morty Posted April 28, 2014 Share Posted April 28, 2014 Please post ONLY Live Feed, televised show, and Big Brother After Dark observations here !If you are adding personal comments, please keep them to a minimum and use brackets [personal comment]around the text.Remember your time zones. Big Brother Canada Time is East Coast Standard Time (See Map Here).Please be careful in identifying who is speaking, and do not use confusing abbreviations. We may have several HGs with names which start with the same letter. To better help you identify the HGs, we made this guide you can print out and refer to until you get to know who's who. Try to be consistent with abbreviations, like:Wash Area (WA)Water Closet (WC)War Room (WR)War Room Three (WR3)Kitchen (KT)Dining Table (DT)Living Room (LR)Back Yard (BY)Bedroom (BR)Indoor Lock Down (ILD)Outdoor Lock Down (OLD)Head of House Room (HOHR)Please post pictures in the open thread of the following forum! http://www.tvfanforu...een-caps-media/If you post questions or start conversations with each other here, they will be deleted.Thank you! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Trancutie Posted May 1, 2014 Share Posted May 1, 2014 12:03AM BBT Everyone just lying down quietly the lights are still on very bright.1212:13AM BBT Jon is also in the BR the lights are dimmed and they are all asleep. We are still here with you just in case they decides to wake up.12:37AM BBT All Hg are asleep now. Goodnight Canada. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
morty Posted May 1, 2014 Author Share Posted May 1, 2014 You Know the Drill...I need updates until the show starts today. It's very important because my place got flooded out last night and I'm going to be busy. Please post! Today should be easy to get through, as the feeds will be off a lot of the time.Thank You!-Morty Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
morty Posted May 1, 2014 Author Share Posted May 1, 2014 9:00AM BBT: The hamsters are still sleeping. 9:20AM BBT: The lights are on that the feeds show everyone slowly getting up for the day, but there's no sound yet. 9:27AM BBT: Heather is handing out batteries, and voilà, we have sound. Jon's in the main bedroom wearing an orange tank top just chatting with Neda, "Oh well, time to get into my stupid baby outfit." 9:40AM BBT: Neda tells Heather that Adel came up to her to confirm that he's staying and asked if he needs to pack his bags. Neda hugged him and told him yes, he should. Neda sounds upset but she's whispering to Heather. 9:45AM BBT: Adel is in the bathroom telling Neda about something he heard Sabrina say while he was using the toilet. Neda looks concerned and says she'll talk to Jon. Adel is saying that if he's in the house next week he will work to get Neda to the final three. He's telling them he'll be leaving bitter. 9:50AM BBT: Heather and Neda are in the storage room saying they don't know what to do. The story they're agreeing to tell is that last night they planned to vote out Adel and today they don't know, and probably won't know until it's time to vote. However, it sounds like that's just the story they're telling, they do still intend to vote out Adel. Neda says that Jon's going to be pissed, and Heather says, "So let him be pissed." 9:55AM BBT: Jon enters the storage room and warns the girls that Adel told him he's going to campaign and tell the girls that Jon and Sabrina are coming after them. 10:00AM BBT: Adel has begun the campaign, however the audio cuts out. 10:15AM BBT: Heather and Neda are still in the storage room talking. Heather is very sure of herself and their plan. They're talking about how everyone in the jury will be bitter, so it doesn't matter if they send out one more bitter person. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fuskie Posted May 1, 2014 Share Posted May 1, 2014 12:00pm BBT What we've missed: Adel knows he's going home. In the BY he addresses the oversized photo of himself and congratulates himself for making it this far. "You could have beat the system and made paper but there's too many brains in here. Too many that love this game." He's not going down easy, though, getting into a spat with Sabrina after she asks him if he's seen her underwear and he made out like it was rancid. He let Jon know about Sabrina pitching a fit in the hope that the vote will be split and Jon might still choose him. He decides to go out of the game in stile - in his Wallah Bro tank and BBCAN Onsie. He tells Jon that he told Neda BB had him record a GB message for her to mess with her head. The HG are already thinking double or instant eviction today given the numbers. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
morty Posted May 1, 2014 Author Share Posted May 1, 2014 10:45AM BBT: Neda and Heather are in the shower while Adel is the HoH room talking to Jon about the turn of events.11:20AM BBT: Adel tells Jon his big secret, he never had any special power, just the veto player swap. Jon is shocked and calls it the biggest game move in BBCAN2. They're laughing about it and how everyone was afraid of a power that he didn't have. The only one that knew the truth was Arlie, Adel gave him a message when he was on his way out the door. Adel: "Pretty lousy prize wasn't it?"Adel leaves and Sabrina enters, Jon is still laughing and he asks Sabrina if Adel told her about his secret. Sabrina gets paranoid that Adel has some kind of power that will save him, "Am I still safe? am I going home." Jon doesn't answer the question directly and Sabrina gets more agitated, and Jon tells her he's very certain nothing will change.Later, Adel tells Jon that he told Neda BB had him record a goodbye message for her to mess with her head. The HG are already thinking double or instant eviction today given the numbers12:20PM BBT: The "Hush" screen is up. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
