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Saturday, April 26 Live Feeds / BB After Dark

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Please post ONLY Live Feed, televised show, and Big Brother After Dark observations here !

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Remember your time zones. Big Brother Canada Time is East Coast Standard Time (See Map Here).

Please be careful in identifying who is speaking, and do not use confusing abbreviations. We may have several HGs with names which start with the same letter.

To better help you identify the HGs, we made this guide you can print out and refer to until you get to know who's who. http://mortystv.com/...da_HG_Guide.pdf

Try to be consistent with abbreviations, like:

Wash Area (WA)
Water Closet (WC)

War Room (WR)

War Room Three (WR3)
Kitchen (KT)
Dining Table (DT)
Living Room (LR)
Back Yard (BY)
Bedroom (BR)
Indoor Lock Down (ILD)
Outdoor Lock Down (OLD)
Head of House Room (HOHR)

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12:30AM BBT: All feeds of darkened rooms with quiet HGs. Feeds cut FotH.

12:38AM BBT: Feeds are back, still darkened rooms. Sabrina and Heather are sharing a bed. Adel is in his bed and Neda and Jon are sharing a bed. Sabrina and Heather switch beds and everyone seems scared. HGs are sleeping with their mics on, "just in case". Sabrina and Heather are giggling listening to noises. Sabrina says, someone just came out of your room - you didn't hear the door?

12:41AM BBT: All HGs quiet, every now and then one will lift their head to look at the door, seems like they are listening for something.

12:47AM BBT: We get a hush screen. (All the HGs have been pretty quiet for 10 minutes prior to this hush.)

1:01AM BBT: Feeds are back - one little giggle immediately back but other than that quiet HGs.

1:07AM BBT: HGs are all up talking again. Jon is hushing them. Seems like their is noises keeping them awake. (I can't hear anything)

1:22AM BBT: Seems like all the HGs are sleeping soundly. Goodnight.

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7:35AM BBT: Heather is sitting up in bed having a drink when the lights come on, Adel brings up batteries for the HGs. All other HGs are sleeping and we get sound.

7:45AM BBT: Neda is now up and in the WA on the benches with her eyes closed. Jon is in the BR getting dressed in his baby gear and Sabrina asks how long he has to wear it. Jon doesn't know. Adel asks if he can shower in the HOHr.

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8:12AM BBT HG's are up Jon still dressed as a baby from losing the baby challenge yesterday morning and Adel are downstairs. Heather and Neda are in the WA doing ADL's.

8:13AM BBT Adel says to Jon on the couch that Jon should just say to tell "her" (not sure who) that she has to go up as a pawn that Adel has already been one. Jon agrees.

8:22AM BBT Wow Early Morning in the BB house! Production just announced that the HG will be on ODL and Jon will be called to the DR in 45 min.

8:26AM BBT Sab and Heather are in the WA talking about self tanners. Heather and Neda are getting ready. Sab is just laying on the couch in there. Heather mentions her whole body is sore. Neda says mainly her arm is from playing badminton. Downstairs Jon is just sitting on the couch drinking coffee. He mentions he needs to take an ice bath because he is sore. 8:31AM BBT Adel comes back in and gives Jon the daily weather report. Adel say it is dark and gloomy, the chairs are wet.

8:34AM BBT Sab and Neda in the WA. Sab mentions that Jon hasn't told her she is going up, and she knows she is. Neda: If I was HOH I would of told you, but that's Jon for you. I am going to speak to him before noms.

8:41AM BBT Neda says she doesn't think she should wear her onesie because something might happen. I felt like that something was gonna happen last night but this morning I don't think so. Sab agrees.

8:44AM BBT Not much to report. Adel is napping in the BR. Jon is in the HOH doing ADL's. The girls are all still in the WA doing ADLS and talking about running out of time and still needing to get breakfast.

8:47AM BBT Sab to Heather, Adel doesn't want to go up. Heather I don't but no one does. 8:50AM BBT Neda is in the BR with Adel. Adel says is Heather being ok? Neda:yeah Adel: What did she say to Jon last night? Neda: She said something like why do I have to always be the pawn? I have been the awn twice. Heather walks in and talk turns to how they really think something big is going to happen at the nom. ceremony today. Adel: My heart is beating so fast right now I just feel it.

8:57AM BBT Production comes on and says HG's I need bed sheets stripped right away and I need the battery box- feeds cut to HoTH.

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10:52 Feeds back up Nominations are done. Sabrina Neda and Jon in the bedroom. Sounds like it is Sabrina and Heather on the block. They all agree that Heather is not happy about being on the block.

10:58 Something has happened to Jon's tongue something to do with a watermelon. Not sure but he keeps showing the girls his mouth and says he is in pain. Sabrina Neda and Jon still in the bedroom discussing Heathers jury vote.

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10:52AM BBT Feeds up!

