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Wednesday, April 15 2015 BBCAN3 Live Feed Updates

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Please post ONLY Live Feed, televised show, and Big Brother After Dark observations here !

If you are adding personal comments, please keep them to a minimum and use brackets [personal comment]around the text.

Remember your time zones. Big Brother Canada Time is East Coast Standard Time (See Map Here).

Please be careful in identifying who is speaking, and do not use confusing abbreviations. We may have several HGs with names which start with the same letter.


To better help you identify the HGs, we made this guide you can print out and refer to until you get to know who's who.  http://mortystv.com/...houseguests.pdf

Try to be consistent with abbreviations, like:

Washroom Area (WA)
Water Closet (WC)

Vault Room (VR)

Kitchen (KT)
Dining Table (DT)
Living Room (LR)
Back Yard (BY)
Bedroom (BR)
Indoor Lock Down (ILD)
Outdoor Lock Down (OLD)
Head of House Room (HOHR)
Storage Room (SR)

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2:30am All the HG are sleeping now.  Johnny had made another pitch to stay, painting some twists BB might play on them, including an evicted HG returning.  Zach told him they didn't have enough votes even if he tried.  Zach, Sarah and Jordan spent the last hour talking over strategies.  They discussed targeting Bruno instead of Bobby next week.

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10:54am BBT Good morning. The HG are up and getting ready for the taping of the eviction episode.  Johnny and Sara both hope there will be a twist.  Something that will actually be used, Johnny adds. 

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9:30am -11:00am BBT: BB wakes the HG and they wonder if they will get the hot water back today for showers. Bobby , Sarah and Willow talk about  how to dress tonight  for the eviction show. Wiloow says she will not eat slop this morning.Sarah tells her she has to eat something Willow says she will eat a piece of cardboard. BB tells the HG they can have Hot water back. Sarah thinks this might be a double eviction week or a Canada HOH week.JOhnny and Sarah talk and say they hope for another twist like the double pov but this time it needs to be used.

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11:03am BBT: Godfrey, Brittnee and Pilar, Ashleigh and Willow in the bathroom getting ready for the day. Johnny comes in and ask if all the hot water is gone? They says no i don't think so.

 Willow says i am so hungry.

11:10am BBT:The guys are in the Kt eating breakfast and Kevin is sweeping the floor. They are talking about Amber from BB16  and how she is a babe.

 11:16am BBT: Pilar is called to the DR. Girls are still in the bathroom doing make up and hair. Brittnee says this is perfection. as she brushes her hair. She then says i think i need to get new deodorant as this one balls up or maybe i am just putting to much on.

11:19am BBT: Brittnee tells Sarah it is so interesting that you do not know who to believe in here anymore. Sarah says come on i do not need that right now. Brittnee says no no you are fine Sarah.  

  Jordan is Ironing his pants  talking to Zack about they need to win HOh and the POV.

11:23am BBT: Willow and Johnny in the bedroom talking to Kevin who is laying down on the bed. They are talking about playing in the POV. Willow says Kevin maybe you will get to play and she laughs.

Johnny is getting lint off his clothes and hanging his pants on a hanger.

11:28am BBT: Kevin talking to Johnny saying i just want you to know i was not campaigning against you. Johnny says yeah i get it. Johnny says it was like a nail being driven in my coffin and Kevin said i'm wasn't driving the nails but i guess i didn't do much to stop it.Johnny says it is what it is and i got to come play for a little bit anyways. Kevin says you can still come back.

11:30am BBT: Johnny says there is no hard feelings so don't worry that is not how i roll. Johnny goes back to packing saying i feel like if something interesting happens tonight it is going to be a fun night. 

 Johnny says  i swear all that i said about the gummy bear thing was true. Kevin says I know. Ashleigh and Pilar come in and Johnny ask for a hug in case there isn't time later and he tells them to be careful of the couples thing.

11:36am BBT: Pilar is cutting kevins hair. he tells her do not rush and she says i wont we  have time right? Willow says who wants to examine my bruise for me and Kevin yells i volunteer. 

 Kevin ask Pilar is this the first time you have ever cut hair and Pilar says yeah. Kevin says Oh God! 

11:44am BBT: Johnny has come in and taken over Kevins hair cut now and is going to use the sheers and do a fade from a 2 to a 3 . Kevin said lets do it.

11:47am BBT: Ashleigh and Pilar in the Kt talking about how they guys have thrown them under the bus. Ashleigh says why would they say that in front of Johnny though? Pilar says i don't know we will talk later. Pilar goes back to the bathroom where Kevin is still getting a hair cut. 

11:57am BBT: Hg still getting ready for tonight's eviction just general talk going on.

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12:05pm BBT: Pilar  is doing Willow's hair as Johnny is finishing up on Kevin's hair cut. Brittnee is sitting and watching.

