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Monday September 1 Live Feeds / BB After Dark Updates


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Bedroom (BR)

Dining Table (DT)

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12:10 AM BBT Caleb and Frankie are talking about who the biggest threat in the house is. Caleb mentions Cody saying he is well liked, but since jury doesn’t vote that way sometimes and Caleb and Frankie have been planning their game play out much more than him they should be okay with a jury vote. 


12:20 AM BBT Derrick and Nicole talking alone, Derrick asks Nicole who she would nominate if she was HOH, she says Christine would be her target and Victoria would be a pawn. 


12:25 AM BBT Derrick says to Nicole that he is going to try to keep her this week but doesn’t want to make himself a target. 


12:30 AM BBT Nicole tells Derrick that the house wants Frankie as a replacement nominee but Caleb doesn’t have the courage to nominate him.


12:35 AM BBT Derrick is wondering to Nicole if him talking to the house about saving Nicole is a good game move for himself, Nicole tells him not to do it then. Nicole tells Derrick that he is in a good spot in the house. Nicole swears on her parent that Derrick is not her target.


12:40 BBT In the HOHR, Frankie brings up to Caleb that he heard that Caleb told Nicole he wants to be next to Cody in the final 2. Caleb says he was just agreeing with her about Cody. Frankie asks Caleb who he wants to be with in final 2 and he says any of Derrick, Frankie, Cody, and Christine would be good for him. 


12:45 AM BBT Nicole tells Derrick that she might want to put Victoria up since she might be the one evicted instead of Christine, she suggests Cody being next to her. Derrick says to Nicole that he is going to tell Caleb about Nicole wanting to nominate Christine and Victoria, Nicole is okay with it. As Derrick leaves Nicole he tells her that he will try his best to keep her safe this week and Nicole wishes him good luck.


12:50 PM BBT Caleb and Frankie in the HOHR discussing who are the big targets in the house. Frankie tells Caleb that since no one will waste a HOH getting Victoria out then she will go to final 2 so she needs to be evicted next. Caleb asks Frankie why he should keep Christine because she could beat everyone in a competition. 


12:55 AM BBT Derrick and Cody talking in the HN room that Christine is a big target, Derrick says if Nicole was able to get off the block then Christine would be the one going home, she is good in competitions. Cody tells Derrick that Donny was good at Veto competitions but wasn’t able to win many HOH comps. They agree that Frankie is good in competitions.  Caleb tells Frankie in the HOHR that Frankie is his best friend in the house.

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1:05 AM BBT Caleb leaves the HOHR and heads downstairs to the HN room with Derick and Cody. Caleb tells them that he feels scared since he isn’t able to compete in the HOH comp that he would be nominated. Nicole, Victoria, and Christine in the LR talking about how BB might edit something for the episodes.


1:10 AM BBT Derrick tells Cody in the HN room that Christine would win an endurance completion due to her performance in the last HOH comp, she was right behind Caleb. Derrick says to Cody that he doesn’t see Victoria making final 3. 


1:20 AM BBT Frankie and Cody hugging/saying good night to each other, Frankie is acting like someone named “Sid” telling Cody to have fun sleeping upstairs. Victoria asks Derrick if he knows something she doesn’t, he asks Victoria if she trusts him.


1:30 AM BBT Frankie, Caleb, Christine, and Cody in the KT talking about who they want to guest host an upcoming HOH competition. Derrick is telling Nicole that Caleb told him if they grill the liver it tastes like steak and is thinking about making one. Derrick heads to the KT leaving Victoria and Nicole in the HN room. Nicole tells Victoria that if she is put up as a replacement nominee then Nicole’s game is over and she accepts that. 


1:40 AM BBT Caleb is cooking with Derrick, Christine, Cody and Victoria in the KT as well with general talk. Nicole tells Victoria that she doesn’t want Victoria to be sad and asks if Derrick was sad earlier. Nicole asks Victoria how it was alone with Caleb and Cody, Victoria says it was awkward and that Cody was saying that “it was that point in the game”.


1:45 AM BBT Caleb and Derrick still making food in the KT, Frankie, Christine, and Cody talking about addiction. Victoria and Nicole in the HN room, no talking for the past few minutes. Nicole finally tells Victoria she wants to go to sleep soon and Victoria leaves. Victoria joined the KT crew, talk has turned to kosher food. Caleb has finished cooking the liver, everyone is trying it, they mostly say it has the texture of dog food and doesn’t taste good.


1:55 AM BBT Talk in the Kitchen with everyone except Nicole about the punishment costumes BB makes them wear. Cody was wanting to take the dinosaur costume home but Derrick says that Nicole told him she hasn't seen the frog or the germantard costume in Jury. Talk about production brought FOTH briefly. Nicole leaves the HN room and asks Derrick if the liver is cooked, he tells her that it was cooked perfectly but it was still disgusting. Frankie is talking about his love for the movie Showgirls, no one else in the house has seen it.

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2:00am Calen and Derrick in hoh rm talking about if Christine is cool with putting Frankie up or not cause derrick assumes that XChristine wants Nicole to go home. Derrick says so if we send Frankie out  and i win HOH  next wek we put up Christine and Nicole and send Nicole out. Christine is strong she is starting to show her cards. Derrick says now if we keep Nicole i think if Christine wins she will put up Nicole.


2:03am Caleb says i think Christine would put  Frankie up too and derrick says yeah i think your right there too. Caleb says i just want them both to tell me who they would put up.


2:05am Derrick says nIocle has no one in this game she is alone and we all already sent her home and she knows she will be fighting for her life in this game.


2:08am Frankie and Cody come in and break up the talk. Frankie hugs them all goodnight and heads to bed. 


2:10am Caleb says i have a game changers to make tomorrow but i am just not sure if i want to take it or not. Derrick says it is a game changer for sure.


2:12am Cody says you made your decision and i have your back 100% you put Frankie up he goes home you don't and Nicole goes home i am ok with either one.


2:14am Frankie and Christine are getting ready for bed in the WA.


2:30am Derrick says this game is fun and we are just a few days from half a million dollars.And i  guarantee that no one downstairs is going to give us the money they are in it for themselves.


2:34am Derrick says the only way to get Frankie out is to backdoor him and i think Christine is dangerous also. Cody says yeah she is .


 2:49am Derrick says ok do we get Frankie out now or keep him and hope he doesnt put us up next week  will he keep us around another week or not cause we know he is coming after us.


3:00am Cody says if Frankie is still in the house and Christine wins HOH  i think she will go after Victoria.Derrick says yeah she will go after one of us and wont go after Frankie and she might put up Frankie but if the  pov is used then she will say one of you have to go up  and we are gone. 


3:15am Derrick says Frankie is so paranoid and if he even thought he was going to go up tomorrow he would be up here till the lights went off. 


 3:25am Most HG are in bed sleeping and BB yells Holla at Derrick.It is silence in the hoh rm as BB does another Holla at Derrick.


 3:40am Caleb says Frankie wont  beat me at the end i know that. Derrick says depends if he wins another 3 comps and you didnt then he could beat you. Like when Rachel won that season she kept winning and everyone hated her but because she kept winning  then she won that season so you never know. 


4:00am  Derrick says why would Nicole send one of us home and keep Christine in the game after Christine sent her home once already. Caleb says ok what are you all more down to what are ya'll telling me? Derrick says Frankie.Caleb says i feel like keeping Nicole would be good for all of our game but one Christine is gone  then Nicole is good for your game but  will Frankie put me up probably not but i don't know.


 4:04am Caleb says the hardest one  to beat right now is Frankie and derrick says correct he is a beast and i want Christine out the most but we cant do that.


 4:15am  Derrick says big dogs make big decisions as he leaves the hoh rm to go to bed. Caleb and Cody  are still laying in the bed.


 4:30am All lights in the BB house are off as Derrick and Victoria are talking  in the have not rm. Victoria sounds like she is crying and derrick telling her to talk to them tomorrow after the music goes off.


4:45am Victoria laying in derricks bed in the have not rm as derrick is in the HOh rm talking to Caleb and Cody about keeping Victoria off the block and telling Christine  that Frankie Had her on the bottom of the totem pole and  wanted you out before Victoria. Derrick says no we got to put them both up.So this week we put Victoria up next to Nicole and Nicole goes home and we seal the fate next week with Frankie and Christine now we can all sleep tonight. 


5:00am Cody and Caleb laying in the HOh bed talking about Frankie being paranoid and  it all comes down to comps and Caleb says we have to win 2 more HOH's back to back and that's all that matters.


 5:15am ALL HG sleeping.

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9:00am Victoria is up doing her hair and makeup. 


9:15am Victoria still doing make up and hair.


9:30am Victoria still  doing hair and Christine in the shower.


9:45am Nicole up and doing her Hair and make up now 


9:55am Most Hg up after BB wakes them to get ready for the pov ceremony.

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10:00 AM BBT Christine and Nicole laugh whether or not Christine is going to use the Veto in the WA. Victoria and the other 2 girls are all putting on their make-up for the day. Frankie is in the shower in the HoHR bathroom.


10:04 AM BBT Nicole pumps her mascara brush in and out of the bottle several times, trying to get some out to use. All 3 girls talk about how  when Zach was on the block, he used the Veto automatically on himself, without giving the other person a chance to say why he should us it on them. Christine uses a blow dryer on her hair. Victoria is putting on eye make-up. Frankie is still in the shower upstairs.


10:07 AM BBT Christine is finished drying her hair, and is putting on blush in the mirror by the WC. Victoria is using a hair straightner on her hair.


10:09 AM BBT Christine shows Victoria a blonde strand of hair she has in her hair. Nicole is popping a pimple on her face in the mirror in the WA, and then puts some more make-up on her face. Frankie gets out of the shower holding his stuff in his right hand. He grabs his towel with his left hand, and exposes his butt to the camera. We hear, "Victoria, Nicole, Derrick, Cody, please, turn in you activity tracker."


10:12 AM BBT Frankie says, "Good morning Cody, do you want me to turn in your tracker for you?" Cody mumbles. Frankie Nicole asks Victoria if she wants her to turn in hers for her. Cody goes to the SR, and turns in his activity tracker. Christine mumbles something to Nicole off camera. Cody lays down in a bed in the rock room. Christine goes to the WC, while Victoria is fixing her hair in the WA.


10:14 AM BBT Christine comes out of WC, and tells Victoria she hates when she can't remember days in the house. Victoria says they don't have a way to keep track of the days. Christine says, she has to change her bra, grabs one from the couch in the WA, and goes in the WC. Victoria walks out of the WA. Christine comes out of the WC, and puts deodorant on. Victoria and Nicole are in fire room looking for clothes to wear.