10:53AM BBT: Sab and Neda in the BR. Sab said so the only way she goes home is if Adel wins veto and uses it. Jon has cut something. to do with him tongue? Not quite sure. Jon asks is she pissed?(Heather) Neda: Yes she is so pissed.

10:58AM BBT Sab is telling Jon that next HOH it's me, Neda, and Adel in the next HOH. If I don't win are you keeping Adel? It's fine I just want to know.Jon answers you what is not fine with me Sabs wearing the baby outfit with my tongue half cut off. Sabs just answer the question? Jon asks Neda what she thinks? Jon and Neda both agree well lets just get through this veto.

11:03 AM BBT Sab ask if they think Heather will be bitter. JOn says no. Sabs says she will be towards you. Sabs again asks who would Neda and Jon take her or Adel. Jon says he has not decided. Sab says we are at the point int he game that you can just tell the truth and answer a question. Jon there is still a lot of game left.

11:07AM BBT Sab has left the BR. Jon if we win veto noms stay the same. Jon keeps asking her why is she being so weird. She said I am not I am thinking this is my thinking face. She then tells him she had a full convo last night with Jon and he doesn't remember any of it. 11:11AM BBT Adel has just joined Neds and Jon. Adel I just did a DR and now Sabs is doing a DR. Heather is downstairs really thinking. If I was you I would go downstairs and talk to her. Jon I don't give a f***. Jon says Neda she's your girl. Jon you are always so lovey dovey with her. Adel no I am not. Jon calls he out. Adel says yeah I gotta stop that it is different now. 11:15AM BBT It is now just Jon and Neda in the BR. Jon is a final 3 with Sabs something you wanna do? Neda: I don't know. Jon: I kinda would rather get Heather out this week, then Adel. If we take Sabs to final three that put our chances way up there.

11:18AM BBT Neda Here's the thing I am leaning toward Ade in final 3 because Adel is gonna suck at the mental part of it. I consider the worst case and Sab would have jury votes. Jon agrees

11:21AM BBT Jon and Adel just walking around the KT area general chit chat but seem very excited. Heather is in the HOH listening to music.

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Neda joins Heather in the the HoH room. Heather tells Neda that she is mad that Jon didn't tell her she was going up and isn't sure if he even wants a Final Three anymore. Heather says that if Adel was nominated he would have kept nominations the same if he had won the veto.

11:35AM BBT: Neda meets Jon in the bathroom area and relates her conversation with Heather to him. Jon asks what should he do, she tells him to just leave it and focus on winning the veto.

12:31PM BBT: Jon goes up to the the HoH room to do some damage control with Heather. Heather asks Jon what happened, because they had an alliance since day one. Heather is sobbing, "I'm back on the block by the one person I thought would never put me there..." Jon: " I guess I put a lot of trust in the fact that you wouldn't lose trust in me, which was probably a bad idea. It's not like you are getting fucked by the person that put you on the block. I'm not fucking you." Jon keeps reiterating that he didn't have any time to talk to anyone before the nominations. He was called into the DR and asked for his decision on the spot.

Heather says Adel really pissed her off with something he said, and Heather says, "I have been a pawn more than he has." Jon: "I know." Jon acts like he's mad at Adel too.

Jon assures Heather that she is safe and Sabrina is going home, Heather is scared that a twist could change that. Jon: "Like what kind of a twist are you fearing the most?" Of course Heather doesn't know, and they feel they consider that something could happen that would save Sabrina. [Like maybe Neda and Jon voting to keep her? -Morty]

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I thought we were covered today, but it turns out we're without updaters from 2PM to 3:30PM and again from 6PM to 9PM. If you have the time, please post some updates.

If you haven't registered to post, just go here to register, you'll be asked for an invitation code, use the number: 8298572 You'll need to reply to the conformation email, and that's it.


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3:38PM BBT Adel in the HoH bathtub there is 2 baby head on the pipe. Sabrina just join him. Adel said he is so tired.

3:45PM BBT Sabrina is now alone in HoH listening to music and doing what she does best picking her nose.

3:50PM BBT Heather.Jon and Neda in WR general chit chat

3:51PM BBT Adel is still in the HoH Tub he is thinking really hard.

4:00PM BBT Jon, Heather,Neda and Sabrina playing in the WR with water. Jon diaper is soakng wet now.

4:13PM BBT Heather is now cooking, Jon is in the pantry eating snacks. Adel is no where to be found.

4:22PM BBT Heather and Sabrina was Nominated earlier today.

4:25PM BBT Heather continues to cook, Neda is helping. Nothing much going on general chit chat.

4:42PM BBT Adel and Sabrina having snacks with Heather.

5:05PM BBT Hg are all in the LR playing games.

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5:22PM BBT The HG rhyming words with the pacifer. They are taking turns with each other. No game talk.

