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Saturday, May 2 2015 BBCAN3 Feed Updates

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Water Closet (WC)

Vault Room (VR)

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Dining Table (DT)
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12:54 am BBT  Bruno, Godfrey, Kevin and Zach are talking about Olympic athletes.  In the BR Sarah and Brittnee are talking and Brittnee is upset about being on the block.    

1:06am BBT  Sarah is worried about  being played.  Willow comes in but it’s hard to hear her.  Brittnee thinks if Godfrey doesn’t get put up on the block he’s got a horseshoe up his a** after saying he’s going after people. 

1:10am  BBT  BB announces the HT is now open.  They all run out to see if there is something else.  There is nothing. 

1:17am BBT  Sarah is upset Willow isn’t paying attention to her all the time.  Bobby joins them outside and they do their own version of ‘How not to play BB’ and BB cuts the feed. 

1:37am BBT  Sarah and Willow are talking about their feelings.  Willow is doing some damage control to calm Sarah down a bit. Sarah keeps telling her she loves her. 

1:42am BBT  Sarah and Willow are planning on having a fight to make the HGs think they aren’t getting along. 

1:46am BBT  Bruno, Godfrey, Bobby, Zach and Willow are in the LR talking about the planet of the apes series. 

1:55am BBT  Bobby’s having a shower now.  Bruno is brushing his teeth, Zach is flossing and Pili and Ashleigh are just talking random stuff.  Bruno says goodnight.  Kevin is in the DR.

2:17am BBT  Most of the HGs are asleep except for a couple that BB is not showing us.  As they fall asleep we’ll see you tomorrow.  

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 8:00 am BBT Lights are on, but all houseguests are still asleep.

 8:15 am BBT Bobby is up and he went out by the HT lifting up the cover and then lifting up all of the cushions as if he was looking for something. Then he headed back inside to the HN room to get his bathrobe, headed to the WA to shower.

 8:24 am BBT Brittnee is up, entered the WA and changed the batteries in Bobby’s mic.  

 8:26 am BBT Brittnee headed into the Br and is changing everyone’s batteries. Bruno sat up and Britt asked how he slept and he responded good.

 8:27 am BBT Pilar walked into the BR and got her new batteries from Brittnee.

 8:31 am BBT Bruno got up and headed to the WA where Bobby was out of the shower. They talked general conversation.

 8:32 am BBT Brittnee is now talking to Sarah in the BR and is upset because she was crying on national TV. She said it is worse than posting something bad to face book. Sarah said no it is not. Bobby walked in the BR and said laundry time. Sarah wonders what they did with  all of their towels because they were in the washer before the PoV comp.

 8:34 am BBT Bobby left the BR and Sarah again is telling Brittnee that it is completely different than the face book thing. Sarah is giving Britt a pep talk.

 8:40 am BBT Brittnee is still crying and Sarah is still trying to keep her lifted up.

 8:41 am BBT Bobby and Bruno are out by the HT on feeds one and two, but there is no sound so we can’t hear what they are saying.

 8:45 am BBT Pep talk with Sarah and Brittnee is still going on. Bobby and Bruno are lying in the sun by the HT still with no sound (so much for Bobby’s laundry time)

 8:49 am BBT Brittnee went to the WA to blow her nose and wash her hands. Ashleigh got out of bed and went into the WA where Britt told them they are out of toilet paper. Brittnee got in the shower stall to change and then grabbed the battery box and took it to the SR. She has no idea where Godfrey is so he is the only one that did not get a battery change. Brittnee is in the KT washing out her coffee cup.

 8:54 am BBT We now have sound by the HT with Bobby and Bruno then the feeds went to FotH.

 8:56 am BBT Sarah is out of bed and headed to the HOH room. She said good morning to Pilar, grabbed her water bottle and Pilar said she is going to wear a dress today. Pilar is excited that she is not a lobster anymore and wants to braid Sarah’s hair later.

 8:58 am BBT Feeds one and two on FotH with feeds three and four on BY with Sarah saying tell me you did not just put them in the dryer (think she is talking to BB about the towels) then she sat down by the pool. Sarah just called to the DR.

