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Monday, June 30 Live Feeds / BB After Dark Updates


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12:03pm Cody saying that Frankie is playing this game hard and he is showing his cards to us and i will never show him my cards. Christine says yeah he is dangerous.

12:09pm Cody asking if Christine thinks there will be another twist this week and she says I don't know what do you think and he says I don't know I didn't thin k there would ever be 2 HOH'S either, but I am nervouse about other twist. on the BY couches there is general talk. Frankie is going back to sleep by the pool.
12:16pm Cody and Christine talking about past HOH comps.all other Hg talking general chit chat or sleeping by the pool.
12:31pm The LD is over they can all move back in the house if they want. Some are staying near the pool.
12:36pm Caleb and Devin talk about how they were treated by their dads and Caleb says I won't let what he did to me ruin me.They start talking about how long the washer takes to wash clothes.In the WCA Frankie and Joey are washing their faces and talking about sleeping.
12:42pm Caleb and Donnie asking Nicole questions about going to nursing school and we get FOTH. In the WCA Frankie and Christine are brushing teeth and fixing hair and laughing.Frankie goes to KT and jumps in Zack's arms and Zack starts making moaning noises .Frankie now goes to the HOH RM . In the have not RM Joey and Christine are talking, Joey is asking for Christine's vote and says I feel like I can win HOH and you would be safe but I really want to stay here.
12:47pm Joey says if I do have your vote please help me out I do want to stay.Christine says you will have to talk to Caleb maybe offer him a three week deal and you don't have to keep your deal and they both laugh.Joey says OK got it.
12:52pm Joey goes to LVR and ask Caleb if she can talk to him and says need help with votes and you have alot of pull in the house. He says not now I don't and she says no personality wise.Hayden is laying on the couch listening.Joey says I think you have alot of power in the house cause your a good competitor and I am a good competitor physically and I can help you out and I will be strong and I promise I wont shake sh*t up I will be calm.I will help you win and you can see I am a good competitor and can save you. Caleb says I can relay that message yeah I can go to others and say you brought up a good point but no matter what I say what they say in here isn't what they say in there.
Caleb says I will go to these people but I don't feel right going to these people and not saying something for Paola either but I will go to people and say what you told me and let them do what they want cause they will tell me one thing and go in there and do another.
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1:05pm Joey now talking to Hayden about stay in the house. Hayden tells her that she needs to tell people that she will help them in the house and Joey says I am the 2nd most physical lady in this house and Hayden says yeah .

1:10pm Joey and Hayden are still in the LVR repeating themselves as Nicole, Brittany and Victoria are laying in the sun by the pool talking about what they will wear on Thursday nights live eviction.

1:13pm Joey is now in the bee hive rm talking to Zack.Joey about staying in the house she says I know Paola is working to keep her ass in the house and I need 7 votes to stay in this house so I am ask you cause Paola can't do anything for you but I can . Zack tells her to go to people and say you wanted to get the weaker person out of the house and Paola is the weaker person for sure so present it to them like that then they should be voting Paola out.Zack says that Devin and Joey and Caleb have the power in this house and you have my vote just talk to them.

1:23pm Devin in BY talking to Donny about how bad he snores and Frankie left the room early this morning cause he snores to loud.

1:26pm Zack tells Joey to tell everyone that she will be true to them and that everyone is going with the house and I feel everyone wanted you out cause of the way things went with you this week but you guys are going to have a target on your back and won't know who is coming after you.

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1:30pm F1/2 Joey finishes talking with Zach, joins others in K. F3/4 Britt laying/Victoria plucking outside, talking about traveling.

1:33pm F1/2 Devin called to the DR. F3/4 Britt heads inside to check on slop, Joey joins Victoria

1:35pm F1/2 Caleb/Nicole/Christine in WA, Caleb starts story of friend helping someone on side of the road, his friend got hit by drunk driver... FISH... return to all feeds on Joey/Jocasta quietly sitting on patio.