10:17 AM BBT Nicole walks out of fire room with her clothes in hand. She goes to WA, where Christine is blow drying her hair some more. Nicole is looking through her black bag on the couch, and Christine is brushing her hair in the mirror by the WC. Nicole knocks on the WC door, and then goes in. Christine folds and rolls up a green bandana on the couch. She puts it in her hair, and then takes it out. She goes back by the mirror, brushes her hair some more, and uses the hair straightner on her hair. Victoria walks out of the fire room.


10:20 AM BBT Nicole comes out of the WC wearing a strapless leopard top, and brown pants. Victoria walks in the WA, and asks if she's wearing that, and she says, yes. Christine belches loudly, and then says, "Excuse me." Nicole goes by the WA sink, and Christine says, "Gosh, I'm not fancy at all." She asks Nicole if she should wear something that she wore 3 weeks ago, or if it's too soon. Nicole says, she doesn't think it's to soon. She tells Nicole her hair looks to good, as she leaves WA. She says, Good morning to Frankie, and he asks why they are still locked out? She says, "I don't know, but I'm not happy about it." She walks in the SR with Frankie.


10:23 AM BBT Nicole gets called to the DR, and she sprays her hair with hairspray. She goes to the DR, and Frankie tells her she look so cute, on her way there. She says that she's just trying to wear some of her outfits. Frankie and Caleb are in KT, trying to make coffee. Caleb is finding out what the difference between caffeinated and decaffeinated coffee is. Frankie says, there is no reason to drink decaf coffee. He says, you might as well not drink it at all. Caleb asks Frankie if he's staying up in the HoHR with him tonight? He says he wants the last night by himself though.


10:26 AM BBT Christine is trying to iron a shirt in the SR, but has it wrinkled on the ironing board. She holds it up, and says, oh no. Christine gets called to the DR, and then Caleb goes by her, and says, "Christine, when you go in that DR..." She says, vote to evict, Jocasta. Frankie and Caleb go back in the KT. Caleb tells Frankie he should have seen his face last night, when he told him he doesn't trust him. Victoria and Nicole are in the fire room looking at their clothes. Caleb tells Frankie that he does trust him, but can't give him 100% of his trust. Frankie says they have different outlooks on life, and he's never been to war. They continue that talk.


10:30 AM BBT Frankie tells Caleb about a guy that kept cheating on him all the time, and he kind of endangered his life. He says, he's trying to set himself up for the disappointment. Christine comes out of the DR, and yells about buttholes. Caleb gets told to turn in his activity tracker, and Frankie says he wants to do it for them. They both walk to the SR. Caleb says, "Alright, you have my activity tracker, go sell it on E-Bay." Nicole is looking for something more casual to wear today. Caleb tells Frankie, there's a lot more they are going to do. He says, he's going to wake D up, so he doesn't look like a rat. He goes to the ice room and says, "Yo D, wake in on up sucka." He tells him, it's probably going to happen in about 30 minutes or less. Derrick asks him if he's o.k., and he says he'll know more when they are sitting there. He tells Derrick that Frankie was talking about being with them in the F4 this morning.


10:34 AM BBT Victoria is trying to remember what she wore when. Caleb tries to scare Victoria. She walks back to the fire room. Frankie says, "She can't remember what dress she wore, she's not going to win Before and After." He walks to the WA, and Caleb walks to HoHR. Frankie comes back out, and asks Caleb is he's going to poop? Caleb says, yes, why? Frankie wants to use the bathroom upstairs. He tells Frankie, he usually doesn't take to long, so he can go up there if he wants to.


10:36 AM BBT Nicole in WA, and has changed into a light purple shorts outfit. Christine has put on a coral shirt, while Frankie is in the WC. Victoria is in fire room, and puts on jean jacket over her long black dress. Victoria gets called to the DR. We see FoTH.


10:38 AM BBT Live Feeds come back with Victoria walking out of the fire room, and she goes to the DR. Christine is in the hallway by the rock room moving her hair to her right side. Nicole comes out of the shower area. Frankie comes out of the WC, and asks Nicole if she's concerned as to why they don't have the BY yet. He says there has to be some type of challenge, because it's not just some a$$hole sitting there with a microphone. Frankie goes by the sink in the WA and washes his hands, while Nicole is fixing her hair. Frankie is guessing what type of challenge it can be, and thinks it might be a luxury challenge. Christine is in the KT, warming something up in the microwave.


10:41 AM BBT Nicole is whispering to Frankie, and we can't hear her. We hear, "Nicole, please put on your microphone." Christine walks to WC, and Frankie says, "Do you believe we still don't have the BY." She says,"I know, and it's pi$$ing me off," and she walks in WC. She comes out of WC, and has taken her coral shirt off, and put her light purple one back one. Frankie goes to HoHR, and asks Caleb, "Why no BY yet?" Caleb says, he doesn't know, maybe a luxury comp.

10:44 PM BBT Caleb comes out of the bathroom. Frankie asks him if he knows what he's going to say. Caleb says, he's going to tell Victoria to take a seat, and be comfortable, because she's not going anywhere. He says, he'll let her know that Nicole is the target. Frankie says, that's a good idea. Christine went in and out of the WC again, this time changing her bra again. She starts to walk out, and goes back, and walks out again. Nicole has change her outfit again, to a deeper purple pair of shorts, with a long sleeve brown top, that has the sleeves slit. Victoria walks in the WA. Caleb and Frankie are talking about the F4, and the Brigade only being 3 people.


10:47 AM BBT Caleb tells Frankie his gut feeling is telling him that someone is going to break them up before the F4. Frankie says his gut is feeling weird now, and he hopes he doesn't do that to him. He tells Frankie not to worry, but if he was going to do it, today would be the day, because he wouldn't be able to do anything about it. He says, if anyone is going to try to get him out, they will do it when he can't do anything about it. He talks about Christine winning now, and that she almost has as many wins as he does. He says he's going to do what he was going to do, and he hopes no one wins it, and tries to go after him. Frankie asks him if someone is going for him this week. Caleb says, no, just in general, he is questioning who he trusts 100%, and who he thinks will try to get him. He says, he looks back, and says, Frankie's done it before, and he says it might just be paranoia. He says, he's been questioning everyone about everything.


10:50 AM BBT Frankie tells Caleb he wants to keep them together, and anytime he can control it to keep them together he will. Caleb says, he wants to go to the F4 with them, and he's trying to make sure that happens.


10:52 AM BBT Nicole in WA with Victoria, and is practicing what she'll say to Christine today. Caleb and Frankie still are talking game, and Frankie says, he's so glad they had this convo.


10:54 AM BBT Nicole still getting ready in WA, and Victoria walks out. Frankie is on his soap box, about his right to fight in the game, still talking to Caleb in the HoHR. Nicole goes to the Dining Room, and sits at the table with Christine. Victoria walks in and back out.


10:56 AM BBT Game talk continues with Caleb and Frankie. Christine and Nicole are talking about clothes and general chit-chat in the Dining Room.


10:58 AM BBT Frankie tells Caleb if they make it to the F2, they owe each other the $50K, because no one is fighting as hard as they are to help each other, like they are. Caleb and Frankie talking game about Nicole leaving, and then Victoria.

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11:01am Caleb tells Frankie at this point he is worried about his game. He says Christine is tough man she almost beat me at that hoh comp. Frankie says yeah she has stabbed me in the back a few times. Caleb says my loyalty is to you we are the four musketeers .


 11:03am Nicole is walking in the have not rm going over her speech for the veto meeting. Caleb and Frankie still talking about being loyal in the hoh rm. Caleb says we are loyal to each other that why Devin is gone and zach is gone  and it would only be game to keep Victoria here but who would try to take her to the final 2? Frankie says no one would.


11:06am Frankie says if Christine does not win the double evict hoh then she will have to go home. Caleb says do you think she will send Victoria home and Frankie says i do. 


11:08am Caleb says if  Christine wins in the double evict then she cant play in the next hoh and we get her out then . Then after that it just leaves the four of us so we got to play and we got to win.


11:10am Caleb says that  Nicole being back in  cause of a buy back  makes me mad. caleb says if Christine wins the next HOH then i know we can win the next one.


 11:11am Caleb says if you win that final HOH them you say that Caleb and Cody you have to sit up  on the final chairs . Frankie says i would put Cody and derrick up there with the hopes that Cody doesn't win the veto and you have the sole vote.Caleb says if we make it to the final 3 and then to final 2 we are the best to ever play this game and Frankie says yeah bigger than  Will and Boogie.


  11:14am Caleb says more so principle behind it we made a pact with each other and you guys accomplished something that one one has ever done.Frankie says you are a beast to win comps. Caleb says yeah on day 2 you said i was a beast and wanted to work together. Frankie says yeah .


  11:16am Derrick comes to the Hoh rm and Frankie ask if he is ok and he says yeah i just woke up. derrick says did i walk in on a conversation? My bad and Caleb says no i was just telling Frankie that i went over scenarios.


11:19am Caleb is wondering what they are doing in the BY as they are still on IDLD. We get foth.


 11:25am WE are now on Jeff's Reels as the Hg have the POV Ceremony.  

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 1205pm : Hg speculating why the BY is locked down and Caleb says if it is a party for labor day and the have nots get to eat then Nicole has to drink a beer with him and we get foth.


12:06pm Most HG sitting at the KT table, Victoria is washing a dish, Frankie is in the WC.Victoria joins the others at the table and they are just talking general talk.


 12:09pm Frankie is out of the WC and washes his hands. He goes to the KT and says hey wait we are all at the table whats happening? Frankie says you want me to make lunch or something and Caleb says no we are waiting for them to say something about the BY.


12:11pm Caleb says we should go to the dr and ask them if they are getting hooked up  with a feast or not cause we are about to make lunch so we need to know.


 12:12pm Nicole says i really hope we get to eat today cause i am really hungry.


12:13pm Nicole says everything in this house is pretty predictable sorry America and Caleb and Christine laugh.


 12:15pm Christine says i am going to bed i don't feel to good and Caleb says this sucks give us a party we are bored.


  12:18pm Nicole and Victoria in the fire rm  and Nicole says i aint even made it is just stupid moved she yells Get some guts. Nicole says you are not supposed to say you are going home. Victoria says yeah. Nicole says it is sad that i would be able to make bigger moves  than beast mode does. She says  that Caleb said Victoria is a pawn and you are going home. She says i  would love to stay but now i cant. Victoria says i really thought he was going to put up Frankie and Nicole says yeah that would have been a great game move but instead he puts up you my best friend.


 12:24pm Victoria and Nicole talking about how the guys take the easy way out. Victoria says yeah cause there is only 2 weeks left in this game.Victoria says that Caleb thinks he is a competition beast and he thinks Frankie is a competitor and why wouldn't he put Frankie up and Nicole says because he is a wimp.


