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Caleb Reynolds (Week 6) - nominated by Donny, BotB Winner (Saved) + D/E HoH

Guest 6Borders

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So many things have come out of his mouth it's impossible to keep track.

So far Derrick is the only one whose called Caleb out, the rest just make

fun of him behind his back (which I also despise, no matter how big of an

ass you are making of yourself).

Misha says he can sing and dance and right now those are about the only

two things I believe about this fool.

I think this is the bar Misha was talking about where they sang karaoke...


LOL. I am suitably impressed that you found it. Yes, that was the bar. Sometimes I will go there after work on Wednesdays but I don't go there as often as I used to. New owners. New staff. They fired the KJ and do karaoke from a JUKEBOX. Besides, I'm a KJ now so I do my own shows at a different bar. LOL

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Guest 6Borders

Good Grief, if this IDIOT mentions one more time how he turned down Survivor and how he would

be so great on it, I hope someone just takes him off BB and dumps him on a really

deserted island or in a remote jungle!! I'm sure he will be fine because no doubt he speaks

every language known or unknown to humankind so he can converse with the natives and they

will elect him their king (he already has the crown).

Lied about the tatoo on his head, of course!! Maybe he's just certifibly pathlogical along

with his other problems! What a tool!

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Good Grief, if this IDIOT mentions one more time how he turned down Survivor and how he would

be so great on it, I hope someone just takes him off BB and dumps him on a really

deserted island or in a remote jungle!! I'm sure he will be fine because no doubt he speaks

every language known or unknown to humankind so he can converse with the natives and they

will elect him their king (he already has the crown).

Lied about the tatoo on his head, of course!! Maybe he's just certifibly pathlogical along

with his other problems! What a tool!

Napolean syndrome and some real psych diagnoses.

Little man, little brain, BIG lies!

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Good Grief, if this IDIOT mentions one more time how he turned down Survivor and how he would

be so great on it, I hope someone just takes him off BB and dumps him on a really

deserted island or in a remote jungle!! I'm sure he will be fine because no doubt he speaks

every language known or unknown to humankind so he can converse with the natives and they

will elect him their king (he already has the crown).

Lied about the tatoo on his head, of course!! Maybe he's just certifibly pathlogical along

with his other problems! What a tool!

As an avid Survivor fan, I'd love for him to go on and watch him be the first one snuffed.....He'd probably run from the snakes, use a stick to clear any jungle debri for fear of a bug bite and lay back and let the women do all the work and call himself Tarzan Beastmode King of the Jungle!!! (I only fear which women he would stalk as his next Queen saying that the Jungle Gods spoke to him as he landed on the Island!)

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And... I wonder how he'd like to eat mainly boiled rice on Survivor ???

He's freaking out about eating slop for 2 weeks already.... and they can

at least Doctor that up with a few things on BB.

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Guest 6Borders

Let's see how he survives the rest of the 48 hrs tied to

Victoria first. She is already driving him up the treehouse branch. Personally, I think

it's the funniest darn thing I have seen this season!

JungleModeCowflop & Jane :maleficent::cowboy:

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As an avid Survivor fan, I'd love for him to go on and watch him be the first one snuffed.....He'd probably run from the snakes, use a stick to clear any jungle debri for fear of a bug bite and lay back and let the women do all the work and call himself Tarzan Beastmode King of the Jungle!!! (I only fear which women he would stalk as his next Queen saying that the Jungle Gods spoke to him as he landed on the Island!)

The women would let venomous snakes and tse-tse flies bite them in hope of poisonous infections and malaria to get off the island and away from stalker Caleb. Some may just jump into the water and swim their way back to land.

Hey, there's a new idea for a show...Survivor: Stalker edition.

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So far, this supposed racist homophobe has been in bed with Frankie, in love with Amber and held Jocasta's hair when she was puking. Doesn't seem to be living up to the hype.

Of course, not! Caleb is sorely aware of his public image. After his Instagram account was exposed, where his true feelings were revealed, he had to do some major damage control. What better way to lessen the impact of his statements than to pretend to cozy up to the gay and black house guests?

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Of course, not! Caleb is sorely aware of his public image. After his Instagram account was exposed, where his true feelings were revealed, he had to do some major damage control. What better way to lessen the impact of his statements than to pretend to cozy up to the gay and black house guests?

Has Caleb told everybody about his work for the Rainbow Coalition and how he was Grand Marshall for the Gay Pride Parade? If not, just keep your ears open.

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Well...he wanted to be famous!

Doubt this one is going to net him any $$ past his stipend!

Only thing he's gonna be famous for is as the 'boast most greenhorn' Hasn't proven to be too dangerous in the challenges and no one believes his tall tales of his many exploits.

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Only thing he's gonna be famous for is as the 'boast most greenhorn' Hasn't proven to be too dangerous in the challenges and no one believes his tall tales of his many exploits

Dear Caleb,

THANK YOU for providing us with this seasons joker.

carry on

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There is a commercial they show during the show for a new series coming this fall called "Stalker." lol

It shows a man in a hoodie. I think it's hysterical every time I see it and I am convinced they are mocking Caleb.

Saw Guardians of the Galaxy ( FUN flick ) and there was a narcissitic, hooded, musclehead named Ronan in it that was soooooooooooooo Caleb.

total douche factor


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Guest 6Borders

"BoastModeCowboy" can't claim he won Battle of the Block all by himself (even tho he will/has I'm sure).

Never seen anyone complain and whine so much, however it seems to have given his constant

bragging a little bit of a rest!

CBS is going to have to issue a blanket restraining order at the wrap party if Nicole's best friend

attends. (I noticed that BB edited out the "just kidding" in Nicole's letter when her friend said she

had a BF!)

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I'm starting to think that rather than Caleb trying to curb his image by cozying up with the people he allegedly hates--I think he is a classic case of "I hate people until I meet them in real life". The type that runs his mouth left and right about everything wrong with this country and how anyone not like him is not worthy--but when confronted with real people who happen to be those things, he forgets that he projected that image of himself. Its really the most pathetic form of hatred, when you are just doing it for show.

Thats just been my personal experience with racists/homohpobes. In general they have just never been exposed to those whom they hate.

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I'm starting to think that rather than Caleb trying to curb his image by cozying up with the people he allegedly hates--I think he is a classic case of "I hate people until I meet them in real life". The type that runs his mouth left and right about everything wrong with this country and how anyone not like him is not worthy--but when confronted with real people who happen to be those things, he forgets that he projected that image of himself. Its really the most pathetic form of hatred, when you are just doing it for show.

Thats just been my personal experience with racists/homohpobes. In general they have just never been exposed to those whom they hate.

Could not agree more.

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He simply has LITTLE MAN Syndrome.

He comes from a podunk town in a backwoods state ( hence the Elmer Fudd huntin' job & camo hat 24/7.. grammar slaughter ).

In his dead deer hanging in the garage hood he might be something but in the real modern world he simply is a phony, try hard asshole.

It's not complicated.

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