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Tuesday, April 1 Live Feeds / BB After Dark

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"I think new Heather ate old Heather," Sarah laughs to Kenny in the BR.

"I really never noticed until I looked at the picture tonight and was like holy shit!" Kenny

"I definitly noticed her cheeks being swollen...she literally lives off of sugar, a diabetic could be saved by taking a bite out of her." Sarah

"She's like whacked all the time." Kenny, about Heathers sugar addiction

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11:00PMBBT: After Heather leaves the room, things turn serious. Sarah and Kenny are talking about asking the DR for more fruit and veggie options. Kenny says he wants to offer her to work out with him and help her. Sarah "I wish you weren't a furnace so we could cuddle all night." He says it would last 3 minutes and he would be saying "Get off me!"

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They laugh more about Heather after she comes in and then leaves. Then talk goes into maybe talking about her intervention style, saying they should sit down with the DR about giving more vegetable options so she doesn't become diabetic. (lol)

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10:52PM BBT: Jedi training session now in full swing in the hot tub while Jon has managed to tickle Neda until he dumps her out of the hammock. Sabrina adding comments about how she influenced Ika. Jon drags Neda across the BY to the house doors. She goes in to the kitchen where Adel is working on a slop bucket. Now Neda and Heather scrounging in the kitchen and pantry for something to eat (Neda declined to eat dinner with the others earlier saying that she was not hungry. DRG) Jedi training now back on track with Sabrina leading the class in a day by day review. Kenny stretched out in bed and Sarah has rejoined him in the room. Jon is commenting about how Heather has really gained weight and he and Sarah talk about how much sugar she eats and that she eats only cookies and ice cream. Sabrina finding cigarettes outside then the review of events resumes. Heather has come into the BR. Allison now complimenting Sabrina as having ver perky boobs as she takes of her bra top underneath her shirt. Sarah telling Kenny she wishes he was not a furnace so they could snuggle all night and he says yeah it would be about a 3 minute thing, He says he burns hot like lava. Sarah commenting about how she hates when they make her go to the DR like this every single time. Neda joins them in the BR now and talk turns to farts. They ask if she is going to the hot tub and she says no so they tell her to join the bedtime party and she climbs under her covers. Jedi training is ongoing. Andrew says he is going to bed. They all get up and Rachelle and Allison start to cover the hot tub. Sarah and Kenny talking about what will happen to their phones when they leave then Sarah returns to complainging about never having her makeup on when she is called to the DR. Sabrina and Rachelle gathering up clothes and gear to carry back to the house as they leave the hot tub. BR talk turns to missing music so much and also fresh air. Andrew scares the girls in the hallway as they leave. Rachelle in the BR now and asks if they have tried sleeping yet and BB tells her to put her mic on. She says it is on and Sarah says they just assume now that she is not wearing it. She asks again if they have tried going to bed and they say that is what they are doing now. Andrew and Allison enter the bathroom talking about how she is the only natural blonde in the house. Adel is under his blanket in the HN room. Rachelle tellling how Sabrina flashed her boobs outside when changing out of her bathing suit. Rachelle says they were nice. Andrew and Allison doing ADLs along with Heather. (Inconsistent and mismatched volume levels from one feed and/or room to another is very annoying tonight and requires constant adjusting. DRG)

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11:12PM BBT: General wandering around as they are all getting ready for bed. Gals in Bathroom now discussing the cam in the stall and if they can change in there. Allison says that the cam is off unless two people go in there or there is crying or vomiting going on. Sabrina saying she is going outside and Rachelle is going to go with her, Allison is going to go to bed. Sabrina now on Andrews bed leaning on his chest she is whispering that he will not be protecting her. He tells her that things will be fine and she says love you, her replies lov ya too. Sabrina and Rachelle leave the bedroom and say goodnight to Allison on the way past the bathroom. Sabrina gets warned again about talking production and she says it was not production and the feeds showing her go to FoTH. remaining two feeds on Allison in bathroom then the go to the Secret screen as well.

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11:20PMBBT: Arlie is looking for something to snack on, he scours the small fridge then heads upstairs, in to the WC he goes. Sabrina is now washing her water bottle. Rachelle says she is eating better than she was. Sabrina says "It's because there is no food!" Sabrina walks outside "Like this mess? I can't handle it!" They head back to the HT area again. Rachelle "I love how we do this every night" Sabrina says it is the best part of her day.

11:25PMBBT: Rachrina talk out by the HT. They love Alison now, she is so awesome. The ice clinks constantly in Rachelle's glass. They giggle. In the BR, Alison is getting ready for bed, Andrew gets a little loud. She hushes him and heads to the WA. She puts on deodorant, does some ADL's quickly, says "Sweet dreams" to Arlie as she heads back to the BR.