 12:27pm Nicole goes over her eviction speech with Victoria and how they think she is a threat in this game and how they need to get some guts in this game then i will say something good about you. You know what i mean?


12:30pm Frankie goes to the LVR and lays on top of derrick  then sits beside him on the floor and whispers about what Caleb told him earlier about weighting his options. I went to bed and talked to him this morning so he had time to debate it that he didn't want to put me up.


 12:33pm derrick goes in the fire br  where Nicole and Victoria are and ask them if they need a moment? They say no he is fine. Frankie is in the KT cooking lunch.


 12:35pm Nicole says he is always telling me how much he wants to go home not like to jury house but to finish this game and go home.Nicole says Caleb is wasting his HOh to do something for Frankie and it is frustrating.


  12:38pm Derrick says i am so hungry and Victoria ask you want me to make you something and he says no i want food but i am going to wait cause i think they are going to hook us up soon.


12:43pm Frankie is making salmon salad and tells Caleb to try it and  he said no there is a bone right there and i am picky about that crap.Nicole talking to Victoria about the next hoh comp and if it is the wall do not let go of the wall it is very important to not let go of the wall just think of your family and stuff and Victoria says yeah ok.


 12:46pm Caleb giving shout outs and Frankie says everyone is asleep except for me and beastmode. Nicole and Victoria  in the fire BR with Derrick laying in the bed next to Victoria's bed going to sleep.Nicole says it is going to be a boring week.


 12:49pm Caleb says i am the hoh that is sending  Nicole home again but she didnt win HOH so she sealed it in a way. 


  12:51pm Caleb says that is crazy no party on labor day and they want to take the BY away from us and no party and we get foth.


 12:54pm Nicole tells derrick if they had done the punishment comp  then i would have won that one.

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1:14 pm BBT Frankie cleaning the fridge talking to Derrick. Derrick is excited to see his family again. Frankie says he really did feel in jeopardy before POV meeting. There is alot of pressure to make a big move. Derrick says it would have been stupid. Vic is laying in fire room with arm over eyes. Frankie says there is so much ammunition against Nic and she gave him more yesterday.


1:22 pm Frankie wants his activity tracker, BB tells them to please retrieve them from SR. Vic starts some laundry. Nic has some to do but its all bright. Nic tells Vic they should hang out as much as possible but she is going to make some mushrooms first.


1:41 pm Frankie heads to the pool, Derrick heads to HOH WC. Vic is painting something. Nic cooking. Caleb and Cody sleeping. Chris not on cams. Nic tells Vic she thinks Derrick is sad. Vic says he is avoiding her.


1:50 pm BBT BB asks HG to put down the awnings. Nic, Derrick and Frankie do and get told TY. Frankie fast walks and dives into the pool. (BB says nothing) Vic changes her jacket, brushes her hair and heads outside.

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 2:10pm most Hg in bed sleeping. Derrick, Victoria and Nicole out in the BY lounging on the By couches.They are going over when what comp took place and Nicole says i got the germatard  day thirty and derrick says that was week 5.


  2:18pm Victoria and Nicole look as if they are going to sleep on the BY couches. derrick was called to the DR  and  looks as if all other Hg are in bed sleeping.


  2:22pm Nicole and Victoria get up and head inside to go lay down for a nap 


2:42pm Victoria is starting  some laundry and folding towels in the BY alone.  


 2:47pm Derrick walks through the LVr and passes Victoria as she heads to the STR and jumps at her and scares her then says you didn't see that one coming. Derrick is talking to the cameras and says Happy Labor day and hope everyone is enjoying their cooking. I am having a great day my food consist of slop and mushrooms great. BB says derrick Holla and he holla's.


 2:50pm Christine comes out to the By and says whats up to derrick and he says not much . They sit in silence with Victoria on the BY couches.


2:53pm derrick says to Christine and Victoria come to think about it they might not have the wall cause i don't remember  them doing the wall with this many people. Christine says yeah it is to late for it and damn that sucks. Christine is called to the DR. Frankie comes outside  and gets a drink out odf the outside fridge. He says i come out of the dr and my chest is filled with acne so i said to myself do i need to go lay down or burn this acne off my chest which is more important. He then says maybe i will go back to bed it was lovely talking to you. derrick says later bub and Frankie says i will talk to you soon.


 2:57pm Victoria tells derrick he better do a good goodbye for her and he says i will just say you are not leaving cause there is no way you are leaving.

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 3:02pm Derrick is talking to the camera about having a study session and then starts saying who was hoh and who went on block each week.Victoria is in the KT area  painting on a plate.


 3:05pm Derrick going through the hoh and nominations pretty quickly,Christine comes out of the Dr and Victoria says that was quick and Cody is called to the DR. Christine asking if Frankie and derrick are still outside and Victoria says just derrick that Frankie went back to bed.


 3:08pm Christine goes outside and derrick tells her that Nicole  is being nice today and excepting the fact she is going home today.She was even being nice to Frankie today. Christine says i hate that though and derrick says why cause she is a jury vote? Christine says yeah.


  3:10pm Derrick says the jury is gonna be a certainty vote cause however Nicole voted Hayden will vote and then Donny will vote the way Hayden does then Jacosta will vote how Donny does.


 3:12pm Derrick says zach was good but Donny was a beast and the way he played that veto comp it will show he is a beast and he is very intelligent.


 3:15pm Christine says there was moment in me that i wanted to call her out in front of everyone but i didn't. derrick says today and she says no yesterday. Derrick says don't do that she will be a vote so don't do that it wont be good for your game. Christine says i know it was just going through senerios in your head. derrick says right.


 3:17pm Victoria goers to the have not rm where Nicole is and she tells her that Christine came outside and so she came inside/ Nicole says i want to eat i am so hungry.


  3:18pm Cody comes outside and Christine says hello dino.Caleb looks out in the By and yells holla. Cody says i was hoping he would say we had pizza. Bb says derrick open your mouth and give a holla. 


 3:21pm Derrick says want to hear a sad story and he says i had just washed my car and was coming over a hill  on the highway and he  decided to late to get the turtle and so he gets off on the side of the highway and he went ot get the turtle and someone hit the turtle and it splattered all over my car , it missed me but got all over my car. Christine says i am going to throw up now poor turtle.


3:24pm Frankie then tells about frogs raining on them in Magnolia and as you are driving you run over then. 


 3:27pm Frankie says i don't know if i should go back to bed or not. Cody says man i want to take this off it is so uncomfortable. Frankie says just pull it down some it will be ok .


 3:30pm Cody says i should go ask if i can get in the pool just so i can take this thing off. Frankie says do it at least you can take it off. Frankie then says i don't think Bb cares that it is labor day.


 3:31pm Frankie says nothing about September  is summer and Christine says in Tuson it is and Frankie says but September summer is over and Christine yells yeah.


  3:34pm Derrick talking about Gumby now and Frankie says that Gumby can turn into anything.Derrick says Gumby is made out of Clay and can change to anything.


 3:39pm general talk in the By with everyone but Nicole and Caleb about Halloween costumes.


 3:44pm Caleb is now in the BY with everyone but Nicole who is asleep in the have not rm. They are talking about drinking red bull and monster drinks. Caleb says you can have one if you want i don't really care to Frankie.


3:46pm Cody says i am tired of this costume and Frankie says i didn't think you had to sleep in it and Cody says the Dr told him he did and they say that Nicole didn't have to sleep in hers.


3:49pm Cody is putting on his swim trunks so he can sit in the pool and not have to wear the dinosaur costume for awhile.Derrick comes out of the STr and goes to the DR. Victoria is  getting clothes out of the dryer and Caleb is saying he hopes they use his whole veto speech.


 3:53pm Caleb says  how you get as good girl is you wait and let them come to you. it might be an ex or someone else you know but it will happen.He says like on my Facebook if your not a Christian don't even try it. He says if you don't believe in God then you can crush that and Christine says good for you i am the same way.


3:56pm Cody is now in the KT with his  costume back on and making himself some food and Bb tells him to please put on his mic.

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 4:01 PM BBT
Cody and Derrick head back outside. Victoria tells Derrick she did his laundry for him and folded it. He says she's the best. Nicole is still in the HN room taking a nap.


4:09 PM BBT In an exciting turn of events, Nicole wakes up from her nap because Derrick get's a holla. Cody gets called out for not having a mic on and then he asks how Nicole slept. Nicole and Cody go outside, Nicole with her mushrooms and Cody in his dino suit. Everyone sits in awkward silence, until Frankie complains about how sore he still is. Christine says she's actually starting to feel good again. Frankie makes a comment about the pestilence in the house has changed from ants to flies. Christine says in the west they have flying red ants and they cover everything.


4:11 PM BBT Cody has his swim trunks on now and gets in the pool. Christine and Cody are quick to follow him to the pool. Cody gets out because it's too cold in the pool. He heads over to the hot tub instead.


4:17 PM BBT

Derrick is laying on the backyard couches while telling Victoria he has knots in his legs. She starts caressing his upper thighs while she searches for them. Cody, Derrick, and Frankie are hanging out by the hot tub. Frankie, Caleb, Cody, and Christine are being called to the DR to retape their DRs. Cody says he's being called back to retape his Drs from before veto was even played.


4:21 PM BBT Caleb sits in one of lawnchairs by the hot tub and says he should have told Victoria at the renom ceremony " You have curves that make Algebra hard to pass." Cody and Frankie are confused. Caleb says, "Oh wait, it's the one with curves." He finally realizes it was, "You have curves that make geometry hard to pass." Cody and Frankie say that his original line to Victoria was a JLO reference and it was funny.


4:27 PM BBT Christine is back from her DR session. She asks Derrick how he can wear sweatshirts and sweatpants all day outside. He says he doesn't know but he's comfortable in them. Cody announces that he's done cleaning the hot tub. He shows Christine all the dirt he got out of it and she is disgusted by it. Cody and Christine talk about Nicole's speech at the veto ceremony and it was really good. Cody said he was concerned for about a minute that Christine might actually use it on Nicole and not herself. Caleb comes back out with food and tells Cody he didn't do a good job cleaning. Cody says the thing you're pointing to is rust, Caleb. Cody wants to get out of the hot tub, but he doesn't want to put his costume back on, so he's standing in the water. He finally gets out. Derrick gets called to the DR and he gets annoyed. Christine told him they are taping their goodbyes right now.




4:33 PM BBT Cody and Caleb are fake fighting over Cody's dinosaur costume. Cody tells Caleb his name is Dino (pronounced Deeno) the Dinosaur. Caleb calls him a creep. Cody tells him not to come at him like that. He says if he was in an alligator costume he'd make everyone call him Al the Alligator. Caleb asks Cody if he's going to make the people who do the backyard interviews call him that. Feeds go to fish since they are talking about production. Feeds come back and Caleb tells Cody they are going to be remembered for sure when the season is over. Christine agrees and thinks their season will be on the best.


