against Angela getting the votes to beat him at the end. His plan has always been to make it there with Kaycee. If I were Tyler and I heard this there is no one else I want to sit next to but Angela. Even if all 5 don’t follow through (it is Flopte they haven’t managed to accomplish anything all season) I can guarantee Angie/Bayleigh/Faysal would be a 3 vote lock against Angela for sure! Scottie and Haleigh may stray. If I’m going into F2 knowing I have 3 votes on lock is an odd I would bet on. I do think Brett and JC could flip soon. If Haleigh or Brett win the next HOH I can easily see one of the core L4 players falling victim to a coo! They would be idiots not to. However if Kaycee, Angela, Sam win the next HOH Haleigh and JC are in the most danger. While the week has been incredibly slow and boring on the feeds the game is starting to rev back up. We’ve heard Tyler waver on whether sending Scottie out this week is the best move because Haleigh has been very emotional and needy. JC has also questioned the target. Brett seems to be clinging to the idea of Scottie going but he’s the only one I see actively taking this stance. She needs to sit back and chill or she too could create a situation where what she fears (being evicted this week) she creates. We are at F8 again with the jury buy back. As of Tuesday morning Scottie is still the target but it’s a long way to Thursday night! Haleigh could continue to make people annoyed and inadvertently send herself right out the door! Once this week is over, regardless of which one of those two heads off to jury we are down to 7! Four of which are members of L6. The in-fighting is already beginning to spark. People are actively positioning themselves for the long haul. If JC and/or Brett don’t get control one way or another of the next HOH and take a shot at Angela they won’t have the numbers to make the move later. I expect this re-energized vigor to continue gaining momentum. They all want to be in the F2! No one is saying I’m just happy to have made it this far. I’m happy to make it to jury. No one! Next week should pick up as people retreat to their actual endgame allies. Then we should have a DE taking us quickly next week from F7 to F6. The RealiTea is this season still has some legs!
  3. Please post ONLY Live Feed, televised show, Big Brother After Dark observations and screen captures here ! Here's a handy guide you can print out to identify the HGs until you learn their names. CLICK HERE If you are adding personal comments, please keep them to a minimum and use brackets [personal comment]around the text. Remember your time zones. Big Brother Time (BBT) is West Coast Daylight Saving Time (See Map Here). Please be careful in identifying who is speaking, and do not use confusing abbreviations. We may have several HGs with names which start with the same letter. Try to be consistent with abbreviations, like: Washroom Area (WA) Water Closet (WC) Kitchen (KT) Living Room (LR) Back Yard (BY) Bedroom (BR) Indoor Lock Down (ILD) Outdoor Lock Down (OLD) Head of House Room (HOHR) Storage Room (SR) Blue bedroom (BBR) Pink bedroom (PBR) The combined bedroom is (CBR) The fidget spinner bedroom is (SBR) It only takes a few good posts to earn your "Live Feed Updater" badge and LFU status. Also, all registered members of the forums have access to our chat rooms, at http://www.tvfanforums.net/index.php?/chat.html/ Stop in talk to SMVanBoyz, Fuskie, and I'm in there from time-to-time too. It's fun to be able to watch the feeds at dish the HGs at the same time. Please feel free to post info for other updaters to let them know how long you can update, or when you're taking a break and you want someone else to take over. ...And pictures, screen caps are welcome here too. Thank you! -Morty
  4. Please post ONLY Live Feed, televised show, Big Brother After Dark observations and screen captures here ! Here's a handy guide you can print out to identify the HGs until you learn their names. CLICK HERE If you are adding personal comments, please keep them to a minimum and use brackets [personal comment]around the text. Remember your time zones. Big Brother Time (BBT) is West Coast Daylight Saving Time (See Map Here). Please be careful in identifying who is speaking, and do not use confusing abbreviations. We may have several HGs with names which start with the same letter. Try to be consistent with abbreviations, like: Washroom Area (WA) Water Closet (WC) Kitchen (KT) Living Room (LR) Back Yard (BY) Bedroom (BR) Indoor Lock Down (ILD) Outdoor Lock Down (OLD) Head of House Room (HOHR) Storage Room (SR) Blue bedroom (BBR) Pink bedroom (PBR) The combined bedroom is (CBR) The fidget spinner bedroom is (SBR) It only takes a few good posts to earn your "Live Feed Updater" badge and LFU status. Also, all registered members of the forums have access to our chat rooms, at http://www.tvfanforums.net/index.php?/chat.html/ Stop in talk to SMVanBoyz, Fuskie, and I'm in there from time-to-time too. It's fun to be able to watch the feeds at dish the HGs at the same time. Please feel free to post info for other updaters to let them know how long you can update, or when you're taking a break and you want someone else to take over. ...And pictures, screen caps are welcome here too. Thank you! -Morty
  5. Please post ONLY Live Feed, televised show, Big Brother After Dark observations and screen captures here ! Here's a handy guide you can print out to identify the HGs until you learn their names. CLICK HERE If you are adding personal comments, please keep them to a minimum and use brackets [personal comment]around the text. Remember your time zones. Big Brother Time (BBT) is West Coast Daylight Saving Time (See Map Here). Please be careful in identifying who is speaking, and do not use confusing abbreviations. We may have several HGs with names which start with the same letter. Try to be consistent with abbreviations, like: Washroom Area (WA) Water Closet (WC) Kitchen (KT) Living Room (LR) Back Yard (BY) Bedroom (BR) Indoor Lock Down (ILD) Outdoor Lock Down (OLD) Head of House Room (HOHR) Storage Room (SR) Blue bedroom (BBR) Pink bedroom (PBR) The combined bedroom is (CBR) The fidget spinner bedroom is (SBR) It only takes a few good posts to earn your "Live Feed Updater" badge and LFU status. Also, all registered members of the forums have access to our chat rooms, at http://www.tvfanforums.net/index.php?/chat.html/ Stop in talk to SMVanBoyz, Fuskie, and I'm in there from time-to-time too. It's fun to be able to watch the feeds at dish the HGs at the same time. Please feel free to post info for other updaters to let them know how long you can update, or when you're taking a break and you want someone else to take over. ...And pictures, screen caps are welcome here too. Thank you! -Morty
  6. Please post ONLY Live Feed, televised show, Big Brother After Dark observations and screen captures here ! Here's a handy guide you can print out to identify the HGs until you learn their names. CLICK HERE If you are adding personal comments, please keep them to a minimum and use brackets [personal comment]around the text. Remember your time zones. Big Brother Time (BBT) is West Coast Daylight Saving Time (See Map Here). Please be careful in identifying who is speaking, and do not use confusing abbreviations. We may have several HGs with names which start with the same letter. Try to be consistent with abbreviations, like: Washroom Area (WA) Water Closet (WC) Kitchen (KT) Living Room (LR) Back Yard (BY) Bedroom (BR) Indoor Lock Down (ILD) Outdoor Lock Down (OLD) Head of House Room (HOHR) Storage Room (SR) Blue bedroom (BBR) Pink bedroom (PBR) The combined bedroom is (CBR) The fidget spinner bedroom is (SBR) It only takes a few good posts to earn your "Live Feed Updater" badge and LFU status. Also, all registered members of the forums have access to our chat rooms, at http://www.tvfanforums.net/index.php?/chat.html/ Stop in talk to SMVanBoyz, Fuskie, and I'm in there from time-to-time too. It's fun to be able to watch the feeds at dish the HGs at the same time. Please feel free to post info for other updaters to let them know how long you can update, or when you're taking a break and you want someone else to take over. ...And pictures, screen caps are welcome here too. Thank you! -Morty
  7. Please post ONLY Live Feed, televised show, Big Brother After Dark observations and screen captures here ! Here's a handy guide you can print out to identify the HGs until you learn their names. CLICK HERE If you are adding personal comments, please keep them to a minimum and use brackets [personal comment]around the text. Remember your time zones. Big Brother Time (BBT) is West Coast Daylight Saving Time (See Map Here). Please be careful in identifying who is speaking, and do not use confusing abbreviations. We may have several HGs with names which start with the same letter. Try to be consistent with abbreviations, like: Washroom Area (WA) Water Closet (WC) Kitchen (KT) Living Room (LR) Back Yard (BY) Bedroom (BR) Indoor Lock Down (ILD) Outdoor Lock Down (OLD) Head of House Room (HOHR) Storage Room (SR) Blue bedroom (BBR) Pink bedroom (PBR) The combined bedroom is (CBR) The fidget spinner bedroom is (SBR) It only takes a few good posts to earn your "Live Feed Updater" badge and LFU status. Also, all registered members of the forums have access to our chat rooms, at http://www.tvfanforums.net/index.php?/chat.html/ Stop in talk to SMVanBoyz, Fuskie, and I'm in there from time-to-time too. It's fun to be able to watch the feeds at dish the HGs at the same time. Please feel free to post info for other updaters to let them know how long you can update, or when you're taking a break and you want someone else to take over. ...And pictures, screen caps are welcome here too. Thank you! -Morty
  8. YAWN! It was bound to happen. BB20 has been a season filled with twists and turns and certainly no shortage of entertainment...until this week. Since Sunday it’s been one big yawn fest. Kaycee didn’t use the veto and nominations remained on Monday. We had four days of Faysal blanketing. We had three days of Haleigh doing anything within her power to try and appear social and amenable. JC has had his fill of drama. Remember Tyler and Brett had 9+hours locked away during the veto. They discovered JC was working to pit them against each other. Well, Monday we got to see JC approach both Tyler and then Brett about his plans moving forward. Tyler wasn’t hearing any of it. JC argues with Faysal gone he needs to target Kaycee/Angela next. What he really means is Angela. Brett seemed more open to the idea. Now without any mention of it in a DR it’s impossible to know for certain what Brett really thinks. The exchange between Brett and JC did seem questionable. Brett appeared more open to targeting Angela/Kaycee. He definitely made some suggestions on how to do it. He didn’t shut it down but he didn’t give JC lip service just nodding and saying mmm hmmm either. Brett could just be placating JC. It’s entirely possible since Brett is fully aware of JC’s motives. You can’t just poo poo on JC’s suggestion if your Brett. He doesn’t have the level of trust Tyler and JC have had. Brett is aware he is on the bottom of the L6 alliance. If JC isn’t targeting Angela/Kaycee Brett would easily be the next in line. What leaves me curious is we’ve not seen Brett share any of this conversation with anyone from L6. Brett would be smart to make his own alliance and attack Tyler, Angela, Kaycee. I don’t think he will. He should. Had this week not resulted in a juror returning to the game he just may have! As with most twists this returnee shifts the hierarchy. Eviction night arrived and Faysal and Haleigh are OTB side by side. Faysal is voted out. Faysal is ushered out to the back yard after an awkward interview with Julie Chen. Bayleigh/Angie/Scottie/Faysal face off in a battle back competition. Players must collect balls suspended in the air. Then run up and drop 4balls into their designated tubes and pushing the button on the opposite side of the set up. Faysal started strong! For a brief moment I worried he may actually smoke everyone else! Fortunately it’s Faysal through and through and the nerves manage to take over. I am thrilled when I see Scottie land his 4th ball in the tube and buzz in with ease! Yes Ladies and Gentlemen Faysal loses once again and Scottie has won the chance to return to the game! I don’t know about you, but of the four already evicted Scottie seemed the most worthy of another shot! In a perfect world Angie would have won and L6 would win the HOH again this week. This would likely lead to a revolving door and Angie going right back out. She’s by far the least threat of any of the possible returnees. Scottie returning could be very interesting. Will this improve the odds of someone outside of L6 winning HOH? Angela can’t compete. That leaves Tyler and Kaycee for sure. A Brett win could be dicey. JC while not likely to win anything would be the most dangerous. Sam is always a wild card but she doesn’t seem interested in winning again. She has a hard enough time dealing with two people being OTB at the end of every week. That leaves Haleigh and Scottie. For the first time in a couple weeks L6 is actually at a disadvantage numbers wise heading into this week’s HOH. Essentially we will have Tyler/Kaycee versus the rest of the house! That’s the kind of competitiveness we need to light a fire under some of these players. We are in the final stretch and complacency is every players greatest enemy. What could happen is JC could team up with Scottie and Haleigh could pull Brett over to them and scoop Sam up. That would give them the numbers necessary to take a shot at the remaining L6 players. Don’t get too excited it still seems as though Angela is at the top of the hit lists for everyone except Haleigh. Even if, worse case scenario Tyler found himself OTB next to Angela so long as she doesn’t win the veto he’s more likely to stay. Sounds great? Well I think it’s a great dream. Scottie doesn’t trust JC. I’m not even sure Scottie is 100% on board with working with Haleigh again. What I am sure of is within 24 hours Scottie won’t be able to resist Haleigh’s charm and he will fall victim to her feminine wiles once again. Haleigh will cling to Scottie. That’s not necessarily good for her. She’s put in work and Haleigh alone is far less threatening than Haleigh matched with Scottie. The HOH will play out later this evening. Regardless of who wins this week already has far more potential than last week. We can all hope that’s the case! The RealiTea is a returnee has never made it past F4. Tyler is well insulated heading into the week but will his cover be pulled back exposing his game? Can Haleigh stand the pressure and come out with an HOH victory when she needs it most? I will be back with all the details along with the newest nominees that will hit the block tomorrow.
