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Houseguest Bobby Hlad Discussion


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bbcan3-bobby.jpgBobby Hlad
This adventure-seeking Rock Climbing Instructor from Oakville lives at home working for the family business.
Age: 27
Hometown: Oakville, ON
Occupation: Rock Climbing Instructor

Describe yourself in three words:

Fun-loving. Crazy. Outgoing.


Do you have a strategy to win Big Brother Canada?

I have a lot of strategies swirling around in my head right now, but I know that will all change when I get into the house. It’s not in me to throw a competition, but since I don’t want to be seen as threat, I’ll fight a little less to win the mental challenges. My social game will be strong. I’m going to be overly friendly and polite to everyone. I’m going to try to be the guy everyone wants to keep around. I’m up for anything, and I like to have a good time. And if I need to use a showmance to get ahead, I will.


If you could take one thing inside the house, what would it be and why?

I would bring my slack line with me and have some fun with that and teaching the other houseguests how to walk across it. I got into rock climbing three years ago and I love everything about it. It’s a great challenge physically and mentally and it’s a big ego boost. It teaches you to be thoughtful and disciplined. Each climb is a puzzle and I get a big thrill out of that.


Brain vs. Brawn. Which challenges, physical or mental, do you fear most?

I may get into trouble with some memory challenges – especially if it’s a memory game with questions about previous Big Brother seasons. I only started watching the U.S. version in season nine. Physically, I expect to do well, although there will likely be someone in there more jacked and fit than me. So, who knows?


If you won, how would you spend the $100k?

First I would have to put some money into the family’s garage door business. I want to make sure that business works out – my grandfather started it years ago. I would also take a surfing vacation to California…and I may never come back. I can’t think of a more depressing life than living in my parents’ basement in Oakville for the rest of my life. I mean, it’s a pretty sweet basement set up – I throw a lot of jamming parties down there – but I would need to get out of there.


Who is your Big Brother Canada idol and why?

Jon (BBCAN2) is the man. He has the beaters and the toques. He’s the dude. Emmett’s (BBCAN1) really cool too. Jillian’s (BBCAN1) a babe. Don’t tell Emmett I said that.


True North strong and free. What is your favourite thing about Canada?

I feel like Canada has everything for me. I honestly love the seasons here. I have a hobby for every season. Fall it’s surfing. Winter it’s indoor rock climbing and snowboarding. In the spring, I’m outdoor climbing and in the summer, it’s a beach day every day. Love beach days. Getting day drunk with friends and hanging out. Skateboading year-round anywhere I can.


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