IndigoAquarius Posted May 1, 2014 Share Posted May 1, 2014 7:05PMBBT: We have been watching the blue HUSH HUSH screen (aka HotH) for the afternoon! No news from the feeds yet. Only 2 hours til showtime! What would you like to see happen tonight? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
IndigoAquarius Posted May 1, 2014 Share Posted May 1, 2014 7:30PMBBT: 90 minutes til the "live" show! In case you haven't heard, Rachel Reilly from BBUSA is in the house tonight and will be on the Side Show! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
IndigoAquarius Posted May 2, 2014 Share Posted May 2, 2014 8:00PMBBT: Less than hour til show time! In case you need to catch up, Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
IndigoAquarius Posted May 2, 2014 Share Posted May 2, 2014 10:03PMBBT: Feeds are back and Sabrina has won HoH! She is in the DR. Heather, Jon and Neda are low, moody, fairly quiet. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DRG Posted May 2, 2014 Share Posted May 2, 2014 10:02PM BBT: Feeds back quickly after eviction broadcast, but HGs are moving slowly. Neda and Heather on the green couch by the counter while Jon is preparing something to go in the oven. He slides the pan into the oven then paces around. Neda lying on the couch in her pink onesie and Heather wearing hers for moral support. Now Jon announces that he is making a burger, fuck it. Heather asks Neda if she wants another apple. Jon heads into the SR to fetch a hamburger roll from the freezer drawer. Neda tells Jon why don't you stress eat a little more. (Could Sabrina be the new HOH? DRG) Sabrina is not on camera, but all feeds are in the same area of the house. Neda says that she thinks the endurnance comp for final three is going to be crazy. Like with ropes and water and ice. She hopes it is not one where you have to jump over something as that would be more physical than endurance. She says both last year's US and CA final three comps were physical more than endurance. Jon remarks that he got skinny. Now he starts singing and stops to say that they look so cute in their onesies. Jon asking Neda what more she would like she got Rachel Riley to talk to her and had two HOHs and got to go out. She says it would be better if she really had messed up the comp (So it seems that Sabrina is the new HOH). Several minutes late BB tells them to stop singing and Jon asks who is that and BB replies Jon so he says OK. Sabrina now enters and Jon calls out to her batteries. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
IndigoAquarius Posted May 2, 2014 Share Posted May 2, 2014 10:10PMBBT: Jon confirms that Rachel was in the house, well that she conversed with at least Neda. Jon is cooking bacon, Heather and Neda are on the side couch in the kitchen. Sabrina is out of the DR. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DRG Posted May 2, 2014 Share Posted May 2, 2014 10:12PM BBT: Jon now teasing Heather about her weight consciousness and she says she is still up 12 over when she came in the game. Jon says that we are just a bunch of weanises. Heather asks if it is possible to eat yourself into a coma and is told yes. Neda tells Jon to stop burning himself in the kitchen. General chatter then Jon says he is eating til he pukes. He will work out tomorrow and Neda says she has no work out stuff. Jon tells her to do it in her panties and bra and get votes from Canada. She is not so inclined. Heather now getting some tea ready as Jon's burger sizzles away on the range top. (For those unfamiliar with the end game the POV merely insures Sabrina will be in the final three. The winner of the POV will completely determine who ends up on the block and who gets sent home as they will keep themselves off the block and then serve as the only voting HG. DRG) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DRG Posted May 2, 2014 Share Posted May 2, 2014 10:19PM BBT: Jon now eating his burger at the table. Heather talking about how Will coming means they must still be OK as a couple. Heather talking about the puzzle comp from last year which is hanging on the wall above them. They think it took forever to make. Neda and Heather cannot believe they did not win HOH and that Jon would have gotten every question right and won. Heather says he should have let her win the ropes then he would have one tonight. He says he might have missed one or two. Both Heather and Neda say they knew the ones the missed but the pressure of the moment got to them. They start talking about bed time and then say that they have to do their DR sessions first. Heather wants to do a DR tonight, but Sabrina is still in there. Neda and Jon are heading up to get ready for bed and will see if BB buzzes them or not. In the bathroom Jon asks Neda if Sabrina said anything yet and she tells him she said that as long as they win it will be ok (meaning the POV). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BBLuver Posted May 2, 2014 Share Posted May 2, 2014 10:13PM Neda and Jon are talking about cats and how nice they are. There are trillions of nice cats in the world, Neda says. At least like 30. Jon says she is nuts. Jon asks if anyone wants to work out tomorrow, Neda says she doesn't have any workout clothes. Jon suggests going in her underwear and tank. It'd be a way to try and get votes from Canada. Heather asks him where he comes up with this, and Jon says his mind is messed. He'll be in the house a minimum 67 days, today is day 64. 10:16PM BBT Not much else happening. Neda is still on the couch, Jon is cooking and Heather looks to be making tea. Jon offers Neda a burger but she turns him down. Heather says she gets to kiss her boyfriend in 6 days. She is so excited. Heather wonders if they'll invite their families to the finale if they are not in the F3. Heather says whoever is evicted in the next eviction won't get their family flown out because it's not a live eviction. Jon says the jury people get their family for the finale. Heather didn't know that. 10:20PM BBT Heather says if she acted the way Rachelle did, she would not have a boyfriend. She doesn't get it. Heather says the fact that Will came here and didn't refuse says she didn't do anything wrong. Heather is upset she didn't win HOH. Jon would've gotten every question right and won. He should've let her win the rope competition then he could've played. Neda says she knew the answers, but nerves got in the way. Based on their conversation, it sounds like Sabrina won HOH. Jon said there will be no more DR's tonight because usually they go before the HOH gets their room. Sabrina won HOH.10:23PM BBT - Heather says there is no way to make the game interesting with only 4 people in the house. Heather asks if she can wear Jon's Hundo shirt this week one day. Jon and Neda head up to bed but Heather wants to wait until Sabrina comes out of DR. Heather asks if they ever have DR's the following day wearing something different? Jon calls down no, she'll have to put on the same clothes. Neda suggests going in right after Sabrina comes out. 10:26PM BBT Heather decides to go to bed too and heads into the BR. Jon and Neda have finished brushing their teeth and are in the BY too. Jon and Neda are talking very quietly, but it sounds like they think both of them will be going up and that Sabrina will take Heather to the end. Jon says there is no one in the house that he would clearly beat. Sabrina comes into the BR, super happy and pumped. Sabrina wants to go outside, Neda and Jon don't want to because the air is full of mosquitos. Heather is now in DR. 10:31PM BBT - Sabrina is not allowed to eat unless they get a special dinner. They discuss last year and believe the final four got a special meal. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DRG Posted May 2, 2014 Share Posted May 2, 2014 10:25PM BBT: Jon asks if it was the three girls in the final three who would she take, Neda says they will talk in the room. (my feeds are all acting up and cutting out or refreshing themselves on their own,) Jon now saying he is so happy to be able to wear clothes now and take them off or put them on when he wants. Neda says he needs to do his own laundry now. Neda says that in the end it does not matter because even if Heather won she would have wanted Sabrina in the final three. Heater now in the bathroom. Jon saying Heather thinks Neda would beat her in the end. Sabrina out of DR now. She is going to change her batteries. She asks what the others are doing and Heather says they are going to bed. Sabrina can't believe that since it is only 10:17. Sabrina checks out the back yard, Heather tells her they are going to bed because they are nervous. Jon telling Neda that there is no one left in the house that he can clearly beat. He is scared that Sabrina could win in the end. He says that if he takes Neda to the final three then he assures himself of 20 thousand. Sabrina comes in and tells them the BY is open, but they tell her it is full of mosquitoes. She is excited as that means it is summer. She still wants to go out but they do not. Sabrina is still not allowed to eat yet unless they all get something special. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DRG Posted May 2, 2014 Share Posted May 2, 2014 10:33PM BBT: Now the three are talking about what happened at the end of last season and what treats the final three got. On her way out Sabrina invites them to come talk to her tomorrow because tonight she is going to listen to her music. Neda is jealous that Sabrina gets to fall asleep listening to music. Sabrina makes her way out to the hot tub area in her hoodie skipping and celebrating along the way across the BY. Jon tells Neda that he does not think that Heather would take her to the F2. She tells him not to say stuff because he is scared she will not take him and she quickly says of course she would take him (Quick on the lie, gal. DRG) Jon says he was scared that she would not take him, Sabrina sitting out in the red chairs by herself. Jon is now counting Neda's votes against