  9. Please post ONLY Live Feed, televised show, Big Brother After Dark observations and screen captures here ! Here's a handy guide you can print out to identify the HGs until you learn their names. CLICK HERE If you are adding personal comments, please keep them to a minimum and use brackets [personal comment]around the text. Remember your time zones. Big Brother Time (BBT) is West Coast Daylight Saving Time (See Map Here). Please be careful in identifying who is speaking, and do not use confusing abbreviations. We may have several HGs with names which start with the same letter. Try to be consistent with abbreviations, like: Washroom Area (WA) Water Closet (WC) Kitchen (KT) Living Room (LR) Back Yard (BY) Bedroom (BR) Indoor Lock Down (ILD) Outdoor Lock Down (OLD) Head of House Room (HOHR) Storage Room (SR) Blue bedroom (BBR) Pink bedroom (PBR) The combined bedroom is (CBR) The fidget spinner bedroom is (SBR) It only takes a few good posts to earn your "Live Feed Updater" badge and LFU status. Also, all registered members of the forums have access to our chat rooms, at http://www.tvfanforums.net/index.php?/chat.html/ Stop in talk to SMVanBoyz, Fuskie, and I'm in there from time-to-time too. It's fun to be able to watch the feeds at dish the HGs at the same time. Please feel free to post info for other updaters to let them know how long you can update, or when you're taking a break and you want someone else to take over. ...And pictures, screen caps are welcome here too. Thank you! -Morty
  10. Please post ONLY Live Feed, televised show, Big Brother After Dark observations and screen captures here ! Here's a handy guide you can print out to identify the HGs until you learn their names. CLICK HERE If you are adding personal comments, please keep them to a minimum and use brackets [personal comment]around the text. Remember your time zones. Big Brother Time (BBT) is West Coast Daylight Saving Time (See Map Here). Please be careful in identifying who is speaking, and do not use confusing abbreviations. We may have several HGs with names which start with the same letter. Try to be consistent with abbreviations, like: Washroom Area (WA) Water Closet (WC) Kitchen (KT) Living Room (LR) Back Yard (BY) Bedroom (BR) Indoor Lock Down (ILD) Outdoor Lock Down (OLD) Head of House Room (HOHR) Storage Room (SR) Blue bedroom (BBR) Pink bedroom (PBR) The combined bedroom is (CBR) The fidget spinner bedroom is (SBR) It only takes a few good posts to earn your "Live Feed Updater" badge and LFU status. Also, all registered members of the forums have access to our chat rooms, at http://www.tvfanforums.net/index.php?/chat.html/ Stop in talk to SMVanBoyz, Fuskie, and I'm in there from time-to-time too. It's fun to be able to watch the feeds at dish the HGs at the same time. Please feel free to post info for other updaters to let them know how long you can update, or when you're taking a break and you want someone else to take over. ...And pictures, screen caps are welcome here too. Thank you! -Morty
  11. Please post ONLY Live Feed, televised show, Big Brother After Dark observations and screen captures here ! Here's a handy guide you can print out to identify the HGs until you learn their names. CLICK HERE If you are adding personal comments, please keep them to a minimum and use brackets [personal comment]around the text. Remember your time zones. Big Brother Time (BBT) is West Coast Daylight Saving Time (See Map Here). Please be careful in identifying who is speaking, and do not use confusing abbreviations. We may have several HGs with names which start with the same letter. Try to be consistent with abbreviations, like: Washroom Area (WA) Water Closet (WC) Kitchen (KT) Living Room (LR) Back Yard (BY) Bedroom (BR) Indoor Lock Down (ILD) Outdoor Lock Down (OLD) Head of House Room (HOHR) Storage Room (SR) Blue bedroom (BBR) Pink bedroom (PBR) The combined bedroom is (CBR) The fidget spinner bedroom is (SBR) It only takes a few good posts to earn your "Live Feed Updater" badge and LFU status. Also, all registered members of the forums have access to our chat rooms, at http://www.tvfanforums.net/index.php?/chat.html/ Stop in talk to SMVanBoyz, Fuskie, and I'm in there from time-to-time too. It's fun to be able to watch the feeds at dish the HGs at the same time. Please feel free to post info for other updaters to let them know how long you can update, or when you're taking a break and you want someone else to take over. ...And pictures, screen caps are welcome here too. Thank you! -Morty
  12. This season has provided extraordinary entertainment! The characters have delivered plenty of amusement. The game play by L6 from the very first week has been solid. Flopte may be the worst team we’ve ever seen in BB history but they’ve given us endless gif’s and memes! While we’ve arrived at F8 and feeds begin to slow down on a daily basis the game hasn’t! Angela is the HOH and this week leads up to a jury but back followed by a DE which is always one of the most exciting nights in any season. There’s still plenty of RealiTea to sip! Friday JC was making a run flipping Brett. JC told Brett he needs to come with JC/Haleigh/Faysal/Sam. They can take those 3 out. Tyler is with Angela. She needs to go. Brett is definitely listening but I’m unclear in this moment if he’s ‘hearing’ him. We will talk about whether or not Brett runs all this back to any of the members of L6 in just a bit. JC was trying to gaslight Brett about Angela saying she was going to name Faysal/Haleigh/Brett HN. Why is she naming you?! Why can’t she name Kaycee. See your not with them. It’s Tyler and Angela now. They will cut you in a minute. JC spends the weekend ordering Brett to hang out with Angela upstairs so Tyler can’t be alone with her. I’ve said it before I will say it again...JC working against Tyler where Brett is concerned will bite him in the butt! Tyler will find out and JC will become a liability in Tyler’s mind because JC knows more than even L6 does about Tyler’s game. This will end up being the move that implodes JC’s game. If you watch the LF you know JC has been playing a great game! He’s managed to stay on the line between the two sides because he makes both feel like he’s with them. JC has done what Scottie couldn’t. JC has had as much influence over people and weekly strategy as Tyler has. JC has a relationship with every single player except Haleigh but Faysal provides the bridge to her. If Faysal does in fact go out this week, Haleigh has no one but JC! I’ve enjoyed JC all season long. His first week he was behaving so socially aggressively I worried for him. After the House was unilaterally reminded they are seen 24/7 he reeled that in and made his overbearing personality his greatest asset! People say, don’t worry it’s just JC that but also are strongly influenced over everything he tells them! I would have loved to see JC in a F4 with Tyler until this last week. It’s the first sign we’ve had all season of him working against Tyler versus actively protecting him. JC is really the only one doing much this weekend. Unfortunately for him he’s doing too much! However I LOVED when JC told Faysal about himself! LOL JC told Faysal he made himself a target. He explained that Faysal has a big mouth, it’s his own fault. JC scolds him when he said Faysal’s being so cocky. Then Faysal says I’m gonna win the veto. Who else is gonna beat me? Tyler? Pfft. Angela sucks at Vetos. Kaycee SUCKSSSSS! You (JC) ehhh (using hand motions like 50:50). (IMO That was generous). JC’s response to Faysal’s arrogance in this conversation gives me LIFE! It’s a perfect example of why I love JC! After Faysal finishes tooting his own horn JC smacks him down to reality so fast Southern CA residents thought we had a small earthquake! JC looks at Faysal and says, Angie SUCKED at competitions! She came in 2nd in OTEV, you came in FOURTH! That’s not even a bronze, that’s not even a metal! You couldn’t even get a metal (in OTEV). I’m loving every second of JC checking Faysal. Haleigh can’t do it. His arrogance smothers any breath she has wasted on telling him to stop saying and doing ridiculous nonsense. Faysal marched into the HOH Friday night (just after Haleigh finished her 1-1 and playing the submissive role) telling Angela YOU CANT put Haleigh up! Don’t you dare put Haleigh up. Faysal behaving like he still has any power in this game! I don’t know how Haleigh does it. It’s the equivalent of Tyler enduring Kaitlin for 3 weeks. Ugh! Haleigh had spent her 1-1 time downplaying any animosity between her and Angela. Haleigh told Angela she understands Angela will probably nominate Haleigh since Haleigh nominated her. It would make sense. Angela tells Haleigh she will be putting her up as a pawn. Haleigh makes NO arguments about it. In Haleigh’s situation it was the best way she could have managed this pre-nominations. Faysal spent hours Thursday after the HOH being absolute there’s NO WAY Angela puts her up! It would be so stupid. The plan is to get Sam out don’t worry. What’s funny is he never even considers he might go up next to her! All he does is reassure her she’s safe Angela would NEVER betray their 19 hour old F4 they made with Angela and Tyler. Haleigh knew the moment Angela won she was going up! She sulked and pouted. She knew it was highly likely Faysal would go up next to her. Faysal however believes he’s the genius of the season having taken out Scottie. In part because there was no flipped vote and it was the first unanimous vote of the season. What Faysal doesn’t understand is it was unanimous because you did exactly what L6 and JC wanted you to do! It didn’t help that she walked in on L6 celebrating Angela’s win! All Four of the remaining L6 players were in the bedroom jumping and celebrating when Haleigh walks in they immediately stopped! They couldn’t have made it more obvious with Brett there. They shouldn’t have stopped. Brett could have easily played it off as he’s working the HOH and doesn’t want to be nominated but when all 4 stop cold turkey that narrative becomes a lot harder to sell. Instead she tells Faysal they are all working together. Everything makes sense they’ve been working together all along. Haleigh tells Faysal Thursday night, we don’t have a chance now. They got you to send our only other ally on your HOH and made it so during my HOH Angie went home! We are the worst players ever! That all happens before nominations. So when Faysal blows into the HOH after Haleigh did good work here with Angela he of course manages to torpedo the efforts Haleigh made. Faysal tells Angela she cannot out Haleigh OTB. Don’t you dare put Haleigh up there! He never once campaigns for himself not to go up. It’s mind blowing to me how absurdly oblivious he is. I had such hopes for him preseason! I can’t even say at this point that Haleigh was the cause of Faysal being such a bad player. I still think if Haleigh had not been there he would have played the same way. Brut force. Thursday night L6 met and confirmed the plans. Initially Angela was thinking of putting Haleigh next to Sam. We all knew that would be a strategic error. Had she done that and Faysal won Veto now he and Haleigh would be safe and they have to put one of their own allies next to Sam. With only 3 votes required to evict this week that’s