morty Posted March 20, 2014 Posted March 20, 2014 Please post ONLY Live Feed, televised show, and Big Brother After Dark observations here !If you are adding personal comments, please keep them to a minimum and use brackets [personal comment]around the text.Remember your time zones. Big Brother Canada Time is East Coast Standard Time (See Map Here), The currentBig Brother Time: 02:28:20 AMDaylight Saving Time starts Sunday, March 9, 2014 at 2:00 AM (same as in the USA).Please be careful in identifying who is speaking, and do not use confusing abbreviations. We may have several HGs with names which start with the same letter. To better help you identify the HGs, we made this guide you can print out and refer to until you get to know who's who. Try to be consistent with abbreviations, like:Wash Area (WA)Water Closet (WC)War Room (WR)War Room Three (WR3)Kitchen (KT)Dining Table (DT)Living Room (LR)Back Yard (BY)Bedroom (BR)Indoor Lock Down (ILD)Outdoor Lock Down (OLD)Head of House Room (HOHR)Please post pictures in the open thread of the following forum! http://www.tvfanforu...een-caps-media/If you post questions or start conversations with each other here, they will be deleted.Thank you!
IndigoAquarius Posted March 27, 2014 Posted March 27, 2014 12:00AMBBT: Sabrina and Heather finally whisper good night to one another. The HG in the BR are being disturbed by Alison loudly whispering to Andrew. The lights up there have finally dimmed. Alison is going through Andrew's stuff, a CD liner. Sabrina is now wandering around. She heads to the SR for mic batteries. She now heads upstairs being loud as Arlie tries to do some shout outs in the WA. Sabrina is now in the HOHR with Rachelle, who is ready for bed. BB tells Rachelle to put on her mic.
IndigoAquarius Posted March 27, 2014 Posted March 27, 2014 12:08AMBBT: The BR lights are low. Night vision is on. We can see Alison and Andrew. Neda just got up (pee break!) Arlie is in the WA. He has been doing shout outs but, we haven't seen any of them. He says he has now moved on to people he barely even talks to any more. Neda is in the WC, Arlie says he isn't even tired. Arlie says "Matt Kelly! How could I forget you???" and we get a HotH on feed 2. The lights are dimming in the HN room. Heather and Sabrina are on the floor mattresses. Rachelle has changed her bedtime clothes from a frilly pink short set to a black short set. She gets a glass of water from the KT. Now she is changing her batteries.
IndigoAquarius Posted March 27, 2014 Posted March 27, 2014 12:19AMBBT: Rachelle is now working out in the BY. She gets another glass of water and is now on the exercise bike. Arlie is on the bench in the WA. Adel is now whispering game to him in the WA. He tells Arlie about his convo with Heather. His plan is to put up Sabrina and Kenny and when someone gets veto he will be backdooring Andrew (from what I can hear) Adel thinks he can put Kenny up even if he wins the veto (you can't) Arlie corrects him and Adel says he needs to ask. They think the vote would go 4-4 and then he would break the tie.
IndigoAquarius Posted March 27, 2014 Posted March 27, 2014 12:30AMBBT: Adel heads outside, Rachelle tells him Arlie is upstairs. He says "Hey come to my room in a bit and let me read the letter." She giggles he goes inside...3...2...1... and she sticks her tongue out and flips him off!12:37AMBBT: Arlie is talking to us! He is in the SR. He tells us he loves the game, it is the most awesomest game. It is giving him shivers. He has dreamt of this forever. (Is this slop euphoria?) He yawns, looks slowly around. "I love this game. I love when people get angry at the big guy. I did too once in my adjustment period. If I was in charge, I would f*** with us harder, I would." He talks about Sabrina and how she can't handle the game and doesn't know the truth from lies anymore in her own head. Arlie looks at his hands and says how clean they are. "How are they going to stop me? They aren't going to be able to!" He repeats this several times then reminds himself that he mustn't get too confident.12:43AMBBT: Sabrina is awake and catches Arlie sniffing food. She wants some melatonin to help her sleep. Sabrina guesses it is 1AM. Arlie says 12. He wanders to sit at the DT. Sabrina is whispering to him. Sabrina is whispering how obsessed she is with the game. She "literally does everything I can to make us the last 5!" Arlie says "I wish I liked it as much as you did so I could be like that for the game." (This guy is either brilliant or crazy or a smidget of both!)