4:41 PM BBT Victoria and Nicole are talking about hiding hummus for her to eat later. Caleb is at the kitchen counter listening to their conversation. Frankie comes downstairs from the HoH shower and is getting changed.


 4:49 PM BBT Christine is in the hammock by herself picking her feet. Nicole and Victoria are sitting at the kitchen counter. Nicole is hoping for the DE so bad on Thursday. All she wants is someone following her out the door. Nicole said she doesn't even know if it's coming, but Derrick seems to think so. Victoria says Caleb effed them over by not nominating Caleb. Victoria asks Derrick why he didn't get in the pool. Derrick says he can't find his swim trunks. Victoria laughs and says she hid them and Derrick says he believes her.


4:54 PM BBT Nicole tells Victoria that Christine and Frankie are so happy she's leaving this week. Nicole said she'll be so mad if America thinks any of them are nice people, especially Frankie. Victoria says that she feels the same way about Christine and how fake she is. They both agree that Frankie is super paranoid all the time. Nicole says I wish you weren't on the block next to me. Victoria says she knows.


 4:56 PM BBT Victoria and Nicole say that Caleb's speech was weird and didn't make any sense whatsoever. Nicole said Caleb's speech was rude and Caleb never practices and just said stuff to say it. Victoria said he must have had nothing to say and that was the only thing he could think of. Nicole said that basically whoever went up was the person who got ready, which was Victoria and that Nicole was the target and it didn't matter who he nominated. Nicole says you get rid of people who aren't going to better your game. She says he did an idiotic move and didn't man up, but he'll realize when he watches the show just how dumb he really was.

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 5:01pm Derrick says if we have a chance to be up on the  final 3 then Cody will take  Christine over you. Derrick says we have to make sure we are final 2 and we fly our families here for finale and one of us get 500k and the other get 50k. 


 5:04pm Derrick and Caleb still talking about making it to final 3 and how they can not take Christine and Cody together that one of them has to go before that. derrick says i know we have a final 3 with Frankie but we also have one with Cody but you and I have a final 2 so you do we roll with? Derrick says so whats the deal obviously you rather roll with Cody and Caleb says yeah.


 5:07pm Nicole talking to Victoria  saying she is fed up and if Caleb says anything to her she is going to tell him how it is. She says where was i going with this. Oh she says i asked him why i was picked for a have not and  he told me cause i volunteered outside and because you like cinnamon and i told him i did not and Victoria is the one who like cinnamon so don't talk to me thanks.


  5:10pm derrick says it is a long time till Thursday and we could go in and it be a single evict but it could be a double evict. if it is a single evict then i make it to day 84. Caleb says then we send Nicole home Thursday and Christine right behind her and Frankie right behind her and money money money.


 5:14pm Caleb says i should have gone for that 5k then i would have gone home with 28k. Derrick says yeah but then you wouldn't be beast mode.


  5:17pm BB yells D mode Holla and Derrick says holla real low. Caleb says  we can beat Christine. Derrick says if one of us wins the double evict then the other wins the next one then it is a rap.


 5:20pm caleb says ok if Cody wins HOh and puts me up against Victoria and you me and Cody make it to final 3 and i win i can says ok Cody you put me up against Victoria so derrick it is me and you in the end. derrick says yeah you can do that. Caleb says Bb might do a dinner for us tonight we will have to wait and see. derrick leaves HOh rm and goes down stairs.


 5:22pm In the BY Frankie and Christine are talking about making Chicken for dinner with a marinara sauce to dip it in since Christine cant have the sauce.Frankie goes inside to start cooking and Cody lays on the hammock with Christine now.


5:30pm Caleb goes to the BY and tells Christine and Cody he is about to go on slop for the rest of the time he is here and Christine says shut your mouth.


 5:31pm Frankie ask Victoria if she will make an ice coffee for him please and she says sure. He is making dinner and putting seasoning on the chicken so he can grill it in the BY .As he walks outside he starts singing Labor day BBQ its fun times and we get foth.


5:34pm Cody and Christine playing around on the hammock and Christine is laughing. Derrick and Caleb in the hot tub and Frankie cooking dinner on the BBQ grill. Nicole and Victoria sitting in the KT.


  5:37pm Victoria has come out to the BY and sitting with her feet in the hot tub with derrick and Caleb. Cody and Christine on the hammock as Cody makes dinosaur noises at Christine.


  5:41pm Cody and Christine talking about drinking and Christine says that she and Tim had like a blind date thing with another  married couple and they never seen them again after she chugged her drink.


 5:50pm Christine telling Cody how her house is set up on the hammock. Nicole sitting on the BY couch telling Victoria she didn't cook the slop long enough.Nicole walks to the Hot tun and says Caleb thinks we are the popular kids. Frankie is still cooking on the grill.Victoria comes to the Hot tun and says tomorrow is camera day but i never wake up for it.


  5:56pm Just general talk going on in the BY with everyone but Frankie who is in cooking at the BBQ grill.

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5:59 PM BBT Christine and Cody on the hammock in the BY. Christine is talking about her knee high socks. Caleb in hot tub, with Victoria, Nicole and Derrick sitting by him. Derrick is lying on the ground, and says that he's not going to leave the night of the Finale, but he will definitely have them book him a flight home the next day. Frankie yells to HG's in the BY that dinner is ready. We see FoTH.


6:03 PM BBT Live Feeds come back, and Cody tells Christine that her and Tim need to go and visit him. She tells him about Ocean City, where her and Tim went for their honeymoon. Cody tells Christine that he loves Ocean City. Christine says she wants to know what his ex-girlfriends look like. He says his last girlfriend was gorgeous, and the one before that was cute. Frankie is feeding Derrick some food by the hot tub. Victoria and Nicole are still sitting by the hot tub, and Derrick is in it now. Frankie is walking around the BY, and gives Nicole some mushrooms. Cody asks Christine how she just cracked her knuckles like that, and then they throw pillows at each other, and get up from the hammock.


6:06 PM BBT Caleb is walking around the BY with a turquoise towel wrapped around his waist, and a tank top on. He, Frankie, Cody and Christine go inside to the Dining Room table. Christine says she has to use the bathroom so bad, and goes to the WC. Nicole tells Derrick, just because you are a super fan, doesn't mean that you're good at the game. They start discussing previous HG's on other seasons.


6:10 PM BBT Caleb is tasting Frankie's food, and he tells him it's mostly tofu, and very healthy. Caleb says it's good, and goes to the BY, and sits next to Nicole in a lawn chair. Christine is chomping down at the Dining Room table with Frankie. Cody goes and sits down with them at the table. Nicole says she hopes Ian is at the party, after the season. Caleb and Derrick shout out to Jessie, and he says he wants to take her out for a drink after the show is over. He says that no one is any better looking than her. Nicole asks Caleb is he thinks Aaryn is good looking, and he says, negative. He says, she's not smoking hot, but she's pretty. Derrick says that he thinks Amanda was good looking, and Caleb says, he's crazy. They continue to talk about women from previous seasons around the hot tub. Christine says hi to her family.


6:15 PM BBT Christine and Frankie are chomping like pigs eating at the Dining Room table with Cody. Victoria says, it sucks that they don't have any showmances this year, except Nicole and Hayden. Derrick says he wants to see the season now to see when her and Hayden started things. She said they didn't say anything to jury. Derrick says that they don't have to kiss and make-out to have a showmance. They start talking about other HG's that hooked up in the past.


6:19 PM BBT Christine says she can't worry about her diet in the house. Frankie says there are too many external factors to worry about your diet in the house. Caleb says, he wonders how America views them in the house, and who they really like. He says just because Frankie's sister has so many followers, doesn't mean that they watch BB. Nicole says, she feels that Donny has won over America. Caleb says, no way, he doesn't think so, because he didn't know how to play the game. Nicole says, people like underdogs though. Victoria says, they don't know how they are being portrayed on T.V. either. Frankie and Christine continue to eat at the Dining Room table, and Cody gets called to the DR.


6:23 PM BBT HG's in the BY are discussing who went out of the last DE. We hear, "Who that, can we get a holla?" Frankie and Christine give shout-outs and say, Happy Labor Day to anyone that is in labor. All cams go to the BY. We see FoTH for a moment. All cams come back on the BY, and Cody is coming out in his dinosaur suit. He got the sleeves cut off his costume, but still has the hands on. He also got the legs cut, and still has on the feet. HG's around the hot tub are discussing whether or not Nicole and Hayden's showmance was put on the shows or not. Derrick says, they did some version of Frankie though. Victoria says she was questioned a lot about Nicole and Hayden. Cams show Christine in the KT, and then Cody doing laundry. All cams go to Cody do laundry, and then Frankie goes by the pool table, singing America. We see FoTH for a moment. Frankie and Cody start playing a game of pool.


6:31 PM BBT All cams still on Cody and Frankie's pool game. Frankie scratched, and says the one pocket is messed up, in the awful voice. Cody tells Christine and Frankie that he's going to get scissors to cut the neck of his costume, so he doesn't have to use a knife. We hear, "Please raise the outside awnings." Frankie says, "Are you serious," as they continue to play their pool game.


6:35 PM BBT Frankie asks Cody, "Is he (Caleb) in love with Nicole know? Boy, he sure knows how to pick them." Cody goes by one of the awnings, and is trying to get something with the pool cue. It's his turn to take his shot, and he says, "I'll get it." He takes his shot, and them goes back by the awning. Victoria is sitting in the hammock, and asks Derrick, "Are you going inside?" He is taking a shower in the BY. She asks him if he will raise the hammock when he comes back out. Caleb faces a Camera 2, and makes muscles, and sticks his tongue out. We hear, "Please raise the outside awnings," again. Victoria says she will help get them. Caleb goes and sits down in the lawn chair again, next to Nicole. Nicole tells Caleb that Victoria is funny, as her and Frankie are raising the awnings. Caleb asks, funny ha ha, or funny looking? She says funny ha ha.


6:38 PM BBT Derrick was told to put on his microphone. Caleb sneezes, and Nicole blesses him, and he says, thank you. Cody goes and sits by Nicole, by the hot tub. She tells him that she didn't wear her feet, and Cody says, they told him he has to wear the entire costume, or he'll have to wear it another day. Caleb and Frankie are now playing badminton in the BY.