Heather in the F2 and comes up with five total when all you need is four. Sabrina now back inside in the kitchen. BB tells Neda to fix her mic. Now they are calculating the votes if Sabrina is the other HG in the finale. Sabrina joins them interrupting their talk. Sabrina now wondering about a blue shirt that has been lying around for a while. They don't know if it was Allison's of Arlies. Sabrina says they have not gotten anything since the dates and for that they got strawberries. Jon remarks that his ribs hurt for some reason and that his rib cage is very predominant. Neda asks if he means prominent or predominant. Then Jon asks which and Sabrina does not think that prominent is a word. Sabrina asking if the think it will be weird when they go home and will not be around each other all the time. Neda thinks they will be so busy it will be ok and their friends will be there. They now think that this season is ten days shorter than last years. Sabrina still sorting and folding clothes probably to take them up to the HOH. Sabrina says it is weird how when they leave it immediately feels like they have been gone ten hours and Jon says it seems more like a week. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DRG Posted May 2, 2014 Share Posted May 2, 2014 10:47PM BBT: Now they speculate about the end schedule and Jon thinks and hopes they will do noms and the veto comp tomorrow. Veto ceremony on Saturday. Jon now says that Sabs just rocks it and now is final three and does not care about us. She says she does care. He asks if she prayed to a saint and that his parents are Christians and he is more religious than she is. Neda now talking about drawing nudes in art class and now they are on about their number of partners. Jon calls out 38 then 300 and then says that Andrew said his was 400. They wonder if he is a machine. Sabrina thinks that is not possible and it still be hanging there. He could not have done it and be disease free. She says he could not be in the house if he had and STD and Jon says that is not true only if you have a contagious one are you not allowed. Sabrina says he told Allison his number was 200 and they cannot believe she still likes him after hearing that. They speculate again about Allison being Canada's player and what her missions might have been such as seeing how far she could get throwing all the comps or trying to hook up with a guy within 48 hours. They still think it is sketchy that she came in two days late and got the veto.They are sure she could not have found the veto it had to have been given to her. Sabrina says she loves Allison and Jon says they will be friends on the outside. Jon says he is 23 and years away from his teaching degree yet. Sabrina starts speaking French and he says that he does not know French. Neda says he spoke good French with a good accent when he was drunk. He now says he has a good four years to his teaching degree. Neda says before he said two and Jon says he lied. Now they wonder what secret Heather has and why she cannot tell them in the house. Jon now teasing Neda about having three more days to go in her onesie. They now talk about one of the questions that Sabrina missed in the comp involving Sarah and the sock puppets. Sabrina states that Sarah fucked her in the first five and she fucked her in the comp. Packing still underway and Sabrina again says she really hopes they get something (meaning food,) Jon is now called to the DR and yells out no as he jumps up throwing on a tshirt over his briefs and heads out the door. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DRG Posted May 2, 2014 Share Posted May 2, 2014 10:59PM BBT: Heather now in the bathroom doing ADLs. Sabrina again asks Neda if she is going to come talk to her tomorrow. (What else does she think the gal has to do all day? DRG) Sabrina tells her that Adel told her some things before leaving. Such as Neda is never going to take her to F2 it will be Heads and Neds. Neda says he told her the same thing and Heather too. Neda says that he said contradictory things all the time too. Neda says she is not having the best day as she got cheers for losing and assumes that means she would not get Canada's vote. She now talks about how Adel said he was going to vote for Heather. Sabrina says that Adel would not vote for her. Neda now says she will have few votes since she has not done anything lately. When she got Allison out she was in good shape but not now. Sabrina says she has played a good game and better than Heather. Neda regrets that she never considered bitter people. (Nasty good bye message guilt rearing its ugly head. DRG) Neda says it was a good feeling for Sabrina to win and she got some really loud ass cheers from the audience when she won. She got confirmation from Jon that she got cheered when she missed questions. Sabrina again wants to talk tomorrow and she thinks Neda has played a really great game. Sabrina says they only way they are screwed is if Jon wins veto. Sabrina says that is good for her and as he would take Neda and in the end would lose to her. Neda does not believe she would win up against Jon. They debate who would vote for whom in the finale. Neda regrets the answers she missed and says she will never let go of it. They join Heather in the bathroom and Sabrina asks if they liked her sister's letter and they all think it was a nice and long letter. Neda pleading with BB for an extra week so she can get an HOH letter. (she did not get a room or a letter the two times she won HOH DRG) Neda now talking about how bad her session with her sister will look. