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Jocasta Odom BB16 (Pre-season)

Guest 6Borders

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Guest 6Borders

Jocasta Odom


Age: 33

Hometown: Griffin, Ga.

Current City: Lovejoy, Ga.

Occupation: Minister

Three adjectives that describe you: Intelligent, motivator and outspoken.

Favorite Activities: Skating and bike riding.

What do you think will be the most difficult part about living inside the Big Brother house: The most difficult part for me will be the cold showers.

Do you have a strategy for winning Big Brother?: Yes.

Which past Big Brother cast member did you like most: I liked Rachel Reilly the most because she had drive and fight. She was making the best moves for her game and although she had a target on her she was able to persevere.

What are you afraid of: I am not fond of snakes and spiders.

What is the accomplishment you are most proud of: I am most proud of becoming a mother. I know this sounds cliché, but getting my degrees weren’t as hard as both of my pregnancies. During my first pregnancy I had to overcome a lot of obstacles. I was on bed rest for 5 months and was fired because of it. I had to fight for my job and the fight put me back in the hospital, but ultimately I got my job back. I was also on bed rest for 3 months during my second pregnancy.

Finish this sentence: My life’s motto is… Toes are pointed forwarded for a reason; so stop walking backward into your past.

What would you take into the house and why: I would like to take my phone with me to face-time with my loved ones, record within the house to recall specific incidents and take notes. I would like to take my Bible because I am a Minister and that book is my life.

What would you do if “Big Brother” made you famous: I would use the fame to help my ministry bring in more women and teens in the world. I would have larger conferences empowering those who are lost, hurt, bullied, divorced, single, etc. I want to reach one in order to teach one. I would take my Motivational Speaking to another level based upon my fame.

Jocasta is a minister who once got into an argument with a church goer for complaining about her not wearing panty hose. She would swear on the bible to win the game of Big Brother and plays pranks on her husband when she’s angry with him.

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I hate her, because I'm *extremely* offended by people who try to bring God or religion into their personal game, especially on a reality tv show where they're competing for money! I hate it when they make comments about God being on their side, or praying to win competitions. There was a girl several seasons ago who would do this and it makes me sick. They are disgusting.


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I hate her, because I'm *extremely* offended by people who try to bring God or religion into their personal game, especially on a reality tv show where they're competing for money! I hate it when they make comments about God being on their side, or praying to win competitions. There was a girl several seasons ago who would do this and it makes me sick. They are disgusting.


I'll pray for you.... just kidding. :naughty:

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I hate her, because I'm *extremely* offended by people who try to bring God or religion into their personal game, especially on a reality tv show where they're competing for money! I hate it when they make comments about God being on their side, or praying to win competitions. There was a girl several seasons ago who would do this and it makes me sick. They are disgusting.


Yes because if god existed ( Atheist here ) it would win games for people and heal your boo boos while 20,000 kids starve to death per day. Makes PERFECT sense to me.


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lucky she wasnt on last season

i dont think she will win

i expect her to be in a few fights

well that is why they cast her to be a running joke

minister and big brother well that goes hand n hand .....NOT

it seems to be a running joke with the black folks they cast

ollie church boy had sex in the house many times ....sure his folks was proud

keith another church person was sex crazed horn dog

i dont think she will be having sex in the house but i do think she will give folks a lot of material to make fun of her


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Guest 6Borders

Her interview with Jeff did nothing to impress me. She was already on my

nerves by the time it was over (didn't see her interview with Rachel but apparently

she started right off with God).

She was probably cast as an expendable!

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I dunno about Jocasta. I wish her well. It's off-putting to me when someone plays the religion card or the non-religion card. I'm about you believe what you wish and I will do the same and let's respect each other's belief(s). Otherwise, we could come across as believing that what we believe is the only way to believe and we all know that is a crock of chit.

I find the whole religion or metaphysical naturalist credos awkward on Big Brother. It does not work well for me.

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I have my beliefs and my faith and that is fine for me, but I don't believe we should be using that faith and forcing it upon someone else. Season 8 I hated the woman who was overly religous and just kept talking about God and all of that as though God cared who won and who lost Big Brother. With that said I don't like her off the bat because she really seems to be the Religous card type. She gets nominated and the whole thing will be vote for me to stay because God wants me in here and wants me to get far in this game. If she wins HOH she seems like the type to get a power trip and again spout out how God wants her to be HOH and what not.

If she turns out more mellow than she came across in her interview (and what is up with this secret symbol BS) I think she might go far but based on the interview I think she will be first or second voted off.

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Jocasta said her little boys are 2 and 4 years old. She said her 4 year old really broke down when she said she was leaving - She said he would be OK when he saw her on the live feeds. :dontgetit:

She is a very smart educated woman but she will not last long. She is way to boisterous and opinionated.

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She is a very smart educated woman but she will not last long. She is way to boisterous and opinionated.

i dont think she will be good in physical comps

unless she is a beast in mental comps

i dont see her as much of a threat

booting her cause she is opinionated would be a waste


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i dont think she will be good in physical comps

unless she is a beast in mental comps

i dont see her as much of a threat

booting her cause she is opinionated would be a waste


I was going to change the opinionated to loud. Got to thinking that she is not really opinionated. I do think the loud thing and over boisterous will not work in the house.

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