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Everything posted by ttree

  1. The talk eventually returns to Mitch working with both sides. Saying he didn’t control the decisions, he had a part in them though. He said when he made his POV speech he could see jarred was fuming. He said those moments sucked, he wanted to tell Raul what was on his mind, but he couldn’t. He tells Raul that if he doesn’t do well now he will never forgive him. He said he came in the house wanting to find a real friendship when coming on the show. He tells Raul he would never put him up, and he would have been okay if Raul had beaten him in the end, just being there with him. Mitch said the show has never had 2 open gay guys have that kind of friendship. Raul mumbles “I don’t know” Mitch asks about what and Raul said he feels like if he says something you would change your perspective on our friendship. Raul said if I keep you would help me in the outside world better and he doesn’t want to look that selfish….can you see my point. Mitch said he gets it, that’s fair. Raul keeps saying I don’t want to use you like that, what are you thinking? Otherwise you would think I was just keeping you to help me You Tube. Raul said if he kept him it would be for a selfish reason. Mitch said if you kept me, I would never think it was for that reason, I know our friendship better than that. Mitch said it’s up to you how you want our relationship to be. Raul said I want it to be honest, I don’t want something like that to affect our friendship. Mitch said don’t worry about that, he said now I’m having the opposite thought’s, if you kept me, I could help you. Mitch said we might not have to worry about this, it’s not a decision you may have to make. Mitch said they will still be friends, he will just know that Raul made this mistake. There are long breaks of silence while they think. Mitch said they ca maintain their friendship outside the house or if he stays. He told Raul that he would not think Raul kept him just to further him outside the house. Raul starts to cry and said I just don’t want to use you like that. Mitch said it’s so different outside the house with thw science world that it couldn’t help him, and not to worry about it. He said don’t think you can use me, you can’t so don’t worry about it. Raul is still very quiet and upset. Mitch is trying to comfort Raul now, and Raul says he doesn’t know what to do. Mitch said if you’re going to keep me, do it because we’re friends. They are both quiet. Mitch said don’t put that in your mind, it’s not going to help you. (he really is trying to comfort Raul) Raul is confused and said he doesn’t know what to do. Mitch tells him the same thing could be said about Tim & Nikki, and raul tells hin oh, I’m using them and laughs. Raul said we’ll see what happens and they hug. Raul is crying and says I hate being the reason you are on the block right now, and Mitch says it’s okay. Mitch said he’s going to bed. Raul said Kelsey was going to sleep in the HOH tonight, but she can f*ck off now. Mitch says he didn’t want him to feel this way. Mitch says he’s going to go and try to campaign a bit more, they hug and say goodnight, and Mitch leaves.
  2. Wednesday evening, in the BB HOH room, Mitch and Raul are talking. Mitch tells Raul, since this is coming to an end, I can’t be mad at you, I want to hug you. Raul tells him no, you called me a cancer. Raul said it was so offensive I would never call you that. Mitch said it was his only chance to show people he was against them, he said it was his only chance to stay, but that’s over. Raul said he wanted to talk to him, but he couldn’t and it made him so sad. Mitch apologises again. He said he wants to have a nice night; it’s his last night in the BB house. Raul says tell me everything that happened. Mitch said there is stuff I want to tell you but not about the game about me. Stuff you don’t know yet. Most of the stuff I said was true. It was where I was working with you and with Loveita, and he had to get Kelsey out of the group. It was that I always had your back, I never said to put you on the block. It was a situation I got stuck in, I never planned it. He realised later that they would want each other out. Mitch said it’s game. He said at the POV if people thought he’d go after them, they may keep him. Raul asked if Mitch thinks he made the right move, Mitch said no, you little shit. I just wanted you to know the Veto speech was my last attempt to save my little ass. The hardest part for me was to lose you as a friend, I knew in my head we would rekindle after the show. Cass walked in the HOH room and Raul told her to give them some time, go use the other washroom, Cass told him oh, yah, okay and left (just clueless) Raul talks about the totem pole and mitch asks him to explain and Raul said you’re leaving soon, you’ll see. Mitch said no, I’ll be in jury. Raul changes the subject and asks Mitch to tell him “those things” What where you going to tell me? Are you a porn star or something? Raul said I just not sure, if I leave you’ll tell them after. Mitch said he is debating telling them all now. Mitch said he’s making him nervous, Raul asks if he’s a killer. Mitch makes him pinky swear. He says that he is not a video editor, but he is a you tuber. My boyfriend and I have a science show and we have over 5 million followers, and I know Gigi Gorgeous. Raul started squealing and Mitch said well not personally and told Raul about a New York show. Mitch is feeling Raul’s heart beating. Then he says he’s met her at shows maybe 5 or 6 times. We have a bestselling book and our faces are on the sides of buses and that’s why they can talk about You Tube. We – staffers, he said Greg was a teacher. Raul said “so you have a bestselling book” Your friends are going to be so mad at me. Mitch says your fine, its fine. They talk about You Tube and who they know. Mitch said their Instagram has 250,000 Raul says WTF? He tells Raul you are my best friend in th house. I still want you to win. Mitch says it’s too late now, no one will go against you three, and then says well maybe it’s not, you could change it. Mitch said seriously you should consider how you will get them out. They talk about if they will be friends after. Mitch asked why he wanted him out, and raul said, you lied to me. Mitch said you just took it out of context. Raul said you hurt me a lot when you lied to me, Mitch said, you know I never lied to you. I just knew if you knew I had any part of Kelsey going home, you would be mad. Mitch keeps joking about not being friends after the show, then saying we’ll see. They are talking and Mitch said that Jared had Kelsey, and you had me, you could still have me….buy maybe that train is gone (he really keeps throwing in those little comments to try and change things) I obviously want to stay here, but…. Raul asks what the book is about and Mitch tells him science stuff like on our You Tube show. Raul said your followers will hate me 5 million, and Mitch said no, they don’t all watch this show. Mitch said it makes me feel better to see you smile, you weren’t looking at me before. Mitch said he still loves Nikki, she’s been an amazing friend. Even though I was acting the part it still affected me, I lost 8 pounds this week. He said he doesn’t care what happens to Jared and Kelsey, they’re not good people. Mitch said he is not dishonest, he asks what Raul’s game plan is. Kelsey comes in and Raul says can you give us some time, she asks if he wants a chicken burger and he says yes, and she leaves. Raul asks Mitch if he will still give him his vote if he is on jury, and Mitch tells him it depends, He said he’ll give everyone a fair chance. Raul said if he ends up in jury too it will be so much fun, Mitch said it will be, that’s why I want you to go next week., and laughs. He said it would make him so happy and he could just get over it because he didn’t win. Raul said so many people are going to hate him, Mitch said maybe and joke about it some more. Mitch keeps going back to you could keep me, you could change it. Mitch says ½ his followers are from the states, like 250,000. Mitch tell him how the You Tube thing started and. Raul asks if any celebrities follow them on You Tube, and Mitch says some b listers, but can’t think of any. He says they have worked with Bill Nye, the science guy and Raul asks who that is, and then says they guy that looks like Joel? And Mitch says yah. Mitch names a few more people he’s got to meet and some they’ve worked with. Mitch is talking about having employees and not being there for the 1st time, and he is worried what would happen if they needed him. He said te tried out for BB last year….and the feeds black out (production is right on this) when they come back Raul is asking if he could do You Tube and Mitch said you have to know what you’re going to do, and what your niche is
  3. 8:41PM BBT Mitch is in the pink room with Tim, Cass, Maddy, Ramsey and the bothers. He is chatting and doing his math pitch, what he hasn’t said is those same numbers work if they keep Joel as well. He said he’d like to talk to them personally too and asked if anyone had questions. Tim asks what his plans are if they move forward. Mitch said he can throw more stuff out on the table if they want now. Tim asks if they should talk privately or together, so Mitch starts to tell them again that if he goes, they are their (the 3 headed monster) next target. And if he stays and wins HoH, he will go after them (sounds like basic campaigning)
  4. 7:25PM BBT: Maddy tells Ramsey that she’s voting for Mitch to stay, Ramsey says I told you it’s a win/win. She tells him she thinks Cass may vote for him to stay too. Maddy tells Ramsey what Raul said about having 3 motes votes in Jury as opposed to 1 from Mitch. Ramsey says not necessarily, you are not on the top of their list. Maddy’s talking about her game and Ramsey keeps saying “our” game we’re in it together. Maddy says they like different people.
  5. 6:45PM BBT: Maddy, Raul and Ramsey are still in the the HoH room. Maddy is asking if the iPod will last while she has a bath. Maddy goes to the HoH bathroom and asks Nick to get out of the tub (now we know where he was). She asks Raul to take the iPod to be charged and he does. Maddy jumps on top of Ramsey after Raul leaves the room. They are whispering about something being awkward. Raul runs in and catches them cuddling and Maddy jumps off the bed. Raul tells Ramsey to go wash his face, so they go in the washroom. Raul is trying to catch a peek at a naked Nick rinsing off in the shower. Nick says he could rub one out and no one would even know, Raul said, "You can do that in my shower honey." Ramsey and Raul go back to the sofas in the HoH for Raul to do make up on Ramsey. Ramsey asks if he has even tried to talk to Mitch, Raul said no, he can come to me to talk.
  6. 6:38PM BBT: Ramsey, Raul and Maddy in the HoH. Ramsey asks if he and Maddy can sleep in the HoH room tonight. Raul screams, "Nooo," and tells Ramsey he can sleep with him. Kelsey, Nikki and Cass (stuffing her mouth again) are in the kitchen. Kelsey is going over what her and Loveita learned in the hidden room and how Mitch has reacted at the PoV ceremony. In the hot-tub room Joel is behind the bar, and Tim, Mitch Phil and Jared are in the hot-tub. Kelsey and Cass join them. Just general chat going on.