In the KT the rest of the Hg are  eating breakfast and talking about pooping. Bobby is laughing as he eats his cereal.

12:14pm BBT: Pilar finishes Willow's hair and Willow says she loves it. Willow says  now 4 hours till eviction. Pilar tells her to do her make up now. 

 Willow says oh Pilar lets get some tuna wraps going tomorrow. 

12:22pm BBT: Jordan and Ashleigh in the KT  washing and drying dishes as Bobby sits and watches them and they talk about movies.

12:34pm BBT: Hg are just  talking about random things and Bb tells Godfrey to wake up that nap time is over.

 12:44pm BBT: Zack is in the KT eating. Ashleigh is still doing dishes and asking where the water is coming from. Bobby tells her it is coming from the counter. He says he sees it dripping. ashleigh is cleaning up the water.

 In the bathroom most Hg are still in there doing hair and make up.

12:51pm BBT: Hg in the Bathroom area talking about bets that have been made in the house and brittnee made a 100 dollar bet with Godfrey that they would never kiss then we get FOTH.

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10:21 BBT- Pilar, Ashley, Willow in HOHR bed listening to ipod. Brittney hanging out in chair. Zach enters, and starts speaking of people in his pictures.....ZACH WON HOH!!

The girls tell Zach that he has the best ipod ever....Z speaks of his sister being a cheerleader while sharing chocolate and mentioning his new awesome coffee table from the Brick. 


10:34 BBT: Zach returns to the kitchen with the other houseguests (Brittney, Kevin, JP, Godfrey, Bruno, and Bobby).  They are discussing whether or not someone is coming back into the house (past evicted hg), and when a double eviction will happen. B thinks this coming week will be a double eviction. JP thinks Canada will be hoh. Pilar decides to cook up some dumplings. General talk resumes to tonights comp.

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10:35PM BBT The guys are sitting around the kitchen counter chatting about the HOH comp and other random topics. Feeds 3 & 4 are FOTH then return to Willow and Ashleigh in the HOH room listening to music by sharing the earbuds and talking about what they are hearing. Pili is doing dishes. (Has anyone else seen a guy washing up this season?? I have not, just sayin. . . . DRG)  Guys discussing how much of our brains we use (10%) then talk turns to movie Lucy and how they took it from Limitless. Bobby now with the gals in the HOH talking about potential noms and how the plan is to go for Kevin this week and it is not a good idea to go against the plan. Willow now getting animated about reliving the comp earlier and HGs reactions to it.  Bobby wants to be like one of the Brigades that don't talk that much but make it through to the end and as he leaves the HOH we get FOTHed again. 

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10:43PM BBT Movie convo ongoing in the kitchen as Kevin is now drying and putting away the dishes Pili is still washing. Feeds come back in HOH where Zach is now on the bed with the ladies. Willow especially seems stoked (maybe just on a food high from having eaten for the first time in a week?? - DRG) She tells Zach she loves his pictures and his letter is really good, she has read it over and over again. Now they talk about Godfrey and how he is smarter than he pretends to be as no one does that well two comps in a row. They are worried about what he is going to do and realize he has been playing them. Willow thinks it will be "so sick" sleeping in the HOH. She can't believe how hot Zach's mom is and that she runs 12Ks. His family is tall, but his mom is only 5"3", same as Willow. She jokes that she is going up as a pawn and they speculate about another instant eviction. Willow remarks that it is so weird having Johnny gone and Zach teases it will be weirder with her gone next week. General chatter still occurring around the kitchen counter where they are talking about how you can't have sex in bars anymore. Sarah has joined the group. 

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10:51PM BBT Willow running around with the nerf football Zach got in his HOH and is definitely even more hyper than usual tonight. Sounds like the comp came down to a tiebreaker and they are discussing the numbers that Zach and Willow put down. They are surprised that Pili lasted til the end of the comp and Willow makes fun of the faces she was making. Sarah is sweeping the floor in the kitchen while the guys chat away. Talk turns to bisexual girls and how Godfrey has not met many before but he has "daggered" some that then turned bi. HOH gang talking about who Sarah might put up if she was ever HOH. Willow says she has 6 alliances in the house that are all named after her. She remarks that JP does not talk that much but Kevin does and he is adorable. Kevin and JP now in the bedroom hugging it out. JP is saying he thinks that Zach should put him up as a ploy to fool the other side and secure their spot in the middle of the house. He thinks worse case scenario he will stay on the block and be up against Godfrey. they are selling the story that Zach will put up Godfrey and Bruno and on comes the commercial. The guys are worried about the Britt-Bruno connection. They are reviewing things that Britt has said over the past few days and think that she is losing her mind. JP repeats how brilliant it will be to be put on the block by Zach this week. Bobby and Bruno have joined the HOH trio and all are replaying the comp. 