1:40pm F1/2 Back to WA, Zach has joined, Caleb talking about getting a custom paint job on his motorcycle, will have $15k in it when done. F3/4 Britt joins Jocasta/Joey on patio. Jocasta says she's feeling a little better.

1:42pm F1/2 Caleb alone with Zach, shares his version of talk with Amber from 2:05am this morning. Caleb says Derrick told him 'the seed is planted'. Zach says 'now just have to let it grow'.

F3/4 Joey explains to Britt that Joey didn't understand the 'vote with the house concept', she needs Caleb to influence the house.

1:50pm F1/2 Caleb continues talking to Zach about Amber. F3/4 Britt/Joey discuss what they'd be doing outside the house today. Britt would be with kids at amusement park($50/each, $29 add on for water park, her friend has flasks that look like sun screen bottles)

1:55pm F3/4 Devin joins Britt/Joey. Joey gives her pitch to Devin, that he has pull in the house. Devin promises Joey his vote, "but the problem is with 13 votes, so if it's 12 to 1..." Joey says everyone is telling her they will vote how Caleb/Devin want it to go. Devin says he told Paola it was too early to say how he would vote. Devin's fear is if Paola stays, next HOH will put Paola up as weak player for Battle/Block comp.

F1/2 Paola has joined Caleb, next in line to hear him tell about his talk with Amber.

2:00pm F3/4 Britt tells Joey/Devin she doesn't want to go home having missed jury and missed out on summer with her kids.

2:05pm F1/2 Caleb still telling Paola he wanted to tell Amber how he felt, in case on of them gets voted out.

F3/4 Devin tells Joey he will talk to Caleb about supporting Joey this week. He tells Joey/Britt about BBCan having viewers control the noms one week.

2:10pm F1/2 Amber tells Jocasta on patio "I trust that if Paola stays and won HOH, we'd be safe, but Joey is a wildcard".

F3/4 Caleb joins Devin/Joey/Britt, talk turns to the guys sleeping together then random topics.

F1/2 Amber/Jocasta count votes to evict Joey, think they have Christine, Nicole, Victoria, Donny, Hayden.

2:20pm F1/2 Victoria joins Amber/Jocasta, tells them no one has come to her for her vote, she is close to both Joey/Paola.

F3/4 Joey alone with Caleb/Devin, offers her loyalty to them, willing to be HaveNot for them. Caleb says he'll do what he can, Devin says they need to stay quiet on it, gives Joey coaching advice "pull people aside, push them hard, but not in front of others". Caleb says "be yourself like you have the last few days. You didn't know the game, people are asking if they can trust you."

2:30pm Devin leaves Joey/Caleb, joins Victoria/Jocasta/Amber on patio.

F3/4 Joey continues working Caleb, "no hard feelings, we'll party in Vegas", says Paola is a depreciating asset, while Joey is growing.

F1/2 Devin/V/J/A talk mani/pedi

2:35pm F3/4 Caleb tells Joey no one should nominate him, cause he'll win POV, or (points at his own face) this southern charm will get them out. Caleb leaves, Joey joins Donny in the pool.

F1/2 In WA, Devin comes to work on his face, tells Amber he plans to vote out Paola. Britt comes back in with Paola to fix Paola's hair before going to the DR.

2:45pm F1/2 Amber reassures Paola she should have the votes, just keep laying low. Then Amber brings Victoria to Devin. Victoria says she doesn't know what she's doing yet, so doesn't want to say how she's voting and possibly go back on her word. Devin says whatever the house does, they need to come together, he doesn't want to be the odd man out.

2:50pm F1/2 Zach joins Devin/Britt/Amber/Victoria in WA, all saying they will do what the house wants. Zach says he'd rather have Joey stay. Britt says she is friends with both.

F3/4 Joey, in pool still with Donny, gets called to the DR.