entirely too dangerous! L6 agrees Faysal needs to sit next to Haleigh which ensures one of them goes home. L6 doesn’t agree initially on who the actual target should be. Brett was clear he wants Faysal to go. Angela and Tyler of course are more threatened by Haleigh (as they should be). Brett is very aware that it is likely a but back happens this week and a DE will follow the next. IMO Brett is confident he can pull Haleigh his way with Faysal gone. Competition wise he’s far more threatened by Faysal. Brett also knows Faysal will come for Brett if for no other reason than Haleigh and Brett spend a lot of time together and look what happened to Scottie. Tyler and Angela should be more afraid of Haleigh. She’s a better game player. She’s not as malleable as Faysal. JC has Faysal in his pocket with Haleigh gone. Tyler also knows he is more likely to be able to get Faysal in his pocket with Haleigh gone. Haleigh is the one that flipped the vote to evict Kaitlin. Haleigh is better at mental competitions which are key competitions in the last stretch of the game. L6 eventually agrees they need to target Faysal and want him to stay OTB. I’m hoping Tyler is just waiting to see how Veto plays out before making any moves towards flipping the target onto Haleigh. I’m also hoping his recent lackadaisical attitude doesn’t continue. What Tyler tells Angela about the nominations gives me hope he is ready to put the pedal to the metal. Tyler suggests to Angela that she should make sure Haleigh’s picture shows up first during her nominations. He explained that ensuring Faysal’s picture shows up second sets these nominations up for maximum affect! They expect Haleigh to be nominated so when those two see her face it won’t be a surprise. Then when suddenly Faysal’s face shows up and not Sam’s...WHAM! Now that is the kind of thing I want to see from Tyler! It’s Angela doing it. Faysal will of course be blindsided. Tyler was spot on! When the nominations happened on Friday Faysal was shook! Faydal didn’t see it coming! Faysal thought when he was HOH that meant he could just sit in the HOH and take a week off of playing the game! Literally that’s what he said his his HOH vlog! He also, like every other HOH this season, said he’s close with Tyler in addition to Haleigh and JC. LOL. Faysal was so surprised he was nominated he just sat there staring at his picture on the screen. He didn’t even hear anything Angela said! We find that out when JC asks him did you even hear Angela’s nominations speech? Faysal admits he didn’t. LOL. You can watch Haleigh and Faysal’s reactions to being nominated here: This is the week Flopte finally has an accurate insight into the game! A day later and a dollar short but...fortunately for LF we are gifted with their epiphany Friday night! Saturday morning Veto players were drawn and so far this weekend it’s been the most drama we’Ve seen on the feeds. Haleigh drew HG choice and selected SAM to play in the veto! Sam who Haleigh knows HATES her! Faysal was the one that pushed Haleigh to pick Sam if she drew HG choice. Faysal has somewhat of a relationship with Sam. It’s possible good for him but not for Haleigh. The only defense I can make for Haleigh making this decision would be if JC had already been selected. Veto Players: HOH-Angela Nominees-Haleigh/Faysal Players- JC, Kaycee, Sam Tyler was chosen to host Haleigh’s pick for the Veto made Angela livid! She was furious that Faysal told Haleigh to choose Sam. Angela and L4 meet post veto draw and are incredulous about that! Angela even tells Haleigh later that Faysal telling her that was clearly done to try and save himself! Why would he tell you to pick Sam? He told you that because there’s a chance Sam would save him while NO chance you would come off the block if she won. The dramatics following the veto draw were at least entertaining. Personally, I don’t think it was that bad of a move. All of the HG know that Sam always wants to save someone from the block. If Sam were to win it may be the only shot both Haleigh and Faysal have of surviving the week. Don’t get me wrong I don’t credit Faysal with doing it because he’s aware that’s the only shot. I’m just saying that Sam playing whether Haleigh chose her or not was actually a smart move. Follow me here. Let’s speculate what would happen if Sam won the veto. She takes Faysal down. Sam is safe. Now Angela either has to nominate JC or one of L6 in Faysal’s place. This could have been VERY dangerous for Tyler. Angela has talked in the DR about targeting Tyler. We got a leak from production explaining what Tyler and Angela discuss in their DR’s about each other. We were informed that Angela sways back and forth between getting close with Tyler. She has said she planned to take the shot at Tyler and get him out! Angela was banking on that being her ‘big game move’ this season. Even if Angela didn’t have the courage to throw Tyler OTB a JC nomination would have created an opportunity for Haleigh to go to work and shift the target onto JC. JC’s antics pitting Tyler/Brett against each other could have actually made this possible! So many things have happened organically to protect Tyler. It’s amazing to me! He’s playing a brilliant game and the luck aspect has also worked in addition to his active game play. Feeds were down ALL DAY and most of the night Saturday. Brett and Tyler were sequestered in the HOH for a good 8-9 hours while the competition was happening. Turns out Tyler not being chosen for the veto actually was in his best interest! Brett and Tyler get around to comparing notes about JC! The veto JC is finally playing in ends up working against him! LOL. Once Brett and Tyler mutually agree JC has been actively working to make them turn in each other the wheels start turning! Brett admits he’s been feeling like he’s the bottom tier of L6. Brett admits he’s felt distanced from the team since he’s shifted to working the other side of the house for L6. Tyler and Brett then discuss Angela/Kaycee’s connection. The guys discuss the fact that those two are so tight they are likely to choose each other. Tyler sells to Brett that if Brett if 4th in the hierarchy the Tyler is 3rd. Eventually these two make a F2! As annoyed as I was that this veto was taking SO long this made it worth it! I’m still infuriated that production turned the feeds on for BBAD so viewers could watch Tyler/Brett in the HOH later in the night but not the FEEDS! Why turn it on for the broadcast and not go ahead and turn it on for the LF’s? Feeds don’t return until after 10:30 pm and we have Faysal/Haleigh commiserating in the PBR alone! Faysal just keeps saying how did she beat me! She beat me! I can’t believe I lost to HER! This leads to me switch cams to discover ‘HER’ is KAYCEE! Kaycee won the veto! OMG! This couldn’t be better! Remember last week when Haleigh continuously told Faysal he needed to be targeting Angela/Kaycee? Remember all the times he’s said Angela and Kaycee aren’t competition threats to his game? Remember how many times he’s said Kaycee and JC are the worst competitors in the game? Now! Now the week after Faysal takes out one of his own allies during his HOH reign Angela wins HOH and nominated both Faysal and Haleigh! The cherry on top of this Farrell’s Zoo sundae is Kaycee beating him in the Veto and being the one that ensures they both stay OTB! L6 gathered in the HOH as previously planned (just after midnight) and celebrated over Angela’s HOH wine! They had the discussion the other day about how nearly every HOH has shared their alcohol or at least offered except Haleigh. Haleigh drinks every other HOH’s alcohol but never shares hers and she and JC drank Faysal’s bottle he requested. What’s hilarious about this? As soon as Angela pours the wine Haleigh comes up to the HOH! I swear she can smell wine a mile away! She comes in the room and comments oh it smells like wine? Angela saw her coming and hid their cups of wine before she entered! LOL. Honestly I don’t blame her! Angela sprays perfume to smother the wine smell. Once Haleigh leaves they are toast and enjoy their celebrations and wine before going downstairs to eat. They wanted to drink first for maximum effect. HG got alcohol Thursday night but JC, Tyler, and Sam were HN’s and couldn’t partake. So Angela made sure to propose L6 meet in the HOH at midnight when HN’s end so they can enjoy her wine together. There you have it! The feeds continue to slow down with each passing day. However, when things do happen they are significant! Expect to see Faysal and Haleigh side by side Thursday night! I will be tracking the target post veto ceremony on Monday. I do think sending Haleigh out this week is the smarter strategic move. Even if the jury buy back wasn’t happening. Tyler and Angela discussed whether he should sleep upstairs Saturday. He said as soon as she won he’s going to Saturday night. She said it was up to him but Tyler said he should sleep downstairs although he wants to spend the night with her. Instead Tyler asks Angela for a date when they get out of the house. She agrees. Now this I’m good with! Nice work Tyler. Make sure she knows you’re genuinely interested and it’s not just game. This should help disarm and paranoia she has. Game wise it’s smart for both of them to put this new infatuation with each other on the back burner for the rest of the season. Meanwhile JC is telling Brett he needs to go upstairs and sleep with Angela. Brett was like, you want me to ‘sleep’ with her? JC affirms. Brett is clearly shocked and mildly amused. JC and Brett eventually make their way upstairs in the late hours. Tyler heads downstairs to go to bed. This makes JC happy. Although when I turned on the feeds this morning Tyler was back in the HOH cuddling with Angela. Brett and Kaycee were up there until 3-4 a.m so he wasn’t up there all night but Sam is up and about before Tyler takes the opportunity to sneak out. Tyler REALLY needs to be more purposeful in his decision making surrounding Angela. Tyler did reassure Brett that his connection to Angela won’t interfere with his game. I just keep seeing him one foot in one foot out and if I see it so do the other HG’s. My dream scenario this week is: Haleigh is evicted Thursday. Scottie wins the buy back and returns to the game! Scottie wins HOH and takes Faysal out! How glorious would this be?! Scottie nominates Faysal and JC next to each other! It’s time JC hits the block! He is now the only player left who hasn’t tasted the block this season! Let them vote Faysal out. Scottie can’t play in the DE. Leaving JC against all of the L6. Then L6 can go after JC in the DE. I know targeting Sam in the DE would be most desirable because they don’t have to endure a week of her paranoia but my scenario doesn’t allow for that. If Sam were to win an HOH after this point I think she would be more likely to target Angela and I’m ok with that. The RealiTea is L6 could actually make it to F4 together! I don’t think that’s necessarily the best case scenario for anyone but Kaycee but it’s possible we could in fact see a team that formed day 3 make it to the end together and that’s kind of exciting. As we are stating Sunday I don’t expect much game to happen today. I will be back with Monday’s Veto ceremony fallout. There is still PLENTY of game left this season!