 9:00 am BBT Kevin and Pilar just walked into the HOH room. Kevin is sitting on the floor putting on his headphones to listen to music so Pilar left the room.

 9:01 am BBT Pilar went into the Br and laid down with Willow. General conversation between them.

 9:03 am BBT Feeds one and two back by the HT. Godfrey was back there then he went in. Brittnee is sitting in the chair while Bobby and Bruno lay out. The conversation is about a bee.

 9:04 am BBT Brittnee asked Bruno if he thinks his wife could do this game and he responded that she is just way too nice.

 9:05 am BBT Bruno told Brittnee that she would love his wife and she said that she can tell how highly he speaks of her. Now the discussion is how long they have been away from home and how tough it is.

 9:07 am BBT Bruno asked Brittnee if she thinks Kevin will use the Veto and Britt said yes on Bobby like they said they would. Brittnee don’t see Kevin making big moves, but someone told Kevin he was their target and he should send them home.

 9:10 am BBT Feeds three and four in the HN room showing Zach still sleeping. Feeds one and two by the HT with no conversation going on then Godfrey walked out and laid cushions down so that he could lie out.

 9:12 am BBT Pilar Willow and Sarah in the Br talking about something Zach said. Sarah said when Kevin heard her in the bathroom that is what she was saying it should be Godfrey and why is Godfrey still here.

 9:15 am BBT Sarah told Pilar thank you and that she trusts Kevin. Willow said that Godfrey is going both sides. Pilar got up and said anyway don’t worry Sarah and then left the room.

 9:16 am BBT Now Sarah is telling Willow about Brittnee crying this morning.

 9:17 am BBT Sarah is telling Willow about Brittnee telling her that Bruno said that Kevin told Godfrey that Sarah is going up as the replacement nom, but Bruno thinks it is Godfrey that is going up.

 9:19 am BBT Now we are hearing about another dream of Sarah’s.

 9:20 am BBT Pilar went up to the HOH room and is talking to Kevin about her conversation with Sarah.

 9:22 am BBT Pilar told Kevin that Godfrey is a wild card and Kevin said that he don’t like playing with wild cards, he likes playing with regular cards.

 9:23 am BBT Ashleigh is in the HOH WA doing her makeup.

 9:24 am BBT Ashleigh and Sarah now preparing to go out by the HT to lay out. Godfrey came in and is looking for the sunscreen.

 9:25 am BBT Godfrey walked into the HOH room and Kevin said that he will come and talk to him in a bit because they have a lot of time. Sarah walked into the HOH room and suggested Godfrey look in the pantry for the sunscreen so he did and he found some.

 9:27 am BBT Kevin and Sarah now in HOH room whispering. Sarah said that she trusts Kevin and Kevin said don’t worry I have your back. Sarah just felt that something is up but she could not put her finger on it. Kevin just can’t tell Godfrey until minutes before the ceremony and they are going to be pissed but it is the only move he has in this game. Sarah and Kevin both appreciate each other so much. Kevin said if he gets rid of Godfrey this week, Bobby and Bruno swear that they would put up Sarah and Britt next with Willow as replacement and Kevin said that is bull.

 9:31 am BBT Kevin told Sarah that she knows more than anybody and they are the two oddballs in here. Sarah said that she feels pretty comfortable sitting up against Bruno and now they are counting the votes. Kevin told Sarah that Zach would rather play with her and Kevin than Bruno. Sarah said as long as they feel comfortable voting Bruno out.

 9:33 am BBT Kevin doesn’t know if this Bobby veto is real so he is going to just use his on Brittnee. Kevin wants to pull her off so badly. Sarah said not to tell Britt about this conversation. Kevin went to Bobby and Bruno and told them he was going to use the veto on Bobby, but it is hard to lie in this game and he is going to have to own the lie. Sarah knew this is what Godfrey does and he is scary. Sarah said that Bobby can get the secret veto out. Kevin said if Godfrey wins next week and he is pushing for a couple, he will go after Zach. Kevin just said this is like backdooring Graig, this is big then they leave the room.

 9:38 am BBT Sarah walked in the KT where Willow is and they are discussing what to eat. Out by the HT we have houseguests sitting and laying in the sun with no talk just a few birds chirping.