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1:45 PM BBT: Joey and Brittany are talking outside. Joey thinks that the house is going to vote to keep her for various reasons over Paola. Brittany tells her she is a stronger player and more entertaining than Paola. They start talking about what the house is going to vote, and if someone goes against it then they will become the next target. Joey says she doesn't want to be stressed out and really wants to be herself but can't. Joey says she had a talk with Caleb, and feels better now that people will vote in her favor. Brittany tells Joey she thinks she's good to stay.

Joey asks Brittany what she would be doing on a Monday back home, Joey says that she would be at a water park because school is out. Converstation turns to non-game related.

1:55 PM BBT: Devin has joined Brittany and Joey. Joey says she is worried about what the house will vote, she says she knows that Caleb and Devin have a lot of pull in the house right now. Devin says he is going to vote for her to stay. Devin and Joey then begin talking about the voting numbers this week. Joey says she has been going around the house asking what they think and goes on to say how many people are saying they are scared to against who's in control (Devin, Caleb). Devin reassures her that she will stay because Paola is a weaker player, and she will probably go right back on the block. Devin says that because of the Battle of the Block Comp, the HoH doesn't want a weak player on the block.

2:00 PM BBT: Devin begins talking about finding alliances, true alliances that will help them get far in the game. Brittany says she just wants to make it to the jury and starts talking about her kids. Devin begins to say something about a call this morning? Feeds cut. Feeds quickly back. Talk between the three outside is now about last season and how the MVP twist made paranoia run through the house. Devin starts talking about filtering your actions and emotions to not turn off people. He says people will always make their own opinions about others. Devin says he will talk to Caleb. Devin talks about how America will play a role in the season. He says one week they could control the noms or something, he says they did it in BBCAN2. He goes on to talk about how America is watching everything and sees everything, and how he is glad that he isn't in a strong alliance right now (lol?) because of how in BBCAN2 the twist of Canada choosing the noms broke the majority guy's alliances control of the house

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2:15 PM BBT: Jocasta and Amber are talking quietly in the corner of the outside area about Joey's gameplay. They start counting votes. Feeds briefly cut. Jocasta says they just need 7 since 2 people are on the block and Caleb can't vote. Ambers says if they have Nicole and Hayden or Cody they will then have 7. Victoria joins them. Amber asks her if who she is voting for. Victoria says she doesn't know and that neither have them have talked to her. She says she's pretty much indifferent to both of them. Victoria asks Amber who they are voting for? Joey? Amber responds by saying they were just talking, and then they go into weighing the options of keeping Joey or Paola. Amber says she is closest to Paola and is leaning toward voting Joey , however anything can still change at this point. Feeds briefly cut to Frankie sleeping alone...? Conversation turns to non-game, about how people see that Cody is cute.

2:25 PM BBT: Devin and Caleb are talking to Joey, Devin tells her that she needs to push hard to assure votes, but not overdue it. Caleb says that Joey should just remain being herself as she has done over the past few days. Caleb tells her she didn't know the game and it is what big of her to apologize to him for what she tried to do. He says you didn't know the game and probably didnt realize that it would come to bite her in the game (Lol im behind im not sure what she did..). Devin leaves.

2:30 PM BBT Joey and Caleb continue talking by the pool/ Joey says she just F***ed up. Joey says again about how everyone wants to keep her but will not go against Devin or Caleb. Caleb says he will offer his opinion to the other HGs that keeping Joey would be a better decision. Caleb says he feels no floaters will make it to the end this season. He says loyalty is the key in this game. Caleb thinks that Joey could be a big asset in the game. Caleb says you will never know what people vote cause they can't see the votes. Joey says she expects it to be a house decision, and is worried that she is not on the right side of the vote. Joey says she will just keep campaigning. Caleb says he has the upmost respect for Joey, and they will just have to see how it plays out. Conversation ends with them joking about getting matching tattoos. Joey joins Donny in the pool.

