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Want to host a TV Fan Forum?

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Would you like to host a forum?

Are you passionate about a TV series? Would you like to me to add a forum for it?  I'm looking for people to be forum hosts to some new additions and existing forums.

It's better than FaceBook, as a host you can create quizzes, open polls, post pictures and YouTube videos.

The shows listed are just suggestions, if there's something you feel strongly about, just ask and it will be considered.

The TVFanForums.net are already indexed and highly ranked on Google, so it will be easy for fans to find your posts.

scandeltv9673.jpg walkingdeadtv.jpg
revengetv7556.jpg doctorwho15160.jpg
orangeistnb.jpg deviousmaids14455.jpg
lastcomictv868.jpg blacklist14942.jpg
downtonabby.jpg boardwalkemp.jpg
24tvliveanother17828.jpg fargo2.jpg
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