IndigoAquarius Posted March 27, 2014 Posted March 27, 2014 12:47AMBBT: Sabrina is pleading her "Ika is mean" case to Arlie. He says "I have my own personal opinion of what happened but I will give it when we are on the outside." Arlie is playing it safe. Sabrina is digging into him for his opinion about Ika. Sabrina says to Arlie that who ever wins this has to put up Adel. Andrew told Arlie that he wanted Jon out. Sabrina says "Ya that changed" Sabrina is campaigning to get Alison out and says Andrew agreed to this. Arlie seems confused but is playing along. Audio is difficult to make out.
IndigoAquarius Posted March 27, 2014 Posted March 27, 2014 12:55AMBBT: Arlie listens intently as Sabrina tells him all her game moves past, present and future... he nods, seems concerned, sincere. She lists off in a similar fashion that Adel did earlier. Arlie just nods. (you find yourself nodding along as well) Arlie says to get rid of Rachelle 7th rather than 6th is better because Neda isn't good at challenges. Sabrina says Rachelle is more loyal, Arlie says "At 7 does that matter?" Arlie says you have to take into consideration who is good at challenges and who is safer to take to final 2. He reminds her that that is so far down the road.
lacednotes Posted March 27, 2014 Posted March 27, 2014 1:15 AM BBTArlie and Sabrina are still talking in the LR. They are whispering and sometimes hard to hear. Jon doesn’t talk game much with Arlie. He seems to be here to have fun and make jury. 1:22 AM BBTThey are talking about Adel now. Sabrina really wants to beat him. Arlie says it’s a good thing that he hasn’t won a comp. Sabrina thinks they will find out what the 2 Million is tomorrow. She hopes it’s not a direct threat. 1:31 AM BBTSabrina asks Arlie if the ‘truths’ he told them in the challenge were true. Arlie says no, definitely not. He doesn’t think Kenny is better than him and Andrew talks over everyone and it doesn’t bother him because that’s how he is. They can’t wait for food tomorrow. Arlie has been eyeing the olives.1:41 AM BBTArlie and Sabrina are getting ready to go to bed now. Sabrina is off to the HN room. Arlie has finally joined her.1:59 AM BBTAll the HGs are tucked away in bed. Goodnight everyone!
scarletkate Posted March 27, 2014 Posted March 27, 2014 #BBCAN2 9:17am BBT: Feeds show most HG's sleeping still. Appears that Allison just came out of DR and Arlie waiting to go in. #BBCAN2 9:21am BBT: Lights on - HG's getting up. Kenny distributing batteries. #BBCAN2 9:21am BBT: Adel whispering to Neda and Ika. One of them says that Andrew controls Sabrina Allison and Rochelle. Neda says Andrew is the biggest threat. Ika says no Kenny is the bigger threat. Put Kenny and Sarah up.#BBCAN2 9:30am BBT: Still in bedroom Ika keeps saying to Neda that Kenny needs to go. She says don't get rid of Andrew. Get rid of Kenny.#BBCAN2 9:36am BBT: Jon Andrew and Kenny in kitchen. Kenny going over scenarios of what he is going to wear tonight. Jon says (paraphrasing here) that they are going all out today. Rochelle really upset. Evidently she's been told she has to wear her hot dog suit for the eviction!
awiski Posted March 27, 2014 Posted March 27, 2014 8:49AM BBT: Most HG's are sleeping although Arlie is awake in his bed. No lights are on yet. 9:24AM BBT: All HG's are up. Arlie, Neda, and Ika in the BR. Neda says there is no way I would put you up are you kidding me? (to Adel)Neda is telling them that Andrew is a bigger threat. Ika is saying Kenny is a bigger threat. Andrew contols Sabrina. Kenny will put JOn and I us to seperat us Kenny is smarter but I think once Adel says he is going to put up Kenny and Sarah.9:32AM BBT: Heather, Sarah, Allison, Jon, and Adel are in the WA doing ADL's. Jon is having everyone guess his weight. They all guess more than he actually is, which is 222.8. #9:36AM BBT: Andrew, Kenny, and Jon are in the KT eating and discussing what they are going to wear tonight. 9:37AM BBT: Andrew asks Ro as she walks into the KT what's wrong. She yells " I am so mad I have to wear this for the eviction." (the hot dog costume. 9:41AM BBT: Sarah, Jon, Heather, Adel, Neda, and Ro are in the WA doing ADL's, except for Jon he is talkative this morning keeping the girls company. General chit chat. 9:44AM BBT: Neda is telling Adel and Ika in the BR that if she votes out Kenny, Jon is done. Adel is telling her Kenny has too many connections. Neda telling him that taking out Kenny first would be the stupidest move in the game. Kenny's first target is going to be Allison. Adel you don't understand Newfie's they won't go after each other. Kenny only has Allison and Sabrina. Neda: He also has Ro can't you see how close Ro and Sabrina are? Adel: No Ro is a scared little girl and we will be able to pull her over. Neda: Jon will not vote out Kenny. Adel: Yes he will. Neda: He said that. Adel: Yes. Neda is asking who she should put up if she wins. Ika says you should put up Andrew and Kenny to ensure at least one of them goes. Adel says if we have to take out Andrew on yours than that's ok but if I win I am going to get rid of Kenny. 9:57AM BBT: Ika and Adel talking about how Neda is thinking of herself in this game. She knows if Kenny is here and Andrew isn't that Kenny will then go with Jon. 10:01AM BBT: Adel, Ika ,and Jon in the BR. Adel is telling Jon that he wants to get rid of Kenny and that Kenny doesn't trust Jon. Jon says I know that sounds good. Adel make a point that Jon has Neda, he had Heather and Arlie has Sarah that they will all just sail thought he game once Kenny is gone. Jon says ok. Adel tells him to tell talk to Neda because she isn't so sure that he (Jon) wants Kenny out. 10:05AM BBT: BB announces "HG's this os your final warning the BY is not off limits."