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3:01 PM BBT Paola just asked Caleb if he thought the girls were going to vote for Joey to stay. He doesn't think so. He thinks some of them are too close to the guys to vote different from them. Meanwhile in the WA Brittany is telling Devin she thinks Frankie is going to keep Joey. Devin doesn't confirm deny. He just says he doesn't know.

3:08 PM BBT Amber, Paola, Victoria, Jocasta, Brittany, and Donny are sitting in the patio area. General chit chat. Frankie and Caleb are in the kitchen and talking about who they would be in boys bands. Frankie says he could be Justin. Caleb can be J.C. Caleb gives us a little run which Frankie likes but BB doesn't. He is told to stop singing.

3:13 PM BBT Devin joins Caleb and Frankie in the KT. He wanted to clarify with them that they are going to stick together, all 7 of them that can vote, and get rid of Joey. They are all unsure where Brittany's vote is going to go.

3:15 PM BBT Caleb asks to speak with Brittany in the HoH. Caleb asks her what she thinks the house is thinking. She says she thinks the majority want Joey to stay. Caleb lets her know that if the whole house votes to get rid of Joey and she is the one vote that doesn't, she would be making herself a target. Brittany doesn't want to be that one vote. He tells her to be really sure before she votes.

3:19 PM BBT Caleb says that everyone likes Joey as a person, but she has given reasons for the house not to trust her. Caleb tells her that it is going to be pretty unanimous against Joey and Brittany would probably be the only vote for her to stay. Caleb says they both have pros and cons and he doesn't want her to be singled out and be a target because she votes to keep Joey.

3:17 PM BBT Brittany says she is close to both the girls and either way she is going to hurt one of them. Caleb stresses the importance of loyalty and Joey isn't loyal. Caleb says all Pao-Pao has done is suck at competitions. Joey can win some.

3:22 PM BBT Brittany says she is already trying to distance herself from Joey because of the perception that they are closer than they really are. She says she is equally close to Pao-Pao. Plus, Joey dropping her name in conversations when she campaigns is making her very nervous. She feels Joey is making her a target already. Caleb admits that people are afraid to tell her stuff because they think she will go and tell Joey.

3:25 PM BBT Brittany knows people are already promising Joey her votes and she has never gave her that promise. Caleb admits they are telling her that to make sure she isn't miserable for her last few days. They don't want her crying until Thursday.

3:27 PM BBT Caleb to Brittany "Loyalty to Joey means nothing because Joey is leaving. Loyalty to Pao-Pao will mean something to Pao-Pao because she will still be here."

3:32 PM BBT Brittany tells Caleb that her only fault with Pao-Pao is that she opens her mouth without thinking. She doesn't shut up. She also thinks Joey would be willing to throw someone under the bus before Pao-Pao ever would.

3:35 PM BBT Brittany does not come out and say that she will vote out Joey. She does say that she is not committed to a vote to keep Joey but that it is important that she not be that one vote against the house. Caleb "You know right now, Joey is leaving. You know that now."

3:46 PM BBT Caleb tells Brittany that a vote to keep Joey will guarantee her on the block because of it. He recommends she start distancing herself from Joey right now.

4:00 PM BBT Brittany has gone outside to sit with Paola and Donny. Brittany tells Paola that the perception of the house that she is best friends with Joey does not reflect how she really feels. Brittany stresses that Joey has done things to put the target on her back and despite how it appears, she has to take that into account.

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4:03 PM Pao-Pao admits that she thought Brittany was a vote for Joey. Brittany says she has to do what's best for her. She tells her that Pao-Pao was her first friend in the game and she hasn't forgotten that. She says she won't come out and just say to anyone who she voting for, but does Pao-Pao see the direction she is going? Pao-Pao says she does.