  13. Please post ONLY Live Feed, televised show, Big Brother After Dark observations and screen captures here ! Here's a handy guide you can print out to identify the HGs until you learn their names. CLICK HERE If you are adding personal comments, please keep them to a minimum and use brackets [personal comment]around the text. Remember your time zones. Big Brother Time (BBT) is West Coast Daylight Saving Time (See Map Here). Please be careful in identifying who is speaking, and do not use confusing abbreviations. We may have several HGs with names which start with the same letter. Try to be consistent with abbreviations, like: Washroom Area (WA) Water Closet (WC) Kitchen (KT) Living Room (LR) Back Yard (BY) Bedroom (BR) Indoor Lock Down (ILD) Outdoor Lock Down (OLD) Head of House Room (HOHR) Storage Room (SR) Blue bedroom (BBR) Pink bedroom (PBR) The combined bedroom is (CBR) The fidget spinner bedroom is (SBR) It only takes a few good posts to earn your "Live Feed Updater" badge and LFU status. Also, all registered members of the forums have access to our chat rooms, at http://www.tvfanforums.net/index.php?/chat.html/ Stop in talk to SMVanBoyz, Fuskie, and I'm in there from time-to-time too. It's fun to be able to watch the feeds at dish the HGs at the same time. Please feel free to post info for other updaters to let them know how long you can update, or when you're taking a break and you want someone else to take over. ...And pictures, screen caps are welcome here too. Thank you! -Morty
  14. Please post ONLY Live Feed, televised show, Big Brother After Dark observations and screen captures here ! Here's a handy guide you can print out to identify the HGs until you learn their names. CLICK HERE If you are adding personal comments, please keep them to a minimum and use brackets [personal comment]around the text. Remember your time zones. Big Brother Time (BBT) is West Coast Daylight Saving Time (See Map Here). Please be careful in identifying who is speaking, and do not use confusing abbreviations. We may have several HGs with names which start with the same letter. Try to be consistent with abbreviations, like: Washroom Area (WA) Water Closet (WC) Kitchen (KT) Living Room (LR) Back Yard (BY) Bedroom (BR) Indoor Lock Down (ILD) Outdoor Lock Down (OLD) Head of House Room (HOHR) Storage Room (SR) Blue bedroom (BBR) Pink bedroom (PBR) The combined bedroom is (CBR) The fidget spinner bedroom is (SBR) It only takes a few good posts to earn your "Live Feed Updater" badge and LFU status. Also, all registered members of the forums have access to our chat rooms, at http://www.tvfanforums.net/index.php?/chat.html/ Stop in talk to SMVanBoyz, Fuskie, and I'm in there from time-to-time too. It's fun to be able to watch the feeds at dish the HGs at the same time. Please feel free to post info for other updaters to let them know how long you can update, or when you're taking a break and you want someone else to take over. ...And pictures, screen caps are welcome here too. Thank you! -Morty
  15. Please post ONLY Live Feed, televised show, Big Brother After Dark observations and screen captures here ! Here's a handy guide you can print out to identify the HGs until you learn their names. CLICK HERE If you are adding personal comments, please keep them to a minimum and use brackets [personal comment]around the text. Remember your time zones. Big Brother Time (BBT) is West Coast Daylight Saving Time (See Map Here). Please be careful in identifying who is speaking, and do not use confusing abbreviations. We may have several HGs with names which start with the same letter. Try to be consistent with abbreviations, like: Washroom Area (WA) Water Closet (WC) Kitchen (KT) Living Room (LR) Back Yard (BY) Bedroom (BR) Indoor Lock Down (ILD) Outdoor Lock Down (OLD) Head of House Room (HOHR) Storage Room (SR) Blue bedroom (BBR) Pink bedroom (PBR) The combined bedroom is (CBR) The fidget spinner bedroom is (SBR) It only takes a few good posts to earn your "Live Feed Updater" badge and LFU status. Also, all registered members of the forums have access to our chat rooms, at http://www.tvfanforums.net/index.php?/chat.html/ Stop in talk to SMVanBoyz, Fuskie, and I'm in there from time-to-time too. It's fun to be able to watch the feeds at dish the HGs at the same time. Please feel free to post info for other updaters to let them know how long you can update, or when you're taking a break and you want someone else to take over. ...And pictures, screen caps are welcome here too. Thank you! -Morty
  16. Feeds have been a lot of rinse and repeat given everyone believing Scottie will be voted out Thursday. There’s been some talks between different combinations of L6 and JC about who to target in the event this week is a DE. We know it isn’t this week but their plan would be to target Haleigh telling her she’s a pawn next to Sam. This ends up being tossed around Tuesday/Wednesday. L6 minus Brett talk again and decide in a DE it’s better to bite the bullet and nominate Haleigh/Faysal side by side. Tyler/Angela/Kaycee have said they prefer Brett win the next HOH and take the shot. JC knows it’s in his best interest to avoid winning HOH and he’s correct. For now. Faysal and Haleigh believe Sam is the house’s next target so while they all have the same plan they have different goals. Faysal and Haleigh want Sam out next. Everyone else wants Haleigh out next except for Brett. He of course has bond with Haleigh so he would target Faysal over Haleigh. Although Tyler and JC know they both have more influence over Faysal. The power struggle within is already beginning to emerge. JC can’t stop harping on Tyler about not getting into a showmance with Angela. Tyler has assured JC he has nothing to worry about. I’m not confident that’s the case. I think it’s more than halfway through the season, he genuinely likes Angela, and they are spending way too much time together. I hope that Tyler maintains his preseason attitude and doesn’t get distracted by her. He can take her out somewhere very nice post season with $500k! I’m just saying. JC is JC. He’s a HN this week which means he’s cranky! He rearranged the letters on Brett’s granny sweater from his punishment. JC wore the sweater making it say “I’m Angry”. What it should say is I’m HANGRY (hungry+angry). That’s what my daughter is when she’s hungry! JC doesn’t do well with lack of sleep, food, and hot showers. Unlike Tyler who seems to always just soar through it with flying colors. JC has gone to Tyler multiple times emphasizing being linked with Angela is bad for them both! JC of course fears if Angela and Tyler become a pair that leaves him in jeopardy of losing Tyler. Eventually JC admits to Tyler he’s jealous of his connection to Angela. Tyler needs to be VERY careful here. Wednesday JC went to Brett planting seeds about Angela and Tyler becoming an item. This is a common strategy for JC. Go to Tyler and make him feel threatened by Brett. Go to Brett making him feel threatened by Tyler. What’s unusual is JC always protects Tyler. That’s not the case in the scenario. Quite the opposite in fact. Tyler has played a very smart game that now. He needs to watch JC closely. JC better hope Tyler doesn’t begin to really doubt JC because he’s an easy one to expose and make a house target. Targeting Sam during the DE wouldn’t be a horrible idea. She had less than an hour to freak out! That’s everyone’s feat of nominating Sam! She will freak out all week and loose canon honestly isn’t good for anyone’s game! The DE should happen next week. Tonight’s HOH is similar to the candy/carnival one we’ve seen a lot of the last few seasons. Collect tickets turn them in for chances to roll the ball and win HOH. Based on the numbers and imminent DE I’m expecting a reset twist of some sort. There won’t be a jury buyback competition. At least not one that includes Bayleigh and Angie. Tonight’s HOH comp is terrible for Haleigh (yah!). She’s basically up against the entire house since Faysal can’t play and Scottie will be evicted. What L6 needs to be careful of is the temptation to work together feeding tickets to let’s say Brett. That will expose and facade that still exists heading into tonight. Remember Angela/Tyler now have a fake F4 with the showmance. Kaycee also struck her own deal with Faysal. Wednesday the house was heating up! It was fire this afternoon! Literally! Brett proved he is the IDIOT, not Blockstar! He caught the oven on fire while cooking bacon in the oven. Feeds were down while production managed the problem and the clean up. Sam did put it out! Here’s a brief clip of the oven catching fire. Sam is attempting to quit smoking despite the fact Faysal didn’t nominate Haleigh. She and Scottie had a long talk. Apparently Scottie gave a rousing speech against Sam during his veto speech. Now remember he believed Sam was going to be the replacement nominee after he tried the hustle Faysal. Scottie had some serious damage control to do with Sam. I don’t think it makes a difference. It likely even Sam will vote against Scottie now! He gave her a run down of how the hive was always so mean to him. Faysal is the one that told him the only shot Scottie might have to stay is put Sam next to him. Scottie also decided to raid the house supplies as he packed his suitcases Wednesday. He took everything he could think of that everyone in the house uses like razors, shampoo, sponges, mouthwash, even an entire box of condoms! Yes the season’s virgin king snagged a Costco size box of Trojans. LOL Here’s a 20 minute clip of his shenanigans: I figure there are one of two reasons he would take condoms. Maybe he is preparing for all the Scottie STANS post show who are eager to deliver not only his first kiss but much more. However my other theory is he’s taking them in an attempt to perhaps keep Faysal from sealing the deal with Haleigh? That seems much more like a Scottie thing to do. Eventually production called him to the DR. It’s not unusual for HG’s to snag some BB memorabilia on their way out of the door. Remember Big Meech took props from around the house to sell on eBay in BB18 and Paul’s duck! I loved that move it still makes me laugh! Kidnapping Pablo was epic! However it is a first to see one take actually house supplies from the SR room! He came in a RAT and is leaving a RAT. Not only that but this move also makes me think he’s already a bitter juror and he’s not even out of the house yet! Tonight’s live eviction vote shouldn’t surprise anyone. The entire house knows Scottie needs to go. Faysal is just dumb enough to send one of his own allies out! I will be curious to see if we can continue the trend of a new HOH every week! It’s time for a Kaycee win and I could see Themis potentially being her comp. as long as Haleigh doesn’t win things look pretty good. I’m not so sure Brett winning is the best idea but maybe he’s unaware enough to tow the L6 line one more week! The RealiTea is the people left outside of Haleigh and Faysal will turn inward this week! Even if it’s just setting up targets for the next HOH which will be the DE HOH.