awiski Posted March 27, 2014 Posted March 27, 2014 10:07AM BBT: Kenny and Andrew in the KT talking about putting Adel to flush out this power. Kenny says he thinks Allison should go up with him. Andrew says that is fine with him. They decide to keep Jon in the house for this week. Andrew asks should we have Jon in the jury house cause he may get voted back in. Kenny it doesn't even matter he can't win anything we will just vote him back out. If Adel does have the power and takes himself off then we will put up Neda, if he doesn't we will vote out Adel. 10:19AM BBT; Ika and Kenny in he BR getting dressed neither are talking. Downstairs in the living room Sarah and Adel are eating breakfast at the KT table while Jon is in LR trying to arrange the couch for the live show. I can't see Arlie but it sounds like he is making some breakfast in the KT. The HG's have been cleaning up the house today. 10:24AM BBT: Neda and Jon are in the BR. Neda is helping Jon get dressed up for the show.10:27AM BBT: Sarah and Andrew on the the green couch. Andrew is talking about how he wishes he could talk to a couple of people and apologize and say they deserve better than the way he treated them. He goes on to tell her a story about this girl his friend set him up and how long it took him to get together with her and he was suppose to meet up with her the day he had to leave to go on the show. Jon joins and says he was suppose to meet with Janelle for drinks and he didn't show and feels bad that she didn't know where he was for a wk. 10:33AM BBT: Sabrina and Ro are in the HOH WA. Sabrina is doing her hair and RO is watching. Little to no talk between the two. 10:35AM BBT: Heather is in the KT eating slop chips and walking around the counter over and over trying to get her steps in for the day. 10:37AM BBT: Heather announces that if she makes 10,000 steps before the show she can wear her dress. 10:42AM BBT: Ika and Adel in the WA doing ADL's on one feed with the other feed showing Heather walking around the KT table trying to get in her 10,000 steps. 10:47AM BBT: Sabrina, Jon, Neda, and Ro in the HOH WA. Jon is saying he doesn't think it is going to be a double eviction tonight. Jon leaves and Sabrina says he is so nervous he thinks he is going to be evicted. Ro says he is always so nervous it make me nervous.10:50AM BBT: Adel and Ika in the WA. Ika and Adel are talking about gel pads that girls put in their bra. Kenny, Neda, Jon in the BR talking about people being put in the drunk tank. Jon says Andrew has absolutely been is the drunk tank. Kenny says he is not getting ready yet because BB has not given then a 3 hour warning yet. .
BBCanSourceChick Posted March 27, 2014 Posted March 27, 2014 12:05PM BBT: The HGs just got their four hour warning until the live eviction is recorded and the nominees have to have their bags packed at the bottom of the stairs in three hours.12:16PM BBT: Allison, Neda, Heather and Ika are getting ready for the live show in the bathroom it's general chit chat no real game talk.12:25PM BBT: In the kitchen, Andrew, Sabrina , Kenny and Sarah are discussing new plans for tattoos when they get out.12:31PM BBT: In the kitchen Kenny doesn't know if he plans to come to Calgary when he's done Big Brother or if he's going to go back to Montreal and get his finances in order before coming up to Calgary to meet his nephew.12:43PM BBT: Sabrina and Andrew Say they will not get off the couch when Ika is evicted tonight [because that's the way to show they are classy Canadians. -BBCanSourceChick]12:48PM BBT: Sarah in storage room talking to Andrew saying tonight's competition sounds tough which means it won't be a double eviction in there eyes.12:50PM BBT: Andrew tells Sarah in storage he doesn't care how he is portrayed and Sarah is worried Canada wants their alliance to fail. [if you believe that, Andrew, I've got some swampland in Halifax to sell you. -BBCanSourceChick]1:00PM BBT: BB Tells the HGs they have thouree hours until the live eviction. So if anyone wanted to know, they tape the live eviction show at 4PM then give the HGs a four hour vacation from live feeds so we can't see how the house reacts.