4:14 PM BBT Brittany is still trying to convince Pao-Pao that her closeness to Joey will not reflect in her vote on Thursday. Meanwhile Amber and Cody are sitting together in the BY. They both say that they would prefer Pao-Pao in the house another week. The only thing bad about Pao-Pao is that she would be a weak player in the BotB. Amber says that is no reason to get rid of someone.

4:17 PM BBT Cody is putting his cart in front of the horse and talking about the entire eight bomb squad members making it until after the third eviction. He says after week three they can't ever NOT have the majority vote. Meanwhile Brittany is cautioning Pao-Pao to lay low a bit more and be extremely careful who she talks to.

4:22 PM BBT Caleb is now talking privately to Jocasta in the beehive. They are talking about having a BB prom since Donny never went to prom. They are talking about who is wanting to ask whom to prom. Caleb thinks none of the guys are asking Amber because of him.

4:25 PM BBT In the BY Cody is saying that he doesn't think this prom thing is going to happen. Too many people have nothing to wear. Amber says she is going solo and is going to bury herself in the washer. Amber "All of you honestly think that I want Caleb. I don't want to be mean but SIGH."

4:29 PM BBT Frankie to Amber (who is folding clothes), Cody, Caleb, and Christine. "So, is this how the laundry thing works? You just bring it out and sit it by the washer and someone nice does it for you?"

4:32 PM BBT Joey has gone to the SR with her milk for some alone time. She is sitting on the counter, sniffling and wiping away the tears. Jocasta comes in and is surprised to see her. She tells her to hang in there and leaves.

4:36 PM BBT Jocasta returns to the SR to give Joey a nice long hug and the tears really start to flow. Jocasta helps her wipe away her tears. Joey thanks her the girl hug and Jocasta leaves.

4:41 PM BBT Frankie comes into the SR with Joey. He hugs her and says "I can't believe he likes Nicole over me." Joey "Damn him for being straight." Frankie "I love you."

4:43 PM BBT Joey to Frankie in the SR "How do people stay sane in this place?" Frankie "I don't think they do."

4:45 PM BBT Zach brings garbage into the SR. He tells Frankie and Joey that he doesn't want to get in between Nicole and Hayden in regards to prom. They tell him that Hayden is asleep so go ahead. Zach says he has decided, he is going to ask her to prom.

4:47 PM Zach leaves the SR pity party and Brittany comes in. Brittany says she is so sorry but she has to protect her back (about the vote). Joey says it is okay. She is also stressed about the prom and Brittany reminds her that no one asked her either. Brittany says she will go to prom with Joey. Frankie suggest that Joey dress in drag. Joey is game. She will dress in drag and ask Brittany properly.

4:51 PM BBT Feeds went all freaky and then WBRB. It looks like some kind of technical difficulty.

4:59 PM BBT The feeds return and all the HGs are in the KT. It appears by the hoots and howls that there is some kind of celebration wrapping up.

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:31 PM BBT It is official. Amber has agreed to go to the BB prom with Caleb. Most of the HGs are hanging out in the KT or BY. Mostly it's just general chit chat.

5:34 PM BBT All is not well with the girls of the bomb squad. Amber is talking to Christine about how bossy Devin and Caleb are. They are making decisions for everyone. Meanwhile Christine and Amber both agree that Brittany is a good target for next week.

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6:33 PM BBT Nicole and Cody are on the couch in the BY talking about what the HoH competition will be this thursday. Cody is speculating it will be a question competition. Amber, Jocasta, Devin, and Paola are in the fire room chatting about how things are different in the house. They are commenting on how they haven't been there long, but how different things are when it comes to missing their family and friends; also how they don't have television or their cell phones.

6:42 PM BBT Donny, Victoria, Christine and Frankie joined Nicole and Cody in the backyard. Donny is eating M&M's and Cookies and they are all talking about when to hold BBProm. They were thinking about having it Wednesday but Frankie brought up how they would be locked in on Wednesday.