  7. 5:13PM BBT: Outside, Mitch tells Cass he wants to get everyone together and then people can make their choice, he won't use names, he'll use numbers. They get up and go in the house. Joel goes out to the hot-tub, but says it's too cold and leaves. Mitch is just walking around, going in and back out. He goes to the pool table and whispers something to Phil, Phil replies, "whatever," in a, "It's OK," kind of way, "You're on the block." He starts playing pool with Phil. Maddy is hanging out there with slop cookies. Nick joins them. Maddy and Nick leave and Mitch and Phil start playing pool. Phil asks who he wants to get in the room, and Mitch says everyone except the three, and Joel. He says it's just a math lesson. Phil says he's like to hear what he has to say, game and not game. Cass, Ramsey, Nikki and Tim are in the pink room. Tim said he won't do strawberries in the kitchen, he's in a state of distraction. He wants to go in the hot-tub. They are talking about Mitch again, asking if he'll be able to get everyone in the room. Nikki says I think we'll get a party if you two (Tim and Cassandra) stay up all night. Then Tim says they won't be able to stay up to enjoy it after.
  8. 4:55PM BBT: Tim and Nikki are in the pink room, Nikki saying Mitch needs to stay. Tim asks her if she realizes that if Mitch stays, then he’s won and Nikki says, good on him! Tim says he will talk to Jared and go over the options if Mitch leaves or stays. Tim is upset that it would be Joel that goes. Nikki says c’mon, he doesn’t have what it takes to get to the end. Nikki says this has been her worst week so far, she said she sobbed last night. It’s because she feels so alone in the house. Nikki says she lasted 6 weeks and she’s totally ready to go home. Tim said he doesn’t think Jared is the enemy, that the other 2 are the toxic pair, Nikki says Kelsey is poison. Nikki said if Kelsey or Jared get HOH next week, she cannot wait to leave, she can’t go through this week again.
  9. 4:07pm BBT The feeds come back and Tim is stating that Joel is a have not as well. His hero suit has “BACKWARDS MAN!” written in backwards on the back! Nikki asks the difference between maple syrup and regular syrup. Maddie says that they just forget to put the word maple in front of some. Tim said some is made from real trees and some is not. Hat’s off to Tim for explaining to a Canadian about maple syrup, sad that he had too.
  10. 3:53pm BBT Joel is wearing a red super hero costume with gold pants and a white cape. Video Cass is playing on the large TV screen. Nikki is just standing, arms crossed and watching it. Everyone else is in the kitchen. Joel is only walking BACWARDS!!
  11. 3:05PM BBT: Nikki asked for hair scissors and they are in the high roller suite. They are bigger than Nikki is! Lolololol Tim jokingly says to cut her head off and laughs. Tim says if they have kittens coming, not to scream. They are trying to figure out what to use the scissors for. They wonder what is coming next. It seems they are just sitting here and waiting. They got a slushy machine that Dallas asked for, and he's not there to enjoy it. I think they are waiting for production to put the next item in the High Roller suite. Joel gets called to the DR. Tim said they should have an exotic aquarium in the house. The feeds cut out again. They come back and Joel in back on one of the sofas. The brothers start reading again: Tim complained that the TV shows nothing, Cassandra complained she wanted more TV time, everyone starts laughuing and saying it will be 24/7 Cass. But nothing happens yet. The brothers ask if they need to read it again or if that was good and the feeds go down again.
  12. 2:45PM BBT: Tim and Joel are at the bar by the hot-tub. Tim says Cass is an idiot, he then backtracks and says that she will vote to take out whoever is powerful, and she's not good at this game, however, if she finds out info and she will tell them. Joel is explaining how he wanted to get Loveita in and no one listened. Tim said if Joel is there next week, they are in a good position, but the three headed monster still exists. He thinks Raul will make a move against the other two, or Cassandra. Joel asks if Raul would come after him again, and Tim says no. Tim said, "All we have to worry about is the decisions being made now, and combating what Mitch might do." The only thing they have to worry about is people thinking they can use Mitch as a tool and get rid of him at the end. [You can hear someone yelling in the background.] Tim is asking what is that? They go back to Mitch and say he is not crying right now. They say he is good and crafts what he is going to say, but he's not crying now. In the HoH room, Raul, Kelsey and Maddy are talking. Kelsey says that Tim in an evil genius. She asks Raul if he is pretty upset, he says not really. Kelsey takes over the conversation again. They are re-hashing Mitch's PoV speech. They feel like he crossed the line from game on got really personal. Kelsey explains that Mitch kept denying everything when Kelsey knew the truth, and because of that, they knew they could not trust him. Kelsey explains they did not know who was coming back in and they decided it was best for each of them to set up the other as best they could to succeed. So they shared all their info. This is how she learned so much about Mitch. Ramsey enters the room and Jared follows a few seconds later. They are on an indoor lockdown, but it's not supposed to last. SOMEONE JUST CALLED A HOUSE MEETING They are all downstairs sitting, the brothers are standing. They are talking about where they wasn't to stand... and we go to BLACK OUT... and the feeds come back. They are saying they do want pizza. The brothers have a card in their hand, and are reading. They are told they have been lodging complaint to the complaint cupboard they are watching the videos of it and laughing. All of their complaints are being played [Very funny.] It stops and the brothers ask it they're good to go, and we go to BLACK OUT AGAIN! And we are back. The BB Grand has decided to address some concerns, for Joel they got a basketball net for the pool. And the feeds go down again.
