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Tuesday, April 8 Live Feeds / BB After Dark

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1016PM BBT: Sarah and Rachelle in the bathroom. Jon and Arlie on the couch still and Neda and Allison have come into the kitchen. Heather now in bathroom telling a story about when she was in school and there were not paper towels so she decided to dry her hands with TP and then fix her hair. Back in the class a guy told her she had something in her hair and proceeded to pull out several bits of TP. Sabrina Rachelle and Kenny now outside where she is telling them about a recent exchange she had with one of the others where she told them she hated them etc. etc. etc. She says that Jon said he has played a rather honest and non-manipulative game. Kenny says he is just trying to mess with her. Adel now in the house to in his shorts with a tshirt as a do-rag on his head. Allison sitting at the table with the guys drinking water after her workout. Arlie and Jon still waiting on the green couch for their DR session. Sabrina now telling a story about her father having a confrontation at night on a road in Mexico when he got robbed. Kenny says he has heard that happens a lot in Mexico. (Audio remains extremely frustrating as it cuts out for no reason until you click on the button again.Worse that usual tonight IMHO. DRG) Arlie Jon and Allison talking softly. Now Allison asks if she should shower or can she do a DR like this. Arlie says he likes that look and it makes him think of other things. She apologizes and he tells her not to. Now she is down on the floor as if to do pushups or maybe she is planking. Sabrina still talking outside. Now cams switch to HOH where Adel Neda and Heather are talking about taking showers. Heather tells Neda she is the only one she can have girl talk with. Then she says that she is so fat and starting tomorrow she is only going to eat healthy things. Jon enters as she says this and calls out loudly Bullshit several times. He then says he will do it with her. Heather says she will only eat like Neda but Neda says she can't because her stomach is really small. Sabrina still holding court outside (Does anyone really want to hear her? DRG) Heather is excited to see who is next HOH and Neda says she is not excited but anxious. She is at least glad that they don't have to scramble around anymore asking people who would they put up.

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10:30PMBBT: The HOH crew is Alison, Heather, Neda, Adel and Jon. They talk about how Jon doesn't notice that Neda compliments him but notices when Heather does. The talk turns to nipples again. It is a lot of small talk. In the HT area, Sabrina is talking (I don't think she stopped) about Mexico. Rachelle, Ken, Sarah are in the chairs, Sabrina is on the deck. She tells a story about a cab driver who said he was kidnapped hundreds of times. She was terrified after talking to the driver, she didn't think the cab was that dangerous even though she had taken a cab in Mexico many times before.

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10:30PM BBT: Jon re-enters the room and Heather compliments him on his hair. He says thankyou then turns to Neda and says that she should learn from Heather. She say she compiments him all the time and he needs to stop accusing people of doing what he does. Allison now joins the HOH gang and the remaining First five are now all outside but Sabrina is still talking so I have that feed muted. Heather asks Jon what he would do if a girl had puffy nipples. She says that would be kind of weird and he agrees and she says she has never seen that before. Neda then says he looks more serious than he has ever seen him. Adel up dancing around but audio cuts out and I get it back just in time to hear someone tell him not to sing. Sabrina telling another story from her fascinating past. Allison and Heather now talking about how much one of the comps hurt them. Heather is twirling her HOH key around her index finger as she says that she hoped Kenny's ankle really bothers him and his being on slop makes him unable to compete well. They recall that the last time they all played Veto on slop and then they ate afterwards. (It is now officially a toss up which feed is harder to listen to Heather in the HOH or Sabrina in the hot tub. DRG)

10: 37PM BBT: Arlie has come up to the HOH and is tossing some type of snack food into Allison's mouth as if she was a trained seal. They say it is hard to work out in the house. Arlie says for him it is the lack of music. Allison says she cannot take her hair down so it is what it is. Arlie now talking about going to bed early tonight. Outside Sarah also says at least now the day is almost over. Sabrina says aren't you excited to see Kenny become HOH? Upstairs they are talking snack food preferences. Both groups seem to be winding down. and feeds1 & 2 went to FoTH.

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10:40PMBBT: The HOH room talk turns to chips and they all rattle off what chips they like best. No one says Twistos. BB tells them to stop talking about brand names. Jon comes in and yells at them for eating chips after a workout. Alison is called to the DR. Feeds 1 and 2 are HotH.

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10:45PMBBT: Jon and Arlie rehash the convo with Sabrina in the BR earlier. They laugh about how she went after Arlie but, she was pleading her case and saying how much she did to stay loyal to their alliance and Arlie was the one who was playing both sides. Arlie says she did the first 5 hand signal. He hasn't done it since the first week. He says by day 9 he never wanted to do it again. Arlie says she did a good job manipulating the game for short term gain. Nothing was long term. He didn't feel apart of it. He knew they would be annihilated at some point, it was just funnier that Canada did it.

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10:42PM BBT: Arlie now telling the others about how a few minutes ago Sabrina said to him how much she openly hated him. How he told her before he was stupid and needed her mastermind in the game and she was a vault and would never say anything. They go on to talk about Kenny having told about the First Five. Feeds come back on outside to general chit chat. Upstairs crew still rehashing ancient history in the house. Jon says that Sabrina did a good job being loyal to you four. Arlie thinks she did a good job for the short term but not so much for the long term or for making him feel included in the alliance. Neda agrees with that assessment. Outside cams back on FoTH. Neda wonders what Canada saw that they did not want that they put up two First Five members. Jon now says The Whole Country. Allison says they like the underdogs and now they are not the underdogs. Guys now saying that Kenny is a beast. Allison wonders if Canada did not put up Andrew who would they have put up first. They say that Kenny is way smarter and Andrew had Arlies back while Kenny never did. Cams back on outside again where they are even quieter now.

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10:50PMBBT: They talk about what Canada must want. None of them want to get a big head about it. Arlie says that he wanted Kenny out over Andrew (they are talking very loudly) and they agree Ken is a "beast" and a game player. Alison says there is a plus side to Andrew leaving, she is no longer distracted. Andrew told her everything but not about the first 5.

10:55PMBBT: In the HT area, Sarah talks about how hard it is to be in the house for so long and you want to talk about your life but you don't want everyone knowing (She means us). Rachelle says she can't wait to watch the beginning of the show, she claims BB was trying to set up Andrew and Heather but then Andrew got a new showmance.

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10:52PM BBT: Seems Sabrina may have gone inside which accounts for the more serene attitude outside. Heather now bashing Kenny for trying to make her play his game prior to noms when he had not spoken to her for weeks. Adel now talking about how he has a rash and Heather tells him to ask for Benadry. Sabrina now returning to the outside group with her outside voice. Adel was just called to the DR and he heads out of the room. Allison has a mirror and tweezers and Heather comments that those are good tweezers. Sabrina now telling them Kenny is going to win HOH and then she will. She says her nom speech will be that since she is such a terrible person and a liar you two are now on the block. (Jon and Arlle I suppose. DRG) FEeds now restarting themselves and blacking out with an error message BRB folks.

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11:00PM BBT: Kenny gets up and says he is going to bed. Someone calls out no Pa and he says he is going to lie down and if they want to come in thay can. Sarah leaves and then is followed by Rachelle and Sabrina. Upstairs Heather is saying she sprays on a bed and in a booth and outside. (So basically her ambition is to become a raisin. DRG) Jon talking about his hockey playing experience and where he played. Kenny and Rachelle in bathroom along with Sabrina doing ADLs. HOH group more subdued too. Heather talking about some of the music on her iPod. Sarah now at a sink along side Kenny while Sabrina and Rachelle sit and watch.

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