6:46 PM BBT Joey and Derrick are in the kitchen talking about Derrick's family: age, how many siblings, his daughter, his wife.

6:49 PM BBT Frankie and Caleb in the backyard swinging on the hammock talking about winning HoH again. The conversation moves onto when and for what animal the different seasons for hunting are, and where Caleb is from in Kentucky, including his living situation.

6:55 PM BBT The Houseguests were just informed they are only allowed to sleep in the bedrooms. Nicole joined Caleb and Frankie on the hammock. Caleb is asking Nicole which one of these guys she likes. Nicole doesn't think there is a potential showmance for her. WBRB.

6:58 PM BBT Zach is working out. Frankie is talking about how sore he is. Brittany is in the kitchen cooking dinner.

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7:03 PM BBT Brittany in the kitchen cooking, Joey is washing dishes

7:06 PM BBT Donny, Cody and Christine are in the backyard watching Frankie and Zach are racing. Donny says that Zach won by a little bit.

7:10 PM BBT Caleb talking about how he thinks Amber likes him because he reminds her of back home. He is hopeful that he will be able to take her on a date when they get out. Hayden tells Nicole that he is taking her on a date. Nicole responds with maybe. She also adds that she rarely goes on dates. Hayden asked Nicole where she would want to live. She says she would want to live in a small town. He says he lives in a cement jungle.


7:25 PM BBT Zach and Frankie are up in the HoH talking about how if one of the people in the bomb squad goes down they all go down. They are talking about how it has been settled that Joey is going home. Zach talks about how he doesn't want to win any HoH competition because its not good for his game. He mentions how he wants to throw every competition from now until the end of the game and Frankie points out how the bomb squad might need him to win.

7:41 PM BBT Jocasta, Amber and Paola are in the fire bedroom. Paola is talking about how the houseguests keep bringing up that Brittany keeps "flip flopping" her vote.

7:43 PM BBT Frankie and Zach are still in the HoH room. Zach is telling Frankie how much easier it is for Zach because Frankie is in there. He doesn't think he should talk about the game ever except to Frankie. Frankie begins to feed the fish and they begin to talk about their final two deal. Zach feels they have been "given the golden opportunity".

7:49 PM BBT Donny, Caleb, and Hayden are on the couch in the backyard. Donny is asking Hayden if he went to Church much when he was growing up.

7:50 PM BBT Amber is on the hammock talking to Christine and Devin about how they think it will hopefully be a unanimous decision to vote Joey out. Donny joins them asking about where everyone keeps their microphone because his is bothering him.

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7:03PMBBT: An hour of random chit chat. Joey has been doing dishes, says outloud "Big brother will you bring me back for another season if I screw this up?". Donny thinks that the duck quacks in the pool once and a while. Caleb is in the hammock, chatting up Nicole and Zach.

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7:10PMBBT: Correction, Hayden is in the hammock. Joey and Zach are now running in the BY. Christine and Frankie are on the big lounge chair. Frankie gets up to work on his abs. Amber and Paola are in the fire room with one of the other girls (they are curled up in a bed) and we got a FotH!

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7:28PMBBT: Camera 1/2 Jacosta, Amber and Paola are talking about Brittany and Joey in the Fire room. Paola told Joey to lay low and gave her advice and she tried to use it against her, Paola was hurt by it. She adds that she feels like she can't trust everybody. Amber says "But you can't, we are in the BB house!" Paola says she wants to be her (Joey's) friend but she can't because she talks too much.

7:33PMBBT: Brittany is mentioned and the convo goes very quiet in the fire room. Amber and Jacosta are counting up votes. They wonder if Frankie will vote to keep Joey.

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7:43PMBBT: Zach tells Frankie that he is a "godsend" and making the game so much easier for him. Frankie tells him he has to poop. Zach says "Ya just...." and they continue talking as Frankie feeds the HoH fish. Zach feels the people they are having to work with are "so stupid. I don't want it to go my head but..." some muttering and then they hug, Zach goes to leave and Victoria is now in the room. Frankie says he has to poop, Victoria wanted to know what he wanted to eat. She leaves, they both say "Love you!" and Frankie is free to poop.