  13. 2:31PM BBT: Kelsey and Raul are in the HoH room. Kelsey asks what he was talking to Tim about. Raul says Mitch. Kelsey said that Mitch gave a passionate speech. Raul said that Maddy is really scared of Jared, and that Mitch will be talking about Jared before he leaves. Kelsey said that Mitch said the nominations were not Raul's decision, they were Jared's [Must have been during PoV Ceremony] They are talking about what Mitch will be trying to do before he leaves and they are not sure if it is he'll be going to jury yet. They are now talking about the jury votes and it is six weeks away, things can change. They are saying if Maddy and Ramsey votes to keep Mitch, then their deal is broken. Kelsey is scared for her, Raul and Jared. Apparently Mitch said he would also not vote for them if he was in the jury. They're upset because he said you can't take things personally and he is. Kelsey said she is going to have to start telling people Mitch was in an alliance with Loveita and was trying to get her out. They also are saying he will now say that they are in an alliance with Cassandra. Raul said that whatever Mitch says, they will have to come back and say the same about him in a damaging way. Raul tells Kelsey to talk to Joel, they all have to, Joel has no one and he will probably be staying in the house. Kelsey tells Raul he needs to tell Nikki that he was so good to Mitch, he trusted him and he went against him after he had his back, he called me cancer, sadistic and he's being mean to him as a friend as well as in this game. She also tells him to talk to Maddy as well, she's in this game too.
  14. 2:00PM BBT: Mitch and Nikki are in the kitchen, Nikki tells Mitch that she thinks she'll be next on the block. In the bathroom area, Raul tells Nick, Phil and Ramsey that he feels bad that Mitch is on the block. They tell him not to regret it. Raul wants to do something fun, the boys start listing games they can play, saying everyone needs a laugh. Raul tries to get everyone to go outside. Ramsey is talking about who they think may be watching the show. Raul went in to the pink room with Tim, Maddy and Cassandra, although Cass leaves to change her pants. They talk about Mitch going, but what's done is done. Tim says that Mitch won't direct hate at Raul, it was more towards the threesome. He thinks he just said it's to try and get the others on board. Tim tells Mitch to let things simmer a bit and see what happens. Tim tells him that people he's friends with may go against him if it's better for their game. He is saying Mitch may turn around and never do this again. Tim said that he will be honest and tell Raul who he is voting for, he will know in a few days. Raul is explaining his game play and his outlook on things. Tim said you guys called him out for making a game move against his friends. Raul explains that he used people as a shield. Tim wants to hear Mitch's plan if he was to stay.
  15. 5:00AM BBT: We are still on the "Some things are best kept secret, the live feeds will return shortly" screen. Either BB is asleep, or there is one heck of a battle going on for the POV!
  16. 2:38 AM BBT: Ash and Zach are still awake and getting to know each other’s likes and dislikes. Zach asks if Ash would prefer to live in the Northern hemisphere and she said yes, he teases her and said you don't want to live in Canada. He asks her if we dug through Canada and came out on the other side of the map, where would we come out? Now he wants to know if she has seen the movie blast from the past. Zach explains the story line to her. Ash can't believe that parents would send their kid out to get groceries after 30 years not knowing what he would encounter. 2:49 AM BBT: Zach asks Ash if they asked her if he was going to be sleeping in the HOH and Ash asks did who ask? then Zach laughs and she says...ohhh. Zach and Ash are cuddling. Zach says his left shoulder is sore, he can barely lift it, Ash said her head is sore she couldn't keep it down and at the end she was in tears. Zach comment "what a battle" Zach thinks he'll still be on or side next week if we keep him off the block. They talk about how crazy it is now with just 7. Ash said it is insane in the membrane. They said it will be Noms and POV tomorrow. The HOH lights have finally gone out. Ash starts to talk about Sarah, Zach says we'll talk about it tomorrow and he tells her come closer, and he pulls her closer. They decide the have not room is the best to sleep in. 2:55 AM BBT: They said that they would like to take the bed from the HOH to he Have not room, it's the darkest in the house. Zach is telling her that to get a king sized bed in a house, they bring it by helicopter and drop it in and then put the roof on the house. Ash tells him to be quiet. They are playing with a stuffed elephant, Zach checks it out and determines that it's a boy. Zach stuck the elephant trunk in her mouth, now they are talking about what an elephants nose does. Ash says if you snort water, it goes into your brain (BRAIN WASHED?) 3:05AM BBT: they say goodnight, but they are awake and smooching a lot. Zach wants the lights on the door to go out or he's putting his sunglasses on. Ash is still rambling about different things elephants do with their trunks, and Zach says We'll google it tomorrow. It looks like they finally are going to go to sleep Ash is no longer talking or moving and Zach must be having a hard time falling asleep, he's laying with his eyes open. (I think he must have trouble sleeping, as he's done this other nights, or his brain is still playing Big Brother. We'll say goodnight again, and hope this time they sleep.
