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Devin Shepherd (Week 2 HoH) - HoH2, PoV winner

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It's painful to watch and listen to him. He's got it bad for Brittney and believes her to be his biggest threat now and wants her out. I wish someone would plan to backdoor him. I think Cody and Zack might be talking about it, but honestly I can't hear them well when they talk so it may be wishful thinking on my part.

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If he is this much of a control freak in the BB house, imagine what he's like to live with 24/7/365. Most of what he says and does just makes me cringe. And all I can think is..... And THIS is your game play. WOW! I do agree though that if left in the house, he will ultimately implode, making for some rather interesting moments.

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The funny thing is they ALL want to back door him and there are little side conversations about it. Derrick, Cody and Zach have had several conversations about getting him out next and getting Caleb out.

Right now the plan is to have Pau Pau throw the competition and it would make Devin the HOH. Amber is weak and is going along with the plan.

Devin is way too bossy and controlling for my liking. Not that having control of the game is bad but he is so annoying and out front about the marching orders he has gives everyone. He does not manipulate he demands.

He is the person I would love to see evicted ASAP.

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He's going to win. If not he'll be there for a long time. Sorry... I know it sucks, but that's how BB is played. He's big and powerful, with a strong personality. Nobody will stand up against him. They'll talk about it, but they won't do a thing.

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He is just the worst. Unbearable. Unwatchable. I seriously have to cover my ears and avert my eyes anymore with him because I've seen and heard ENOUGH.

I'm so ashamed by this, but i seriously think...wouldn't it be great if there was an accident that required med-evac? A tumble down the stairs....a kitchen cutlery mishap...choking on all the friggin food he's always wolfing down...an aneurysm from his brain rejecting all his ridiculous thoughts and delusions....

Sorry. I know that's terrible, but he is just despicable. Makes me sick.

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Wednesday and Thursday he was going around the house telling every house guests they HAD to vote out Joey. Who the hell does he think he is? Even the people in his own thug squad want to get him out ASAP. I hope someone succeeds in backdooring this bully as quick as possible. I'm through with him. :furious:

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Devin is a bully, is a woman hater I. My eyes, I would love to see him go, but not sure these idiots will do a thing to get him out, I hope the cards fall differently this week

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OMG, his conversation with Hayden bout the nomination was brutal. All Hayden could say was "yeah, yeah, yeah." Devin talks to hear himself talk. I don't see him being in the house as entertainment, the sooner he goes the better because maybe the others will find their own way and become entertaining.

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OMG, his conversation with Hayden bout the nomination was brutal. All Hayden could say was "yeah, yeah, yeah." Devin talks to hear himself talk. I don't see him being in the house as entertainment, the sooner he goes the better because maybe the others will find their own way and become entertaining.

I agree - It is always nice to have a few crazies for entertainment but Devin is just unbearable. If you are a bully you should own it and not pretend like you are this nice caring guy.

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If anyone gets the award for playing the game too fast, too hard it is this guy. He built an alliance with Donny at first and then when he got an o[pportunity to switch over to the current HOH he did. I seriously think he would be willing to switch over to another alliance if they were in control instead of staying loyal to the "Bomb Squad". I don't like devin because he is trying to take control and be a dictator and I truly think any power he gets goes to his head.

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It would have been nice if they both self-destructed during the fight.

I'm sticking to my original thought that Devin is gay and wants Crazy Caleb to himself. If I was Amber I would sleep with both eyes open - one on Dimwit Devin and one on Crazy Caleb.

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Guest 6Borders

...and all the time I thought the Hantz' were bad and Caleb had more issues than anyone

on BB16 and they were all legends in their own minds....wrong!!

The Hantz' are still bad (never want to see them again on any show), Caleb still has issues

(never want to see him again past next week) but Devin takes the Jerk Cake for Season 16 (and

I am not even sure I know how to bake one of those)!

He has ZERO idea how to play this game other than use physical size and intimidation, which majority (unfortunately) the rest of the hamsters don't seem to realize this is BB with 24/7 (for them & BB crew/staff, not for us, who by the way pay ALL their salaries & stipends) cams and mics and just can't happen unless you let it (make some big moves); his "social game" sailed at midnight about 10 days ago and I am waiting for the "Helen of BB15" to come out of BB16 DR and whisper that the BB Gods don't want Devin evicted because powers that be "strongly suggest" against such (the unwhispered race card...to go along with the Caleb Cry Card, dubbed "Amber & The 4th of July" and we will be looking at Fish/WBRB for half the season, The Victoria-Can't Sleep In the Same Room with men but I can dress like a slut if I want to card (not even sure where that even belongs in Kosher)

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Devin the POV winner

He had promised if he won he would take PP down and put up Victoria.

We will see...

And tonight he promised Brittany that he's going to take her off the block. ...perhaps his math skills are very bad?

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