7:51PMBBT: Amber, Hayden, Caleb and Donny are on the BY couches. Donny says he works for the school board where Elissa and Rachel went to school. He knows they are from there. Across the yard, Christine is in the hammock, talking with Devin. Amber walks over to get into the hammock and almost flips it. She says she was trying to be graceful.

7:53PMBBT: The hammock talk is about cell phones. Donny had the chirp-chirp Nextel phone then his employer got them iPhones. Devin has a rose gold custom cover for his iPhone back home. Christine has a 4S. On the couches, Caleb continues to obsess why Amber is not the same with him as she is with others. He doesn't get the cuddling or chill out time with her that she gives to others. (Dude, obsess much?) Hayden gets those times with her, Caleb sounds jealous.

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7:58PMBBT: Joey says she would be willing to give up a few dollars in her stipend for them to pay for a cleaner. "You know get a Maria in here to clean it up a little." The KT goes quiet for a moment. Paola says "OMG Joey, take that back! Just take it back!" Joey makes a weird face "Well it could be anyone but ya..." and she keeps scrubbing dishes.

8:02PMBBT: Brittany is in the shower. Hayden is balancing a waterbottle on his head, flirting with Nicole. He has a lil crush on her. Hayden still has the bottle on his head as he walks into the kitchen and then into the BY. No one but Nicole was paying attention.

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8:13PMBBT: Zach "First you have to get your Pimp walk going, like getting your ho's" as he is trying to teach Joey and Frankie a dance.Victoria and Jocasta say that is bad what he said. Zach says it is fine, he took sociology and it is the reality in America. As they dance, he says "I just realized how bad that was, I apologize America."

8:18PMBBT: In the BY Devin, Donny, Amber, Nicole and Christine are figuring out how far away they are from each other once they are home. KT talk is chit chat, one liners and Zach being entertaining (showing off a bit) Joey is still doing dishes.

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8:42PMBBT: Amber and Caleb have joined Nicole and Christine at the hammock. Cody and Zach are playing pool. Donny was walking/jogging laps through the yard with Jacosta. Camera 2 is on the HoHR but the audio is somewhere else in the house. Lots of light chit chat.

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8:48PMBBT: We have had a few WBRB screens, Devin and Joey are talking in the KT. He says he only listens to Drake when he is working out. Joey starts singing "Started from the bottom now we here..." and we get another WBRB. She asks him about going back to school, what his plans are. In the BY, Jacosta, Amber and Brittany are skipping rope. Jacosta is in the middle. Nic and Chris haven't given up the hammock at all. Paola and Caleb are sitting next to it, Paola is talking about her hair extensions.

8:54PMBBT: Devin is eating carrots in the HoHR. *chomp* (seriously dude, you have a mic on, eat a banana!) Caleb comes in, says he is in a weird mood, just keeping to himself. Devin has said "I dunno man." a couple of times in between carrot crunches.

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#BB16 10:06 PM Victoria and Derrick whispering. Talking about the vote. Joey comes into the room and talk turns to the BB season Rachel won.

#BB16 10:14 PM Hayden and Nicole talking in the KT. Nicole apologizing and Hayden said it was fine. She says she will wait until tomorrow to really apologize.

#BB!6 10:21 PM Hayden and Nicole talk about strategy and how to keep their distance so they are not targets. Joey and Derrick talking in the BR about how much harder it will get in the house.

#BB16 10:41 PM Nicole is in the BR crying to Derrick, Joey and Victoria. She is worried hat things she says are being taken wrong. She is crying.

#BB16 10:54 PM Victoria having a little cryfest on Frankie's shoulder. She seems to be feeling better and heads out to the LR.

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