  17. 10:41BBT: Zach says that Bruno knows that as long as Zach is in the house, people will go after Zach 1st. Sarah is positive that Bruno will take Godfrey to the end. she said she's not trying to throw him under the bus, but be logical. Zach tells Sarah that she is not a target this week (we may have a huge blindside in the works again) Sarah leaves and Zach is talking about Bruno, then Godfrey pops in to tell them the burgers are done. They are now back to Bruno, that he did use the Veto on Zach, but maybe saved him, to use him as a shield. 11:03 BBT: Ash, Zach and Pili are in the HOH bathroom, Pili is upset that she was gullible enough to believe Sarah. Pili feels Bruno saved Zach because he feels safe with him. Pili is confused and said whenever they have conversations, I'm going to come to you guys to find out what's true. Ash just said, Zach just saw me full frontal, after the shower he could see over the curtain. Pili and Ash say they have just made out, but Pili says actually made out. then they say they wouldn't do it in the house (too late Pili) Godfrey walks in the HOH. 11:03 BBT: Ash is telling Godfrey Sarah is her target and she needs a pawn, and you're not going to like this, but....and Godfrey says, I've been a pawn twice, put someone else up. He is saying Britt is the best pawn, she's done it's lots and the reason you did not get put up is because I told her that willow was more dangerous than you. Ash is telling G he is not her target and she swears on it. He says he trusts her, but she is not the one that's going to vote. Godfrey is trying to get her to pick someone else, he tells her he saved her and that shows his loyalty. 11:18 BBT: Godfrey says I trust you, if you put me up, I'll take one for the team. Godfrey tell her that he has no jury votes. So he does trust her. Godfrey is staying he wanted to stay with Ash but she was close to Zach. He does tell her he won't take you to the final. He also says he does believe that Zach and Bruno do want Sarah out. Now the Girls are telling Godfrey about the purple cobras. Godfrey says: Am I the only person who didn't have an alliance? 11:22 BBT: Godfrey tells the girls that Willow was playing both sides, that's why she had to go. He promises he is with them and not with Sarah and Britt. Godfrey says he is going to act surprised when he gets nominated so no one knows he's with them. 11:37 BBT: Britt and Sarah are in the bathroom, Sarah said I think we're doing good, they really want Godfrey out. Britt says that Bruno said it's Sarah they want out. Sarah is rehashing what she did and they will just have to wait and see. Bruno, Sarah and Ash are in the main bedroom, Bruno groans and asks Ash if she's sore, sounds like he's hurting. Sarah and Ash carry clothes to the HOH room and Sarah asks Ash about Bruno Saying that Godfrey is not the target. Ash Assures her he is and Sarah says okay. 11:47 BBT: Bruno asks Sarah how she's feeling and she says her hand hurts, Bruno said it's his neck, and it was just starting to get better. Pili is in the kitchen and says goodnight to Bruno as he walks by. Bruno is now in the HOH bathroom with Ash and she tells him he told Godfrey, but he will act surprised. They have a discussion about how Sarah will say anything she has to, to stay. Pili joins them. They count the votes and who will vote for who. and that it won`t be a tie. They are upset that she threw Kevin under the bus when he`s out of the game already and that shows what kind of person she is. 11:58 BBT: Sarah and Britt are whispering in the main bedroom where one of the boys are asleep (or pretending to be) Sarah is telling Britt about her talk with Ash when she was told she`s going up. They talk about the comp again. Britt says those endurance comps are my weakness. Britt said Bruno had the audacity to tell her "don`t tell Sarah, but I think she`s going up" Ash gets told to fix her mic. Sarah smooches Britt and says she has to go to the bathroom. Bruno Comes in to go to bed, he says he is so sore again.
  18. 9:29 BBT: Pili is in the HOH with Sarah, Pili asked Sarah if she knew about the chop shop. Sarah explains her version of what she knows and who has done what. 9:35 BBT: Ash joins the girls in the HOH. and we go to a commercial. when we come back, Pili and Ash are in the main bedroom. Pili is talking about the chop shop. Ash is acting surprised. Sarah come in and starts to tell her version again. Sarah says that she would still go after Zach. Sarah come up with telling them about the purple cobras. 9:35 BBT: Ash joins the girls in the HOH. and we go to a commercial. when we come back, Pili and Ash are in the main bedroom. Pili is talking about the chop shop. Ash is acting surprised. Sarah come in and starts to tell her version again. Sarah says that she would still go after Zach. Sarah come up with telling them about the purple cobras. 9:42 BBT: Bruno and Zach are in the kitchen talking about how many hoh's are left, Bruno says there are 4. If we can do a, you - me - you - me, we can do it!! Bruno says willow thinks the guys sent her home, when she finds out she will freak. They then talk about how Pili fell in the comp. and Bruno says the girls have been there to long, he's going for a bath. 9:48 BBT: Bruno is now in the bathroom with Godfrey,. Bruno says if I win, you know what I gotta do, Godfrey says me too. I think I heard them say he, so I'm thinking Zach is a target again after this week. We're back in the main bedroom with Pili, Sarah and Ash. Sarah it talking about the purple cobras again. Godfrey comes in and asks who wants burgers and then leaves again. Sarah continues her story. 9:53 BBT: Bruno and Godfrey are talking about how Zach know the girls can't be trusted and they can because Bruno used the Veto on him. Godfrey grabs some food from the store room and start to prep the kitchen for burgers. Zach is in the HOH bath tub, rocking out to some tunes. 