 9:42 am BBT Kevin walked in the KT and said good morning. He told Willow that she looks energetic this morning. Kevin is talking about how he is going to spend a lot of time at the Brick picking out things for his apartment.

 9:52 am BBT Houseguests are out by the HT with general conversation going on.

 9:54 am BBT Bruno is called to the Dr.

 10:06 am BBT Kevin called to the Dr. Houseguests still out by the HT and Sarah said BB please give them a task of cleaning the house and then give them a beer each.

 10:10 am BBT Sarah’s fun fact of the day: there are flies that fly so fast and every time they land they throw up.

 10:13 am BBT Kevin and Pilar now in the SR getting food to make. Kevin said that he almost threw up during that challenge. Ashleigh is in the KT making eggs.

 10:18 am BBT Ashleigh still cooking in the KT and general conversation going on by the HT.

 10:19 am BBT Sarah asked Bobby what was the deal with the towels and Bobby responded that they were still in the washer so he threw them in the dryer. Sarah said they were in the washer for two days so they might need to be rewashed.

 10:25 am BBT Not much going on in the BB house this morning. It looks like it is a laid back day for them so far.

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This would be a great day to post your first update!


The updates on my Big Brother pages are written by volunteers, fans like you. The text comes from this forum and social media  To post in my forums, you need to be registered, go here to do that and use the invitation code 6547979 when you're asked.


Then just watch the feeds, and write a short blurb saying what's going on, in this forum I'll spruce up your text (if it needs it) and add it to the http://mortystv.com/bbcanada update page where thousands of fans will read it.

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7:33 PM Bobby, Bruno, Godfrey, and Britnee sitting in the BY with Willow and Pilar working out.  Willow saying
that she has (had?) a boyfriend.  They had been dating 6 months prior to her coming into the house.

7:34 PM  Zach, Ashleigh, Sarah sitting in chairs by the hot tub, chatting about grandparents.  

7:39 PM Zach talking about doing a run to raise funds for breast cancer research with an uncle he admires. Zach
getting emotional talking about a family member who just finished chemo treatment for a second occurrence of breast
cancer.  He's very proud of her. 

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7:47 PM Godfrey suggesting that Willow is actually an athlete...maybe a boxer!

7:48 PM  Kevin and Pili share a kiss in the kitchen and Pili leaves the room.  Kevin putting the blender away
in the storage room.  He looks VERY uncomfortable walking around in heels as he cleans up in the kitchen.

7:51 PM Willow and Zach sitting by the hot tub talking about day 49 being Wednesday and being "3/4 of the way done"
but acknowledging that they don't know for sure how many days in total.  

7:59 PM Ashleigh comes in and Willow and Zach help remove the hot tub cover.  Zach leaves since he can't join them
in the hot tub while he's in costume.  Willow sitting on the edge with her feet in.

8:02 PM Bruno joins Ashleigh and Willow in the hot tub, and then Pili comes in as well. 

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8:00 PM  Zach and Kevin talking in the HOH room.  Zach saying that Bruno told him that Bruno is worried about Sarah
because Sarah and Willow are getting so close.  Bruno figures Sarah and Brittnee are trying to get the guys to turn on
each other so that Sarah and Brittnee can "skate by".  Bruno wants the guys to stick together.  Zach assured Bruno that
Sarah would be the target next week.  They are skeptical about trusting Bruno.  They compare him to Dan Gheesling for having

a really good social game.  On the other hand, they don't see Godfrey as a threat...they think he is a loose cannon and not

realistically working with anyone. Kevin tempted to leave the noms the same and flush out Bobby's so-called veto. 

Or pull off Brittnee and put up Bruno against Bobby.  After all this talk, they realize they should maybe check the bathroom [LOL]

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8:23 PM  Zach and Kevin calling Bobby "laughably loyal."  Bobby has never lied to Ashleigh so Kevin and Zach ask Ashleigh
to find out where Bobby and Bruno are at and whether there is any inkling about whether they would veer from the plan to go
after Sarah and Brittnee next week.

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9:40PM BBT Just as I log in all four feeds go to FOTH. Ash was telling Zach in the bedroom that she will go check with Kevin and Pili if they are still on board to get Sarah out next week but she thinks they will be as they are super sketched out by her.