6:41 PM BBT Frankie is making tons of noises as he is playing badminton. He tells Caleb, "I'm almost not in excruciating pain." He continues to make very loud noises, and tells Caleb, he's giving him some tennis noises. Nicole tells Christine by the hot tub, she doesn't know how she's going to make it to the end of the week without blowing up, to be honest. Christine says for her to please hold it together. Derrick and Cody are talking in the WA, about Caleb believing what Frankie told him, and how he saved him. Cody says, "Caleb is such a f*cking idiot." He says that Caleb probably told Frankie everything he said. Derrick says that Frankie was acting weird this morning. Derrick says he needs to ask him what Caleb told him. He says, he needs to know what he said for his game. Cody says, "Caleb is such an idiot, and plays this game like an a$$ clown." Derrick says that Caleb seems to have made them look like idiots, and was throwing them under the bus. He says that Frankie thanked him for not going through with their plans this week.


6:47 PM BBT Cody says he's not going after Christine. Derrick says that no one is going to send Christine home, because they know they can beat her in the Finale. Cody says Christine is a beast. He says Christine is not going after Derrick. He says whoever gets HOH is going to go after him first. Derrick tells Cody that there is a bitter jury, and the only way they (Caleb and Frankie) have a chance at $500K, is against each other. He says there is no way in hell he's going to let Frankie get to the end. He tells Cody to be careful what he says to Christine, because she'll use it against him. Cody goes to the WC, while Derrick is picking up and folding his clothes in the WA, and then he sits on the couch.


6:51 PM BBT Christine tells Nicole by the hot tub that America must really hate her. Nicole says that they probably portrayed them as being hip to hip close. Christine and Nicole both say they can't wait to go home and see the show. Christine starts to tell Nicole what was said in DR today, and we see FoTH. Live Feeds come back with Nicole saying the hot tub is not hot. Cody come out of WC, and washes his hands in the WA sink. Victoria is in the HOT shower. Derrick is not in the WA anymore. Nicole tells Christine that she wishes she didn't cry so much. Cody is making noises as he walks through the KT, through the LR, and to the ice room. He says, I don't want to wear these stupid hands. He and Derrick are in the ice room. Derrick is whispering to him about finding out how long Frankie and Caleb were upstairs, because he was only up there a short time.


6:54 PM BBT Cody says that Caleb is not smart enough to make up anything, so he probably told Frankie everything. Derrick says that when he was upstairs, Frankie did say something about Victoria and Christine. Derrick says that he told Frankie that they got his back. Derrick says that Frankie told him he knows who was filling Caleb's head with stuff, and that she is very very intelligent. Derrick says he was talking about Nicole, for sure. Derrick tells Cody to go up to Frankie, and try joking around with him to find out what was said. Derrick says that they probably should have sent Frankie home, and that Caleb said he didn't because he would have millions of people hating him. Cody says, what else could he have said. Derrick says, he's the best competitor. He says that Caleb doesn't want to send him home, because of who he is. Cody says that Frankie is going to put Caleb and him on the block together next week for sure. He says that Christine has been tripping up a lot, and that he knows everything in the back of his mind.


6:58 PM BBT Derrick says they have to win the DE, and if he wins, he's putting Christine up, and if she takes herself off that's fine, he'll put Frankie up. Derrick says if it's one of them with Caleb and Frankie in the F3, they will be sent home. Cody says they both (Caleb and Frankie) need to go home. They continue to talk about what to do with the DE. Nicole and Christine are having general chit-chat by the hot tub with Victoria. Derrick tells Cody that they have to get one of them out. Cody says that Caleb has forgotten how short term everything has gone down. Derrick says that Frankie has said he will put up Victoria and Christine. He says he doesn't believe that Christine won't put him up. Cody says, that she told him for sure, she will not put him up. Derrick says that Christine needs to put up Frankie. Cody says if she puts up Caleb, they won't vote against him, and then he'll be pi$$ed. Derrick says if Christine wins, he thinks she will put him up with Victoria.


7:03 PM BBT Derrick says they missed the opportunity to get Frankie gone this week. Cody says, the fact that Caleb told him what was said, was the dumbest game move ever. He says that now Frankie will put both of them up, because of Caleb throwing them under the bus. Derrick says, he doesn't think he will do that, because he doesn't view him as a threat. Cody says, f*ck it, we'll just send him home next week. He says, he doesn't even want to have a conversation with Caleb. Derrick tells him that Caleb was trying to guarantee himself to be in the F4. Christine sneezes 3 times, and Victoria blesses her, and she says, thank you. She says she never sneezes at home, but sneezes all the time there. Nicole is walking around the BY.


7:06 PM BBT Caleb walks over by the hot tub. Christine asks him if he's done? He says, he's taking a break because he's sweating. Christine says, they are playing hard core. Victoria hurts herself, and falls to the ground, and Nicole runs over to her to see if she's o.k. They are laughing while sitting on the ground in the BY. Derrick tells Cody that he's scared every time he sees Christine talking to someone. He says that Caleb is worried about his country music career, and doesn't want to have millions of people hating him. Cody says, this kid's a f*cking a$$ clown, and doesn't know how to play BB. They walk out of the ice room, and Frankie is in the hallway. Cody asks him if he's sweating? Frankie tells him he just got finished playing a game of badminton with Caleb. Christine is laughing at Victoria for being on the ground. Cody is in BY now, hitting a birdie with a racquet. Victoria asks Cody to ask Derrick if they can play with his ping pong ball from the comp, and then says nevermind. Nicole tells her it will go everywhere.


7:11 PM BBT Frankie goes to HoHR and is looking for Derrick. Derrick was in the WC, using the bathroom. Frankie told him he thought he was in the HoHR bathroom going number 2. Frankie asks Derrick if he should talk to Cody? Derrick says, he may cause him to be paranoid. Caleb is sitting on the double recliner chair in the BY watching Nicole and Victoria play badminton. Victoria says she's half damaged, and they are laughing. Frankie asks Derrick again if he should talk to Cody? Derrick says, "No, you need to win, and put the two of them up." Derrick is trying to tell Frankie what to do, for what's good for his game. Caleb walks in the KT, where they are talking.


7:14 PM BBT Frankie asks Caleb if anyone even pays attention to daily intakes anymore, and why is the stuff still listed on packages. Caleb says 2,000 calories is a healthy daily intake. Frankie asks Derrick if he ever does spinning? He says he wants to take them with him, to take him everywhere he goes, to dance class and spinning. Caleb says, and then they go hunting with Caleb. Victoria goes in the house, and tells HG's in the KT that Nicole fell and hurt herself, and none of them go out to see how she is. Frankie says, now we have nothing left to do until Thursday, as he sits at the KT table, popping his pimples on his chest. Victoria says her thumb hurts, as she brings Nicole an ice pack. She asks Nicole if she wants to go to the DR, and both of them are trying to pop the ice pack, to get it to work. Victoria thinks that her thumb may be broke. They ask Cody to help get the ice pack to work. Nicole places the ice pack on her inner thigh, between her legs.


7:18 PM BBT Victoria goes back in the KT, as the guys are studying things about previous HG's. Nicole is sitting by herself on the double lounge chair. She says, "I'm just icing my groin over here," twice to Cody and Christine, who are playing badminton. Victoria says, "Derrick, you never made the hammock higher for me, thank you." He says, "I'm going to do it right now." Caleb says, "She just suckered you into sitting on the hammock with you." He says, "I'm just raising it for her." Caleb and Frankie agree that he will stay there. Caleb says Nicole ain't leaving Victoria alone, I'll tell ya. Victoria and Nicole are now lying on the hammock together.


6:41 PM BBT Frankie is making tons of noises as he is playing badminton. He tells Caleb, "I'm almost not in excruciating pain." He continues to make very loud noises, and tells Caleb, he's giving him some tennis noises. Nicole tells Christine by the hot tub, she doesn't know how she's going to make it to the end of the week without blowing up, to be honest. Christine says for her to please hold it together. Derrick and Cody are talking in the WA, about Caleb believing what Frankie told him, and how he saved him. Cody says, "Caleb is such a f*cking idiot." He says that Caleb probably told Frankie everything he said. Derrick says that Frankie was acting weird this morning. Derrick says he needs to ask him what Caleb told him. He says, he needs to know what he said for his game. Cody says, "Caleb is such an idiot, and plays this game like an a$$ clown." Derrick says that Caleb seems to have made them look like idiots, and was throwing them under the bus. He says that Frankie thanked him for not going through with their plans this week.


6:47 PM BBT Cody says he's not going after Christine. Derrick says that no one is going to send Christine home, because they know they can beat her in the Finale. Cody says Christine is a beast. He says Christine is not going after Derrick. He says whoever gets HOH is going to go after him first. Derrick tells Cody that there is a bitter jury, and the only way they (Caleb and Frankie) have a chance at $500K, is against each other. He says there is no way in hell he's going to let Frankie get to the end. He tells Cody to be careful what he says to Christine, because she'll use it against him. Cody goes to the WC, while Derrick is picking up and folding his clothes in the WA, and then he sits on the couch.


6:51 PM BBT Christine tells Nicole by the hot tub that America must really hate her. Nicole says that they probably portrayed them as being hip to hip close. Christine and Nicole both say they can't wait to go home and see the show. Christine starts to tell Nicole what was said in DR today, and we see FoTH. Live Feeds come back with Nicole saying the hot tub is not hot. Cody come out of WC, and washes his hands in the WA sink. Victoria is in the HOT shower. Derrick is not in the WA anymore. Nicole tells Christine that she wishes she didn't cry so much. Cody is making noises as he walks through the KT, through the LR, and to the ice room. He says, I don't want to wear these stupid hands. He and Derrick are in the ice room. Derrick is whispering to him about finding out how long Frankie and Caleb were upstairs, because he was only up there a short time.


6:54 PM BBT Cody says that Caleb is not smart enough to make up anything, so he probably told Frankie everything. Derrick says that when he was upstairs, Frankie did say something about Victoria and Christine. Derrick says that he told Frankie that they got his back. Derrick says that Frankie told him he knows who was filling Caleb's head with stuff, and that she is very very intelligent. Derrick says he was talking about Nicole, for sure. Derrick tells Cody to go up to Frankie, and try joking around with him to find out what was said. Derrick says that they probably should have sent Frankie home, and that Caleb said he didn't because he would have millions of people hating him. Cody says, what else could he have said. Derrick says, he's the best competitor. He says that Caleb doesn't want to send him home, because of who he is. Cody says that Frankie is going to put Caleb and him on the block together next week for sure. He says that Christine has been tripping up a lot, and that he knows everything in the back of his mind.


