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Saturday September6 Live Feeds / BB After Dark Updates


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Please post ONLY Live Feed, televised show, and Big Brother After Dark observations here !


If you are adding personal comments, please keep them to a minimum and use brackets [personal comment]around the text.


Remember your time zones. Big Brother USA Time is Pacific Coast Daylight Saving Time (See Map Here).


Please be careful in identifying who is speaking, and do not use confusing abbreviations. We may have several HGs with names which start with the same letter.


To better help you identify the HGs, we made this guide you can print out and refer to until you get to know who's who. http://www.mortystv.com/images/bb16/Big_Brother_16_Houseguest_Guide.pdf


Try to be consistent with abbreviations, like:


Activities of Daily Living (ADLs)

Battle of the Block (BotB)

Bedroom (BR)

Back Yard (BY)

Bedroom (BR)

Dining Table (DT)

Fire room (FR)

Head of House Room (HOHR)

Kitchen (KT)

Indoor Lock Down (ILD)

Living Room (LR)

Outdoor Lock Down (OLD)

Washroom Area (WA)

Water Closet (WC)



If you post questions or start conversations with each other here, they will be deleted.



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12:45 am BBT They hear "Knock knock...who's there? Holler" It's another Donny voiced Holler! They all want to know if they will hear another Zach one.


12:57 am BBT Cody builds up a scenario of the jury members coming back into the house. Frankie says it's not going to happen.Derrick says why do you think it can't happen. Derrick says it can happen if there's a swap. Derrick says that it could be 2 sides of the wall. The last person to fall off the wall on the HG side and the last person to fall off the jury side switch places. Frankie says they are all fans of the game and they didn't build a room for them not to push the button. There are too many superfans left in the house. Does he think it will be one hell of a Pandora's Box? Yes. Derrick asks what the worst case scenario is. Cody says the 2 people on the box play the 2 people off the block for eviction. Bring back BotB for one night. Frankie says "Wow! That would be epic."


1:10 am BBT Frankie goes up to take a bath and Derrick heads up to take a shower. Caleb comes out of the DR. He is laughing and says the entire DR session was him recreating when he and Cody were in the Button room judo chopping the fly earlier in the day. He is sure it will make the show. He tells Cody they call him in soon. Just as he says that, they call Cody. Derrick is talking to Frankie upstairs about the TA mission. They are going to look in the Fire BR if there would be an escape route for a rodent. They think this might be the best place to start the mission.


1:20 am BBT Derrick is talking to Frankie about taking a nap after the veto and hoping everyone else will, too. Derrick says he hopes he wins the veto. --him, Caleb, or Frankie. He says he doesn't know what Frankie will do if Cody does win the veto. They are interrupted by Caleb and Victoria so they pretend they are talking about the button. Frankie brings up that it says the word "Game" all over the room. Caleb says he hasn't watched as much BB as the rest of them, but he just doesn't think they would make the people who have worked so hard to get where they are compete against people who haven't won anything or who haven't worked hard at all to get into the house. Frankie thinks it will be them competing for special powers.


1:30 am BBT Derrick is showering, Frankie is taking a bath, Victoria is dancing around to Ariana's music. Frankie says he thinks her music is going to be quite popular with them when they get out of there. Caleb asks if he thinks he will be popular. Frankie says yes, Caleb. That is his honest assessment. Then Caleb picks up Frankie's blazer to his suit and asks if he will honestly contact Malan to make him a blazer. Frankie says one of his tweets will be to him asking him to make the guys in the house blazers. Caleb goes into a monologue about Frankie's family. He thinks Frankie's mom and sister probably love him. Thinks his sister probably wants to invite him to a concert and give him backstage passes. Will invite Frankie on stage and Frankie can introduce him. Frankie says he thinks they are probably getting all the exposure they need right here on the show.


1:40 am BBT Cody is down in the Fire BR reviewing on his own. He is the only HG who has been preparing for the veto competition the entire evening.


1:57 am BBT Caleb says that when he gets out of the house he wants to get a silver BB16 BMC (Beast Mode Cowboy) necklace. He says if he doesn't get America's Favorite Player he will probably still get one, just not as big. he would also like to get one that looks like the veto. Derrick says he can't get one like that. Caleb says he can do whatever he wants to. Derrick says he can't because he hasn't won one yet. Caleb is counting his wins and Derrick reminds him that technically Victoria won one of the vetos that he is counting because he took the money instead. Caleb says that he forgets that and it bugs him.

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2:08am Victoria and Frankie in the HOHR talking about Christine and how she laughed at everything while eating Veggie Stix. Derrick comes in to get his toothbrush says Cody is showering and Caleb's going to bed


2:14am Caleb, Cody, and Derrick in the KT talking about what the button could mean and eating hummus and chips. Victoria and Frankie talking about when Hayden and Nicole were evicted.


2:26am Caleb and Derrick in the KT talking about winning competitions. Derrick says he would never beat Caleb in an endurance. Frankie and Victoria have moved on to Donny.