Feeds back and Zach is now in the Store room talking to Bruno. Zach is telling Bruno he will have Ash check with Pili but he thinks it is still Godfrey. Bruno says that Godfrey is trying to put all the guys up against each other and the girls will never put a girl up.


Up in the bedroom Ash is nowing talking with Sarah who is reminding her that certain people will protect her but only for a certain time. (I.E. Zach will keep you as long as he needs your vote and then you are history. DRG) Sarah professes that she has Ash's back and Ash in turn says next week she is gunning for Bobby and Bruno. 


Zach in the kitchen now where Godfrey is telling him he has to earn his rematch. Pilis is having a bowl of something (probably with peanut butter on it) at the counter while Zach is prepping a tray to go in the oven.


Sarah and Ash talking about Britt complaining about going on the block and that she needs to understand that it is just the way the game works. Sarah believes that Britt is workable and Ash feels she is emotional but has some logic. Sarah compliments Ash and says she does not for one minute think that anyone else is controlling her game. Not so with Pili and Kevin. Ash has been trying to reel her in a little bit, but it is hard not knowing what she will go back and tell Kevin. Sarah repeats that she loves Zach but in the end she has Ash's back. 


Zach Pili bobby and Bruno wandering about the kitchen with casual chatter going on and Willow joins them at the counter. 


Sarah says she can see Ash making strategic moves but she does not see Willow doing that and Ash says that she is super loyal to Zach but she is trying to talk with her. Sarah says that she spends all day with her but Willow does not open up. Ash also says that she does not talk much game with Willow even though they were in an alliance together. They are both frustrated.


Zach and Bruno climbing the stairs and the heels are really giving Zach fits. They go in the HOH and he calls out to Ash but she is still in the bedroom with Sarah. Bruno is telling Zach that Sarah is good at what she is doing trying to turn the guys against one another and he is not buying it. They both fear having three girls at the end of the game. Bruno thinks Sindy was trying it and Zach says they all were as it is the best play for them.  


Sarah and Ash finish up and leave the bedroom and meet Pili on the landing who is complaining about how tired she is.  They wonder who is making chicken wings and Pili says Zach which causes them to wonder where he is.  Ash heads into the HOH and Sarah and Pili sit on the landing.


Ash relays info to Zach in the HOH and Pili plays coy with Sarah not committing to one course of action or another. They head into the bathroom to keep talking. Ash keeps telling Zach everything that Sarah said to her.


Pili still not answering Sarah about who she would want out between Bobby and Britt. 


Bruno has joined the couple in the HOH and is still on his the gals are going to sit and throw comps til the final six. He repeats that they are good and he will never go after them (at least not until he has another HOH - DRG). He says again that the girls will never turn on one another. (Has he ever watched BB?? When have the ladies ever stuck together and worked to the end?? - DRG)  Ash is talking about how Godfrey dug his own grave by announcing all the time that he is going after Zach and the showmances.


Sarah and Pili still talking in the bathroom when Ash joins them. She starts telling the gals about how stressed out Bruno is about whether he is going up or not. Pili wonders why he never talks game with her. (Seriously?? - DRG) Ash thinks he needs to calm down as Godfrey is a bigger threat to  Zach than he is to Bruno. Sarah again saying she was freaked out too and had bad dreams all night. 


Bruno and Britt now in the kitchen chatting about the weather. Britt says she had been playing ball and apparently she has quite the arm, according to her. 

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10:07PM BBT Everyone crossing paths as the upstairs folks head down and several downstairs folks head up.  Zach Sarah Pili and Ash end up in the kitchen. 


Willow and Bruno are out by the hammock and Bobby is on the couches out there. Willow is telling Bruno what she thinks Sarah will do. Bruno talks about what Kevin told him even before he was HOH. Bruno frets about what if it is a tie vote. 


Sarah and Pilar start eating twistos from the bag and BB tells them to Stop That. 


Sarah and Britt wander out to the BY putting an end to game talk between Bruno and Willow. 


Inside Ash and Zach are now on the red couches resting with Pili on the opposite couch also stretched out.


Bobby is pretty much asleep outside and all visible HGs are horizontal.