6:58 PM BBT Derrick says they have to win the DE, and if he wins, he's putting Christine up, and if she takes herself off that's fine, he'll put Frankie up. Derrick says if it's one of them with Caleb and Frankie in the F3, they will be sent home. Cody says they both (Caleb and Frankie) need to go home. They continue to talk about what to do with the DE. Nicole and Christine are having general chit-chat by the hot tub with Victoria. Derrick tells Cody that they have to get one of them out. Cody says that Caleb has forgotten how short term everything has gone down. Derrick says that Frankie has said he will put up Victoria and Christine. He says he doesn't believe that Christine won't put him up. Cody says, that she told him for sure, she will not put him up. Derrick says that Christine needs to put up Frankie. Cody says if she puts up Caleb, they won't vote against him, and then he'll be pi$$ed. Derrick says if Christine wins, he thinks she will put him up with Victoria.


7:03 PM BBT Derrick says they missed the opportunity to get Frankie gone this week. Cody says, the fact that Caleb told him what was said, was the dumbest game move ever. He says that now Frankie will put both of them up, because of Caleb throwing them under the bus. Derrick says, he doesn't think he will do that, because he doesn't view him as a threat. Cody says, f*ck it, we'll just send him home next week. He says, he doesn't even want to have a conversation with Caleb. Derrick tells him that Caleb was trying to guarantee himself to be in the F4. Christine sneezes 3 times, and Victoria blesses her, and she says, thank you. She says she never sneezes at home, but sneezes all the time there. Nicole is walking around the BY.


7:06 PM BBT Caleb walks over by the hot tub. Christine asks him if he's done? He says, he's taking a break because he's sweating. Christine says, they are playing hard core. Victoria hurts herself, and falls to the ground, and Nicole runs over to her to see if she's o.k. They are laughing while sitting on the ground in the BY. Derrick tells Cody that he's scared every time he sees Christine talking to someone. He says that Caleb is worried about his country music career, and doesn't want to have millions of people hating him. Cody says, this kid's a f*cking a$$ clown, and doesn't know how to play BB. They walk out of the ice room, and Frankie is in the hallway. Cody asks him if he's sweating? Frankie tells him he just got finished playing a game of badminton with Caleb. Christine is laughing at Victoria for being on the ground. Cody is in BY now, hitting a birdie with a racquet. Victoria asks Cody to ask Derrick if they can play with his ping pong ball from the comp, and then says nevermind. Nicole tells her it will go everywhere.


7:11 PM BBT Frankie goes to HoHR and is looking for Derrick. Derrick was in the WC, using the bathroom. Frankie told him he thought he was in the HoHR bathroom going number 2. Frankie asks Derrick if he should talk to Cody? Derrick says, he may cause him to be paranoid. Caleb is sitting on the double recliner chair in the BY watching Nicole and Victoria play badminton. Victoria says she's half damaged, and they are laughing. Frankie asks Derrick again if he should talk to Cody? Derrick says, "No, you need to win, and put the two of them up." Derrick is trying to tell Frankie what to do, for what's good for his game. Caleb walks in the KT, where they are talking.


7:14 PM BBT Frankie asks Caleb if anyone even pays attention to daily intakes anymore, and why is the stuff still listed on packages. Caleb says 2,000 calories is a healthy daily intake. Frankie asks Derrick if he ever does spinning? He says he wants to take them with him, to take him everywhere he goes, to dance class and spinning. Caleb says, and then they go hunting with Caleb. Victoria goes in the house, and tells HG's in the KT that Nicole fell and hurt herself, and none of them go out to see how she is. Frankie says, now we have nothing left to do until Thursday, as he sits at the KT table, popping his pimples on his chest. Victoria says her thumb hurts, as she brings Nicole an ice pack. She asks Nicole if she wants to go to the DR, and both of them are trying to pop the ice pack, to get it to work. Victoria thinks that her thumb may be broke. They ask Cody to help get the ice pack to work. Nicole places the ice pack on her inner thigh, between her legs.


7:18 PM BBT Victoria goes back in the KT, as the guys are studying things about previous HG's. Nicole is sitting by herself on the double lounge chair. She says, "I'm just icing my groin over here," twice to Cody and Christine, who are playing badminton. Victoria says, "Derrick, you never made the hammock higher for me, thank you." He says, "I'm going to do it right now." Caleb says, "She just suckered you into sitting on the hammock with you." He says, "I'm just raising it for her." Caleb and Frankie agree that he will stay there. Caleb says Nicole ain't leaving Victoria alone, I'll tell ya. Victoria and Nicole are now lying on the hammock together.


7:23 PM BBT Frankie is trying to study with the guys in the KT, and says he's been trying to grab Cody when he's alone, because he remembers everything in chronological order. He says, Cody is never alone, those girls are always with him. He says, they are always up inside him, and that he feels he literally has them hanging out of his a$$. Caleb belches super loud, and does not excuse himself. Caleb tells Frankie that he's going to sit on the couch. Derrick says he's going to look to see if they put any food or booze out for them? Caleb actually goes in the SR, and grabs some candy. He goes to the LR, and sits on the couch. Derrick is lying on the other couch. Nicole and Victoria are whispering on the hammock about the DE.


7:26 PM BBT Derrick tells Caleb and Frankie that he doesn't like being a HN, but he feels it was the right thing to do, since they busted their a$$es in the comp, and he got $5,000. Caleb says that it's weird that Cody wants to hang out with the girls all the time, and not them. He says he may be gay. Derrick says, there is a good possibility, because it's been done before. He says, a guy in Canada just did it. He says, he pretended to be straight all season, until the end. Caleb says it's crazy to think that one of them will be a half of a million dollars richer. He says, it's just money, but still. Nicole and Victoria are whispering some game talk. They are both holding ice packs on their injuries.


7:30 PM BBT Victoria tells Nicole that they can't talk game 24/7, yes it's a game, but we're also human. She says, they have to be able to just talk also. Caleb is popping zits on his left arm, while sitting on the couch. He says, "That's so awkward, dude." Frankie comes in, and Caleb says that he was saying how awkward Cody is, and how he doesn't hang out with them. Frankie says, "Yes, it is, I'm way straighter than him." Victoria gets off the hammock to go and get a paper towel. She goes in the house, and tells Caleb that she popped a blood vessel, and her thumb is really swollen. Caleb tells her, that shouldn't stop her from using it. She has Caleb feel it gently, with his hand. She tells him he sucks, and gets up and walks away. Frankie tells Caleb that he soaked his pants from playing badminton. He walks away, and says, "Oh my Lord, my groin muscle." Caleb says, he wonders what they would do it they all went to sleep right now? Derrick says that he's really tired.


7:34 PM BBT Caleb says that tomorrow is blog day, and camera day. Frankie tells him he will have fun. He tells Caleb it's weird how sad they (the girls) are when he's (Cody) not around. He says that Christine is literally depressed when he's not with her. Christine goes to the LR, and Frankie picks his nose. He apologizes to America for just picking his nose. He goes and washes his hands. He goes back to the LR, and says he's 100% blonde now, and there's no pink. They all talk about the Veto ceremony today. Christine says she was going to say how she was going to use the Veto on herself, but couldn't do it. She says what other HG's did it before. Cody, Victoria and Nicole are sitting in the BY, and Christine goes to the BY again. Frankie and Caleb make fun of Christine going back outside. Frankie says, she said, there's no breeze in here/she doesn't see Cody.


7:38 PM BBT Christine tells Cody that it's neat how they put the dinosaur head on the hat. Cody says that he feels if they didn't, that it would be falling in his face all the time. Frankie says he's exhausted, and Caleb says he's going to bed soon. Frankie tells him to go ahead and go to sleep upstairs by himself, and he will hang out with him tomorrow all day. Frankie says, "Can you believe that we will be on every episode of this season?" Frankie says if something terrible happens, and they go home Thursday, they will still be on almost all of them. Derrick gets a holla, and says, "Holla." Cody is calling himself "Dino the dinosaur." Victoria goes in the house, and Frankie asks how everything is outside, and asks if there are anymore injuries? She tells him no, but her hand is throbbing, and she needs to get used to using her left hand.


7:42 PM BBT Caleb asks Victoria what she would do if she ate a bowl of chili one time, and the meat wasn't Kosher. She says, it would be a mistake. Caleb asks if she's ever done it, and she says, no. Caleb tells Frankie that his brother made chili with deer meat once, and got his mom with it. We hear, "This is a reminder, that sleeping in the LR is not permitted." Frankie says, that was a knew one, it was loud. Caleb says, he wonders who they are talking about. Derrick is asleep on the couch in the LR. Victoria is sitting next to Caleb on the other couch. Frankie says, he's going to play pool. Caleb says, he's about to head upstairs and go to sleep soon. Derrick asks Frankie what time it is? He tells him it's 7:41 p.m. Derrick tells Victoria if he goes to bed now, he'll wake back up. Victoria asks him if he wants to go to lay in the hammock with her. Frankie goes outside, and asks Cody if he wants to play pool. Cody asks Frankie if the washer is too full, and he tells him no, there's no such thing. Nicole and Cody both tell him there is. Frankie says, he's never done laundry before in his life, before BB, so he knows what he's talking about.


7:46 PM BBT We hear, "Derrick, stop that." Caleb goes up to the HoHR. Victoria asks Derrick what he's thinking about, and then she goes to the SR. She comes out, and shows Derrick how swollen it is. He asks her what she did, and she says she tripped on her ankle, twisted it, and fell on her hand. Christine and Nicole are talking about Frankie's hair color already coming out, and he just died it on Thursday. Cody and Frankie start a game of pool in the BY. Victoria asks Derrick if there's anything new? He says, "No, Nicole's going home this week." He says that Nicole's definitely going home, because she's the big target this week. She tells Derrick he was whispering when he was talking, and he says they are whispering, and it's out of habit. Victoria says, "I know more than you think I know." Derrick asks her to say what she knows.


7:51 PM BBT Derrick tells Victoria that if she has something to get off her chest, then she needs to say it. He says, he can't address it, unless she tells him. Christine goes in the house and asks if Caleb has already gone upstairs, and they tell her yes. She asks if he's already asleep, and Derrick tells her, that she just went upstairs. She knocks on the HoHR door, and asks Caleb if she can talk to him? He says, yes. She says that she is not aligning with the girls, and she's just been frustrated. He tells Christine that they felt if they kept Nicole, she would flip the house. He tells her that he was so close to putting Frankie up, but he didn't want her to flip the house. He says that Frankie can make a huge move this week, but he doesn't think he will. Frankie is outside studying with Cody at the pool table.


7:54 PM BBT Cody tells Frankie there were no HN's week 5, and they keep going. Frankie thought he was a HN twice, but it went into the next week. Caleb tells Christine that she sent Nicole home last time, and now she's the reason she's leaving, because she won Veto. Christine tells Caleb that she thinks he will win America's Favorite Player if he's in jury. They keep talking game, while Cody and Frankie keep studying, while playing pool in the BY.


