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Joey Van Pelt (Week 1) - replacement nominee - EVICTED July 3


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Somebody has to go and I am fine with it being Joey. She can take a couple of others with her. However, it isn't over until uvp drags the fat lady out singing.

:lol::D He's gonna get you for that!

I'm surprised she's crying. She is such a vocal person and seemed somewhat put together.

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The guys were talking about right after the noms Joey told Caleb that he made a BIG mistake that the house wanted Devin on the block.

She is not playing the game well at all. She keeps making the case to vote her out easier for the other HG.

She is talking to Devin right now and he said if she makes amends then maybe he could work with her.

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annual fail twist

i see why they stuff so many twist into this season

so at least one of them would work by default :animated_bouncy:

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Joey told Hayden today about her being America's player. I think she is going to tell more people if she thinks it might save her.

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OMG Joey is putting on a show and yelling the F word and painted a beard on her face and stuffed a sock in her pants and yelling about her balls. Running around the house yelling profanity.

4pm Big Brother time.

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I loved it! I found her little tirade absolutely hilarious! (And I especially loved Devin hiding in the HOH room looking like an idiot!)

As much as Joey annoys me? I find her far more entertaining than Paola, so selfishly? I hope they keep her now.

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While it was kind of dumb and not really funny, it was obviously a joke on her part. These people are just really lame being so "scared". They should take a close look at their good buddy Caleb's face when he is droning on and on about Amber. Now that is scary.

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what does that mean, "hire a maria"?

As a former Caly resident, I hired a gal with her own cleaning company. She was of Hispanic descent. She referred to one of her employees as a "real Maria". When I ask her to explain she simply shrugged and said..."means she's an excellent housekeeper" ..... her name was Claudia and she cleaned my home for years. She was indeed an excellent housekeeper and became a dear friend.

As for Joey, she may not be the brightest bulb in the box, but I would rather see her stay than Pow Pow....

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who is that dude? :animated_bouncy:

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who is that dude? :animated_bouncy:

That is Alex a personality she said she uses sometimes. She said Alex is not violent so don't be afraid of him.

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starting and having successful girl alliance you would be better off surviving in a ocean full of sharks :animated_bouncy:

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They all looked at her like she asked them if they wanted to out and kill some kittens. Why is it that so many of these women always think the men will be loyal to them?

because they are that special one with the power to charm the men :animated_bouncy:

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starting and having successful girl alliance you would be better off surviving in a ocean full of sharks :animated_bouncy:

No kidding.

I just can't.

I don't think Joey is any big superstar but she gets points from me for at least trying.

Amber with her blank stare and unwavering commitment to the guys, because we know that ALWAYS works out. :hammer:

They all looked at her like she asked them if they wanted to out and kill some kittens. Why is it that so many of these women always think the men will be loyal to them?

I don't knoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooowww!! :crybaby:

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She cried fast when nominated. I don't think she was expecting it because she thought she was going to make it to the end by playing everyone's friend and being the life of the party. I hope she is the first to go, since Paola is no where annoying as she is.

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