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11:19PM BBT: Sabrina and Rachelle now scrounging in the pantry and Sabrina asks what kind of ice cream there is and Rachelle says Neopolitan. Arlie is in the kitchen also looking around then heads upstairs. Sabrina rinses out her water bottle. Rachelle says she feels like she is eating better than she was and Sabrina says that it is because there is now food. Rachelle says it is not making a difference and Sabrina says well good girl. Allison seaching through the jumble of clothes. Sabrina and Rachelle head back to the hot tub area grabbing lumberjack shirts in the hallway on the way out. Sabrina saying that Adel is so weird. Now she says he had a weird day because Kenny is not talking to us. They sit in the red chairs and Rachelle says they just have to pray that they don't win (Jon Adel). Sabrina says they are lucky becasue Allison is strong. Then she says that they are going to work out first thing tomorrow when they wake up than take showers (I'll take that bet. . . any odds. DRG) Sabrina says the ice is dirty in their water bottles. Sabrina now talking about plans for what they can do after the game like making bejeweled satchels. They would be cheap to make and could sell for 29.99 to 59.99. Now she is talking about their beautiful jewelry line rings necklaces and bracelets. Sabrina sees someone behind the mirror. Allison now changed into shorts and a tshirt in the bathroom and heading back to bedroom where she climbs into bed with Andrew. Jon and Adel talking and in the HN room. Adel telling BB that they have a secret mission tonight and will need batteries and some real food, not this slop. Gals still talking about their jewelry line. Jon and Adel say goodnight. Sabrina would love to call their line Royal Mafia but they can't because it is already taken. They can use Satchel because that is us. SA brina and ra CHELLE) Jon and Arlie now whispering in HN room about getting Kenny out next week and how they must try and mess him up in the challenge. Arlie says that all five of those people want Adel out first and only Kenny thinks that Adel does not have a power. Arlie says they are also talking shit about Neda. Arlie thinks Adel and he should have a talk with Neda next week, He says Allison and Sabrina are trying to pull him in. He is not so sure about Sarah any more. They will use Heather as a backup. If an instant eviction Jon wants to go Kenny and Rachelle Arlie says Kenny and Allison maybe since Allison is really smart. Arlie says he would probably put up Allison and Rachelle if it is not instant eviction and try to back door Kenny, If an instant he would put Kenny straight up. He is saying that the others don't trust Neda because they complain about her not telling them what Jon and she talk about. Arlie says Sarah wants Sabrina out the most and she would put up Adel and Sabrina. Adel talks about his power again and saving it to get a prize and they tell him they would have to use it to get Kenny if they get the chance. They are counting votes and running scenarios regarding possible HOHs and POV winners. Quick check reveals gals still talking about their entrepreneurial future.

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11:41PM: Plotting concludes as Arlie says he has to sneak out and continue to avoid those two like the plague. They say it was a good talk. Adel now repeating the classic BB stratagem (All together now.) We just gotta get HOH! He is still BSing Jon about his card and possible scenarios. They are intent that they need to get Kenny out. Sabrina and Rachelle are now making so much money from their line that they get an apartment in West Hollywood and get a car. Rachelle wants to do the LA thing in the summer in case she wants to go back to school. Sabrina says they can go in June and work in their acting and modeling thing as well as their lines. Rachelle dares to ask the question if the folks in LA will know who they are. If they don't stay in LA then they will go to Europe.

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11:50PM BBT: Sabrina saying that if she goes to LA Rachelle will not want to leave. Sabrina sees big things for them (Cupcakes anyone?? Has she seen Two Broke Girls?? DRG) Other two feeds showing Adel with his eyes closed. Sabrina is so excited to be doing this with someone that likes all the same things that she does. When she went with another friend she had to do all the research and her friend was more into texting. How she feels about LA is how her friend felt about Florida. Even though Rachelle is not quite 21 yet Sabrina does not feel like she is young. Adel now sitting up talking with Jon about they will take each other off the block and they hope that Arlie does not vote to save Andrew. They gotta win HOH next week.

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Wow, I thought I was going to be in trouble today because my regulars hadn't volunteered to update today, but we got some more new people posting, which is just great, and the regular crew showed up too. The only time that's really thin, coverage wise, is from noon until 6PM, I suspect you're all at work, but if you work at a desk, just cheat, and watch the feeds when the boss isn't watching you. If you work a government job, no one will care. :rolleyes:

Oh, the fool's day is over, we're on: Wednesday, April 2 Live Feeds / BB After Dark


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