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Frankie Grande (Week 6) + Team America


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Guest 6Borders

I hope Frankie's butt is sitting next to Zach in the nom chair.

I'd like to see if he still has the same sunny, upbeat personality

when he & his cronies are not in power and he's threatened!

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Frankie was trying to work his game on Nicole last night. He must sense that his skinny butt might be sitting in a nom chair soon.

Yeah, he's pretty much glued to her until next week.

I'd kick him out of my HOH bed. He's like a fly that you keep squatting and never goes away. Touchy, touchy, feely, feely. He is also the reason why some straight men don't feel comfortable around gay men in lockers, etc...

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I hope Frankie's butt is sitting next to Zach in the nom chair.

I'd like to see if he still has the same sunny, upbeat personality

when he & his cronies are not in power and he's threatened!

Agree, I also think he will find his cronies don't care.....

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Frankie and Christine talking in the HOH right now.

They want so bad to take someone down and they say they can make Nicole backdoor Donny.

tee hee - Little does Frankie know it will be him being backdoored.

This could be epic.

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Guest 6Borders

Frankie and Christine make me sick.

I hope they both get backdoored with a big ol' Double E!!! Let them go plot it out in the jury house..

better yet only one of them makes jury!

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Frankie leaving makes for better entertainment. Right now all we have is Frankie and Zach entertaining us, but when there is a shake up in the house we see more paranoia, back stabbing and tempers from every one.

Selfishly, I will do the happy dance when he is gone because I can't stand him.

I'm sure his first words out of the house will be "someone must have put two and two together and realized Arianna is my sister and they just had to evict me." lmao

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Frankie leaving makes for better entertainment. Right now all we have is Frankie and Zach entertaining us, but when there is a shake up in the house we see more paranoia, back stabbing and tempers from every one.

ITA. When the backstabbing starts, everybody will become a lot more entertaining because the paranoia level will go up. Jocasta and Victoria will become more interesting because their vote could become valuable and they could become pivotal in the game. However, if Zach goes home and the detonators win HOH, next week will be another snooze-fest.

It would be great entertainment if they try to backdoor Frankie, he finds out about the plan and then the backdoor fails on a split vote. That could provide entertainment for the rest of the season.

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Thank you VERY much! Me? I'm a gay male myself but not ONE DAY have ever swished and flitted around like Franklin. He is the kind of gay guy that gives us regular gay guys bad names and it REALLY pisses me off!!!

That WOULD be epic! And GREAT TV!!!

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I think Frankie knows something is up, he was quiet and maybe looked a little worried last night.

Frankie you got duped...you wanted the limelight so bad last week and was so sure of your stance in the house you never figured that not playing for HOH this week might compromise your position in the house.

Frankie's ego created a huge flaw in his almost perfect game so far.

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I would love to see him on the block with Zach but Christine wont chance it. the dbl evic will prob end up with Donny or Nicole going home. Odds are with The stupid d 5 to win HOH

Edited by BBLover4ever
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Guest 6Borders

Serious NERVE plunking himself in the HOH like that, and now that he's a have-not,

BB is supposed to give him special privledges because he has a circulatory condition.

I think he 100% thought he was going to have his butt plunked in the HOH for the

whole summer just because he thought his alliance would be in power the whole season.

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I'd kick him out of my HOH bed. He's like a fly that you keep squatting and never goes away. Touchy, touchy, feely, feely. He is also the reason why some straight men don't feel comfortable around gay men in lockers, etc...

I dont disagree, however, it seems to me that every guy in there (save Donny, perhaps) seems very comfortable--as though his affection has given them all permission to be affecitonate with each toher. Great social experiment in my eyes.

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Frankie's humping hugs have gotten on my last nerve.

That being said he is always playing the game hard and he is smart but he is playing the game for all to see so he is a big target.

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