2:32 am Derrick and Caleb talking about why Derrick decided to go for the $5000 and 5000 Hollas. Derrick said he saw how far ahead Caleb was and knew he would never catch up. Victoria and Frankie still gossiping about Christine Victoria thinks she does more then work at Starbucks


2:39am Everyone in the kitchen now talking about the button. Derrick says he thinks it could be a twist  that might change the nominations but doesn’t think that it is something that will instantly evict a person. Says the voting process has a lot to do with  the show so it wouldn’t be fair to change it with a twist


2:50am Frankie and Derrick talking about winning comps or going home in the WA while Derrick brushes his teeth. Caleb going to bed in the FR


2:59am Victoria and Derrick talk in the WA about the hat that Cody is looking for. She says that Nicole took it back to Hayden because it was his and he wanted it back. Frankie, Caleb and Cody all in beds in the FR


3:08am Everyone is planning on sleeping in the FR tonight. Derrick was going to share a bed with Frankie while Caleb and Cody shared a bed but once the lights got turned off… Frankie joined Caleb and Cody in bed. Victoria asked Cody a question and we got FoTH we come back to Cody crawling on the floor in the dark room next to Victoria's bed  and growls her name, she screamed


3:25am Caleb was called to the DR everyone else in the FR  discussing the different sexual situations one could find themselves in and looking at it from the view point of a woman who is saving herself


3:32am Frankie has gone back upstairs to the HOHR and Caleb rejoined Victoria , Cody and Derrick in the FR they are discussing living with their significant others before marriage.


3:40am Frankie is listening to music on his bed in the HOHR and appears to be reading something. Conversation in the FR is whether or not it should be easy for a man to go 6 months without sexual contact after being used to it with other girls


3:52am Caleb, Derrick and Cody are telling Victoria not to settle, that she might need to kiss a lot of frogs before she finds her prince. However, her requirements for a man are going to be hard to meet. Caleb compare them to getting a loan for $12k but the bank telling him the truck has to be newer then 2008 and less then 50,000 miles, it will be hard to do


4:04am Caleb is telling a sstory about how he ended up with an

$1800 phone bill coming back from over seas. Says he turned on his phone in Italy and it turned on his web and data and he was roaming. Said ATT covered about 500 of it then he had to pay the rest


4:15am Caleb says he saw the guitar and the mic in the back yard earlier and thought I hope no one asks me to play just to be funny because that would have been a lot of pressure. They say they are going to bed


4:25am It appears they have all given in and are going to go to bed. They have all said goodnight to one another again and the room has gotten quiet

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8:51PM BBT: All 4 feeds on sleeping HG's.

9:25AM BBT: We have fish now so hopefully the HG's will be up in just a sec.    

 9:41AM BBT: Feeds are back up w/ Caleb going to the WA and Vic. in the storage room changing her batteries. 

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10:33am Caleb going through the house for the last 30 minutes singing and yelling we have a clean house and saying we have a pov today baby and we are going to get dirty yeah baby.He then says  dude after i drink coffee i have to poop everytime.. Derrick says that happens to everyone.


 10:36am Victoria is in the hoh bathroom doing her hair. Cody is still sleeping. Caleb in the WC and keeps singing and yelling as he is pooping. Derrick is doing his ADL'S.


 10:48am Frankie and Caleb standing at the memory wall talking about how each person lost the game and went home.Caleb leaves the wall and Frankie says where you going? Caleb tells him he doesn't know he just wants to look good for whoever is coming  today and Frankie says they wont be here for at least another 4 hours.


 10:49am Frankie says to Victoria point to the people that was not ready for this game and Victoria says Devin. Joey and Paola and Frankie says right.


 10:50am  Caleb, Frankie and Victoria sitting at the KT table and Caleb says i think Brittany has a kid but i don't believe she has 3 she has an awesome body. Derrick comes out of the DR and goes to make breakfast for himself then Caleb says i will take some too.Caleb says if i have yo guess i think Andy is coming in that door today.He will ring that doorbell and come in. Derrick says no i don't think so the door is for a celebrity and Andy is not a celebrity like Jeff is.


  10:54am Caleb says i don't think Andy is a good as you are Frankie and Frankie says no he isn't. He is no where near my level.

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11:03am Frankie says he wants to go back to bed and then says yup i can defiantly pass out as he goes to his hoh rm singing good morning good morning and moves his pictures to his bed. Caleb and derrick in KT making food and Caleb reading labels on the food.


11:06am all feeds on Frankie laying in the hoh bed yawning and putting cotton in his ears so that he can go to sleep.


 11:13am Caleb and derrick are sitting at the KT table talking about keeping 

derricks cut clean and derrick says as long as i keep it covered like this with a bandage then  it should be fine and not rip no more.


11:16am derrick talking about Christine and her being booed and how she never cursed and he doesn't understand why she was booed. Caleb says maybe she was literally just and Derrick says we wont know till we get out of here but maybe she said something to someone. Caleb says well maybe it was because she walked out and didn't say bye to anyone or even cared to say anything so that could be it.


11:20am Caleb says it was bad sportsmanship for her to walk out as we carried her this far and maybe she was in the Dr talking bad about all of us but it was poor sportsmanship for her to walk out of here the way she did but she never won anything. derrick says  right she always won for herself. Caleb says exactly she won for herself.Caleb says well she is gone  we have one more to go then we will have a smaller table then it is head to head  all the way out.


