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Caleb Reynolds BB16 (Pre-season)

Guest 6Borders

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Guest 6Borders

Caleb Reynolds


Age: 26

Hometown: Dallas, Texas

Current City: Hopkinsville, Ky.

Occupation: Adventure Hunting Guide

Three adjectives that describe you: Loyal, talented and charming.

Favorite Activities: Horseback riding, rock climbing, going to the gym, riding bikes, hunting and fishing.

What do you think will be the most difficult part about living inside the Big Brother house: The most difficult part is being watched at all times, because everything I’m doing my family back at home is watching. Also, throwing a sexy girl that likes me under the bus will be hard but I will do what I have to do, so kiss me, lay with me, have sex with me, tell me you love me, I’m still in it to win.

Do you have a strategy for winning Big Brother?: Yes I have a strategy, I will make sure I have the ladies in my pocket.

Which past Big Brother cast member did you like most: I liked Hayden because he has the same mindset that I would have had in the house. He plays his cards right even if he has a bad hand and he makes his cards work to his advantage.

What are you afraid of: I’m not a fan of clowns, but other than that I’m pretty fearless.

What is the accomplishment you are most proud of: My military service.

Finish this sentence: My life’s motto is… If you want something bad enough, do whatever you got to do to get it; no matter the consequence.

What would you take into the house and why: My bible just to get my daily word in and scriptures to give me guidance and peace. I would take my iPod to put me to sleep, to jam out and to listen to when I hit the weights in the yard. Also, my hair products and hygiene kit so I smell good and look good for the ladies.

What would you do if Big Brother made you famous: I would give back to the people that has helped me and held my hand through my struggles, and I would try my best not to turn into another Justin Bieber.

Caleb joined the army after high school and was a prison guard in Iraq. He and his family run a hunting business, and his favorite movie is The Notebook.

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Guest 6Borders

Ladies man with a bible who wants to have sex in the house...OMG!!!!

He sounds fun on paper but I predict he is going to be a very annoying person!

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Ladies man with a bible who wants to have sex in the house...OMG!!!!

He sounds fun on paper but I predict he is going to be a very annoying person!

I smell a hypocrite... imagine that.

And only ladies that'll want him better be wearing blindfolds cuz............................ yech

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Ladies man with a bible who wants to have sex in the house...OMG!!!!

He sounds fun on paper but I predict he is going to be a very annoying person!

I was just going to comment on that. WTH?

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I know right now he isn't going to get on my nerves because I know a dozen people just like him. I am happy to see them put a veteran in the house. Kudos to TPTB. He'll be buds with Derrick the cop. They have a lot in common.

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Ok.... So this is going to be a fun year. Wanna know why?? I actually know Caleb. LOL. Not REALLY well, but he and I used to go to the same karaoke bar together and I would sing harmony for him while he sang Purple Rain. Anybody want the scoop? LOL. And yes, I am facebook friends with him and have been for many years.

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Ok.... So this is going to be a fun year. Wanna know why?? I actually know Caleb. LOL. Not REALLY well, but he and I used to go to the same karaoke bar together and I would sing harmony for him while he sang Purple Rain. Anybody want the scoop? LOL. And yes, I am facebook friends with him and have been for many years.


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I am going to preface this by saying that he is more of an acquaintance friend and so I only know what he and I have had discussions about at the karaoke bar. The rest I know from Facebook. I've never been to his house and most of what I will say are simply impressions based on his actions and our discussions... at a bar.... while he was drinking. LOL

So he is very much a country boy. When he says he is an Adventure Hunting Guide, it is (or was... not sure if they still are in business) hunting for wild game. It was never unusual for him to post pictures of wild hogs, deer, antelope, fish, etc. that they had hunted. In the meantime, he was actively pursuing both a modeling career (I questioned his sexuality after seeing some of those pictures because they really looked gay... but he IS straight... Feel free to salivate!) and a singing career. Last year, he auditioned for The Voice and I know that he got past the first round but he was never one of the finalists. He is interested in becoming famous. I suspect his only knowledge of Big Brother is from the tapes he was given after talking with the casting directors.