  17. Please post ONLY Live Feed, televised show, Big Brother After Dark observations and screen captures here ! Here's a handy guide you can print out to identify the HGs until you learn their names. CLICK HERE If you are adding personal comments, please keep them to a minimum and use brackets [personal comment]around the text. Remember your time zones. Big Brother Time (BBT) is West Coast Daylight Saving Time (See Map Here). Please be careful in identifying who is speaking, and do not use confusing abbreviations. We may have several HGs with names which start with the same letter. Try to be consistent with abbreviations, like: Washroom Area (WA) Water Closet (WC) Kitchen (KT) Living Room (LR) Back Yard (BY) Bedroom (BR) Indoor Lock Down (ILD) Outdoor Lock Down (OLD) Head of House Room (HOHR) Storage Room (SR) Blue bedroom (BBR) Pink bedroom (PBR) The combined bedroom is (CBR) The fidget spinner bedroom is (SBR) It only takes a few good posts to earn your "Live Feed Updater" badge and LFU status. Also, all registered members of the forums have access to our chat rooms, at http://www.tvfanforums.net/index.php?/chat.html/ Stop in talk to SMVanBoyz, Fuskie, and I'm in there from time-to-time too. It's fun to be able to watch the feeds at dish the HGs at the same time. Please feel free to post info for other updaters to let them know how long you can update, or when you're taking a break and you want someone else to take over. ...And pictures, screen caps are welcome here too. Thank you! -Morty
  18. Faysal received his HOH room close to 10:30 pm. Of course that’s because he didn’t hold up in a room trying to hold 1-1’s as soon as they returned to the house. Flopte is in power again this week but do they really have the power in the house? As soon as his letter is read he gives his own HOH speech telling everyone he’s not having them tonight. Sam stays just briefly and let’s him know she’s happy for him but she’s going to finally take her shower. Haleigh and Faysal has talked privately in the geo room but it’s Haleigh and Faysal! They appear to agree Scottie was likely the one that voted for Kaycee. He tells her Angela and Kaycee are not competitive threats. He says Tyler, Brett, and Scottie are the most likely candidates but he doesn’t know how close she really is to any of them! LOL This pisses her off. Ironically Faysal throws Haleigh saying she can’t trust him (Faysal) sometimes last week when she was HOH. She gets haughty and says go ahead and put me OTB then! Good Lord these two are so BAD! Faysal goes on to point out Angela won HOH and Haleigh won the Hacker but Bayleigh still went home. Then Haleigh wins her HOH and they end up sending one of their own out again with Angie leaving tonight! Now he has HOH and...so what happens in the HOH fits right into these two’s constant disfunction. Faysal announces he’s not down for the status quo B.S. tonight where people come up and feed him a bunch of garbage just throwing each other under the bus. He’s going to do what he’s going to do. He’s tired of being lied to and no one ever telling him what’s going on in this house. He does say that tomorrow if people want to come and talk to him of their own volition they are welcome to come up. Before King Faysal dismisses everybody he asks the burning question. He would like to know which one of them actually voted for Angie to stay. Meaning tell me in front of everyone who voted to evict Kaycee! LOL. Scottie of course immediately puts his hand up. A moment or two or three passes and Brett chimes in! Brett says, “F it! I’m the one who voted for Angie to stay.” Scottie immediately laughs and so do I! Mostly because there was such a long pause and the way Brett said I half expected people to laugh. Nope! This turns into a brief sarcastic exchange between Scottie and Brett. Brett says he’s sorry to Kaycee he didn’t want to out himself in front of everyone but he’s not going to sit there and essentially let Scottie lie! Scottie seems as though of course he expected people to throw him UTB and imply he flipped his vote and voted with the house. What I didn’t expect was Kaycee to chime in and tell Brett it’s ok man. THIS is what makes Scottie indignant! Scottie comments about how Brett is simply putting on a show. Kaycee counters that with come on man just own it. Brett and I have never been close so it makes sense but she talks to Scottie all the time. That leads to a heated exchange between Scottie and Kaycee as everyone sits their playing the shock and awe card from the L6 side. Brett throws in a comment here and there but it’s mostly Kaycee (over reacting) appalled Scottie is lying. Which makes no sense since this version of tales would mean that Scottie voted for Kaycee to stay! Why are you arguing and lashing out at someone you believe voted for you to stay? Scottie is PISSED but he handles himself pretty well all things considered. No on is vouching for him. Kaycee goes a rant about how people have been treating her differently all week. People were acting sketchy to her. Why would Scottie lie right now. She and Scottie talk all the time! She’s NEVER been close to Brett! Why would Brett lie she’s NEVER talked game with Brett. She and Scottie talk all the time they’ve always been cool! Come on man you and I have always talked and hung out. Eventually when Faysal interjects pointing out this is exactly what he’s talking about. Ironically before the HOH reveal Scottie and Haleigh already had a hyper whispering 1-1 talking about the vote and he’s sure someone will try to say he flipped but he didn’t. Haleigh has said of course she knows, she believes him. But does she? Don’t be so sure about that. Faysal basically kicks everyone out of his room and tells them he will see them tomorrow. Kaycee heads down to the BBR and acts heated pacing back and forth. Scottie however mumbles under his breath, appears visibly upset but trying to compose himself and not take the bait L6 has clearly set for him to bite. Let me empathize Kaycee’s attempt at blowing up here is really bad. The whole thing feels very staged and you can see both Faysal and Haleigh have that same feeling but...it’s Flopte! They aren’t difficult to confuse. JC goes to work on Haleigh! They go to the sky lounge and start hashing through all of their issues. JC does a REMARKABLE job here! He’s talking fast but he’s laying down a timeline and sprinkling it with some facts to make Haleigh doubt Scottie. He also is working on gaining her trust with Faysal as HOH he expects his two closest allies to make peace and get on the same page! JC is going all the way back to week 2 and dropping seeds of doubt in Scottie here and there with enough to make Haleigh begin to appear to buy into what JC is selling. JC is able to counter all the things Scottie has been whispering about that she then told Faysal. Of course Faysal told JC so he knows what he needs to say here. JC had also already had a brief convo with L6 downstairs agreeing to pin the vote on Brett leaving Scottie out to dry. This was all fun to watch. It wasn’t all great game play. It certainly wasn’t all good acting. Let’s be real here though it’s what Faysal WANTS to believe because he hates Scottie. Faysal wants Scottie out and if JC and Brett tag teaming the two of them can create enough paranoia they may actually be able to confuse Haleigh enough where she won’t balk to hard at Faysal taking the shot! This all happened before 11:30 pm last night. We will have to wait and see if any of it took root. I’m confident even if Faysal thinks this smell of BS he will not care. It aligns with an incentive to do what deep down he really wants to do! Get Scottie away from Haleigh. Could we have another week where Flopte actually targets one of their own and evicts an ally on their own HOH? There’s a long week ahead but this certainly is a possibility by the time we reach Monday and the veto ceremony. I’d suspect Faysal throws some pawns up with the intent of sniffing out the BS in the house and BD one of the guys (other than JC). That makes sense. However it’s Faysal so logic and reason do not play a role in his game. That’s the RealiTea of Flopte! L6 has such a tight grip on the house anything could happen this week!
  19. Please post ONLY Live Feed, televised show, Big Brother After Dark observations and screen captures here ! Here's a handy guide you can print out to identify the HGs until you learn their names. CLICK HERE If you are adding personal comments, please keep them to a minimum and use brackets [personal comment]around the text. Remember your time zones. Big Brother Time (BBT) is West Coast Daylight Saving Time (See Map Here). Please be careful in identifying who is speaking, and do not use confusing abbreviations. We may have several HGs with names which start with the same letter. Try to be consistent with abbreviations, like: Washroom Area (WA) Water Closet (WC) Kitchen (KT) Living Room (LR) Back Yard (BY) Bedroom (BR) Indoor Lock Down (ILD) Outdoor Lock Down (OLD) Head of House Room (HOHR) Storage Room (SR) Blue bedroom (BBR) Pink bedroom (PBR) The combined bedroom is (CBR) The fidget spinner bedroom is (SBR) It only takes a few good posts to earn your "Live Feed Updater" badge and LFU status. Also, all registered members of the forums have access to our chat rooms, at http://www.tvfanforums.net/index.php?/chat.html/ Stop in talk to SMVanBoyz, Fuskie, and I'm in there from time-to-time too. It's fun to be able to watch the feeds at dish the HGs at the same time. Please feel free to post info for other updaters to let them know how long you can update, or when you're taking a break and you want someone else to take over. ...And pictures, screen caps are welcome here too. Thank you! -Morty
  20. Please post ONLY Live Feed, televised show, Big Brother After Dark observations and screen captures here ! Here's a handy guide you can print out to identify the HGs until you learn their names. CLICK HERE If you are adding personal comments, please keep them to a minimum and use brackets [personal comment]around the text. Remember your time zones. Big Brother Time (BBT) is West Coast Daylight Saving Time (See Map Here). Please be careful in identifying who is speaking, and do not use confusing abbreviations. We may have several HGs with names which start with the same letter. Try to be consistent with abbreviations, like: Washroom Area (WA) Water Closet (WC) Kitchen (KT) Living Room (LR) Back Yard (BY) Bedroom (BR) Indoor Lock Down (ILD) Outdoor Lock Down (OLD) Head of House Room (HOHR) Storage Room (SR) Blue bedroom (BBR) Pink bedroom (PBR) The combined bedroom is (CBR) The fidget spinner bedroom is (SBR) It only takes a few good posts to earn your "Live Feed Updater" badge and LFU status. Also, all registered members of the forums have access to our chat rooms, at http://www.tvfanforums.net/index.php?/chat.html/ Stop in talk to SMVanBoyz, Fuskie, and I'm in there from time-to-time too. It's fun to be able to watch the feeds at dish the HGs at the same time. Please feel free to post info for other updaters to let them know how long you can update, or when you're taking a break and you want someone else to take over. ...And pictures, screen caps are welcome here too. Thank you! -Morty
  21. Sunday I left you with Sam’s bold attempt to convince Brett to use his veto to save Scottie. Well, after most of us LF’s logged off for the night Sam and Scottie hatched a plan. Brett was still in the BY as they decided Sam would convince Faysal to replace Brett (at the veto ceremony) with Haleigh. Yes, ladies and gentlemen Sam is convinced she can in fact persuade Faysal to target his ‘girlfriend’ in the house! You read that correctly and as funny as that statement is, it’s not nearly as funny as Sam’s efforts on Sunday to do just that! The RealiTea is that Scottie knows he’s dead in the water. Brett knows without a doubt there’s no chance Sam can swing his. However, both players are desperate enough, for their own motives, to encourage Sam to give it her best shot! Brett doing so just because he thinks it will be hilarious! Scottie because he’s out of ideas and knows he’s going to be the one voted out so this is his Hail Mary! As for Sam....well in all honesty I truly believe Sam is trying to play the game. Before I head into Sam pitching her ideas to Faysal, I want to share one last moment from late Saturday night Scottie. Scottie retells the HOH meeting to Sam. Remember Sam left the HOH right after the reveal to go shower. She missed Faysal asking the whole house, “tell me which one of you actually voted to keep Angie?” In case you missed seeing this it’s where Brett and Scottie both claim to be the only vote to keep Angie. The retell is almost as entertaining as the actual moment it happened. You can view it below: Sam was up early as usual Sunday morning. Faysal however isn’t usually one of the first to rise and Sunday he had been called to the DR so Sam catches him when it’s just Sam, Faysal, and Scottie awake. Production allowed the HG to sleep a little later this day. So asks Faysal to have a chat. They head to the BY.10:25 am. Sam proceeds to tell Faysal that she has an idea. She wants Faysal to know that Haleigh has been playing him this entire time. Haleigh has had a secret ‘relationship’ with Scottie and they have been conspiring all along and just using Faysal. When Sam lays this out initially you can see in Faysal’s face he’s actually wondering if this could in fact be true. Fortunately for him Sam keeps talking! Sam goes on to say she doesn’t like the way Haleigh bosses him around. She’s a master manipulator. Sam also tells him when the all girls alliance (AGA) was being formed Haleigh said she would vote Faysal out. Reassuring the ladies she’s with them, her attachment to Faysal won’t prevent her from being loyal to AGA (true). Sam