Britt and Bruno now discuss how much the both like bad-mitten and what a shame they don't have a set so BB tells them to stop talking about production.  Sarah starts talking about Naeha and how they though she would be their Janelle and how they often called her Neda. 


Zach gets up and heads to the kitchen to check on his chicken wings.  He complains about having four more days and how buffalo wings are his favorite food.  


Outside group talking about past HGs and which of their cast resemble them. 

10:19PM BBT Sarah talking about Joey with the blue hair and how she did not last long as she came to play and tried to get a girls alliance going when there was a huge alliance of 7 in the house. They go on comparing themselves to former BB cast members.


Zach hands Ash a chicken wing.


Outside gals debating whether Godfrey looks like a sweat heart in his cast pic or not and the feeds all FOTH out.

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10:23PM BBT Feeds back and Godfrey has magically appeared to eat the chicken wings.


Sarah and Britt with Willow on the hammock still. Bruno gets up from the couches when Godfrey calls out to them that the wings are ready. Sarah says to save some for her then says they will be right in when Godfrey makes it clear she can't count on him holding back.  


Zach is dishing out the wings as Bruno watches and Godfrey comments about using a paper towel to drain them.  


Sarah and Britt getting up from the hammock still looking at the cast portraits on the outside walls and wondering who they look like and what one can see in their faces. One feed goes to commercial as the other three again go to FOTH.

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10:28PM BBT Feeds flicker on and off before returning to the same scenes.  Sarah and Willow wandering in while still chatting about the pics. Once inside Willow wants to know if they are putting the cream cheese on the wings or not. Everyone around the counter now and they are all passing their bones to Godfrey. Zach again complains about loving wings so much. (He is a have not so can't have any tonight. DRG) They all think the wings are great especially Godfrey who announces that they are "the real deal." Kevin is the only one who is not there as he is still in the DR. (Wonder who production wants to "not influence" him to put up as the replacement nom. Not that I am the least bit cynical. - DRG) Talk still centering on the wings. 


Bobby joins the gang and they talk about the gears on the wall.  Finally Kevin still dressed as a French maid joins the group and washes his hands.  Zach complains about the heels and how they are just not good shoes. He says no matter how good they looked on his feet he would never wear them out. Others still talking about wings as Sarah is called to the DR.


Willow thinks it will be a late night since tomorrow is Sunday. (They all look exhausted so BB will have to come up with something good to get much action from the hamsters tonight. - DRG) 


Godfrey says he feels like he is doing the wings challenge right now. Britt asks for some more water and says that then she is going to bed. She compliments the boys for staying in the heels all day then says good night and starts up to bed. Bobby says he will be right along behind her. 


Willow tries on the shoes and agrees that they are not good. She says she cannot wait for bed and several others agree.  Feed 3 was a lingering close-up on Kevin's fish net stockings and bare feet.  Willow announces to the house that next Sunday is Mother's Day and the guys say that the biggest boxing match of their lives is going on right now.


Willow talking about whether she would eat some slop off of a crusty spoon and she says she will. They talk about how much the bets should be before she starts in. Godfrey thinks it is disgusting and she says she will do anything for a free drink.  The wings are now devoured and Zach clunks his way out to the hammock and even Godfrey gets up and walks away from the counter. 


Bobby is giving Willow a hard time about whether she has cleaned the spoon of slop or not and she finally gets a pass. They are all tired (and they look it. DRG) Zach alone in the hammock til Ash wanders out to join him. She is worried that he will fall out or that the hammock will break if she joins him but she climbs on anyway and teases that she can take her shoes off and he can't. She wonders if he will have to sleep in the costume or not.


Inside they are starting to say their good nights Walton style and heading upstairs leaving only Pili and Kevin in the kitchen.


Feeds 1 and 2 switch to the hot tub where Sarah and Willow are talking about Sarah's talk with Pili and how she could not answer who she would want out first. 


Bruno wanders out to say good night to the couple in the hammock and heads upstairs.


Sarah going on about Pili and how she freaked out when she saw Sarah and Ash talking right after they had talked.  


Zach and Ash talking about who would nominate whom next week. 