11:24am derrick and Caleb still talking about other Hg games and how they played the game.


11:26am Caleb says wow after this week you could be the only one left on the left memory wall. He says derrick how does it feel to be the only one on the left memory wall. derrick says it will be great .


11:30am Victoria comes out of the DR and derrick says he is going back to bed . Victoria says i am going back to bed too i am tired.Derrick says we might as well cause they are still drilling out there in the BY.Victoria sits at the table with the guys and eats an apple.


 11:32am Caleb says i cant wait till after the finale and we get to meet everyone. Victoria says Caleb you got up early this morning how did you do that. Caleb says they sounded mad this morning when they came over the speaker to tell us to get up and we get foth.


11:35am Victoria says i am going back to bed and Caleb says oh Donny i cant wait to hear a story from him.


  11:38am derrick washes his dishes and then tells Caleb he is going to go lay down and heads to the BR. Caleb then heads to the BR and goes back to bed also.All hg are now in bed going back to sleep.

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#BB16 12:05pm Cam1/2 on Caleb sleeping, Cam3 on Derrick sleeping, Cam4 on Derrick/Victoria/Cody sleeping in the FR.


#BB16 12:20pm Everyone's eyes are still shut and sleeping.


#BB16 12:40pm All feeds still on sleeping HG. 


#BB16 1:02pm HG still sleeping and snoring away.


#BB16 1:08pm Victoria gets up and heads to he KT. All other HG are still in bed.


#BB16 1:11pm Victoria hand ate some fruit loops and then got another snack and made her way to the SR.


#BB16 1:15pm Victoria heads back to the FR and gets back in her bed. 


#BB16 1:32pm HG eyes are shut and still laying in their beds just  dreaming way!


#BB16 1:53pm The HG are still sleeping and every so often tossing and turning in their beds. 

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2:00pm All HG still sleeping.


2:35pm BB is letting the Hg sleep in today.


2:49pm Victoria and Frankie in the hoh rm now talking about Arianna and Beyonce. Frankie asking Victoria about lunch nd Victoria is just talking and answering softly Like she is still sleeping. Frankie says ok i will be pooping with the headphones on if they call me and Victoria says ok i will let you know if they call you.


 2:56pm Victoria is down in the KT eating  and Frankie comes down and starts talking about Arianna's songs Victoria says i like  her song and Frankie says it is awesome.


2:58pm Victoria ask Frankie if he is making Coffee for some ice coffee and he says he will make some.Caleb, Derrick and Cody are still sleeping. 

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3:02pm Frankie is making tuna salad again for his lunch.Victoria is in the WC.


3:09pm derrick is now up and heading to the KT and he says to Frankie and Victoria that they all got a good nap today and Frankie says yeah we did.


3:12pm Victoria yells derrick are you going to storage? he says yeah  and she ask will you please grab me a lemon and he says sure Victoria and she says  thanks love. She looks at Frankie and says why does he say it like that and Frankie says  when you ask like that we know that you want something from storage. derrick comes out and she ask was you going to storage and he says no but i went for you and she laughs as Frankie says i just told her that.


 3:14pm Frankie says ok so this is Wednesday no Sunday no Saturday . Victoria laughs then BB starts the holla's for derrick as derrick tells Frankie he is going to use his bathroom. Frankie tried to get in the DR and BB tells Frankie NO. He then says wow we cant even get into the DR and then says someone is coming in and Victoria says yeah someone is coming then Frankie tells her he has to put more makeup on.


  3:22pm Frankie tells derrick that he is going to sleep next to him and tap his activity tracker  at 3:30am And then he will freak out  derrick says ok so you want me to see it too and Frankie says yeah then we freak out. derrick says if  they start dozing off at 1am then we might have to do it earlier. Frankie says yeah.


 3:25pm Frankie says i need to go ask for more medication cause i am running and they wouldn't let me in the Dr they told me no. Caleb is up in the KT with Victoria making food.


3:27pm Cody is now up and in the shower talking to Victoria about Caleb snoring. Derrrick and Caleb in the hoh rm with Frankie saying there are ants again in there and derrick says i noticed that while i was pooping. Caleb is now listening to Frankie CD and dancing in the room.


3:31pm Caleb ask Frankie if he does a windmill on Channing Tatum chin  what will he do and Frankie says his 75 body guards will murder you. Caleb says i don't mean hit him and Frankie says his 75 body guards will murder you. Caleb laughs and says not really hit him dancing crazy and Frankie says oh yeah he will love it.


3:35pm Cody asking if there is going to be a host will we get locked down for a rehearsal and Frankie says no there will just be a ding dong. Frankie says what if it is Andy and he is proposing to me? Cody then yells at everyone and the live feeders  good morning.


3:39pm Cody goes to the hoh and uses face cream and Caleb looks at the spy screen as Derrick says  he will not leave us up here alone for long and  then they say here he comes as Frankie walks through the door.


3:40pm Everyone is in the hoh rm now except Cody who is in the STr getting food to make 


3:53pm Caleb and Frankie in HOh bathroom talking about  music and George Straights music. Cody making his food in the KT as Victoria watches him.

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 4:00pm  Caleb telling derrick that if Victoria win this pov then Frankie will have to put one of us on the block then one of us goes home but either way but i think the pov is gonna be physical and we will be fine man.