then proceeds to tell Faysal he needs to get Haleigh out of the house! Again pushing she takes more than she gives. Sam loves Faysal he’s a good guy, moving forward Sam is playing the game and she wants to make a deal with him! Faysal likes hearing this. He told Sam no one in this house ever talks game with me, no one has offered me deals. He appears open to hearing Sam’s idea. Sam says she’s ready to play this game! She wants to play with Faysal! They can make it to the end! She believes in him, she needs a partner! Then she tells him he just needs to throw Haleigh OTB when Brett comes down and the house will vote her out! She’s awful she needs to go! Sam then says Faysal if you do this it is BIG MOVE! You’re making a legendary move! If you put her up and we get her out this week, I am with you, and I will quit smoking right then! You can go to the SR with me break up all of my cigarettes and THROW THEM AWAY! Let’s do this! Right now! Now she tells him, you need to commit to me right now you will do it! Come on! Pinky Swear right now! Faysal is absolutely mind blown at what Sam just said and is proposing. He says its a lot to take in. You just gave me a lot all at once. I need to think about it. I have to consider what’s best for my game! Sam’s pitch is like an accidental mix of JC’s boarish way of jamming a lot of crazy insights all at once and saying this is what you need to do and Tyler/Brett’s abilities to make a plan and go to work making it happen. I mean she trashes Haleigh but she also feeds Faysal lines like, she’s using you, she’s making a fool of you, they’ve been playing you the whole time. All ways to make him question Haleigh and whether she has been using him. Then she pushes a plan like YOU NEED TO DO THIS! Now, Sam is not JC, Brett, or Tyler but she’s giving us the full Sam version of how she thinks she needs to play this and it’s as bad as it is funny! Sam goes on to dismiss Faysal’s desire the think about. She says like a 100 times over and over, “come on! Let’s do this! You and me to the end! Let’s get Haleigh out! Pinky Swear! You will be making a big game move and saving my life because I will quit smoking.” Over and over and over refusing to accept ‘I will think about it.’ Instead she tells him no he can’t think about! He needs to promise her right now because if he thinks about it he will talk himself out of it or let people (like JC/Haleigh) get in his ear and chicken out! Faysal’s real response to 40 minutes of Sam saying over and over and over come on, pinky promise me right now is the same as most of us LF as we witness this! You can see Faysal hug Sam at the end of it and look at the camera mouthing his reply here: Faysal enters the house from this insanely unreal proposal of Sam’s the fine Scottie hanging in the KIT. Faysal comes in and talks to Scottie. He’s doing damage control here but if he’s not considering Sam’s proposal then this is Faysal doing some jury management here? I’m not sure which in this moment but he tells Scottie he wasn’t really his ‘target’. He’s sorry it all happened this way. He likes him, blah blah blah. Faysal then says he’s not sure who he will replace Brett with. Scottie pounces on that without hesitation. Scottie then tells Faysal he has some ideas about that. They should talk. Now Scottie is being more relaxed than Sam was. He is letting the natural flow of conversation unfold but he then tells Faysal, “without naming any names there’s one person everyone will vote out leaving no blood.” Now Faysal is interested. My belief here is Faysal was expecting Scottie to suggest Sam. Sam being the replacement nominee would make sense coming from Scottie for the same reasons Faysal has said he won’t put Sam next to Scottie (in other conversations). I mean they all agree Sam has been acting crazy. She’s always talking about self evicting so of course Faysal expects that to be his suggestion. Nope! Scottie tells Faysal they’ve both been getting played by this person all season. They’re both being manipulated. Scottie says, “I don’t want to say names out here in the open but let’s just say it’s Kaitlin 2.0. Whoa! What? You can see it on Faysal’s face! Did Scottie just pitch evicting Haleigh on my HOH? Yep! He sure did! Now I don’t think Faysal is that shocked, surprised yes because he was confident he would say Sam. But now...now Faysal has all he needs! He’s been suspicious of Scottie this entire season! He’s been telling Haleigh all along this kid is sketchy! Now I can prove to her that I’M RIGHT she’s wrong come on over here and kiss the ring! Faysal is giddy with excitement. He cannot wait to throw this in Haleigh’s face! In fact he actually taunts her for hours, “Wait until I tell you! Wow! People are pitching some CRAZY things to me! You won’t believe the pitches I am getting.” Then doesn’t tell her just says I will tell you later. Now the rest of the house and up and moving. Faysal is informed he must choose 3 people to be HN this week. Now that the hacker twist is over HN have resumed. You should expect them to continue until we reach F6. So after some incredibly awkward, um, uh, well, I know JC is a HN for sure! I’m making him a HN he needs to do it he didn’t even do a full week his first time (he didn’t). No one is quick to volunteer which until now has been the case. Sam eventually volunteers, I’ll do it!” Faysal thinks Tyler is looking at him as if he’s willing so he finally says ok yeah I will do it. This will be Tyler’s 3rd time in 8 weeks as a HN when many other HG like HALEIGH (whose turn it was this week) have only done it once. We know damn well he was NOT making Haleigh a HN when he’s HOH! He finally has her sleeping with him upstairs, agreeing they are a showmance (yeah that happened). He is not giving that up! For me, Faysal insisting JC HAS TO BE A HN was asinine. This guy is so stupid! Stay with me here. Now it’s not that JC shouldn’t have to do it again. He should. Not right now! Faysal could have easily picked Brett and or Scottie I mean he put them OTB. Scottie is going home so he wouldn’t have to do an entire week. Brett fully expected Faysal to say his name. Nope instead he choses one of only two allies he has! So the week you will not be able to play in the next HOH, it becomes F8, you know both you and Haleigh are targets and you WEAKEN your own ally heading into it? Man this guy is Forest Gump simple! Seriously?! Why in the world would you stack the deck against yourself while you are sending one of your own numbers out the door? Faysal deserves to go home next week! In fact I hope it’s Haleigh. Then I hope Brett follows her! Now Faysal will be stuck in the game thinking about Haleigh and Brett drinking, cuddling, and playing with each other’s hair without him there with them! That’s what he deserves at this point! JEEZ are you dumb or are you stupid? Enough about that. We’ve reached about 1-2 pm Sunday. Scottie is laying in the BY talking to Angela and Tyler will join them shortly after. Oh! This is a good time to mention Angela and Tyler have been doing some canoodling of their own in recent days. They’ve been getting REALLY close lately and people are noticing. Nothing to worry about this week, but something to be aware of moving forward. He actually kissed her on her neck while she was sleeping the other night. Mmm hmm. Yes he did! So Scottie has some conversations with Angela. She questions him about something she told him that only Haleigh knew. Or vice versa. Either way she’s telling him she knows he said something and that upset her. He tries to dance around but I’m happy to see her call him out on his loose lips. This should be a clear sign he’s not getting Angela’s vote. Tyler has now joined them and Scottie tells them about Sam’s plan. Then he tells them she pitched it to Faysal this morning. Yep! Telling them his plan to BD Haleigh is a brilliant idea? Not! But he does. Scottie then tells them he’s planning an epic speech to put Haleigh on blast. They are both like wow! Really? Sam did that? You think he’s going to do it? Meanwhile Faysal is still in the KIT taunting Haleigh about the scoop he has. Haleigh and Faysal head up to the HOH. Some time passes and he finally tells her what Sam pitched. Haleigh is shocked and horrified because now she knows Sam is actively targeting her. Then he goes on to tell her Scottie pitched the same things and referred to Haleigh as Kaitlin 2.0 saying instead of Faysal and Tyler Haleigh is playing both Scottie and Faysal. Now you know Faysal is loving this! Haleigh not so much. Haleigh is shocked. This really broke her flirting little heart. She’s claiming she’s done nothing to lead Scottie on (lie). She’s the only one that’s stayed loyal to Scottie (true). Listen Scottie certainly manufactured the information to persuade Faysal. However Haleigh has been openly flirting as a strategy with the guys in the house all season. I mean it sucks that Scottie did this but, hello! Haleigh and Faysal just betrayed Scottie and put their own ally (Scottie) OTB! She has been manipulating Scottie all season! Turn about is fair play! I don’t have empathy for her. She’s playing victim all day and it’s compete hogwash! Haleigh is crying over this. When she heads downstairs to cry in private to avoid letting Faysal see her this emotional over what he just told her, she runs into L6. Now she’s telling them what Faysal just told her that Scottie told him. They all act shocked! How could he do that to you? Yes, you have been the only one willing to be loyal to him. That’s awful, are you ok? Angela leaks to her that Scottie did mention some epic speech he was planning. Scottie does notice Haleigh left the HOH upset. She also avoids him for a while but makes very general conversation trying not to lead on she knows what happened. Trust me Scottie knows that she knows now. Eventually Faysal/Haleigh and Tyler/Angela have a meeting in the HOH. Remember I told you Faysal wants to pitch a F4 deal with what he sees as the two couples left. He wants them to join forces and pick off all these floaters so the 4 strongest competitors can make it to the end together. Now we all know Tyler/Angela aren’t ever really going to do this. Yet, Faysal is HOH and the Veto ceremony hasn’t happened yet. So of course they play along. Later JC mentions to Tyler that Faysal is talking about Angela/Tyler being a ‘couple’. JC warns Tyler needs to be careful. People are starting to notice those two cuddling all the time. Tyler says oh that’s why he’s pitching he wants to make a F4 with us? Eventually Haleigh does talk to Scottie alone. She, without saying anything specific, asks him what’s going on? Scottie then proceeds to lie to Haleigh. He spins his ‘pitch’ to Faysal as an intentional move on Scottie’s behalf to make Haleigh seem less threatening before he gets voted out. Scottie tells her he made up this whole thing to ‘protect’ her. He wants people to see him as an adversary of hers so maybe people won’t target her after he leaves. I’m doing this for you Haleigh. I know right? This explanation has more holes in it than Torrey Pines Golf course! I mean if that’s what he was trying to do why go to Faysal? Why does he need to make Faysal think they aren’t as close he’s not going to target her? Wouldn’t make sense to play some role with people like Angela, Kaycee, or even Brett? Why would Sam be involved in Scottie’s alleged plan? Scottie had a couple hours to come up with a rational explanation and this is what he comes up with? Isn’t this kid way smarter than that? Well it turns out, Haleigh BUYS IT! She wants to believe he would never actually try to get her evicted so he can stay! She eats this up! She even ends up telling Faysal what Scottie said and he was like are you kidding me? Please tell me you don’t believe that? OMG! You believe that? He points out all the obvious things those of us watching see and she just shuts down and says she doesn’t want to talk about it. Eventually Scottie makes his way up to talk to Faysal again. He spins his version of the story and then sells that he wasn’t actually trying to get Haleigh nominated. Now this is where we see what a dangerous player Scottie is. I know some people are thinking why are any of them targeting Scottie over some of these obviously strong players that are legitimate threats. Well I’m here to tell you...Scottie is a huge threat! Scottie has successfully managed to ping pong back and forth between the two sides since Steve left week one. Yes people have been skeptical of him but he has managed to make people feel safe enough and like they need him enough to dismiss their instincts and allow him to infiltrate with outlandish stories like telling L6 he’s not with Flopte, they’re mean to him and bully him all the time and he’s done with them! Then flips right back to Haleigh when she gets power and when questioned he creates doubt in her head about Faysal, paranoia about JC, and sells no no I was pretending so I could get info and make sure you stayed safe if they won power. Scottie knows this game! He’s a super fan he’s always thinking and plotting his own moves. He’s never found a situation he can’t talk himself out of. Scottie’s follow up conversation with Faysal proves this. The same guy who called Haleigh, Kaitlin 2.0, and said everyone in this house will vote her out, is now saying No, No, I wasn’t doing that. I was merely a playing along for Sam’s pitch to show you how dangerous Sam really is! I just wanted you to see what she’s capable of. You should NEVER even think of putting Haleigh up! I’m 100% team Haleigh! Next he plays into Faysal’s emotions. He swears his undying loyalty to Haleigh. Scottie tells Faysal he will do anything for her. Whatever she tells him to do he does it! That’s how committed he is to her! At this point he’s got Faysal’s head spinning. Scottie emphasizes that Sam is