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lacednotes Posted May 2, 2014 Share Posted May 2, 2014 10:38 PM BBT Sabrina leave the BR to go outside. Neda and Jon stay as the mosquitos are too much right now. Neda says she’s going to take Jon to F2. They are reviewing the Jury to see who’s votes Neda would have. In the HT area Sabrina is sitting by herself. She gets up and leaves.10:45 PM BBT The mosquitos were too much, Sabrina came back to the BR. Jon and Neda are still there. Jon asks if Sabrina will cut his hair tomorrow. Neda says she’ll do it while Sabrina is watching. Jon says 0% chance. They are saying it’ll be weird to go home and not have the HGs around them. 6 days until Jon sees his girlfriend. 10: 55 PM BBT Sabrina is unpacking. Neda isn’t going to unpack when she gets her stuff back. They are talking about Allison. Sabrina thinks she was canada’s player but isn’t sure of it. They all feel there had to be something going on with her coming in 2 weeks late. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DRG Posted May 2, 2014 Share Posted May 2, 2014 11:09PM BBT: Heather now repeating how she sounded like and idiot as all she said was thank you, I love you. Sabrina now in the shower changing clothes. Neda says the perception of her changed when the first five left and when Adel gave her a hard time. The think the finale may be on Wednesday. Heather brushing teeth as Neda and Sabrina discuss how she and Rachelle are the same person and how they will be great friends out of the house. Neda now talking about how Adel was all an act for the camera and he told her that from the first night on the ice. He was not here to play the game but for television. Sabrina says he told her on the way out that she was a sweetheart. Neda starts to say he would have won if he made F2 then takes it back. Now she is saying that she cannot multitask like walking and texting at the same time. They think the fake power ploy might have turned a few people but still think he would not have won. Neda now stating that she is the worst loser and will forever hate Easter. Sabrina says that Neda reminds her of her sister and Neda calls her Sarah. Sabrina says she is more competitive than her sister. Neda says she always compared her grades to others in school. Now they compare schools and what made you cool there. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DRG Posted May 2, 2014 Share Posted May 2, 2014 11:17PM BBT: Neda talking a mile a minute about her school and how she only saw one fight. Heather says she is so jealous of the schools the others attended. Neda now telling about stories Arlie told her in the beginning about some of his escapades in school and how he had to change schools several times. They are talking about his temper and how he snapped a few times in the house and then pulled back. Heather feels they have had huge players this year in the house. Sabrina now telling them about secret code she was planning to use in her letter to tell her if Canada liked her or if there were secret alliances or not. Apparently she did signal to her that Canada likes her. Neda says that they are not real people to Canada just characters that are portrayed in certain ways. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DRG Posted May 2, 2014 Share Posted May 2, 2014 11:23PM BBT: They figure out that the letter is very recent, in the last three days, and therefore there is not much info to try and pass along. Neda now again going over the questions she got wrong and how she knew them, of course. She says it is hard to understand the question at the time and Heather says the nerves does not help either. Sabrina says how epic would it be if the final three was all girls. They don't think it has ever been done. They all say it would be so cool and amazing. they are trying to recall if it has ever happened. Sabrina says she loves Jon but everybody loves him and that is why he would win if he went to the end. Neda says to Sabrina that she is final three you little butt plug. Sabrina now telling them that Adel has a lot of money and told Sarah how he would bring her kids lots of gifts when he comes to visit. They talk about his brother's cars and how he makes a hundred grand a year, Sabrina says she hopes they do not regret the decision because Adel was taking Jon to F2. They tell her that is why they kept her. heather says it sucks to get this far with people that you actually love. It is not as bad for Sabrina as she has not been so close to them as they have been to each other. Now they talk about how Sabrina got a lot of time with Rachelle when Andrew left the house. Sabrina wants to go through all the scenarios and who wins veto and then the votes. They debate whether it matters who goes on the block. Sabrina wants to figure out who will be the voter, (Its simple, only the POV winner votes and you cannot predict or plan for that ahead of time. DRG) BB tells them to stop talking about production. They figure if the finale is Wed. night then it will be a seventy day season. They try to figure out what they will be doing in the remaing time in the house. Neda now complains that she hates going to the DR with no makeup on. The other two tell her she will have later DR sessions with makeup if she makes the final three. Heather now asks how the final three comps work. Sabrina explains that all compete in first one. Winner sits out round two then the two winners compete and the ultimate winner immediately picks who they are sending out and therefore who they are keeping. Jon now makes a loud appearance. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DRG Posted May 2, 2014 Share Posted May 2, 2014 11:35PM BBT: Jon asks if he can listen to music and as he heads out the door he announces that he is going to fart in her room. Neda says that sometimes she wants to punch him and Neda says she knows the feeling. They say that their swearing is due to being under stress. Neda still working on her hair and asks Sabrina to tell her she looks pretty. Jon now calling out to them about the music on her iPod. They are reviewing the HOH letter once again. Neda says she had a breakdown in the bathroom two days ago to the extent she had to be told to leave the room. Jon now calls out about the pic of Sabrina's sister. Sabrina goes on about how pretty she is and she is a model and has boobs, she is also married and has been for two years now. They think they will be friends on the outside since they have spent so much time together already. (Any minute I expect to hear one of them say, Hey I have an idea lets put on a show! They have hit nearly all the other cliches. DRG) Feeds now reloading again. heather says she is happy for Sabrina and Sabrina says it is the first time in five weeks that she has not been on the block. Sabrina and Heather whispering about Neda and they both wish that the final two deals they have with her are real. they both agree that any one against Jon in the end would lose. Sabrina can't believe that she is liked (or she is just fishing for more compliments DRG) and Heather reassures her and it is reinforced by Jon who enters while they are talking. They both say that Jon is well liked too. Jon says he is content right now, he will bust his balls in the POV but coming in he did not ever expect to last this long.Sabrina compliments his game again. He says he came in and had no idea what to do and had to learn each day and it changed every day. He fell in love with this game in here. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DRG Posted May 2, 2014 Share Posted May 2, 2014 11:46PM BBT: Now they discuss how funny Adel was and how they miss him already. They don't think there will be an early eviction. Sabrina thinks there will be a live show on Sunday and then again on Thursday. They talk about the decision at the final two and Sabrina and Jon disagree that there are guaranteed outcomes depending on the pairing. Jon says he thinks he would have a hard time beating her. Sabrina tells them that Adel said he was just trying to fuck up her game and he knew he was not staying. Jon thinks there is no dead set winner. Sabrina now keeps saying she has the least chance of winning the big prize as she has not done anything in the game. Jon points out she has the best chance to make final three already. She says she would lose against any of them and Jon tries to say the same thing but Sabrina disagrees. Heather wants to go to bed. Jon says they should try again because Neda was the last one to need to go to the DR. They get up and head out with Jon again telling Sabrina how much she will enjoy falling asleep to music. Jon states that he cannot wait for veto. He has lost sleep with worry every night of the game and will relax when the Veto is over and they know what is happening. Sabrina heads off to the HOH as Heather and Jon prepare to get into bed. Jon tells Heather that he does not think that it worked out too bad, it sucks that they will not be final three though. Jon says ultimately it makes it easier to justify cutting some one since all three can't go anyway. Jon says their best chance is still each other. He says that they made their pact day one and no one knows about it at all. They like that they are both physical players and both better at endurance than Sabrina. One of them wins veto then it almost guarantees they make the F2. Game standpoint it is good, emotional standpoint it sucks bad. They both say that 20K or 100K is amazing either way. Heather tells him he will make so much money after that. Heather says she needs something to start her life again and she has been working so hard. Jon says he does too. She really hopes that he wins the veto. He is glad the HOH was questions and expects the veto will be physical and maybe involving the order of the cups or something. He asks about Neda and Heather says that Neda is freaked out about the veto. Jon says that it would not make any sense for him to bring Neda as she has played a perfect game. Jon says he loves Neda and Heather adores her, but it is not best for their game for either of them to take her. Heather does not think she would beat Sabrina in the final three comps so she needs someone for that. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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