10:01BBT: Ash is in the tub with Zach now, he can't believe she didn't know about the purle cobras. Then he says, Let's talk about this week, Sara and Godfrey, and Sarah has to go. Ash hesitates and says yah. Then they are talking about Sarah lying about how alliances came to be and who was in them. Ash is trying to get it figured out. Ash Said she just found about there was an alliance in the house she didn't know about. Zach asks if Sarah is trying to spin this and Ash says no. Ash said she told Sarah that she and Godfrey will be going up, and Sarah says as long as I'm not the target.. 10:09BBT: Zach said Sarah is trying to put a divide in them by pulling her and Pili in, and Zach says yesterday they were putting them on the block. Ash says if Sarah gets POV and comes down, Bruno has to go up. Ash said Sarah told her she wasn't telling them this to cause problems. Zach is going on about Sarah and Ash says it wont change anything. 10:18BBT: Zach is saying he just has to win this POV so she stays on the block. Zach just keeps reinforcing with Ash that Sarah goes. Zach says the other side will have PIli by the end of the week because right now she is throwing him in the dirt. Ash says she is just mad at him right now, that she will not go to their side. 10:25BBT: Ash is saying that Sarah is saying that Zach is not her target. Zach is pissed and saying I was her target for 49 days and now you’re HOH and I'm not her target. Ash tries to get him to calm down by reassuring him that Sarah is going up. 10:32BBT: Sarah went into the HOH and said I just want to make sure you know I wasn't throwing you under the bus. Then she asked if they trust Bruno and Zach says as far as I can throw him. Then she throws Godfrey under the bus saying he will tell anyone what they want to hear. Britt walks in and says OMG, this is very intimate and I feel awkward. Sarah tells Zach that Bruno and Godfrey are gunning after him.
  19. 10:31 PM BBT: Zac tell Ash that him and Bruno have stopped lying to each other, they know they are going to be put up. Godfrey is in the bathroom with Willow, Pili, Britt and a few other HG, he's telling them his girlfriend is Egyptian. 10:43 PM BBT: Bruno, Zach and Ash are in the HOH room. They are talking about working together BB: "Zach, fix your mic" They are saying that Sarah doesn't want to do anything, she wants to get others to do things for her. Bruno is going on again about the girls openly saying they are not putting girls up. Ash says so it's true? and the boys say yes. They have figured out that the competition tomorrow will not be physical, BB set it up to fast, BB: HG, please don't talk about production. Bruno says it feels good, that this is the first genuine conversation, Ash is agreeing with the boys. They keep reiterating that Sarah is poison. 10:54 PM BBT: while Bruno, Zach and Ash strategize in the HOH, in the bathroom Kevin, Pili, Britt, Bobby, Godfrey, Sarah and Willow are talking about relationships and making moves. Willow says she has gone on 11 dates with someone and never had any physical touch. Godfrey said the nicer the girl, the more nervous you are about making a move too soon or at the wrong time. Sarah tells willow that she should go to church to meet a guy, because willow wants a relationship, not casual sex. she says sex is like sharing a heartbeat. Kissing she said is another matter, she'd make out with her bus driver. The other HG tease her that he's a good kisser. 11:01 PM BBT: Sarah and Willow agree with each other about having to have a solid caring and respectful relationship before you have sex. And we get a commercial. Back in the HOH room we now have Ash, Zach, Bruno and Bobby. They are talking how they can lie and scheme, but still be around each other. They can't imagine being genuinely mad at someone and having to be in a lockdown with them. like has happened to people in previous seasons. Bobby says he can't wait to watch our season. 11:11 PM BBT: They are talking about Graig and Zach gets called to the DR, they shut the water off the tub just in case he takes a while. Pili comes into the HOH with Kevin, they go into the washroom area and start kissing. Kevin said he's so embarrassed, and pili asks why, he says because we were just talking and I let it slip. Pili said she doesn't remember. So he tells her he said I love who you are...and then though OH Sh*t the "L" word. Pili says there is nothing wrong with that. They decide that they will have to get to the bottom of this later. Bobby has sat very close to Ash. Pili went to shut the lamp off and Kevin yells nooo, that's my sexy lamp from the Brick. Kevin and Pili where behind a curtain and BB tells then to stop that. 11:17 PM BBT: Kev is looking at the globe, he is being told that when it was made they overlapped the map, so it's not right. Zach wants a bath. Bobby starts singing again and gets told again. Ash keeps asking BB to do it again, so BB says Bobby, this happens 3 times. In the main bedroom Bruno and Zach are saying it's too calm, BB is going to drop a bomb on them. They are talking about what would happen if Bobby stays. They say there is still shit going on. Back in the Hoh Bobby starts to tap his leg in a rhythm and says I want to get into sh*t, then the feed goes off. 11:26 PM BBT: In the bathroom we have Bruno, Zach, Kevin Godfrey, Britt, Sarah, Pili and Willow one of the girls missed her dentist appointment. Godfrey tells them he hasn't gone to the dentist in 6 years. Zach said he knows people who drink coffee through straws, which leads to a conversation of what is good drinking from a straw and what is not. They are now trying to figure out the percentage of people that drink 2% milk. One of the girls said I think it varies by province (I really don't think people factor that in) BB has told the HG to stop talking about production 3 times and then a very firm STOP THAT. Willow asks for KD and BB says HG Please stop talking about brand names. 11:40 PM BBT: Bobby tells Ash and Kev that Eminem is coming out soon. Pili has joined Bobby and Ash on the sofa in the HOH room. Bobby is doing some weird dance sitting down. In the bathroom, Zach is talking with Willow, Sarah, Britt and Pili. They are talking about what they eat with ketchup on and ranch on. Zach said he could eat a 24oz steak from the keg, the BB chastises him for talking about brand names. Zach just said twice baked potatoes are "the bee's knees" Britt and Pili are trying to figure out what time it is. and Britt starts singing 9-5. now they are asking for your favorite Julia Roberts movie. In the HOH bath Zach is saying that there is some big twist coming and he's freaking out. Kev says "oh Zachy" Zach says it could be a double eviction. 