 4:02pm Derrick and Caleb talking  about someones show and flight that had to make yesterday.In the KT Frankie and Victoria and Cody talking about Caleb wanting to do a windmill in Channing Tatum face. they all start laughing and Frankie says i think he will walk away


 4:07pm caleb is talking to Derick about things that were said to other Hg that have already left the house and Caleb says that Hayden and Frankie had a bond there . derrick says if Frankie makes it to the final 2 with you then he deserves it and Caleb says i will stand up there and says Frankie you deserve it.Derrick says if we put him up next week and he wins POV and  then wins the final HOH then he deserves to win it.


 4:09pm Caleb says if Frankie wins HOH and i am on the block next to you derrick then i am going home. In the KT Cody is yelling Caleb loudly.Caleb comes out and Cody ask  is this your dirty bowl and he says my bowl no Frankie made  tuna not me and Frankie says i made you food. Caleb says i ate 3 bites so it is my dirty dish? Cody says did you  eat the last bite and he says yeah and Cody says it is yours wash it.


  4:12pm Caleb goes to the HOh rm and tells derrick what just happened downstairs about the dirty bowl  and says he is irritated now


4:18pm All Hg except Frankie are in the hoh rm just general talk about runny noses.


 4:24pm everyone in hoh talking about Christine getting booed again, they are trying to figure out why she was booed so badly.


4:32pm All HG in HOh talking about When Shane was evicted and about Ian and Amanda and Elissa. derrick says that Andy actually told Elissa in a goodbye message that he voted her out and not Amanda.


4:37pm Derrick and Cody talking about Arriannas songs and how one is a pick me up and gets them going. Caleb says he is buying her CD"S as soon as he gets out of here.


 4:43pm Hg talking about who got picked for POV comps and Frankie says i never got picked he tells Derrick you picked Jocasta what was with that? derrick laughs and they start going through who was picked to host the comps.


4:46pm Caleb says i am carrying my BB bag on the plane with me and everyone in the back of the plane will be yelling beast mode.Derrick says i am carrying mine too and Victoria says i carried mine here on the plane.


4:55pm All Hg in the HOH rm saying they don't think there is going to be a guest today so Bb will just say to go to the STR and then to the BY for the pov.

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5:02 PM BBT
Caleb is telling Cody in the kitchen that if Cody wins the pov he shouldn't use it, so that Derrick doesn't go up. Cody says, "If I win, I'm using it. I'm not stupid." Caleb is trying to convince Cody to throw it instead. Derrick says, "Dude, I'm not encouraging anyone to throw a competition." Caleb says, "I can understand Cody's strategy though of using the pov if he wins."


5:10 PM BBT Frankie is still talking about Arianna's cd and says he still wants to know if Justin Bieber was on the cd. He knows Big Sean was. Derrick wants to know if he memorized it. Caleb tells everyone they are wrong when they try to help Derrick. Cody tells Caleb that it's not "In the block", it's box. Cody gives his nomination speech but it is far dirtier. Caleb and Frankie keep singing in the house.


5:18 PM BBT The voice of Big Brother comes on the speaker and gives them another random fact. It was too low for anyone to hear and Frankie asks to have it repeated. Cody says, "If these facts are going to be used in a competition, I'm going to be so pissed." Frankie says, "What if all these facts all season have led up to the next veto competition? If I go out and find it is, I'm killing everyone!" They repeat the fact for them. Cody asks production to get a pov started up in here. Frankie happens to notice they have bugs again, but instead of ants they are termites. We immediately cut to fish.


5:32 PM BBT Feeds are cutting in and out as they discuss members of production. They want to call out the DR to let them know when they get to play. They hear something in the storage room. Frankie checks it and is mad that nothing has changed. He didn't even get the Febreeze he requested. He says they are screwing with them now.


5:37 PM BBT The house guests are in the button room counting down to the next day down since they pushed the button. When they get back in the room, the screen flashed blank and then came back. And Caleb and Cody start humming and we immediately go back to fish.


5:40 PM BBT Feeds come back for about 10 seconds and then immediately cut as they are still singing.


5:44 PM BBT They come back and they are playing a game similar to the Big Booty game from S13. They are playing a game called Zoomy Zommay. The guests clap and say, "Zoomy Zoomay, Zoomy Zoomy" and they call out numbers, the first person to forget their number and keep it going loses. Feeds cut again. When they come back Cody suggest they play a drinking game. Frankie says they can do a Kabbalah blessing ceremony.


5:46 PM BBT Frankie tells the boys he has high hopes for them and their social media futures. He says he'll help them all set up their Vine, Instagram, Twitter, and Youtube acounts. He says he only has 200,000 subscribers and you need 1,000,000 to make any money. He says it's a hard life and is complicated. It's a great platform, but unless you do the correct thing with it, it could be pointless. He says it's the same way with Big Brother. You could leave the house with no avenue into stardom or making money. He says no one who has a viral video makes money off them, because they are one hit wonders. Big Brother asks Victoria if she washed her hands. The boys yell out at that she's disgusting for doing that. Cody wonders why they call them out like that and Frankie says it's so we don't pass each other diseases in the house.