Sarah states that she told Pili this is not an I'm coming after Zach and Kevin speech it is a I got your back speech.  Now they talk about folks opening the door from the BY and eavesdropping and then how you can hear folks in the DR from certain spots in the house.  


Ash says she thinks Britt will just keep being a pawn then that most everyone seems to want to go after Sarah next. Zach asks before they come after us?  


Sarah telling Willow that she is going up. 


Zach speculating that if Willow is HOH they could be under some heat. 


Sarah now saying that she laid it all out for Ash too. 


Meanwhile outside Ash complains that her brain is tired.


Feeds 3 and 4 switch to the bedroom where Bruno and Britt are in bed talking they guys in the house that are all comp beasts. Bruno saying he could do so much better if he did not have to wear the brace on his hand and he does not have a chance with just one hand in all the comps. 


Sarah and Willow talking about the guys now doing the lets get the girls out thing. Willow things it would be the dumbest thing ever to take the rock climber and the black belt to the end to "comp it out." Willow talking about how Godfrey is playing both sides and how she told Kevin he needs to be aggressive this week and play his own game.  Sarah says if she is HOH ever she is going to do old school BB and have everyone come to the HOH room one at a time to chat. No one has done it this whole season. 


Bruno and Britt still chatting away about relative strengths of the other HGs and how Zach is the glue and he downplayed it in the beginning.  Britt wonders what all the BS was earlier about Kevin putting Zach up. She says Kevin is a chess player and will never put up someone who would be a bigger target than he is. They think Godfrey will be the replacement nom and Britt says he never should have given the speech he did on eviction night.  Britt saying that Zach is so weak from slop this week and will stay that way unless they get some tasks. Bruno now Monday morning quarterbacking the last HOH comp yet again. Britt now speculating if it will be a double or not this week (You're only off by one dear, - DRG)


Outside Sarah and Willow still whispering away and Sarah is telling Willow how they have to stay apart and not be seen together for a while yet. Willow wonders if she will ever get Sarah back.  They plan to bicker all day and then still meet secretly at night when no one else is around. They say they love playing with each other. (Is there anyone Sarah does not say this to?? DRG)


Godfrey has now crawled into a bed in the bedroom and talk has turned to the boxing match. 

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11:13PM BBT Willow now talking about her guy back home and whether she is seen as gay or not. They are not interested in any of the boys in the house. Sarah remarks that Britt likes how Bobby looks but nothing else and that makes her straighter than they are?  Sarah tells Willow that she is not gay (Willow that is. DRG) 


Fight talk still going on in the bedroom.


Sarah and Willow talking about what Zach should have done and how it was wrong for him to keep Ash and Sarah apart when he needed them to do the same thing. 


Feeds 3 and 4 now show Kevin and Pili in the kitchen. Pili is trying to count votes depending on who is the replacement nominee.  She asks if he has talked to Bruno or Bobby. He says they backstabbed Zach with that vote (JP going over Godfrey. DRG) 


Sarah telling Willow that Ash told her in the bathroom that she could not trust Willow. Sarah just wants to last a couple of more weeks for sure. 


Kevin and Pili still considering alternatives in the kitchen.


Ashleigh is called to the DR. 


Sarah now ranting about Zach and Kevin being gay as they have made out more times than Willow and she have and harder to so lets call them out.  


Pili trying to think through who would nominate them and what chance Godfrey has to win HOH. He says he could save Godfrey this week and Pili wants to know if he trusts him to which Kev replies that no one really does.  Pili telling Kev that if Godfrey stays they need to pull him aside and make sure he knows why he is still in the house.  



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11:30 PM BBT Pili going on about who do they want coming after them and Kevin says that Bobby and Bruno are already coming after them. Seems they would rather keep Godfrey and just hope that he does not win HOH next. They keep debating whether to keep the noms the same or put Bruno up there with Bobby. 


Sarah and Willow still deep in conversation outside about which guys would keep them safe. Sarah says maybe they just go to Ash and say they love Zach, but or go to Pili then they get up mid-sentence and head back into the main house.


Kevin now in the SR collecting batteries to exchange. On his way out he passes Ash who is at the counter having finished her DR session.


Upstairs Godfrey still going on about boxing and we get FOTHED yet again.