11:45 PM BBT: Pili comes into the HOH and announces herself. Zach says if Bruno wins tomorrow, he is going after Sarah. Zach is still having his bath while Ash, Kev. and Pili watch and talk strategy. He is explaining how frustrated Bruno is with the girls announcing they will never put a girl up, but if they put up Bruno tomorrow and he goes, so be it (they are really counting on a double tomorrow) 11:52 PM BBT: Ash is now warning Kev and Pili that they have to watch the girls, because they will end up taking out Kevin and Zach. They are saying that if willow goes up as a pawn she is coming after them full guns. Zach says it's hilarious the way the house communicates. Zach says the other girls should try to understand and look at things the way that they do. Zach also tells them that Bruno said that if he came after us that he would have no one left, which is true. Ash said their numbers control who will go now. 11:59 PM BBT: Zach said Ash and Pili are sitting good now, Ash says it's because they have uteruses. Sarah comes in and brings batteries for everyone to change. She comment that she's amazed that he has an audience while bathing. Sarah leaves and the kidlettes continue the strategizing.
  20. 9:10 PM BBT: Sarah gets called to the DR. Willow and Godfrey are in the main bedroom, they are planning who to take out, they are whispering about who and then they say Kevin is next after that because he's won too many comps. Then Godfrey leaves. Willow walks out after him and comments that it smells so good. (we have a commercial, I'm not updating it) the HG are sitting down at the counter to eat. They are talking about pickles and cheese and what else they need for the burgers. Ash gets complimented that the burgers are really good. Now they are telling Ash how many they will each eat and Ash said she will cook 4 more. 9:18 PM BBT: BB tells the HG to please stop singing. Godfrey asked where the lettuce came from, they tell him it's always been there. He comments that he really likes the leaf lettuce the best. They are talking about being friend-zoned. They are discussing if changing your looks and acting different can get you out of the friend zone. Lots of chatter about nothing worth reporting. 9:27 PM BBT: They are teasing Godfrey about telling his girlfriend that he was going to Cuba, he said he will find a way to explain it when he gets out. (does he not think she will see or someone will tell her where he is?) Sarah says she always eats today like she's going to be a have not tomorrow, Now they want to make a bumper sticker that says "eat today, like your a have not tomorrow" Godfrey is eating a pretty sweet looking burger. BB tells them HG, please stop talking about Mayonnaise or baronies, they were all talking when BB came on that it was hard to make out. 9:34 PM BBT: everyone thanks Ash and the other helpers and they leave the kitchen area. Kevin asks Pili if they want to go on a date tonight, talk about their feelings, and they're really going to get into it. Pili says yes, game, set match! and she goes into the washroom and joke that there are 2 people in the shower (each in their own stall) and she's never seen that before. Sarah and Willow are putting things away in the store room. 9:46 PM BBT: Bobby is done his shower, Bruno is still rinsing, there was talk, but no sound. Ash is doing dishes, bobby and Zach are making what looks like slop cookies. Pili is making coffee "HG, Please stop singing" Britt is sitting at the counter by Bobby and Zach, not really saying anything. In the Bathroom Sarah, Willow and Bruno are sitting and chatting. Willow burped and looked like she was going throw up, Bruno is freaked out. Sarah says she feels like she's going to pass out. They give her water and asks if she wants a cool cloth, she is laying on the bench in the bathroom. Bruno asks Sarah again if she's okay, she says she will be fine. Sarah tells Willow "you love Zach" they have a discussion and Sarah says it’s a good thing Britt comes in and they go back to how Sarah and willow are feeling. 9:55 PM BBT: Britt is trying to figure out her pre eviction speech. She doesn't want to be cocky, but she doesn't want it to be like her other ones. She does want to make a Chess reference in it though. Pili and Kevin are sitting and chatting on the love seat under the stairs. Pili is talking about her job, that she's thinking about school and a part-time job. Pili says that she is a shopaholic. she has to leave her debit card at home. Kevin says, so you are a spender. She is saying she works at a store that starts with an A, she had to wear their clothes when she worked. Kevin says I so love you, and Pili says me too. 10:01 PM BBT: Pili says they had to watch for shoplifters. they had ink plastic thing for security, but she said someone told her they just freeze them to get past it and open them without wrecking the clothes. Kevin tell her in Edmonton he bought a bunch of jerseys and they left one of those on one jersey. He said he never went back to have them take it off, he just wears it with it on, and his friends all asked him if he stole it. 10:14 PM BBT: Pili and Kevin are still chatting under the stairs, Pili laughed and snorted. Just changed to the bathroom feed 2 and Britt walks in with no shirt and a towel covering her breasts. she lays on her tummy and Bobby sits on her bum and starts massaging her back. Sarah and willow are talking, but Godfrey and Bruno are so loud I can't hear what's being said. the feed goes down so we switch back to Kevin and pili who are playing tonsil hockey again! In the HOH room Zach and Ash are talking strategy. Zach said he doesn't know if he can trust Godfrey, but he wants Sarah gone 1st, she's too dangerous. They are rehashing who needs to go and in what order.
