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Friday, April 25 Live Feeds / BB After Dark

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11:08PMBBT Neda, Adel,Jon and Sabrina in the LR playing with baby toys. Neda said she is tired and want to sleep.

11:15PMBBT Jon and Adel playing name games they called Heather Dumb Neda blonde.

11:18PMBBT Neda and Sabrina in BR Sabrina said Heather was asking so many questions earlier. Sabrina said what if Heather wins the veto who is going home is it me. Sabrina asked Neda if Adel knows the deal.

11:24PM BBT Heather,Sabrina and Jon in Lr they are all wondering when they can go to bed.

11:30PMBBT They are all in the LR restless Adel is making hot dog. Not much game talk going on.

11:38PM BBT Sabrina is laughing she told Adel that she is going to win veto this week and win HoH next week and send Adel out the door.

11:43PM BBT Sabrina laughing she said she is getting evicted this week and she does not care.

11:56PM BBT Heather is getting her outfit ready for nominations tomorrow, looks like they are getting ready for bed. Adel said he cannot wait until they drop the story about him and Sabrina.

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