5:49 PM BBT Frankie wants to go back to the DR to ask for a netti pot. His nasal passages are jacked up. Cody says that would be so great if they could get one, because his nasals have been messed up all season. Derrick says netti pots are weird. Cody says you have to do it correctly otherwise it could go down your throat. He says his dad uses a netti pot twice a day, and he does it once a day. He says his dad never gets sick, but when Cody does he does it three times a day until he's over it. Cody says he cannot believe that the blue hat is gone. Frankie is back and said the DR would put in a request. He says he needs the netti pot and Cody can use it too. Cody says the water is not clean in the house so they need to put it in the microwave. Frankie says we'll boil it and let it come back to room temperature.

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6:00 PM BBT The remaining male HG's are in the LR. Derrick is talking about Christine, and what she did and said in the house. Cody says that a bunch of the girls said that Donny creeped them out. Frankie says, Donny looks older than he is, and that he looks like he's 60 years old. He says that Donny would comment on their a$$es, and that the girls were freaked out by that. Derrick says, Well, going back to sleep. Cody says, they probably need to get something to eat. Frankie says, he's going to get a turkey sandwich. Frankie goes to the SR, and looks in the refrigerator. He gets lunch meat out, and leaves the SR, singing, "Here comes the turkey." Cody says, he can't believe they have termites. Caleb explains what termites do, and how they leave the wood on the ground. Cody asks if they wood in the LR is different than the one they got earlier in the season.


6:04 PM BBT Cody says that BB needs to do something about the termites in the wood. Caleb says, he put them on the wood to see if they were actually termites, and they dove right into the wood. Cody asks how many are in the wood, and Caleb says he saw the two on the pillow, and he's not sure how many are in their, if there's a family or what, he's not sure. Frankie is in KT getting his food prepared. He says, it's 6 p.m., and that doesn't bode well for anything. He goes back to the LR, and Caleb says that TVGN starts in 3 hours. Cody goes and gets food from the KT. We hear hollas for Derrick from Jocasta, Donny, Zach and Hayden. Then we hear one from all of them together. Then Donny does two more. Derrick says you can set those up on an iPhone. Frankie starts talking about his sister doing recordings for his sister's TV show. Caleb asks what Victoria is doing? Frankie says, she's in the bathroom, looking at herself. Caleb says, "Dude, she's been in there for 3 hours." Cody says, "Don't jinx it."


6:10 PM BBT We hear another holla for Derrick with a dog bark. Caleb says it sounds like a little chihuahya or something. Derrick is trying to get in the SR. They think there may be a short with the button. Derrick jiggles the button trying to get in there. He says, he thinks at the end of the season they get bored, so they try to f*ck with them. The HG's agree that they've been locked out since Wednesday afternoon, except when they saw Jeff and Jordyn's engagement. Cody goes in the KT, and is putting ice in a cup. Victoria comes out of the WA, and Caleb says, "Hey Victoria." Frankie, Cody and Frankie talk about a pool tournament. Cody goes in SR looking for a packet, to put in his cup. He tells Victoria they got them a while ago. She says, she's been looking for them. He tells her, they are in clear site. Frankie says, they sit around for 3 hours, twiddling their thumbs.


6:15 PM BBT Frankie is chomping on soft food, while he's eating. Derrick tells Cody, his blue drinks look cool in the cup he's using. Cody gets up and goes to the KT sink. Frankie says, maybe the Veto will be shown on TVGN. Derrick says, feedsters may get it, because they pay for it, but TVGN is not going to get a free Veto. Derrick says he's excited that they haven't had it yet, and he's excited, because they are going to do something out of the ordinary. Caleb says, there are going to be punishments. Frankie thinks that button means that the Veto ceremony will be live on Wednesday. Victoria says, no. Derrick says, it's possible, but what if they keep us locked down until this Thursday? Victoria says, what if our parents are out there? She is happy and smiling, thinking about that. Derrick says, they've never done that. Frankie says, they've never done that, but Survivor has. Derrick says, he will freak out, and he knows it wouldn't be his wife, because she can't get time off work. Caleb says, it could be 2 of his brothers.


6:19 PM BBT Frankie says how his brother is a double black-belt, and how he's insanely in-shape. All the HG's are in the LR, and are talking about their brothers, and other family members. Derrick says, he doesn't know if they would let family members go in there, because it's to big of a risk. Frankie agrees, and says, it is a huge risk. Cody says, that idea's out. Derrick says, it's definitely out. Caleb says, it could be one of the Veto's like Canada, where there is glass up. He says, to take a penalty to see your family. Frankie says, what if it's you do puzzles and stuff on either side of the wall, and can't talk. Caleb says, maybe it could be a sibling contest about other players in the house.