  21. 8:21 pm BBT: Bruno and Zach are in the HOH, Zac asks Bruno if he is seriously going after Sarah and Bruno says yes, Zach laughs. They are talking about who may have made deals with who. Zach says you'd be better off drawing your noms out of a hat. Now they are laughing about Bobby and his fake Veto, Bruno is laughing that he just threw it across the room. 8:30 pm BBT: Bruno and Zach say the HG really are all good people, they are a good crew. Zach tells Bruno that he thought Kevin would do what he wanted, and Bruno said he only kept Godfrey because he knows he will come after you. (these boys are spot on!) They are being refreshingly honest. Bruno says it may not be best for me if Sarah goes, but it's a good thing. They are saying that Ash will do good even if Zach goes, her and Bruno think she has a chance of winning it. They are saying they know they are going to get picked off. They say if it's a double tomorrow we will be down to 8, and the girls aren't putting each other up. They are trying to figure out what Willows deal is and what she would do. 8:32 pm BBT: SORRY I FORGOT TO UPDATE MY TIME ON THE LAST POST, SHOULD BE 8:30. They decide they are going to ask Willow who she would put up. But they don't get up to do it. 8:39 pm BBT: Now they are both saying if either of them win that Sarah is going up, they will tell her straight out they are sorry, but it's their only chance. Bruno and Zach seem to have come to an unspoken agreement that they know have to work together. Zach just wants to get wasted at the wrap party and put this behind him, Bruno agrees and they both say they have a few they want out 1st before they go themselves. They are really upset that the girls are so open that they are not putting up another girl, they hug and leave the HOH 8:43 pm BBT: Zach, Bruno and Ash are now fixing food, they are saying BBQ burgers are the best and homemade ones too, they like deer meat mixed in the hamburger. Pili & Bobby are sitting on the stools watching the kitchen crew at work. They are still speculating a double or instant eviction Ash says she is putting taco seasoning on the burgers and please don't judge me. Bobby is telling them how to make something, and he tells them to put /th of something in a black cup, and they all laugh at him because you can't see how full the cup is. Zach gets called to the DR 8:54 PM BBT: In the main bedroom brit, Sarah and Willow are talking. Willow is explaining how they formed an alliance earlier in the game. the said she named off people and then she was going to the washroom and was grabbed and said okay, we're the Chop Shop, but we have to bring Ash in because she is either going to bang Zach or Bobby. Willow said Bobby really wanted to hook up with Ash of the start and Zach just swooped in and took her. Godfrey walked in and the girls keep talking. Godfrey changes and leaves. The girls keep talking about what happened earlier in the game and compare notes. 9:02 PM BBT: in the kitchen area we have Pili, Bobby, Zach, Ash and Bruno, they are talking about in normal life you wouldn't just lie to people and then hang out with them, this is the best game ever. They tell Bobby he will always be remembered for the Sh*t he's done. They say the Cinibobs are complete. they keep saying "what a game" and laughing. They are saying when they get out they will have a hard time believing what people say and will wonder if they will walk in a room with a TV and wonder if they're allowed to be there. Pili asks if they think they will need to see a DR after, and she is told they are supposed to.
  22. 6:48:16 PM BBT: They are all on the main bedroom now except for Kevin. They are talking about hiding or scaring him. hey are talking about the attention Godfrey is getting now that he mentioned a girlfriend and became un-available. They are talking board games now. Sarah is explaining Risk. Britt says she is really good at battleship. Now they are explaining battleship shots with pizza boxes. Kevin just walked in and they all Cheer. He said he was watching Shomi. They told him that they were all called the main bedroom for a lockdown and he's in trouble, then tell him they're joking. 6:57:16 PM BBT: Godfrey is still cuddling Willow to make her feel better. (she is really milking this) BB calls out Bruno's name, he's laying with his eyes closed. Sarah gets told to fix her mic. One of the guys ask if anyone has had a catheter. They are talking about family members who have had to have them. Sarah asks what you are getting tested for when they swab your urethra. Willow is still pouting off and on. Now everyone is stretched out relaxing and there is no talking.



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