clearly coming for Haleigh and you have to get her out! I’m With YOU! Sam is coming do for our girl! Now Faysal is back to saying oh, so you are with us? You mean if you stayed your a number for us and will do whatever Haleigh tells you? Hmmm. Scottie admits he has feelings for Haleigh and that he will do whatever she says. He’s not coming for Faysal. He voted to keep Angie and Brett lied! Keep me I am going after Brett! Get rid of Sam she’s actually coming for Haleigh. Faysal is just saying he needs to wrap his head around this. Maybe I should talk to Haleigh again. Maybe we do need to put Sam OTB. You mean if you stay we would be like a trio? OMG! It’s like Kaitlin 2.0 for real! The last person to talk to Faysal decides what he thinks! I mean it’s entirely possible that Sam may have actually been able to convince this guy to nominate his own girl! What a moron as JC would say! Now look some of what Scottie is saying is true. That’s the key to selling a lie. There has to be an element of truth. Then when people hear you say other things they are more likely to believe you because of one thing you say is true it must all be true! Tyler, Brett, Haleigh, JC, and Scottie are all VERY good at this! They understand how to sell your narrative in this game. Scottie leaves and literally yells across the house for Haleigh! He’s so excited this is working he doesn’t even realize what a mistake that is! Scottie knows if he can get Haleigh up there to back up what he’s said then he may actually be able to save his butt this week! L6 is all aware of the drama of the day. Now Scottie has talked to Haleigh. Now to Faysal and he’s calling for Haleigh to come up because Faysal needs to talk to her. If it smells like a rat and scurries like a rat it’s a Rat! Scottie is a rat! Of all the people in the house...Kaycee runs interference! Kaycee manages to slide in and have her post veto 1-1 with Faysal! She knows something stinks and this girl hustled! Faysal has said he wanted to talk to Kaycee, Angela, and Tyler. He has to put someone next to Scottie so she uses this as an excuse to interject. Faysal proceeds to tell her well, Scottie was just pointing out that maybe I need to put Sam up there. Sam’s crazy and that’s dangerous. Kaycee plays this well! Kaycee says well no, I don’t think that’s a smart move. I mean Sam will stay over Scottie. I wouldn’t vote Sam out. Scottie is sketchy man. That kid needs to go he voted Chris out wearing his t-shirt. Why would anyone trust him. Scottie needs to go. Faysal then says well even if that means you go up on the block? She’s like no well you can use Sam as a pawn, she just won’t go home. Faysal then basically says well if Scottie is the target then I would put you up. Then of course he’s thinking Sam can’t go up unless she’s going because she’s nuts! Kaycee manages to turn this around to a positive for herself. She tells him she’s willing to agree be a pawn but in return Faysal has to agree not to take shots at her moving forward. If I’m going to sacrifice myself for you to achieve your goal that’s us working together. If we’re working together you have to agree not to turn around and come after me. Faysal agrees. OMG! The last few Sundays have been so chill. Collectively everyone just hangs out on Sundays, doesn’t really talk game. It’s the one day nothing really happens! Forty minutes with Sam over coffee and the entire day is set afire with scheming and flips! It was entertaining for sure! Kaycee lets Tyler in on that Scottie almost had Faysal convinced to target Sam. This lights a fire under Tyler who has just been coasting along laying low this week. And by low I mean following Angela around and cuddling whenever he gets the chance. It’s ok Faysal and JC have done what he needed them to. It’s important to realize in this game, especially towards the end, here you can’t let the gas off the pedal too much. Tyler has now decided he’s telling Scottie he has his vote. The idea being that Scottie cannot be working this hard because he is dangerous. If Tyler lets him believe he has the numbers (Haleigh/Sam/Tyler) then he won’t work so hard and they can try and prevent him from feeling threatened. I think this is a good move. Tyler knows Scottie is a super fan. Tyler is also a super fan. I don’t think Tyler then voting him out will hurt Scottie’s potential jury vote. Tyler has proven he uses his GBM’s to manage the jury. He could actually just be up front similar to how he was with Bayleigh and add a little go boost as well. Scottie will respect that as a gamer and a fan. He will get over Tyler lying so long as Tyler wraps it in a pretty box with a bow. Remember Tyler is Scottie’s ‘best friend’. Tyler will tell him before the vote happens that he’s going. He won’t let him be blindsided. He could easily sell I’m sorry but the other people are like if Scottie stays because you vote to keep him then I’m coming for you. I just cant make myself a target. In all sincerity at this point it’s advantageous for Tyler to tell Scottie in his GBM he’s with L6 since Day 2.’ That his allies were pressuring him and giving him ultimatums. He wanted Scottie to stay but for his own game he sadly had to vote him out. This could start to create a narrative in jury before anyone from L6 even makes it to jury. Scottie is clearly good at selling things, he’s a super fan, he can tell Bayleigh and Angie that there was an alliance of at least 4 if not all of L6. I can see plenty of scenarios based on Tyler’s previous moves where he can cover his tail and prevent Scottie from possibly making waves if he’s fearful he’s going. Wow! What a day right? We have some crossover happening already. Brett has a deal with Sam. Faysal/Haleigh made a deal with Angela/Tyler. Kaycee made a deal with Faysal. Oh I nearly forgot! Tyler actually finally invited JC to make an alliance with Tyler/Kaycee/Angela as a F4! Now the concerns about JC discovering that there was an L6 all along can at the very least be minimized. The veto ceremony happened Monday. Kaycee did replace Brett OTB. Scottie and Kaycee will be next to each other come Thursday. The end of Faysal’s power trip can’t come soon enough. He’s been walking around every day in his HOH robe behaving like a king. Oh how the mighty will fall when next week comes. If Haleigh doesn’t turn around and win this next HOH one of these two will be in trouble. More likely Haleigh because JC can manipulate Faysal. I highly doubt Haleigh will win unless it’s some crazy crap shoot but at this stage in the game we shouldn’t be seeing that in an HOH except during a DE. JC and Tyler are already planning to start throwing Brett UTB. Like I said would happen Tyler has told JC that Brett is the first one from that side of the house they need to take out. Anything can happen but expect Scottie to go this week!
  22. Please post ONLY Live Feed, televised show, Big Brother After Dark observations and screen captures here ! Here's a handy guide you can print out to identify the HGs until you learn their names. CLICK HERE If you are adding personal comments, please keep them to a minimum and use brackets [personal comment]around the text. Remember your time zones. Big Brother Time (BBT) is West Coast Daylight Saving Time (See Map Here). Please be careful in identifying who is speaking, and do not use confusing abbreviations. We may have several HGs with names which start with the same letter. Try to be consistent with abbreviations, like: Washroom Area (WA) Water Closet (WC) Kitchen (KT) Living Room (LR) Back Yard (BY) Bedroom (BR) Indoor Lock Down (ILD) Outdoor Lock Down (OLD) Head of House Room (HOHR) Storage Room (SR) Blue bedroom (BBR) Pink bedroom (PBR) The combined bedroom is (CBR) The fidget spinner bedroom is (SBR) It only takes a few good posts to earn your "Live Feed Updater" badge and LFU status. Also, all registered members of the forums have access to our chat rooms, at http://www.tvfanforums.net/index.php?/chat.html/ Stop in talk to SMVanBoyz, Fuskie, and I'm in there from time-to-time too. It's fun to be able to watch the feeds at dish the HGs at the same time. Please feel free to post info for other updaters to let them know how long you can update, or when you're taking a break and you want someone else to take over. ...And pictures, screen caps are welcome here too. Thank you! -Morty
  23. The numbers have become noticeable in the house this weekend. People keep mentioning how much quieter it is now with only 9 players left. Faysal is HOH which means a week of power tripping and absolutely absurdity. It feels like Faysal and Haleigh are the only ones that don’t realize after this week there only 8 players left. With those numbers EVERYONE should be thinking about who they want to move ahead with and who they don’t! They should all also be looking much more closely at which of these people will target me? Faysal talks to Tyler Friday morning. He reaffirmed he is not coming for Tyler. He told him he expects him to play hard for Veto, he knows he will want to protect himself. His only request of Tyler? Faysal asked that Tyler come and talk to Faysal if he were to win the POV. Faysal wants him to agree they will decide together the best way to use/not use it. Just agree to come talk to me so we can figure it out together. Tyler of course agrees. Why would Faysal believe this? Tyler told Haleigh the same thing last week when she was HOH. Sure we can talk about it. He did ‘talk’ about it. Actually he mostly listened to Angie and Haleigh make terrible pitches for over an hour while drunken Haleigh lounged in the BA tub. However, when it came time for the veto ceremony Tyler did what he wanted to do. I do know why he believes it. Tyler is great at making people feel comfortable. He also plants seeds along the way so when he chooses to water them they take root. With Haleigh, despite the fact he used the veto, he gave her a rational reason (lie) as to why. Tyler telling Haleigh that Angela saved him the week before so he was simply returning the favor was a seed. What she and Faysal don’t seem to remember is he said that since Haleigh targeted him with the Hacker power he’s not inclined to do what she wants. Again giving her a plausible rationale. This makes sense to her on both counts. What I don’t understand is how either of them never take any real time and effort to consider ALL the possible reasons things happen. They just accept what fits the narrative they want to believe. Sorry Flopte but that’s not Reality! Friday Sam finally found an opportunity to talk to Brett alone. As we know she’s been pining for him all seasons. This is the reason for many of her unidentifiable comments and behaviors which now make sense. She has been smitten with him the entire season. When you trace back the weeks with this new information it’s been the driving force of a LOT of what Sam has done. That includes when she was HOH and nominated Haleigh. Then her freak out when Bayleigh was OTB and went home. Sam reacts to Brett/Haleigh hanging out the same immature way that Faysal does. She felt the same to a lesser degree when Tyler went up during Angela’s HOH and was spending so much time with Angela. Remember Sam and Tyler made a F2 in the first weeks of the game. Seeing him gaming with Angela made her feel some type of way as well. This house makes her really sensitive and possessive. Let me just say that the conversation she has with Brett is awkward, uncomfortable to watch and just well, creepy! It was seriously one of the most insane conversations I’ve ever witnessed on 20 seasons! Poor sweet Sam. This makes me want to just hug Sam for like 6 months. Sam told Brett Angie was grooming her to believe (that’s a lie) and saying “the idea of me and you have a Final 2. You are secretly in love with me. I'm your dream girl and outside of this (game) one day you are going to walk up to me like, ‘I’m completely in love with you.’” Brett manages to keep a straight face. I mean he’s giving us some great acting skills unlike all of his showman and fake argument escalades. Brett knows he has to let her down easy. Brett tells Sam he’s “not ‘in love’ with her. I mean I love you but I’m not in love with you.” This goes on from there. I don’t event want to transcribe the whole conversation. Just repeating it feels slimy. Readers will perceive it like I’m exaggerating but I assure you I AM NOT! It’s conversations like these that become a clear view of just how off kilter she’s become. Eventually she says well can you pretend to love me and be in a F2 with me? Brett has to be waiting for the ambulance to arrive with men in white uniforms to come take her to a small house. However, he pinky swears with her. Moments after JC walks by and Sam says it’s official! I’ve chosen Brett. We’ve made a F2...do you wanna make it a F3 JC? Of course JC agrees. In the same way Brett ‘agrees’. I think they both are afraid if they say no she will curb stomp them in their sleep. This will get back to Tyler thanks to JC! Now Tyler knows Brett is making deals behind his back because he didn’t run this back to the group as he usually would have. What is funny to me is Tyler wasn’t upset with Sam! Quite the opposite he was like wow look at Sam playing the game, you go girl! I’ve been foreshadowing that Tyler will use Brett stepping into the undercover role as the incentive to eliminate him. This is just another moment Brett gifts Tyler receipts. Brett doesn’t tell this to Tyler until late Saturday night. By then JC had already spilled the beans. Ironically, I don’t think Brett kept it to himself because he is taking the Sam/JC F2/3 seriously. Not at all. He thinks Sam is nuts and didn’t give it any weight. I believe that’s why he didn’t say anything. He doesn’t want to roast Sam like he did Angie. Although I’m sure Tyler realizes that too but it’s a small tidbit he