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11:44PM BBT Feeds bacj to Sarah saying good night to Kevin while Zach and Ash and Willow are in the kitchen.


Sarah enters the bedroom and she and Britt figure out where everyone is before Sarah climbs into bed.  


Zack and Kev now in the bathroom complaining about how sore there feet are from wearing the heels all day. Kevin teases Zach about when BB told him he had to put his shoes back on. Kevin is tidying up the room while Zach is wondering what happened to the alternate pair of shoes they were told they would get after a few hours.


Pili Ash and Willow in the kitchen on feed 1. Pili still saying she could not make the decision about who to vote out. Pili is telling them that Sarah said that everyone is going after Kevin and they need to protect him but no one is gunning for Ash. They are relieved that at least Sarah is not coming after any of them.


Kevin clumps his way down the stairs hauling a laundry basket and a garbage bag. 


Willow tells the others that Sarah makes some good points and she is really smart. Pili going on and on about how hard a question Sarah put to her. 


Zach is in the shower cleaning up still.


Bruno comes to the kitchen counter and tells the girls that they all look so tired. they give him a hard time about making such a remark,


Outside Kevin stumbles and the ladies come to help by laughing at him. He gets up and takes two laundry baskets over to the washers then wobbles his way to the hammock. Pili joins him and he tells her that he is in a good mood. She covers his junk just in case it is showing as she is not looking.  Ashe and Zach flop on the couches and Ash wonders when the guys will get out of the outfits. Kevin hit his knee and Pili keeps asking about it even though Kevin keeps saying that it is OK and it does not hurt. Now she comments that it is red and says that this is awful. They figure they have been in the shoes for about 10 hours now and Kevin says he cannot stretch out his feet in the heels and they are always curved, (Now you know why Ginger Rogers was a better dancer than Fred Astaire. She did everything he did backwards and in heels. DRG) The couples fall silent.


Upstairs Sarah and Britt have left the bedroom and Bruno and Willow are left to talk. He is still speculating about what Kevin will do and saying he would never make a move against Zach as that would leave him all alone.  


Outside the couples are sleeping with their eyes open.


Britt re-enters the bedroom. Bruno tells Britt that she rocked that suit and it looked better on the gals than the guys. 


Outside Kevin keeps trying to convince himself by saying he is going to get back at the cleaning and he just needed a little break. 

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11:56 PM BBT: Bruno is getting a "gem" lesson from Sarah, on what each one is called and what it's supposed to do (calming, luck, etc.).  The maids and the maids girl friends have all crashed in the BY for a break.  Kevin still thinks if they can clean enough the costumes will come off.  Bruno and Willow are giving each other an update on the couples.


11:50 PM BBT: Pili is relating the conversation she had with Sarah earlier when Sarah asked her who it would hurt Pili worse to see go home Ashleigh or Kevin, Pili said Kevin.  Ashleigh didn't seem too put out about it.  Willow is doing any needed damage control.  Bruno has gotten out of bed.  That leaves only Britt, Bobby, and Godfrey actually in bed.  Kevin took a huge fall down the stairs from the KT to the BY.  He laughing and says he is fine.


11:45 PM BBT:  Willow, Pili and Ashleigh are talking about Sarah and who she trusts.  Zach and Kevin can barely stand up in their heels anymore, they are using their hands and arms to drag themselves along the counters and stair rails.  Zach says he is only walking on his ankle bones now to get anywhere.  They are however STILL cleaning.


11:37 PM BBT:  Kevin was changing every ones batteries when we went to FotH.  This one is a little longer than usual.  Maybe Kevin and Zach are being let out their maid outfits?  Even the HG's don't know when they will be done with them.


11:30 PM BBT: Pili and Kevin are discussing who they want to go home, and if he is using the Veto.  The camera keeps fading in and out.  It sounds like Kevin is saying he is going to use the Veto on Bobby and put up Willow, at the moment.


11:20 PM BBT:  Kevin and Pili in the KT BARELY awake, he is trying to clean as much as possible hoping he can get out of the maid costume, so they can go to bed together.  Godfrey, Britt and Bruno talking about the Mayweather Pacquiao fight and money and betting in detail.  Sarah and Willow still rehashing every game move since the first night.