5:27PM BBT Looks like Sabrina cannot touch soap or detergent she has a rash on her hands. Sabrina telling stories about her family at home.

5:32PM BBT Adel is laughing and he is singing if he wins the veto he is going to take Sabrina off the block then he said it was a joke. (Really)

5:40PM BBT Adel and Sabrina joking around Sabrina went to the top of the railing and tried to spit on Adel but he caught her in time. Adel said Sabrina would of get evicted for that, they were all laughing.

5:47PM BBT Adel said he wish Sabrina was a boy that he was fighting with.

5:55PM BBT Sabrina is now in the BR all alone. Neda,Heather and Adel in LR resting.

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8:00 All 4 cameras on Jon and Heather sitting on green couches trying to guess what happened last night. They think it might have been Sarah banging on the walls or shouting. Jon says maybe not it might have been random people. (earlier in the day Adel said to the cameras that he was banging on the walls to scare everyone. Not sure if it was all him not)

Jon and Heather talking about missing their girlfriend and boyfriend. Cant wait to see them and their family again. Heather still thinks something is going to happen tonight. Guessing an instant eviction and then HOH tonight. Jon says he is going to give it 2 hours and then if nothing happens is going to bed.

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8:15 Neda comes out of DR and Jon and Heather whine for her to stay with them. Neda says she has to just go to the bathroom quick. Jon jokes nope you might take off from me again. (think him and Heather are tired of talking to each other)

Adel comes out of HOH to join them now. He is modeling his BBCAN hoodie and T-shirt and doing a great salesman act. He guesses the hoodies are $19.99. Heather says they are probably $60. Adel says no way. (they are actually on sale for $53 regular $69)

8:30 Adel Heather and Neda throwing one of the doll heads around to each other on the green couches. Adel says they should go and put makeup on it. The girls ask why is it wet and Adel tells them because he had a bath with them. The girls go up to the bathroom Jon joins them and they start talking about their injuries from past comps.

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8:35 Heather goes back downstairs to kitchen to talk to Adel. They discuss if there is going to be a veto tonight. Jon and Neda comes downstairs to. They all think there might be a veto competition tonight. Then the next minute nope there wont be. Adel thinks Canada has the veto this week. Jon wishes he could sleep like Sabs (she must be in bedroom they haven't shown her at all) this is why they think something is happening tonight they are allowed to nap later in the day than normal.

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#BBCAN2 9:00PMBBT: Looking back, it looks like a lot of small talk this aft and no veto comp played yet.
"Is the BB voice a recording? They responded to us today." Jon was called to the DR, 20 seconds later he comes out and says "I have an announcement! The next one called into the DR is a big loser!" Neda goes in, Jon says "Damn it, now I am gonna be called in!" Jon was quoting Happy Gilmour. Heather asks Jon what his profession is in the real world, he says he doesn't have one. He is still in the baby costume. He tells Heather that he is going to be a Special Education teacher! She says she thinks he is hiding something from them. He and Adel say "No." She tells them she wants to be a dental hygienist. Jon says "No, you don't."

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9:10PMBBT: The clock on the microwave says 9:36. They think it is a recording in the BY. The work hasn't stopped. Heather says there is "No way at all we are having a veto comp tonight! We will be having it at 1 AM!" Sabrina comes down whining about her hands. Heather thinks the detergent on the sheets is what is making her hands bad. Adel asks her what kind of contract she signed "Did it say you can sleep all day?" He also asks to see her hands, they are red and irritated. Adel jokes "Just self evict!" Heather is worried about Sabrina. Sabrina asks if something has come up on the screen and Heather says "No, this is the only one that hasn't been done on a Saturday." They now debate but Divergent was not on a Saturday.

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9:15PMBBT: Adel and Jon are bugging Sabrina. "Bless you Bless you Sabrina!" She is skeptical. They keep saying bless you. She says bless you to them and does the cross and Adel says she is flipping him off, she says it is a cross symbol. He is just trying to get her going. BB called Sabrina to the DR and we get HotH. Now the HG are in the SR on lockdown.

9:21PMBBT: The speculation is all about what is happening. Are one of them being evicted tonight? Why are they in the SR? The costumes should be in the BR. They start singing. BB tells them to stop. Adel freaks out about the cost of the BB merch that is in the SR (it is really overpriced!). Jon says the lights are gonna start going on and off to freak them out and we get HotH again. Feeds are back and they are out of the SR. Sabrina is out of the DR, Jon is called to the DR. They wonder if costumes are in the BR. BB tells them to stop talking about production. The BR door is locked. They now think it is POV tonight. (late start to say the least)