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11:01PM BBT JP and Kevin talking about how Godrey would vote and they think that he will be a number for them this week. HOH group complimenting Zach on his pics and his mom again. Bobby dancing around listening to the music. JP talking about Sarah and how she has said Britt is so emotional and wants attention all the time. Ashleigh and Britt don't like each other and therefore Pili will not like Britt either. JP acting like Zach is just a sheild for them (a fortress) and as long as he is here they should use him. Sarah in the HOH now where Ashleigh and Bobby are throwing the football while he continues to bust out moves jamming to the tunes. Zach and Pili now shown in the bathroom where he is telling her who he is going to nom, Godfrey and someone. They think they need to get out a comp threat this week. Willow and Sarah on the HOH bed acting very silly. Willow says she was the instigator the other night. Sarah says that her style is to put it out there and then wait for you to come to me. Willow says, "Why, cause then you can't get rape charges?" and we are FOTHed yet again.  Kev and Pili whispering away in the bathroom still talking about noms still.  Bruno and Kevin with Ashleigh in the bedroom on the other feed talking about Ashleigh's showmance comments made by Britt. Willow and Sarach still flirting away in the HOH. In the other bedroom JP relating about Britt's comments before the comp. She does not like Ash and does not trust her and then later in the pantry she tried to blow it off as just being tired from a week of slop. JP is sure that Britt will never beat any of them in a comp (do you remember the disk endurance?? - DRG) Zach comes in and JP talks about the plan to nom him and target Bruno Willow or Godfrey. They hear someone coming and scatter to the four corners of the room.  Bobby alone in the HOH now still jamming away. Willow bursts into the bedroom. 

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11:16PM BBT Willow talking about how she listens at doors and up against walls. Zach says you can hear well in the HOH bathroom.  Ashleigh putting her hair up while giving us a Tyra "booty tooch"  Sarah now dissing Naeha and the others all join in. They are reviewing the picking for Veto players when Johnny was so hyper. Godfrey down on the red couches horizontal as usual talking with Britt who is also stretched out. Bedroom group still talking about Johnny. Bruno now standing in the middle of the living room talking with the recliners (Godfrey and Britt). Upstairs crew continues the animated edition of "diss the evictee". Red couch crew reviewing the HOH comp again and the last "Switching Gears" question. It was not the longest comp as there was one longer last year. Britt did not hear that it was the Switching Gears comp.  Bedroom crew talking about mornings in the house. 

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11:32PM BBT Godrey talking about how even 20 bucks is a lot to him and Britt is telling him he will leave with a lot even if he does not win. He replies that this is basically the same as when he was in boarding school only here some people leave. Britt says she has learned that she is highly emotional when she does not eat. Godfrey ponders on one thing he has learned since he has been here. He thinks he has a little more self-confidence now since he has not always been the first one out in comps. Britt has learned not to take so many things for granted like sleep and eating and contacting her friends and family. Feeds 3 and 4 have gone to FOTH again then return to the bedroom gang which has added Bruno now. They are discussing the mechanisms of a double eviction and how BBCA does not do two HOHs in one night the way that BBUS sometimes does.  They comment that they are now at 11 and jury will be 9 or 8 plus Canada. Willow thinks it will be 6 plus Canada so you want to be in the final 8 or 7. 

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11:40PM BBT Pili and Ashleigh on top of Sarah now acting silly. Britt comes in eating a dumpling that she says Pili made hours ago. Godfrey now making his way up to the HOH toilet. Girls still on top of one another screeching Willow is now in the middle of it. They decide that Pili is stretching Willows sweater and she should take it off. (I say take it all off, but they never ask me. DRG) All four feeds in the bedroom as Godfrey has joined the rest of the HGs in there. Britt and Bruno commenting about their dance routine and Godrey is shown entering the Have Not room then returning up the stairs. Pajama party hijinks still occuring with the four gals on one bed. Cam 2 treats us to a view of an abandoned Have Not room then returns to a long shot of the gals on the bed. Willow asks if they are going to sleep now and what time is it. Sarah says she is wearing shorts like a dufus and she only has this and one other outfit and adjusting her panties she says underwear is a constant wedgie and she does not get it. Ash and Pili head down to the kitchen and start eating and talking about  how silly and fun it was just now. They complain about Britt again and assure each other they have one another's backs. (Does that leave their fronts open for the taking? Its getting late folks. - DRG) They head back upstairs passing Bobby on the way down. He comments about needing to try and keep up with you younguns and how he has been crashing earlier than them.  Pili now smooching Kevin in the bedroom while Willow is standing on the bed where Sarah is lying. Britt now is apologizing for her recent behaviour (Britt spelling there.) attributing it to being on slop for the week. All four feeds go to FOTH.

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