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BB16 General Discussion (non-houseguest-specific)


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Tell me if I am wrong, but I understand that the dethroned HOH is not exempt from being named as a replacement nominee if the Veto were to be used. However, I don't know if I missed it or not, but did Julie say anything about a winner of the Battle of the Block being exempt from being named as a replacement nominee? I did not hear her say anything about this, but I understand that they are exempt and that seems so unfair to me. HOH wins a big contest and is not automatically safe, while the nominees win a smaller contest and they are automatically safe. Nope, not fair at all. But, I guess no one said that the season's twists would be fair!

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Seems like the first targets in the house are almost always the women. If Joey is nominated that would be four out of five people nominated this first week were women. It seems that the only time a man get nominated first is if he really doesn't fit in with males for some reason.

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Just me but I don't really care about a women's alliance or a woman winning.

I don't know why but I usually root for a guy to win.

and if the girls were smart they would get together and make a plan to pick a guy to hang out with. The girls are hanging together and not working enough with the guys.

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Seems like the first targets in the house are almost always the women. If Joey is nominated that would be four out of five people nominated this first week were women. It seems that the only time a man get nominated first is if he really doesn't fit in with males for some reason.

From what I understand, both HoHs nominated the first 2 houseguests who dropped out of the other's HoH competition. That way, they could make it "not personal" and try to avoid backlash for getting blood on their hands this early in the game.

And as I mentioned in another thread about what I think HoHs will do this year, because of the dual-HoH twist, I think it is in the best interest of an HoH to nominate the weakest players, since if his/her nominees win the Battle of the Block, they get dethroned.

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I didn't think of it that way, Jedi. So the HoH will always pick the players that they think are weak so that they lose. But they could choose wrong since they won't know the type of comp. Interesting. One good thing about this Battle of the Block is they don't have a set pattern to go by like the regular comps that so many HG have figured out in previous seasons.

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I know, it's just a theory at this point.

And like you said, it will depend on which kind of competitions they'll be given in the Battle of the Block. (I mentioned that in my post, as well.)

I'm just saying that if someone nominates Devin and Caleb, and they win the BotB, they will both in the future be targeting the person who put them up, which isn't that different from how it was before, except that before you kind of counted on at least one of your nominees getting voted out; now, they might both be off the block before the PoV comp comes around!

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I like that they don't have a script (per say) to follow as to nominations. Means they're actually going to have to use their brains and THINK. And you never know if it's going to be a physical, smart, or just blind luck comp so do you just toss up people you want out and hope for the best or do you try to lose?? My real question is when will this twist end? It's not going to take too long before they won't have enough people for there to be 2 HoHs and 4 noms.

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... My real question is when will this twist end? It's not going to take too long before they won't have enough people for there to be 2 HoHs and 4 noms.

Well, theoretically they can go all the way to final 6 with it, right?

But yeah, I'm curious to see how late into the game they are going to take this.

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From what I understand, both HoHs nominated the first 2 houseguests who dropped out of the other's HoH competition. That way, they could make it "not personal" and try to avoid backlash for getting blood on their hands this early in the game.

And as I mentioned in another thread about what I think HoHs will do this year, because of the dual-HoH twist, I think it is in the best interest of an HoH to nominate the weakest players, since if his/her nominees win the Battle of the Block, they get dethroned.

Totally agree. This HOH twist changes the whole strategy of nominations.

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No but you can find it on your phone through Google and then drop it down on your phone desktop or whatever you call it.

Oh and mjcms3 so great to see you back! How is the family?

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I thought I read before the season started that the game would be played with two teams. Every week each team would have a HOH winner, and each HOH would nominate two people from the opposing team. Since the game started, other than entering the house as two "teams" of eight, I haven't anything mentioned about playing as teams. Was that just misinformation they would be playing as teams?

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The reason I cannot update anymore is because I am on iPad only, you cannot tab browse and I cannot go back and forth and update, even that app above would not download , says safari cannot use that, so anyway , I'll be here posting, so far I think the twist is kinda lame, we will see, I'm really thinking Devin is a bit cray, not liking him so much, I do like Britney and the 2 girls that have the nerd glasses, sorry haven't got everyone's names down yet,lol, thought I wasn't liking zach, but haven't seen him acting out so much, I like Derrick , I just gotta keep watching, it always takes me a bit to get in the swing

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So the big hyped up interaction between the people who paid for the feeds and the house is... Liverwurst or s'mores? Gosh, thank you, BB! This is so exciting I just don't know if I can sleep until I see the results of this! :frusty:

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Maybe it's me, but when I read that the goal of the Houseguests is that they will behave and be different than BB 15, that indicated to me a boring season, and waiting to see IF they actually will be any different. It's all about voting "with the House," or get on the Block with these HG. The herd that lives in fear and doesn't want to be singled out. It is lifeless and boring, complacent behavior. I miss dissecting Facebook posts here on Mortys, but understand how much work Morty has with all the Big Brother programs globally, as well as other programs. To sum it up: disappointed over this unexciting BB16 season.

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We are only a week into the season. Let's hope that as these people begin to really get on each other's nerves, they will react to others with their true feelings, not the watered down, don't say anything bad that has been shown so far. Do have to wonder if BB has put to much emphasis on the crap last season, making them afraid to say anything about anyone that isn't totally filtered by their fear of saying something wrong.

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Glad to see not just me that feels that so far the first week is a snooze fest. Have only turned feeds on twice and After Dark once....and in agreement that it is probably due to BB's instructions that they watch what they say and do because of last year. Sure, I didn't like what was said or done at times last year but it didn't hackle me. I have heard or seen much of the same in my everyday life and as usual, just shake my head and feel sorry for people who are narrow minded, inconsiderate or inappropriate. Such is life .....hope the house guests start getting real soon...

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