6:23 PM BBT Cody was back in the LR, back in the KT, and then goes back to the LR, and says, "Should I just f*ck myself?" Frankie says, "See he's cleaning, I'm impressed with him." Frankie starts to clean up his stuff, as Cody finishes wiping off the coffee table. Frankie goes back in the KT, and says it's 6:30 p.m. Caleb says, "They got us up early today, for nothing." Frankie asks what the latest Veto is that they've ever had? Caleb says, "6 p.m." Frankie asks, "Wasn't there one at around 7 p.m.?" He goes to the WC, and the HG's continue to talk about the Veto's. They say how it started sprinkling in one of the Veto comps, when Zach was the last one. We hear more holla's for Derrick. Caleb says, "Can someone says POV?" Caleb says, they are getting really bored and tired. Cody says, they will probably send them out to run all around. Derrick says, they will be up all night tonight. Cody says, "If they give us some teddy brewskie's, we are golden." Caleb agrees. Caleb says it's cool how someone recorded his voice live, "You fruit loop dingus." Victoria says that one of the camera's just turned. Derrick says they usually turn them around when nothing's going on.


6:28 PM BBT Cody asks Victoria if she hears a noise, and she says, it's the ice machine. Cody says he can't wait until they are kicking it tonight. Frankie is by the sink using mouthwash, and he gets called to the DR. Victoria says that Frankie is HOH, so it may be POV. They all try to figure out what it could be. Caleb says, he's requested Febreeze and nose spray, so he may be getting told that will be in the SR soon. Frankie is putting cream on his face now, and then leaves the WA. He stops in the KT, puts the cream in his make-up bag, and takes it with him to the DR. Cody says, please ask them if we can play, and tells him to scream when he goes in there. Frankie does scream from the DR, and Cody says there's no costume in there though. Derrick says, camera's are rolling now. He says, they are getting ready for Frankie to do something. They continue to guess what it might be. We see FoTH.


6:33 PM BBT Live Feeds come back up for a moment, and then go back to FoTH. Live Feeds come back a moment later. HG's are talking about when this comp should happen, because TVGN will be on soon. They all guess what time it is. Cody walks through the KT, and tells them that it's 6:33 p.m. He goes in WA, washes his hand at the sink, dries it off, and then goes in the WC. Victoria says, "Let's play." They all agree. Then she says, "Come on." Cody comes out of WC, and washes his hands again at the sink, and then dries them off. He walks out of the WA. Caleb tells Victoria different scenarios for the Veto Comp. Victoria tells Caleb, she puts her make-up in 10 minutes, when she wants. They all say, no way, and not this season. Cody walks around, and hears drilling outside. Victoria says, they are making last minute checks. We hear, "You are not allowed to talk about production." She is saying it along with the announcement. We hear, "Victoria." She says, "What," without a response.


6:37 PM BBT Cody goes in the room with the golden button. He tells everyone that the screen is black, and for them to go and look. We see FoTH. Live Feeds come back a minute later, and Cody says, "That's a total f*ck me on that one." He runs into the KT, and Victoria asks him what time it is? We see FoTH, and then it switches to Jeff's highlight reels.


6:44 PM BBT It seems that this is probably the Veto comp, that the HG's have been anticipating and waiting for all day.


7:18 PM BBT We are still enjoying Jeff's Highlight reels, while the HG's play the Veto competition.


7:42 PM BBT We are still watching Jeff's Highlight reels.


8:16 PM BBT We are still watching Jeff's Highlight reels.


8:47 PM BBT We are still watching Jeff's Highlight reels.

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9:00 pm BBT  Caleb is in the beehive. He says the final 5 is boring with less people to talk to and hopefully we like a little bit of Beast Mode in our life. He hopes we are having a good time this summer and are enjoying watching him. He hopes we are on (TVGN) and he's not talking to himself.


9:05 pm BBT  He says everyone should come hunt with the Fat Neck brothers and have a good time. He said the the POV BB Freak Show was pretty fun. He feels like eating a big ole pepperoni pizza because a beast like him needs to eat. His hair is finally growing back after Adam and Eve. To all the Beast Mode fans, #BeastModeCowboy, get it trending. Get it pushed out.


9:08 pm BBT He calls out to TVGN and says, what's going down?! He says he's stuck in the BB house, waiting to eat. He wants to know where all his pretty country ladies are at?! He says if you think he's got what it takes, hopefully he has what it takes to keep one. He says he's getting old, time to settle down. He's going to throw a big party, probably in NYC. He is turning 27 in November. Feeds switch to Derrick in the Fire BR. He is wearing a purple tshirt that says BB Freakshow. He says they are all sequestered in different rooms and they are doing it individually. He says he could have done better.


9:12 pm BBT  Derrick is whispering to the camera that it is going to be a long night because of the TA mission. He says if you haven't bought the feeds yet, tonight is the night to do it. He says its going to be a fun night because "there's a mouse in the BB house."


9:18 pm BBT  Feed switches to Victoria in the SR. She is going through the clothes that are stacked on the floor. Then she stands up and looks in the mirror, fixes her outfit and goes into a cabinet. It appears she gets out a piece of candy / gum. The feed switches back to Caleb in the beehive. He says if you like the United States of America, #UnitedStatesofAmerica, fly the US flag and fly it high and proud all day long. Whose at home on the couch eating some Cheetos with a Coke to drink with your dog on your lap? --don't be digging in your nose. He says sometimes he has a couple of long nose hairs and it looks like he's digging in his nose, but he's just pulling his nose hairs out. [You can't make this stuff up, folks... brotayjax] He then says "What?? We might be done with the veto folks...Could be heading out to the BY soon." And does a shout out to his family...and the fans. Then says hopefully when he gets out of the house he has a shirt that says Beast Mode Cowboy on it that he can wear to the airport and represent.


