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BB16 WINNER: Derrick Levasseur (Final Week) - HoH + Team America + HoH PART 2 winner

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Anyone want to start a pool ... as to how long it'll take for Derrick to REALLY lose it ?


I say between 9 and 9:30 pm BBT tonite.


$2 bucks a bet

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Guest 6Borders

Since when should telling her even be an issue?  The entire season the HG's have not only been telling nom's they were going to be nom'd but telling them they were going home (which is why it's been so boring...used to be against BB rules) so they could wear their best outfit or would not have a meltdown (we live ffor live feed/show eviction meltdowns and blindsides)!


I think Derrick is just trying to keep his BB ducks in a row and I'm sure BB is unhappy to lose the "sensationalizion" with another ho-hum eviction and poor Julie having to come up with some half-way convincing one-liners as to how exciting this is going to be, but it's their own fault for not enforcing the rules of don't tell!


"Don't talk about production" means exactly that!  Start hitting the HG's with $10 out of their stipend everytime they talk about production and they might actually quit doing it... $10 for talking about their DR's, $5 for singing, $2 for sleeping other than the bedrooms!  They won't do it tho because DR "leaks" are fun for the viewers and so far BB has not paid any royalties for singing!

Guest 6Borders

Anyone want to start a pool ... as to how long it'll take for Derrick to REALLY lose it ?


I say between 9 and 9:30 pm BBT tonite.


$2 bucks a bet

20 dog biscuits to the Rescue of choice for between 10-Midnight!

2 boxes of dog biscuits for Midnight to 2am

(this does not qualify as a "game" right"...Morty no-no)


He really just needs to flat out saying he is taking Cody and let her have 3 days to recover. 


I really don't know why he is being so gentle with her. 


She is crying again. OMG

Derrick is trying to avoid the inevitable - Victoria is gonna be pissed if Derrick chooses Cody for F2 on Wednesday. Derrick carried Victoria for so long that now she thinks she either "earned" or "deserved" to be in F2 with Derrick instead of Cody.


Derrick needs to just man up and accept the torture since he 1) didn't do anything all season to actually work or

earn where he is and 2) he created the monster that is Victoria.  He has no one else to blame but himself for

dragging this whinebag to third place.  They could easily have let her go instead of Caleb.  But they didn't want

to do that since Derrick still thought he might actually need Victoria.


I'm still not convinced that when it comes right down to it, he won't take Victoria to final two (assuming Cody loses

the last round).  It would be a real switch-up in Derrick's "strategy" if he ditches Victoria and takes Cody since he

has gone on record throughout the season that at that point in the game, you don't take a risk. 


And by the way, if it were Cody who thought he wasn't going to make it to final two, he would be as big of a whinebag

as Victoria is.  Maybe even worse.  Derrick actually has TWO monsters on his hands.  It's just that one of them

feels secure right now, and the other one doesn't.

Guest 6Borders

I don't think Derrick will take Victoria to F2 if he's final HOH.  He told Cody he would be the biggest schmuck (sp?) in BB history if he didn't take Cody.  He's been promising Cody and evading and skirting the issue with Victoria (by saying he can't break rules and tell her).   I also don't think BB and Derrick have been cooking this up (promise Cody and then take Victoria)  just so we all have a HUGE gasp on finale night.


Right now Derrick is keeping his cool with Victoria for her vote, and letting Cody shoot himself in the foot trash-talking Vic right to her face the last week, securing her not voting for Cody.


I think Derrick's lesser of two evils and gambles is if Cody wins the final HOH.  Derrick can tell Vic he tried and Cody will 99.99% take Derrick to F2.


I don't think Derrick will take Victoria to F2 if he's final HOH.  He told Cody he would be the biggest schmuck (sp?) in BB history if he didn't take Cody.  He's been promising Cody and evading and skirting the issue with Victoria (by saying he can't break rules and tell her).   I also don't think BB and Derrick have been cooking this up (promise Cody and then take Victoria)  just so we all have a HUGE gasp on finale night.


Right now Derrick is keeping his cool with Victoria for her vote, and letting Cody shoot himself in the foot trash-talking Vic right to her face the last week, securing her not voting for Cody.


I think Derrick's lesser of two evils and gambles is if Cody wins the final HOH.  Derrick can tell Vic he tried and Cody will 99.99% take Derrick to F2.


Well the only way I am watching the feeds is to wait for Derrick to flat out tell Victoria boooooom you are gone. I think production would like to drag out the begging and whining from Victoria.


Derrick has been cool and calm all season long. He is now being tested by fire with the FOUR LONG DAYS with Countess Chocula. He needs to tell her to SHUT UP. I would have read her the riot act long ago. She would have been in the Jury and drive them stark, raving mad.

Guest 6Borders

Derrick has been cool and calm all season long. He is now being tested by fire with the FOUR LONG DAYS with Countess Chocula. He needs to tell her to SHUT UP. I would have read her the riot act long ago. She would have been in the Jury and drive them stark, raving mad.