can tuck away and add to his running record Back to the Sam/Brett 1-1. Sam told Brett that she wants he to come back in the BBR to sleep and not sleep in the HN. What she says next is why many of the HG feel the need to sleep with one eye open with Sam in the house. She told him she likes watching him sleep. The way he breaths. This is just a mod podge version of Kaitlin level stalkerish behaviors. I do think to some degree this is Sam’s version of what she thinks she’s supposed to do in this game. But mostly she’s just genuinely...expressing her own feelings for Brett in a round about way without professing her love for him. Turns out Friday was actually a rough day for Sam all the way around. Brett made them some tuna with hemp seeds for lunch. Suddenly Sam’s lips begin to swell up. She had an allergic reaction to the hemp seeds. The medic had to treat her. She returned to the game quickly but what a scary moment. She is just squealing on the LF “OMG my lips are swelling up! They are getting bigger!” Tyler is yelling at her to go see the medic and at production to get the medic here now she may need an epi pen. After this, production removed all of the hemp seeds from the house. Sam said are them things supposed to good for you? LOL. You can watch a clip of Sam’s reactions to having a reaction here: Friday night Haleigh leeks to Scottie that he may be going up. They are sitting at their usual spot on the skywalk playing chess. She doesn’t say it out right but blatantly inferred it. JC’s remarkable work he put in Thursday night with Haleigh on their own and then Haleigh and Faysal is paying huge dividends. Nominations didn’t happen until after 6pm Friday night. With the hacker competition over we have returned to having all day Friday to strategize before the ceremony. Eventually feeds return and Scottie and Faysal are exchanging verbal blows in the KIT with many HG standing around watching. Scottie is calling Faysal to the carpet when feeds return from the nominations. Not only is he saying WTH are you doing? Why are you putting ME up when all of ‘these people’ are clearly working together but he’s saying it front of the whole house! Damn near everyone is standing in the KIT watching this happen! Hearing it all! Scottie my man what are you doing! Apparently Faysal said in his nomination speech that Scottie is on his team but you’re OTB! I mean Angela is sitting there eating snacks like we watch the feeds! Brett is actually in the BA hearing all of this smiling! Eventually Angela wanders into the BA and Brett asks if he should go out there? She says NO! He says ok good I’m going to get in the shower before any comes looking for me. Just such messy game play when you’ve just been put OTB. You don’t call everyone out in front of everyone 5 minutes after your nominated. Instead you take the Brett approach and fade into the background. 7: 30 pm Faysal told Tyler he wants a ‘team moving forward’. Faysal told Haleigh earlier that he wants to make 4/5 person deal with Tyler/Angela for those 4 to pick off all the floaters in the middle and just win their way to F4 together. This seems to be feeling the temperature out to lead up to it. Here’s what I don’t understand that Faysal doesn’t understand, there are only 9 people left in the house! Two of them that might actually be ‘with’ him and Haleigh he put OTB! So there are 4 people you KNOW 100% aren’t working with you? There will only be 8 left next week and you target Two you think may be with you? What kind of sense does that make? We are way to deep into this season to use a strategy of the enemy I know is better than the enemy I don’t know! Sure when there are 14, 15, 16 people this would be a reasonable motive. But this isn’t that! Either Scottie or Brett lied about voting against Kaycee to keep Angie. I get he’s not sure who it was (it was Scottie). However look around you bafoon! You know Sam. Angela, Kaycee, and Tyler are NOT with you! If they aren’t with you they are against you! These are the facts you are working with! The problem is Faysal is more concerned about eliminating guys that hold Haleigh’s attention. It’s just absurd! He fell right into JC’s mind trap. He even did it despite Scottie being the last one he talked to before nominations and Scottie finally having all the pieces he needed to Link Brett to at the very least Kaycee thereby Angela. Everything Scottie was saying is true and makes sense to a logical person. That’s the problem. Faysal isn’t the brainsies as JC frequently points out. JC feeding into Faysal’s ego was the best move possible. He knows Faysal is a jelly fish when it comes to Haleigh. As soon as JC says that Scottie is only loyal to Haleigh and has motive to target Faysal...that’s a wrap. He already hated Scottie thanks to Haleigh. Scottie didn’t help himself by openly admitting to Faysal he’s smitten with Haleigh. Lord these people are so bad. Saturday morning HG were woken early (7:30 am). Veto draw happened and we have our players for the event. HOH-Faysal Nominees-Brett/Scottie Draws-Haleigh, Angela, Tyler Veto got under way early as well. The hide and seek veto historically takes 6-10 hours. Add to that Zingbot makes his appearance today and the feeds went down just after 11:30 a.m. and didn’t return until 5:57 pm. Brett won the Veto! Feeds returned and all the HG except Sam and Faysal are seen all around the house. Faysal is up in the HOHBA and Sam has locked herself away in the geo room. She’s alone looking sad. It comes out later that while the mess bothered her what may have really upset her was her ZING! JC speculates about this later in the evening. The house is trashed but not nearly as bad as past seasons. Scottie is scrubbing the floors in the hallway leading to and in the BA. Someone dumped milk all over KC’s clothes. Perhaps this plus all of the food dumped in the KIT just got tracked all over the house? It’s very clear he’s scrubbing his disappointment and frustrations away. Kaycee popped into the Geo room around 6:10 pm, checks in with Sam who clearly doesn’t want to talk or have company. Kaycee makes a quick exit and stops to console Scottie. She’s using one hand to rub his shoulder asking if he’s ok? He said he’s just scrubbing this floor also making it clear he doesn’t want to talk either. JC isn’t cleaning he’s just wandering from room to room. Eventually he heads upstairs to use the BA because Scottie has made his way to the BA scrubbing the floor in front of the BA. Once Faysal exits his BA, and JC relieves himself thEy begin talking about replacements and damage control with Brett. Next thing I see is Faysal laying in the HOH bed watching everyone else clean! WTH are you doing Faysal?! He and JC were talking about damage control with Brett I can understand a quick check in but Faysal YOU PLAYED IN THIS VETO! Faysal actually has be nerve to ask JC should I go help them? JC replies well duh you helped make it you played! What does Faysal do? Keeps laying in the bed. Chillin’. What an a$$! I’m just waiting for Haleigh to come up and yell at him! Faysal asks JC should I go down there and help? But stays laying in the bed. JC of course tells him, YES! Minutes pass and then Faysal says again should I go help them? JC is firmer this time like YEAH! Faysal says I’m HOH. JC throws the remote at him saying you are only HOH this week! Next week you don’t have any power and you can’t play in the HOH! Essentially telling him get his petty a$$ down stairs. Faysal goes down 6:35 pm and the house is already about 2/3 back together! 40 minutes after feeds return. What does he do? Drags a floor mat. Then goes and finds a couple items his own clothes. That’s the extent of Faysal’s cleaning. Kaycee is laying in her bed complaining how tired she is and has a headache. JC continues to wander. But these two didn’t play! The HG bray didn’t play in the veto and contribute to the disaster don’t feel inclined to help. I don’t really blame them. However we are at F9. This is Big Brother. Every little thing matters! People might say oh don’t worry about it we made the mess but next week or 2 weeks from now you can be sure someone brings up the fact, “remember when we played hide the veto and (insert name here) didn’t help clean the house. I never can understand why people assume it’s somehow required to give a ‘reason’ or justification for nominating someone when they are HOH? It’s ridiculous and people then knit pick the most ridiculous reasons to target people. I find it annoying but we probably have Vanessa to thank for that! Incentives and rationale. Brett does tell Tyler about the Sam Convo yesterday. Sam later talks to Tyler and asks him again if he and her are ok? She says she’s supposed to be in alliance with he and Kaycee but no one ever tells her anything so is she really? Tyler reassured Sam they are. She also spills that while she’s never specifically told anyone they are a F2 she has told people she has a F2 with someone. This takes Tyler by surprise and he takes her to task asking why she would tell anyone that? Emphasizing you don’t tell people you have a F2. He also asks her is she has any other F2’s and she denies it. Tyler has now caught Sam in a lie. He knows she made one with Brett. He also knows she made the F2 into a F3 with JC. Sam may be ‘playing’ but she’s not doing it well. Around midnight Brett/Sam/Scottie are in the BY. Sam and Scottie are talking and Brett is off alone in the spa. Sam suddenly yells, “hey Brett are you gonna use the veto on yourself?” Brett laughs and says YES!” Sam goes on to say, “why don’t you use it on Scottie?” Sam had just been saying to Scottie if she had the veto she would take him down. Brett reacts to this the same way any halfway intelligent BB player should. “Do you know what happened the last time someone won the veto (didn’t use it on himself)? Sam says he went home! Brett’s like yep! This was just another typical unbelievable Sam moment! It’s bad enough she thinks hey maybe Brett should leave himself OTB! Then to ask him to actually save Scottie in front of Scottie? Good Lord! The RealiTea is this week has been a reminder of just how bad Faysal and Flopte is. He’s now pulled a Kaitlin in week 8 and targets one of his own alliance members! The one who has in fact been the most loyal out of any of them! Scottie you and that damn Soggy C T-shirt’! People are still talking about it 6 weeks later and you didn’t even get a power app out of the ridiculous move. Brett will come down on Monday. Right now it sounds likely that Kaycee will go up in his place. Faysal said early this evening that she was just OTB so it makes sense. That’s B.S. but ok. Scottie is sure to go home this week. We will have to wait and see. It’s a long way to Monday and this Faysal after all! LOL
  24. Please post ONLY Live Feed, televised show, Big Brother After Dark observations and screen captures here ! Here's a handy guide you can print out to identify the HGs until you learn their names. CLICK HERE If you are adding personal comments, please keep them to a minimum and use brackets [personal comment]around the text. Remember your time zones. Big Brother Time (BBT) is West Coast Daylight Saving Time (See Map Here). Please be careful in identifying who is speaking, and do not use confusing abbreviations. We may have several HGs with names which start with the same letter. Try to be consistent with abbreviations, like: Washroom Area (WA) Water Closet (WC) Kitchen (KT) Living Room (LR) Back Yard (BY) Bedroom (BR) Indoor Lock Down (ILD) Outdoor Lock Down (OLD) Head of House Room (HOHR) Storage Room (SR) Blue bedroom (BBR) Pink bedroom (PBR) The combined bedroom is (CBR) The fidget spinner bedroom is (SBR) It only takes a few good posts to earn your "Live Feed Updater" badge and LFU status. Also, all registered members of the forums have access to our chat rooms, at http://www.tvfanforums.net/index.php?/chat.html/ Stop in talk to SMVanBoyz, Fuskie, and I'm in there from time-to-time too. It's fun to be able to watch the feeds at dish the HGs at the same time. Please feel free to post info for other updaters to let them know how long you can update, or when you're taking a break and you want someone else to take over. ...And pictures, screen caps are welcome here too. Thank you! -Morty
  25. Please post ONLY Live Feed, televised show, Big Brother After Dark observations and screen captures here ! Here's a handy guide you can print out to identify the HGs until you learn their names. CLICK HERE If you are adding personal comments, please keep them to a minimum and use brackets [personal comment]around the text. Remember your time zones. Big Brother Time (BBT) is West Coast Daylight Saving Time (See Map Here). Please be careful in identifying who is speaking, and do not use confusing abbreviations. We may have several HGs with names which start with the same letter. Try to be consistent with abbreviations, like: Washroom Area (WA) Water Closet (WC) Kitchen (KT) Living Room (LR) Back Yard (BY) Bedroom (BR) Indoor Lock Down (ILD) Outdoor Lock Down (OLD) Head of House Room (HOHR) Storage Room (SR) Blue bedroom (BBR) Pink bedroom (PBR) The combined bedroom is (CBR) The fidget spinner bedroom is (SBR) It only takes a few good posts to earn your "Live Feed Updater" badge and LFU status. Also, all registered members of the forums have access to our chat rooms, at http://www.tvfanforums.net/index.php?/chat.html/ Stop in talk to SMVanBoyz, Fuskie, and I'm in there from time-to-time too. It's fun to be able to watch the feeds at dish the HGs at the same time. Please feel free to post info for other updaters to let them know how long you can update, or when you're taking a break and you want someone else to take over. ...And pictures, screen caps are welcome here too. Thank you! -Morty



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