9:26 pm BBT  All 4 cameras are on Caleb in the beehive and he isn't talking at all. He is wearing an orange shirt that says BB Freakshow on it. Derrick's is purple and Victoria's is yellow. We haven't seen Frankie or Cody yet. He calls out "How much longer have we got up in this hole?" He stands up and walks around and then he looks at his activity tracker. He says Bingo... he hit a 5. He's turned up! The feed switches to Victoria. She is going through the food in a basket in the SR. She opens a granola bar, eats some of it, and puts the rest in a ziplock bag. She looks in the mirror and adjusts her shirt. She goes over and takes her granola bar out of the ziplock bag and eats some more of it. Then she goes to sit down and read the box of Splenda.


9:31 pm BBT  Feeds switch to Derrick in the Fire BR. He is pacing. He says he could have been faster, so if he wins it's just because they were slower. He thinks he will be second. He says F'ck he should have been faster, then apologizes for swearing. Feed switches to Frankie. He says he feels like Cody will fly through it. He is out of breath, so it seems like he just finished. Then the feed switches back to Derrick. He says it would be amazing if he won, he just doesn't think he did.


9:36 pm BBT  We are back on Frankie. He says OMGoodness, what a party I just had. He sees the camera is back on him and say Hi again. Should we talk about something fun. He sits in the chair and says, "Hi TVGN, Hi Live Feeders! I can't believe I'm in the Final 5. Which should mean I'm in the Final 4." He wants us to #FabulousFrankieFinal4  He says that this has been an incredible journey. He says being in Africa in Malawi, 5 1/2 hours away from the closest electrical socket where they didn't know who Justin Bieber or Madonna were, that was the most amazing journey, but this is a close second. Big shout out to buildOn. He's working his tail off and he's hoping he can write them a big check so they can build schools in Africa, maybe in Haiti. Suddenly we go to Jeff's Reels. This probably means the POV is over and we will have a winner soon!


9:47 pm BBT  We return from the POV and Frankie is wearing the POV necklace. He has won the POV.


9:52 pm BBT  They are talking about the comp. Everyone is eating popcorn. It was the face morphing POV they have every year. They are talking about what tripped them up, who they think might have been changed, etc. Derrick tells Frankie he's a beast. Caleb says he couldn't figure out the older woman (it was Frankie morphed with Jocasta). He says it wasn't as easy as he thought it was going to be. Frankie asks if everyone is ready for dinner. He suggests pasta... tacos?! They decide on tacos.


9:57 pm BBT  Victoria says that the people on the block did the worst and that the block is the curse. Cody and Derrick go into the SR to get some stuff for the tacos. Cody says he's impossible to beat. Derrick says he can't beat him. He says he doesn't want to stay in there because Frankie will know they are pissed. They grab what they need and head out of the SR. Caleb says "Ole Frankie boy...Veto, Hoh, Veto... You've got to go." He goes on to say that Frankie's got 3 regulars(?) 3 HOHs and 3 POVs. Frankie says if he's HOH and he's won the veto and something happens on Wednesday where he's not safe, he will kill everybody on the planet. Victoria is in the Fire BR and asks Derrick what Frankie is going to do. He says that he has no idea what he's going to do. She also tells him that she can't eat the tacos because she can't eat meat. --even turkey meat, Derrick asks...she says yes.


10:06 pm BBT  Cody yells out "What up TVGN in the house." Frankie goes into Ariana's album. He says he figured out the order of the album...there are 13 songs on it with the pretty slow one at the end. He talks about one that addresses the paparazzi called "You Don't Know Me," that he really likes. Cody is cooking, Caleb is washing his dish from some food he just ate, Derrick gets a holla while he's putting the taco shells on a baking sheet. Frankie repeats that he hopes after winning the HOH and the POV that he's safe come Wednesday. Cody says there's no way that they will send home someone who has won both the HOH and veto because a button was pressed. Frankie says if that happens he will just have to make peace with it.


10:13 pm BBT  Derrick and Frankie go into the DR and Derrick goes down on his knees and bows down to Frankie. They hug. Frankie says he plans to use this to show loyalty. Frankie says he has put a huge target on his back. Derrick says he has also created a legend. He says he didn't try to win. Derrick says he tried to take some of the weight off of his shoulders. They say they couldn't let Cody win because then Frankie would have had to put Derrick or Cody up. Frankie says he knows he has a huge target on his back and all he can do is keep winning because he has already started the train down the tracks. Derrick says if he wins, Frankie isn't going home. Frankie thanks him. Derrick says he has already dropped some crumbs in the Fire BR. In the KT Caleb is saying to Victoria that Frankie is winning everything...veto, HOH, veto. Everything.


10:20 pm BBT  Caleb and Derrick are back to discussing which morphed pictures tripped them up during the competition. Frankie is in the Earth BR talking to the camera. He says he can't believe it... the 3rd comp in a row veto, HOH, and veto. My ninth competition. Nine out of 17 --that's over 50% accuracy. He repeats oh my god to himself. He says "I'm a beast and I'm the biggest target in the house." He also says that he fully believes he's going home if he doesn't win the veto. He says he won't think about it and he will just be proud of the accomplishments he has made. He comes out of the Earth BR and everyone is saying they can't believe it. He says that he feels bad because he loves everyone. Derrick says he should just be proud.