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9:26PMBBT: Adel made spring rolls "OOHHHHHH OHHHHHH you gotta come try this!" Neda says she doesn't like them, Adel says "You haven't tried these!" She tries one and they like them. He gives one to each of the girls. Now we have chewing on the mics (thanks Adel) He saves some for Jon. Adel and Neda hate cold pizza. Heather loves it. Now they think Canada has the veto and they are getting a reward rather than a veto comp (we don't have veto) Sabrina had an eye lash, Adel got it, she says she has to blow it and make the wish and he did it instead. She is hoping it is a family thing they are getting. (She is the only one in the house who has not won an HOH so no letter from home)

9:33PMBBT: Adel is charming the girls at the counter. He says he hopes there is a car out there and Sabrina wins it to help her family as she is going home on Thursday. They awkwardly giggle. Jon comes out of the DR and they are telling him to try a spring roll. He says "You said they were awful" They assure him that these ones are good. Jon confirms..."98% chance that it is veto" Sabrina is called to the DR, Adel says "There you go, they are giving you special gloves!" She rolls her eyes.

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9:39PMBBT: The small talk and one liners are happening in the KT. Sabrina is out of DR. Sabrina tells Adel to take his head out her ass so she can sh**. They laugh. She says something to him in french. Neda says this comp is probably a luxury competition. They are waiting for a pizza to cook in the oven. Adel says Sabrina is the best cutter in the house. She says "I am good at something?" Adel says she is very photogenic. She laughs at that.

9:43PMBBT: We can hear something in the BY. It sounds like a wound up drill. They think it is something that is going to make them spin. Adel says "Cool! I can't wait to barf!" Sabrina asks if they should be eating if it sounds like that and eats a slice. She looks sick. Now we can hear clacking sounds. Adel bangs on the BY door and BB tells him to stop that. Heather is still in the DR.

9:46PMBBT: Now Adel is called to the DR as Heather sits down to eat a slice of pizza. The DR has been like a revolving door tonight!

9:48PMBBT: The girls speculate at the counter. Jon goes to the bathroom, we can hear him peeing while we watch the girls at the counter (that is creepy). The questions haven't stopped. Is it for luxury? Is it POV? Why is it taking so long? Jon yells out Bless you! Love you! Heather starts imitating Jon as Adel comes out of the DR yelling something (couldn't make it out) Sabrina is now lint rolling Adel's BB pajamas.

9:54PMBBT: Sabrina is upstairs sitting in the white chairs itching her hands. She looks depressed. We can hear the others but only see Heather coming upstairs. Adel yells "Jon BOY! Can you hear me?" Sabrina rolls her eyes. Neda and Jon come up and say the sound is fake, "Track 13!" She blows kisses to the camera. Adel asks her how many times she is going to do it. "Hey Canada, evict Adel. Love you!" As she blows kisses to the camera.

9:56PMBBT: Sabrina "Hey Adel, what are gonna say when I win the veto?" He says "That's funny, how the hell did that happen?" They are sparring back and forth. "Hey Adel..." and he mumbles something back. Neda is on the other white chairs. Adel is on the black chairs. Everyone has a corner upstairs. It goes quiet as they listen for noise in the yard. We can hear someone's heartbeat on the mics. BB "Please wake up, nap time is over." They all claim to be awake. BB "ADEL!" Sabrina says "Seeeeee he is a liar!" We can now hear water, like a heavy waterfall in the BY. Adel says it sounds like something spinning and water spraying. Jon says waterfall!

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10:00 PM BBT: As this day of hurry up and wait winds to a close all the HGs are sitting in the upstairs hallway. They comment that they here some serious water sounds from the BY. Jon asks if there are POV endurance comps and Neda says never and Sabrina says she has never seen an endurance POV. (What show have they been watching? DRG) Neda now thinks it could be possible. They all look incredibly bored. Sabrina thinks it is crazy for them to be doing this so late, especially when they did not get much sleep last night.

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10:05PM BBT: Several minutes of silence must set a new record for how long Sabrina has gone without speaking in the house. Sabrina now repeating her theory that the show will end next Thursday since that will be a live show. She does not think they will have the finale on a Sunday.Jon points out they could have a live show whenever they want. Jon now wonders if they could have three comps in one day. Adel says this is TV and anything can happen. Jon keeps asking if they could do the first two parts of the last HOH on one day and just have the last one to do on the finale show. Neda says she just does not get why the bedroom door is locked. She thinks it would not be happening today other than for this fact. Jon is going off to listen to some music and says if shit goes down come get me. Sabrina says of course. Adel says he will fall asleep if he goes in the bed.

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10:08PMBBT: They are talking about how the final is going to work, how the comps will work. Are the final 3 comps all on the Thursday? Will they have 2 live shows? Adel says "This is TV, ANYTHING can happen!" And no one acknowledges. Sabrina finally says "I know it is TV and I know anything can happen but it is incredibly late!" Jon heads to the HoHR to listen to music. Adel says he will fall asleep if he goes to a bed.

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