"Countess Chocula"....LOVE IT!!!


If Derrick can keep his cool until finale and get Vic's vote he 100% more than deserves the money!

He's losing patience tho and let off steam to Cody (probably also stragedy but he's really getting exasperated) that he doesn't care if Vic votes for him or not, he just wants to enjoy his last days and have her shut up!  He's told Vic that 100 times also.


Why poor Derrick?  He created the monster Victoria and now he has to deal with her. He used her and even led her on in some ways and had many opportunities to get rid of her, but didn't.  She is the same Victoria as the Victoria that entered the house except she helped Derrick get to the end and whines more and wants payback.


I know it won't happen but it would make my season if Derrick got booted out on his ass.  He made enough money and his entitlement about having a family annoyed the heck out of me.  Too bad Brittney (or Devin) didn't get the same treatment, if having a kid was criteria to win this year.


I compare him to Maggie with her sheep, because Derrick has the same sheep and if any of them weren't so trusting or had half a brain, I probably wouldn't be typing any of this now.


In the meanwhile, Cody and Derrick need to be prepping for BB Final 3. That's not easy with Victoria's constant, annoying whine.


Why poor Derrick?  He created the monster Victoria and now he has to deal with her. He used her and even led her on in some ways and had many opportunities to get rid of her, but didn't.  She is the same Victoria as the Victoria that entered the house except she helped Derrick get to the end and whines more and wants payback.


I know it won't happen but it would make my season if Derrick got booted out on his ass.  He made enough money and his entitlement about having a family annoyed the heck out of me.  Too bad Brittney (or Devin) didn't get the same treatment, if having a kid was criteria to win this year.


I compare him to Maggie with her sheep, because Derrick has the same sheep and if any of them weren't so trusting or had half a brain, I probably wouldn't be typing any of this now.

Derrick manipulated just about all of the HGs to get in the position he is in right now. He seemed to have plotted and planned for everything - except for Victoria. Personally, I think that he played Victoria too hard and for too long. He knew that she was vulnerable and naive and he used that to his advantage in the game.

Now Victoria is going to show him. in her own way - Hell hath no fury as a woman scorned.


Amen Lamasquerade and Carmen...Derrick created the monster so now he needs to deal with it.  He chose to drag her along, reassuring her constantly and acting as if they were a "team" for the last 3 mths.  I personally hope she drives him stark raving mad by Wednesday. 


The only saving grace this season could have for me is if Cody wins part 3 and takes Vic.  That would be the funniest thing ever. 


Amen Lamasquerade and Carmen...Derrick created the monster so now he needs to deal with it.  He chose to drag her along, reassuring her constantly and acting as if they were a "team" for the last 3 mths.  I personally hope she drives him stark raving mad by Wednesday. 


The only saving grace this season could have for me is if Cody wins part 3 and takes Vic.  That would be the funniest thing ever.

Double Amen. I thought that I was alone in thinking that Derrick took it too far with Victoria.

If Cody wins part 3 and takes Derrick out - that would be a cold blooded move - then he earns the title of a Hitman because Derrick would not see it coming.


Amen Lamasquerade and Carmen...Derrick created the monster so now he needs to deal with it.  He chose to drag her along, reassuring her constantly and acting as if they were a "team" for the last 3 mths.  I personally hope she drives him stark raving mad by Wednesday. 


The only saving grace this season could have for me is if Cody wins part 3 and takes Vic.  That would be the funniest thing ever. 


I could see if Derrick was her parent and raised her he could take some responsibility for her behavior. He is a person playing a game and so is Victoria. She is responsible for her own lunatic behavior. Just over a week ago she was happy to be going to the jury.  I think all the whining is more for camera time and she thinks like Brittney Haynes she could get AFP pity vote because she is being cut by the guys at the end. :rolleyes:


I could see if Derrick was her parent and raised her he could take some responsibility for her behavior. He is a person playing a game and so is Victoria. She is responsible for her own lunatic behavior. Just over a week ago she was happy to be going to the jury.  I think all the whining is more for camera time and she thinks like Brittney Haynes she could get AFP pity vote because she is being cut by the guys at the end. :rolleyes:

What the heck does parenting have to do with anything in the game?

I know you watch their every move 24 horus a day, so you can be in as much denial as you want. Yes, it's game play, but to say that he didn't lead her on and fill her head with thoughts the last month is total denial.  Does reap what you sow, have any significance to you?


You all seem to think she is the problem, but he was the one that originated the problem!!!!!!   


Oh BTW, anyone that needs money to raise a family should 1) think about not having one until they can properly care for them 2) get a second job.


"You're taking food out of my family's mouth"  --- who said that?




The only saving grace this season could have for me is if Cody wins part 3 and takes Vic.  That would be the funniest thing ever. 

That would be freaking hilarious or Victoria being the deciding vote that gives a win to Cody. LOL

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