11:10 PM BBT:  Game talk between Bruno and Brittnee dies out as Godfrey comes into the bedroom.  Willow and Sarah are still coming up with wild strategies, pie in the sky plans how to get Pili, Kevin and Zach all on the block at once.  Now they are saying they should not act so close anymore, they are planning a fake fight.  


11:02 PM BBT:  Bruno and Brittnee talking in the bedroom, he says he could go toe to toe with Zach but not with the cast on his hand.  He tells her that he has her back and Kevin, Zach and Pili are his first targets.  Sarah and Willow still rehashing the days conversations.


10:57 PM BBT: Sarah and Willow talk about if any of their campaigning worked today or if one the them is still going up if Kevin uses the Veto.  They think it all hinges on Bruno and if he is telling the truth.  Zach and Ashleigh are half asleep in the hammock.


10:51 PM BBT:  Kevin is wondering if he and Zach have not cleaned the house to BB standards and that is why they are still in their costumes.  Bruno has given up and is going to bed.  Bobby is going down.  Sarah is going out to smoke before bedtime, Willow is going with her.


10:46 PM BBT:  Zach puts his high heels back on, goes out to hammock, covers up in a blanket and is taking a little cat nap.  Everyone in the KT is betting Willow to eat crusty left out slop for $2.  She did it.  Lots of staring off into space from our tired HG's.


10:45 PM BBT:  Kevin finally comes down for some wings.  Sarah and Ashleigh try on Kevin and Zach's high heels from the maid outfits.  Sarah gets called to the DR.  Everybody looks extra tired tonight.   Brittnee has decided to go to bed, I think Pili and Bobby are not far behind.


10:30 PM BBT:  Everyone except Kevin is in the KT eating buffalo wings.  I believe Kevin is stuck as the upstairs maid.  Part of winning the Veto comp we are guessing.  Just general chit chat.


10:25 PM BBT: Zach is serving the food in the KT as part of his maid duties, and is a HN and can't eat anyone of it.  Godfrey is explaining how to eat the cartilage on the end of the chicken bone.    Ashleigh is amazed.  Bruno, Willow, Sarah, and Brittnee are in the BY discussing voted out HG's game play.  They are using some pretty color terminology.


10:15 PM BBT:  Zach, Ashleigh, and Pilar are just laying around the couches talking about being  tired.  Zach is talking about being a HN, and being hungry.  HG's in the BY are talking about previous BB houseguests, and how their pictures compare to them.


10:10 PM BBT: Willow, Bruno and Bobby are talking some "perfect" game move in the BY, but the camera didn't tune in time to find out what game move.  Bobby maybe passed out on the couch.  Brittnee and Sarah walk outside and the conversation turns general.


10:05 PM BBT:  Zach sits in the KT watching the food, while Willow, Godfrey, Brittnee and Bobby play ball in the LR.


10:00 PM BBT:  Ashleigh just sells out everything Sarah said to her to Zach.  Bruno comes into the HOH bathroom with Ash and Zach and they all agree, those 3 girls (Britt, Sarah, and Willow) are working together to get the boys out of the house.  


9:55 PM BBT:  Kevin and Bruno and talking about Sarah being very manipulative and wanting to drive a wedge between the guys.  Both Kevin and Bruno say they are not falling for it.  Kevin is taking off one high heel and rubbing his foot.  Sarah sits down with Pili to discuss how Pili would want to leave first, Ashleigh or Kevin.  Pili says it's impossible to answer.


9:45 PM BBT  Ash and Sarah still talking about how much they can't always trust Pili because she is playing the game for Kevin and not herself.  They also are worried about a double elimination is coming (it's actually a triple).  Ash thinks Willow is super loyal to Zach.  Zach is sitting at the KT table looking like he is in alot of pain from the shoes and very tired from all the extra work.  Someone mentioned the Veto punishments should be over soon since its been over 12 hours.


9:40 PM BBT  Ashleigh and Sarah talking in the bedroom about having each other's backs.  Zach is still the downstairs maid and has to get the food out of storage and change the laundry, Kevin is upstairs cleaning bedrooms and bathrooms.

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