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7/17 TV Show Eviction Night Thread


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1.Predict something one particular hg's will do on the eviction night tv show....

2.Who will be evicted on thursday show and which hg's will be the most/least happiest they are gone ?

3.Who do you want to be the last hoh standing after botb?


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1. Devin will talk about how he is honorable and how he has inegrity and how he is going out with class and how his daughter is going to be so proud of his honor and his integrity and how classy he is and how he has no hard feelings because he has so much class and honor and integrated integrity.

2. Devin... EVERYONE will be happy he is gone... except for me who enjoyed watching the train wreck.

3. I'd like to see Caleb get HOH so I could watch all the cockroaches scramble. The smart viewer always roots for the biggest target to be HOH :)

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1.Predict something one particular hg's will do on the eviction night tv show.... GreatSaltLuke - I am going to mimic you because I thought the same thing but he will also talk about his daughter and he is happy to go home and see her.

2.Who will be evicted on thursday show and which hg's will be the most/least happiest they are gone ? - Devin evicted and I think Derrick will be the happiest he is gone

3.Who do you want to be the last hoh standing after botb? - Donny - I am anxious to see who he targets and what kind of a game he is playing

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1.Predict something one particular hg's will do on the eviction night tv show.... donny will probably be the last to vote .....agree with both above me on the devin prediction

2.Who will be evicted on thursday show and which hg's will be the most/least happiest they are gone ? devin- most zach /least idk seems like he was fairly disliked

3.Who do you want to be the last hoh standing after botb? someone who will really shake things up .....this season for me is a snooze fest :animated_bouncy:

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1.Predict something one particular hg's will do on the eviction night tv show....

Nicole and Christine will change their mind on throwing a hinky vote. (Could be wrong but they might get scared to get caught).

2.Who will be evicted on thursday show and which hg's will be the most/least happiest they are gone ?

Devin is gone. Jacosta and Caleb will be sad but glad (on a friendship level). Game-wise everyone will be excited, happy and relieved. Happiest will be Zach.

3.Who do you want to be the last hoh standing after botb?

Frankie. Paints a bigger target on him for the following week. LOL

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1. Not a houseguest, but Julie Chen will make some stupid comment about how "hoppy" Nicole will be when she doesn't have to wear the frog outfit anymore.

2. Devin - OUT. Derrick will be happiest, Donny will play the "shucks-I'm-gonna-miss-him" card.

3. Zack. Love him.

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1.Predict something one particular hg's will do on the eviction night tv show.... Devin's left cheek will try to escape over his ear.

2.Who will be evicted on thursday show and which hg's will be the most/least happiest they are gone ? Devin / Derrick (most) / Devin's daughter (least) but I'd be pretty jazzed if it was Caleb / Amber (most) / the next woman to catch his eye (least)

3.Who do you want to be the last hoh standing after botb? Cody

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go time :animated_bouncy:

jeff visting donny family no way this guy doesnt win america's favorite hg's :animated_bouncy:

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zach really tries too hard :animated_bouncy:

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wow seems like we strike out on the predictions relating to devin and mines on donny voting last :animated_bouncy:

1.Predict something one particular hg's will do on the eviction night tv show....

Nicole and Christine will change their mind on throwing a hinky vote. (Could be wrong but they might get scared to get caught).

good job


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the sabotaging factor in this comp :animated_bouncy:

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I predict 3 gals and Donny will be put on block.

Probably Victoria, Amber and Brittany. (maybe Nicole because of her Showmance with Hayden)

... wonder if Caleb would be slapped on the block if they need a replacement after the POV

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hmm... forgot all about TA.

Maybe Hayden ???

But the guys sure do yack about Donny being a threat.

LOL... I'm probably guessing all the wrong HGs (their logic so far has had me baffled)

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Would either one of these guys be willing give the HoH to the other? I know Cody really wants it. Will Frankie step back and let him pick the weakest? I think it will be Jocasta and Victoria for sure on the block. If Cody gets it he will want to backdoor Caleb but will he have the guts to do it.

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I have a questions about something that I read on a live feed side to see if anybody knows anything about it. Hayden told Victoria that the best time he had in the house so far was when he took a shower with her. When did this happen? Did anybody catch it?

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I have a questions about something that I read on a live feed side to see if anybody knows anything about it. Hayden told Victoria that the best time he had in the house so far was when he took a shower with her. When did this happen? Did anybody catch it?

I saw that too! I have no idea? Anyone help?

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I have a questions about something that I read on a live feed side to see if anybody knows anything about it. Hayden told Victoria that the best time he had in the house so far was when he took a shower with her. When did this happen? Did anybody catch it?

He is a very funny sarcastic guy. I did not hear that but he says silly things like that all the time dripping with sarcasm or just to be goofy.

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