He used to have a girlfriend who he claimed had issues with depression and he said that he tried so long to make things work but in the end, he had to get out of the damaging relationship. I don't know if he has changed his ways but considering what I read in the bio, I highly doubt it. But he WAS raised to be a gentleman and would get very upset if someone didn't treat a woman like a lady. At the same time, the way he was raised... he is more looking for a woman who would be the stay at home, cook me dinner, take care of the kids type.

He has spent the last couple years building his body up with mass muscles. Compared to other guys, he is on the shorter end. Probably 5'6", 5'7". He does have a tiny temper. Without being able to sing or be in the wilderness, I suspect we are going to see that come out because he is NOT a city boy... he is a country boy. A country boy that wants to be famous and make a lot of money, but still... a country boy.

I am rooting for him but I don't know if he will be able to adjust his strategy with the twists that are coming this year. But still... rooting for the guy that I sang backup for at karaoke. LOL

Edited out of respect for the family. Sorry Paul!

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Guest 6Borders

"Bobber, hook & inker effects"...sounds like version of frog-giggin' to me!

Misha thanks for the real bio and pics!

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Misha, that's so interesting! Finally we have someone in the house that a member of Morty's is familiar with! That makes it fun, and I enjoyed reading all the background. :)

As for my impressions from the video- he seems nice but strikes me as one of the muscleheads that will congregate around the weight bench and pool table all summer. I never found them all that interesting.

What I am curious to see is how he'll get along with whichever guy it was that's a major animal lover. Since he's a hunter, I'm curious if they'll have any debates on that.

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Yeah, I am a bit worried about that too. But I at least know that he does have depth to him too. He and his brothers run Fatneck Outdoors (previously named Fatneck Outfitters). My fear is that being around narcissistic people will bring out the pompous in him. He was a pretty good entertainer on the stage though. He had a lot of charisma which I am hoping comes out in the house. I'm hoping that he is more of a Jeff than a Jessie. I know for a fact that he has more intelligence than Jessie. LOL

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Hi Misha, this is Caleb's dad I believe you remember me don't you? I noticed you are well informed on Caleb! I have read on a few other forums where several guys think Caleb has "short man syndrome" and you have him coming in at 5'6" or 7". But Caleb is taller than me and I'm 5'11" so that puts him right at 6'. Hardly short unless you are in the NBA. You and Caleb are friends, please don't play into the Drama for everyone. I'm Caleb's dad and I have spent a lot of time with him and I have yet to hear him say he wants to be famous. While Caleb grew up in a Christian home he NEVER became judgmental of anyone and is not ultra-religious as some seem to be concerned about. I wish Caleb the best and can only hope America sees in him the real Caleb that his friends and family know him to be. While I appreciate the kind things you have said of him, I would ask you to leave the psycho- analysis to who knows him from somewhere other than the Red Rooster on a few Thursday nights. I hope all is going well for you


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Hi Paul!!

Yes, I remember you well! Its great to hear from you. I'm sorry about the height thing. I don't recall him being that tall but since it has been a couple years... I apologize for the misinformation.

As for the being famous, he did tell me that a few times. But like I said, he has depth to his character. He was always very nice to me. My posts were simply meant to help bring about a more rounded view of him rather than the "redneck ultra conservative" image people have of him. In one of his interviews he was asked about his opinion on gays and he was honest but it is going to feed the fire of debate on that issue.

I don't know if you've ever been to the message boards for Big Brother but trust me on this: everything he says and does is going to be picked apart and psycho analyzed. For those who decide they do not like him or because they are supporting someone else in the cast, he will be verbally ripped to shreds. For those who support him (like me), we will try to sway them from the hate. This is why it is VITAL to keep him away from Big Brother message boards when he gets out. The counselors will advise him to do so as well because they know how crazy people get. If it gets ugly, I highly recommend that the family stays away from the message boards too. Any of the regular posters here can back me up on this. Some sites are worse than others. This one is the least offensive that I have found.

I wish you and your family well and hope that he wins over the hearts of everyone.


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