7:57 PM BBT Caleb tells Christine that Nicole doesn't deserve to be in the game, because she is a buy back. He says, whoever wins the game should be on their first life in the game. Christine leaves the HoHR. She tells Nicole that just Caleb is upstairs, as she walks in the KT. Christine goes to the BY. Frankie talks to Cody in his British accent, about the pool game. Christine automatically sits by the pool table, and begins to include herself in the pool game, by commenting on everything, and making loud noises. Victoria is sitting next to Derrick on the couch, and is whispering to him. We can't hear what was said. Nicole walks to the LR, and Derrick says, "You didn't see us?" She says, no. He says, he's surprised they didn't do anything today, with it being a holiday. Nicole says, Frankie asked, and they said they didn't know. Derrick asks if the oats or powder has the nutrition in it, and Victoria tells him, it's the powder. He asks her about how she makes the souffle thing. She asks him if he wants her to make it? He asks which milk she makes it with, and he's going to try to make something with the protein powder, and the nutrient powder.


8:03 PM BBT Victoria tells Nicole that she can't use her hand. All 3 go in the KT, after Derrick goes to the SR. Frankie is talking sexual about the pool cue, in his British accent, while playing the game with Cody. Nicole and Victoria discuss what they have been eating. Nicole says she eats cereal if she's on a diet. Victoria says, that's one thing she tries to avoid. Cody says, he doesn't understand how Caleb can drink 2 monsters, and then be ready for bed. Christine says she doesn't understand that. Nicole asks Derrick what he's going to do all night? He says that he's going to eat this, and then he'll go to bed soon. We hear, "Derrick, where's the holla at?" He says, "In your ass." We see FoTH.


8:13 PM BBT Live Feeds are back. Frankie and Cody are still playing pool in the BY. Victoria says, "That was super weird." Nicole says, "Hmm, Hmm." Nicole sits at the Dining Room table. Cody asks why the cameras are rolling around? Christine says, that's what she's like to know. She says, she just wants a former HG to come in the house already. Victoria is eating something at the KT table. Her, Derrick and Nicole are talking about the types of milk they like.


8:16 PM BBT Derrick sits at the Dining Room table, and has Nicole taste what he made. She says, it's not terrible, but she can't eat it. Derrick says, it's terrible, but he put slop in it. Victoria is sitting at the Dining Room table with them, and is eating fish on a little blue plate. She says, "This sucks." Derrick gets up to put his food in the microwave. Derrick says when the music plays he gets so excited, and then they are messing with them, because John hit the wrong button. Frankie tells Cody he's the best loser on the planet. He tells Cody he should be on The Biggest Loser. He says, why? I'm not fat. He says he thought it was for people that like losing. He asks if the show was still going on? Christine and Cody both say they don't know. Frankie tries to make the break, and Christine over exaggerates when she makes a comment. We hear, "Derrick, can I get a holla?" He says, "Holla." He says, Nicole is ready to get out of here. She's checked out. Nicole asks him why he says that? She says she's definitely not checked out, but she's not going to try to save herself.


8:21 PM BBT Victoria is looking for an ace bandage, and Derrick tells her where to get it. She comes back with tape, and says she just wants to tape it. He tells her to go and get the ace bandage. She says, that's huge, and it's going to eat her hand up. Nicole says they were disrespectful to her today with what they did. Victoria comes back with the ace bandage. Derrick tells her to take her activity tracker off, and sit down. He asks her if she's even wearing shorts right now, and asks what she's actually wearing? She says, they are shorts, and they gave her them to wear for a comp. Derrick tries to put the ace bandage on Victoria, and she's making noises. He says they need scissors to make it smaller, and asks if there is any in the medical kit? She says, "No, they took them from me." Derrick folds the ace bandage in half length ways, to wrap her hand, and she says, she's ready to cry right now, because it hurts so badly. She is covering her mouth, and making a face like she is going to cry, while he is wrapping it for her.


8:26 PM BBT Victoria screams, "Oh my God, Derrick that's painful, your pressing right on it." He tells her, that if it hurts that badly, she needs to go and get it looked at in the DR. Christine heard her scream in the BY, from the Dining Room. Nicole and Derrick are telling her to move her fingers. Nicole tells Victoria it looks very well secure, and it looks good. Victoria says that she can't move it, and he says that he made a cast out of it, so that's good. Nicole says, "Victoria, you screamed so loud." Derrick asks for alcohol, and Nicole says she needs some to. Frankie and Cody are playing badminton in the BY.


8:30 PM BBT Nicole says, "Being a HN is no joke." Derrick says, no, it's not. She says that it's messed up her daily routine, because it's hard to nap in there (ice room). She says, there will probably be something cool, after this week. She says, "People are starting to check out that aren't even on the block." Derrick says, he is constantly thinking about his family, and it absolutely consumes him. Nicole says, that she just likes sitting there by herself, not thinking about game, or anything, because it makes her feel better. Victoria is sitting at the Dining Room table with a blank stare on her face, with her hand wrapped, and lying on the table. She is not saying anything. Nicole says, "Do you know how far Jeff made it the first time?" Victoria says, "Not that far." Christine asks if there is a real owl up there? Frankie says, "Yes, up in that tree." Christine says she has owls at home, and that's not an owl. Nicole says, "Let's break the news to the HG's." She goes over what will be said at the beginning of Thursday's show for the DE.


8:35 PM BBT Derrick says it could be a solo, and she says it could be. Nicole asks if they have to have another DE this year? He says, unless they have an additional week. They discuss what day BB told them to take off until. Victoria takes the medical kit to the back, and asks Derrick to meet her in the fire room, when he is done. She walks out, and he tells Nicole, "I'm doomed, I'm doomed." She agrees. Nicole tells him, she is very paranoid for no reason. Derrick is at the KT sink washing his bowl and spoon. He walks over to Nicole and whispers to her what Victoria said to him when they were in the LR. Nicole says, she asks her what people are talking about, and how she told her, probably about a DE. Derrick says he's going to tell her it's rude that they're in there. He says, I'll be right back. He goes in the fire room with Victoria lying in bed. She tells him she's sad, and he asks, what about? She says, she's on the block. She asks him if he can sit down, and he says he doesn't want to leave Nicole in the Dining Room by herself, because it's rude. Derrick asks her if she wants an ice pack, and she says, no. He tells her she needs to be studying, and go through every week, and he walks out.


8:40 PM BBT Derrick tells Nicole that she's sad. Nicole says if there's a DE, that she can be going second. Derrick says, he could go, and that's why he's trying to enjoy it. Nicole says, she will cry. She says that she wishes Victoria understood more. She says, she literally doesn't understand the game, and she's really paranoid. Derrick says, they are all outside, not caring at all. Nicole says that she lets everyone talk, because if you go in a room and says something, they get mad at you. She says that when Amber and Frankie used to break her convos, it drove her crazy. Derrick says if he gets put up, and doesn't win everything, then he will go home. Nicole says, there's nothing else you can do, and he says, nope. Derrick asks Nicole who Hayden didn't like in the house? He says he really wants to know, but doesn't want to know. She tells him, it's not him. Nicole says that if Derrick leaves before Victoria, she won't be able to stay there. Derrick says she may self-evict, but they will try to talk her out of it. Nicole says, "I'm so pi$$ed she's up next to me." She says they don't want her to stop trying. We see FoTH.


8:45 PM BBT Live Feeds come back with Derrick and Nicole talking about the votes that she would need to stay. She says, there's literally no way for her to get the votes with Christine and Frankie. She asks Derrick if she's really that scary? He says, she's a great competitor, and tells her, wait until you see my goodbye message. She says, "I'm so pi$$ed at myself." She is using tape from the medical kit, and putting it on her left hand. She is whispering very low to herself, and it's not audible. She says, "Gosh this sucks, my hands are tied tighter than they've ever been." She says, "Dan Geesling." Then Cody walks in, and asks what she's doing? She says she is putting tape on her hand because she is board. Christine and Frankie are lying on the double lounge chair in the BY talking about what comps can be coming up, and she tells him that she has a very painful zit on the side of her nose that she needs to pop. He tells her it will be an easy one to pop. Derrick goes back to the Dining Room table. Nicole asks him if he ate the full bowl, and he says yes. Christine says she wants some Queso, and asks why she keeps eating all the time? She says she eats so much in this house.


8:50 PM BBT Frankie and Christine are conspiring in the BY about wanting to tell Victoria that she's leaving next. Christine says, "She's literally so dumb. I can't even stand her dumb comments anymore." They are both bashing Victoria in the BY, saying that she doesn't understand anything. Christine asks, "What did she cut?" Frankie says, he doesn't know. She says, "God, she is so stupid." They continue to bash Victoria about the last comp. Victoria comes out of the fire room, and walks through the Dining Room and KT. Derrick and Nicole are playing with Play Doh at the Dining Room table. Christine goes in the house, and says, she is going to destroy this (zit).


8:53 PM BBT Christine is using the mirror in the WA, by the WC to pop her zit, while Cody is taking a shower in the HOT shower. Christine starts talking to him, and then she walks to the KT. Victoria is now at the Dining Room table playing with the Play Doh also.


8:55 PM BBT Nicole says the Play Doh is all so dry, and Victoria says, they are almost all gone. She tells Derrick he broke her rose on his dresser. Christine is hounding down some potato chips out of the bag in the KT. Derrick tells Victoria, "I'm f*cking married." He says, "Oh, here we go," and Victoria doesn't say anything. Cody dropped the soap in the shower, and it's still on the floor. Christine is still standing in the KT, eves dropping on the convo in the Dining Room.


8:58 PM BBT Cody turns off the shower, and says, "Oh sh*t." He reaches to the COLD shower, grabs a red towel, and smells it. He uses it to cover himself, while he opens the HOT shower door, and grabs his turquoise towel off the rack. He finishes drying off. Christine goes over to the Dining Room table, and watches Derrick and Nicole. They ask where Cody is, and she tells them, he's in the shower. She goes to the KT, and then to the WA. She asks Cody how his shower was, and he says, "It was phenomenal." She says, "That's good." She watches Cody get dressed, and tells him that they are playing with Play Doh, and aren't talking. He says, that's boring. She says, "Man, your hair looks so good, and you have to put a hat on it." He says, he hates him, and finishes putting on his costume. He says he has to spray Dino with some cologne, because he doesn't want him stinking. Christine hears Frankie come in the house, and jumps up to go by the mirror in the WA again. Then, she goes to sit back down on the couch. She is laughing at everything Cody is saying and doing. He starts to sing.