10:25 pm BBT  Everyone sits down to eat dinner together. They talk about how great the comp was and they try to remember the last time BB did the morph comp. Frankie says they should all sleep in the same BR tonight, he wants to have a sleepover. Everyone agrees. He thanks Cody for making the tacos and says he will have horrible acid reflux from eating the tacos and guacamole. Derrick says he needs to take the meds right after they eat. Frankie says he took it already. Derrick says Frankie even beat him to the meds.


10:35 pm BBT  Caleb is done eating and goes to lay down in the LR. Derrick shouts out to TVGN "What up TVGN!? It's TVGN taco night." Caleb is called to the DR. He comes out of the DR and goes to the WA and asks Frankie if he's in the WC. Frankie says he is. Caleb asks him to flush to toilet to see if it is flushing right. Frankie reports that it is. Caleb says that the DR wanted him to see if it was because there are some toilets in the area that aren't flushing right. Cody, Derrick, and Victoria are cleaning up from dinner. Caleb is back to laying down in the LR.


10:40 pm BBT  Frankie is upstairs in the HOH room brushing his teeth and washing his hands. The rest of the male HG are in the LR. Caleb is upset, going over the losses he has had. Derrick says, "Dammit...23 seconds." --but says that is still a long time in that game. Cody says he couldn't get the eyes. Derrick says the noses were what threw him. Caleb says it was the noses and the eyes that threw him. Victoria comes and joins the guys.


10:45 pm BBT  Frankie, talking to himself...wow, wow, wow, wow. 9 competitions. Who is even close to me? Donny has 3 POVs, 2 BOBs, and an HOH. Derrick has 3 HOHs, non Vetos, no BOBs. Caleb has 3 HOHs, 2 BOBs, but Frankie won one of them, no Vetos. Cody has 1 HOH with Frankie, 1 alone, 1 veto. Holy crap.  He says the person closest to him is Caleb with 5. He says he is just a neon, sparkly target but if they want to get him out of the house they have to beat him and so far it doesn't look like they are gonna. Well, he can't win next week's HOH, unless the button means he can. Because let's face it... if it doesn't, it means he is on the block. He says he is making a great veto speech this week and we should tune in because it's going to be epic. He says he has carried these boys to this point in the game. He says they have carried each other, but mostly him.


10:50 pm BBT  Frankie comes downstairs and hugs Cody. He says, "I keep you safe. I told you... I keep you safe." Cody says thank you. Meanwhile, Caleb and Derrick are talking about the button again. Caleb says what if it's they offer you 25K to self-evict. He says it would do it in a heartbeat. He could have that, plus his stipend and his chance to get America's Favorite Player (AFP). Frankie says he thinks it would make you ineligible for AFP. He wouldn't do it if that was the case. But they think it will be one of the biggest came moves. Derrick says they could get called in there individually and offered temptations. They could all come back into the LR and say, "Where's Caleb?" Cody says and then someone from the jury gets to come back.


10:55 pm BBT  Derrick says they still have 4 days to go. Cody says imagine if they show us all the things that were offered but not who took what. Victoria says they did that once. [it is apparent that the HG will drive themselves completely crazy speculating what the button will bring before Wednesday arrives. --Morty].


10:58 pm BBT  The HG start to blame Nicole for everything that is missing in the house. She left with the vitamin E oil, a hat that Cody is missing, and a sweatshirt that Victoria is missing. They say that she straight up snagged everything.


11:08 pm BBT  Caleb says he is tired and Vic says she is too. Frankie says maybe they should take a nap before they get the BY. Derrick says Nooooo, and looks at Frankie like he's crazy. Caleb suggests making some coffee so they can stay up until the BY opens. Cody says that's good with him...you're only in the BB house once.


11:15 pm BBT  Cody calls out... Yo TVGN hashtag... and doesn't finish it. Frankie finishes by saying #FierceFinal5. Cody keeps singing and BB tells him to stop it. Cody says he isn't even really singing songs. He is just putting his words to song. BB says it's really annoying. Cody screams out that BB is really annoying. Frankie is asking what the jury will see from the DE week. He wants to know if Nicole will bring one tape and then Christine will bring another of the second part of the DE.

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#BB16 11:22PM BBT Frankie and Cody discuss the memory wall. Frankie says that some of the eyes looked different. They are comparing the pictures to the ones in the POV. Caleb says that they were mirror imaged.


#BB16 11:34PM BBT The HG sit in the LR and talk. They say there is only 1 ore HOH and 1 more Veto left in the game. They are almost done. Caleb says that the first football game is September 11th. Caleb is hoping to watch the game. Derrick says no way.


#BB16 11:4PM BBT The HG are pretending to have their faces botoxed so they can't move their faces. Frankie leads them in how to do it.


#BB16 11:51PM BBT The HG discuss what the button could mean. They think there might be some prizes to choose from. Derrick thinks it's a penalty.


#BB16 11:59PM BBT They continue to argue about what the button means. Derrick says that it could mean someone goes home after a comp. Cody says he doesn't feel that way.

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