9:04 PM BBT Christine and Cody are still frolicking and laughing with each other in the WA. He starts to sing again, and we see FoTH for a few moments. Live Feeds come back with Christine telling Cody he looks gangster, looking like he picks his nose from the side. She says, "You look so cute, you little dinosaur."  She talks about her nephew, and Cody starts saying what her nephew would say. Christine says someone wears short shorts at some game, and she texts her brother asking him if he enjoys the view? Cody is playing with his toes. Christine calls Cody a butthole, and she calls him a loose butthole. He says, he'd rather be a loose butthole than a tight one. They go back and forth, and she won't stop laughing. Cody shows Christine his underwear, and says he wants to put them up, and he says they have skid marks on them. She goes to the BY. Frankie is doing dishes in the KT, talking in his British voice. Caleb is asleep in the nest bed, in the HoHR.


9:09 PM BBT Frankie uses vulgar words at a pot in the KT. Cody goes to BY, and says that Christine left the back door open, and she says she was just going to get some water. Her and Cody fight over the refrigerator door in the BY, and then tease each other, acting like school aged kids. Christine goes to feel the hot tub, and says, "Oh Lord, that feels good." Nicole goes to BY to get her cup, and Cody asks her how she's doing, and she says, she's doing good. Nicole asks if the hot tub is getting hotter? Christine says that she might go in the hot tub. Nicole says, maybe she will, but hot tubs are so grody. Christine tells Cody she wants chips and cheese so bad right now, and he tells her he's going to make quesadilla's later. She asks him if she can have one. She keeps laughing in the BY, and tells Cody he has to text her when he's watching the previous seasons of BB. Derrick is still at the Dining Room table making something out of Play Doh.


9:15 PM BBT Victoria is at the Dining Room table eating a bowl of cereal. Derrick gets up from the table, grunting. Nicole is walking around the KT, with Frankie still doing dishes. Victoria moves to the chair that Nicole had been sitting in at the Dining Room table. Christine tells Cody that she hates Evil D*ck, as they talk about previous HG's. Christine says she can't believe that Dan made it so far in Season 14, knowing how he played. She called them weirdo's. Cody called Frank a pen*$ head. Christine says he wasn't the brightest tool. She is walking in the hot tub with her clothes still on, and holding her microphone pack. She laughs constantly, and says how bad Chef Joe was. Victoria is getting more cereal out of a cereal box, and puts it in her bowl. She says, if her hand doesn't get better, she will go to get it looked at. Frankie and Derrick are playing pool in the BY.


9:20 PM BBT Frankie tells Derrick that he thinks a lot of America is pi$$ed, and that's why they didn't accomplish the last TA Mission. He says they probably said, let's show them, and they did. He says, he's over it. They continue to play their game, and Frankie is shocked by the shots that Derrick made. Christine and Cody are still acting like kids in the BY. She talks about kids picking their noses, and how it made her sick to her stomach.


9:23 PM BBT All cams are still on the BY. Christine and Cody are talking about previous seasons of BB still. She will NOT stop laughing at every word and action Cody makes. Cody says that Donny asked Nicole why she goes for Hayden, because she's like his babysitter. Christine and Cody won't stop singing. Frankie whispers something to Derrick about them, but we couldn't hear him.


9:29 PM BBT Derrick gives Frankie an early turn in the pool game, because he made a shot, that he didn't call. Derrick makes another shot. Frankie says, "Gosh, this game's atrocious, he has 2 balls left, and I have 5." He goes to make his next shot. He says, "Pirates of the Carribean," because of what Christine and Cody are doing. Derrick calls his next shot to go back to the corner pocket where he was, and he made it. Frankie, says, he's kicking some serious booty.


9:32 PM BBT Derrick wins the pool game, and Frankie is bummed, and says that he beat Cody 3 times. Christine, Cody and Frankie are talking about shows and movies they've seen. She says that her grandfather says it's child abuse that she didn't see Star Wars growing up, and Frankie says, it is. Nicole and Victoria are in the fire room. Nicole tells her to get her head in the game. She says, there's no head in the game this season. She says, if she doesn't win the comps, she's going to go home. Nicole says, that they will send Derrick home over her, and she needs to be emotionally prepared for that. Victoria says she can't.


9:37 PM BBT BY convo still on movies. Victoria is crying in the fire room about Derrick. She says they've been so close since day one, and uses her fingers to show how close they are. She asks Nicole if she told him to make deals with people so he won't go home? Nicole tells her he can't do anything that won't make it look super fishy. They go back and forth about who might put Derrick up. Nicole says that Caleb told her yesterday that he wants to take Cody to the end of the game. Victoria says that people in the house don't respect Cody and his game play, possibly because of all his flirting. Nicole says, that Caleb says he wants to beat the best. She says that Cody would win over anybody. Victoria says that she thinks that more people would vote for Derrick over Cody. They go through the jury members to see who would vote for him. Nicole says, alot can happen up til then, that can change her mind. Victoria says, "Derrick can not leave before me, period." Nicole says, nice guys usually go home on the DE.


9:41 PM BBT Nicole tells Victoria that she needs to prepare for the worst, and if it's not the worst, then she'll be o.k. She says, if she doesn't prepare, she will go into shock. Nicole says she hopes he will stay, because she really likes him, and she will cry if he goes to the jury after her. She is using a rolling pin on her legs. Nicole tells Victoria she is Derricks closest ally in the house. Victoria says she feels like they are family, and how he's going to visit her in Florida. She says how he consider's her family, and how he wants her to meet Jana and Tenley. Victoria says, "I just have to win, there's no other option." She says, when she's said that before, she's won. She says, she believes that words are powerful, and if she would have won the Veto, this game would be so different right now. She continues to wipe tears from her face. She says, if he leaves, she will think it's her fault. Nicole tells her, it's not her fault. She talks about her and Hayden leaving.


9:45 PM BBT Frankie is in the BY talking about his acting classes. Victoria is breaking down crying, about Nicole leaving, and the possibility of Derrick going next. Derrick gets a holla. Nicole tells Victoria again, to get her head in the game. Nicole is very calm, and is trying to help Victoria.


9:48 PM BBT Frankie says that his content on his You Tube channel is going to go up a lot after he leaves BB. Nicole tells Victoria that she needs to get some sleep tonight, so she can be ready for tomorrow. Camera 3 pans on all the medicine on the nightstand, by the bed in the fire room. Victoria asks Nicole if she can go see where Derrick is, and she goes to look. She takes a bowl with her to take to the KT. She sees Derrick in the hallway, and he goes in the fire room to talk to Victoria. He sits on the bed that she's lying in, and asks her what up? She says she's scared for Thursday. She says if he leaves on Thursday before her, because he's a big threat in the game, she's not emotionally stable enough for it. Nicole went in the fire room, and walked back out. She says he can't leave, and she's willing to leave before him. He tells her, she doesn't have that choice. She tells him to make deals, and he says there's no deals to make. She says she will leave before him. He says if he's on the block, and she's a vote for him to stay. She says if he's on the block, she will feel super guilty.


9:54 PM BBT Victoria tells him that Nicole was trying to emotionally prepare her for what can happen. Derrick tells her there's only 2 weeks left in the game. He tells her that worst case scenario, if he leaves, she would have 2 weeks left in the game. He tells her if she does something dumb, she'll regret it. He tells her to lock down her emotions, because they are not going to die if they get evicted. Derrick says this is just a game, it's a lot of money, if he makes it to the end, he does, and if not it's o.k. He says that she will learn a lot more about him when they leave the house. He tells her that he was sitting in the room studying for an hour by himself. He says, they have to get there, but they have to keep going. He says she's playing to much with her heart, and needs to play with her head. He says, these people are not your friends. He says there are no more HN's, and there will be more fun stuff. He says a former HG may come in, and they will have convos after the show or in the jury house. He tells her to lock it down. He says she doesn't have a choice, if they want him gone before her, he will go home. He says they have to win the comps, or they deserve to go home.


9:59 PM BBT Nicole goes back to the fire room. She tells them she's sorry for going back, but couldn't stay in the KT anymore, because they are talking in accents, and she couldn't take it anymore. Derrick tells Victoria she will compete in the comps, and if she doesn't win, they she goes home, and doesn't really have an argument.


10:00 PM BBT Nicole tells Victoria to get her head in the game again, and try to enjoy the rest of her time in the house. Nicole tells Victoria that her time when she went on stage with Julie was great. She says if her time ended then, it was fine. Nicole tells Victoria not to put as much pressure on herself. She says she doesn't do good under pressure. She tells Victoria to clear her mind, and stay calm.

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#BB16 10:09PM BBT IN the KT Cody, Frankie and Christine chat. Christine walks up behind Cody and gives him a hug from the back. In the fire room, Derrick continues to try and talk Victoria off of the ledge and she continues to sniffle.


#BB16 10:21PM BBT Nicole and Derrick talking. Nicole tells Derrick that her biggest regret is trusting Cody.


#BB16 10:23PM BBT Derrick lying on the bed. Victoria is rubbing his leg as she, Nicole and Derrick chat about past HG.


#BB16 10:26PM BBT Frankie comes into fire room. Frankie talks about Zach being mentally unstable. Wanting to go home one day and stay the other.


#BB16 10:29PM BBT Derrick tells Nicole how Zach went out. That he gave everyone hugs before the cameras went live. He told the HG to not hug him when he left. Said he had a character to go out as.

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#BB16 10:40PM BBT The HG in the fire room discussing Hayden. Nicole says that her parents would like him. The HG all liked Hayden.


#BB16 10:43PM BBT Cody says that he has only been in the costume for a few days and he is over it. Says he doesn't understand how Nicole did I. She tells him she did it twice and suck it up. They all laugh.


#BB16 10:49PM BBT Nicole now lying on Victoria's lap. Victoria rubbing Nicole's head and Derrick's leg. Frankie comes out of DR and says that he is done for the night so he took off his makeup.


#BB16 10:51PM BBT Frankie leaves the room and Derrick follows. Frankie tells Derrick he was doing his goodbye messages.


#BB16 10:54PM BBT Derrick exits the WC. Runs his hands under 3 seconds of water. Frankie asks him if other season have felt the same way with their alliances. Derrick says he believes that they all have.

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#BB16 10:59PM BBT Frankie comes into the fire room and asks Derrick if he will roll out his groin (with the rolling pin). Derrick says no. Says he loves Frankie but will not be seen rolling out a guys groin. Victoria asks Derrick if she can paint his hair. He says no - what kind of drugs are you on. Everyone laughs. Victoria is complaining about her hand again. Wants to rewrap it.


#BB16 11:07PM BBT Derrick is outside playing pool by himself. Victoria telling a story about something. Hard to tell abut what as she is laughing and screaming.


#BB16 11:16PM BBT Caleb sticks his head in the fire room Frankie asks him if he is going to bed. Caleb says that he doesn't know. Frankie says if he is, he will go with him because Caleb is sleeping in his bed.


#BB16 11:24PM BBT Caleb snacking in the kitchen. The girls are chatting in general in the fire room.

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