IndigoAquarius Posted March 27, 2014 Posted March 27, 2014 Been on Hoth before 4 (when I started). Not even a flicker on the feeds.
latincanadian Posted March 28, 2014 Posted March 28, 2014 Feeds are back - general chit chat going on1036pm - Andrew, Kenny, Rachelle look very concerned, deep in thought, while Sarah, Neda and Allison and chatting about TV shows
DRG Posted March 28, 2014 Posted March 28, 2014 10:13PM BBT: Feeds return to all HGs in the BY chatting after having a party. someone remarks that there is only one beer left. They clearly did not get as much to drink as they have in the past. They have a hockey net and sticks Adel is playing while the others are sitting and talking about TV shows. BB tells them to stop talking about brand names. They continue talking without using the names of the programs or movies only descriptions. Adel spreading out 5 balls to take practice shots on goal.
DRG Posted March 28, 2014 Posted March 28, 2014 10:18PM BBT: General chatter continues they have all the doors to the backyard wide open and most are sitting on the steps. Adel and Jon are using garbage bags to stuff into the plastic wiffle balls Andrew and Neda are now stuffing as well. Adel says thank god we are not in the HN room tonight. Sarah gives a shout out to the live feeders. Arlie is flat on his back in the grass belching loudly. Heather says that she can't believe that the season is half over. Adel says to her that she has "tired eyes." She says hes sleepy and tired. Jon in his briefs (as usual) was taking a few shots on goal then goes into the house. They comment now that one of the balls is already cracked. Adel goes in now and calls out to the group, "who wants their vitamins?" He gets no takers . Jon back out now playing hockey. They are now discussing the "Live:" show. Allison says that it is live in that there is a live audience but it is taped before.
DRG Posted March 28, 2014 Posted March 28, 2014 10:45PM BBT: Sabrina now appears eating (clearly enjoying no longer being a have not.) Arlie saying he will sleep in HN room again tonight because he cheched and upstairs is too hot but the HN room is nice and cool. Sarah saying she is going to wash her face then go to bed. Heather proclaims that tomorrow she is cooking a fucking feast, an Italian supper. Rachelle and Kenny in bathroom doing ADLs. She is back in street clothes. Sabrina now on the exercise ball facing Neda Sarah and Allison who are on the steps. when she gets up to go to the kitchen again Allison jumps on the ball and rolls around. Neda is now on top of Allison looking like a cowgirl riding a bronco. Heather is eating something from a plastic container and says that it is so good. Sarah comments that Arlie is in so much pain because he has eaten so much. She asks him how much beer he drank and he says just two big ones but it is the food that is getting him. He says he needs bed now. Allison and Jon in the kitchen getting more food. Kenny still working on ADLS and has been joined by Arlie in the bathroom. Girls are now at the dining table. Sabrina dancing in the kitchen starting to sing. Now she is at the table announcing that she is now officially full. Rachelle is across from her and Allison and Heather to her right. Neda in the bathroom. Sabrina asks if they can go to bed now and Sarah says probably not. Jon brushing his teeth in the bathroom then leaves.
niteslacker Posted March 28, 2014 Posted March 28, 2014 10:00 PM BBT We are standing by. We currently still have FoTH. 10:15 PM BBT We remain FoTH at this time. 10:30 PM BBT We've yet to see anything on the feeds since the show went off the air. What do you think they're up to? 10:33 PM BBT Feeds back. Neda, Sarah and Allison are talking about a show outside the door in the BY. In a matter of three minutes we've heard BB tell the HG to stop talking about brand names, to stop singing and to stop talking about production. Andrew can be sitting just off camera next to Allison. Adel is playing with a hockey stick/net/whiffle balls in the back yard. Sabrina is still "in there" (DR?) 10:38 PM BBT Jon suggests to Adel that they fill the whiffle balls with trash bag pieces to make them a bit heavier. The house doors leading into the BY are pushed open against the walls. Heather and Rachelle are sitting on KT chairs, looking down at Neda, Sarah, Allison, Andrew, Kenny, Adel and Jon in the BY. Arlie is laying off to the side. 10:41 PM BBT Talk turns to the fact that Heather will get to sleep in her own bed. Neda, Allison and Andrew work on getting the pieces of trash bags into the whiffle balls. Several HGs have commented on how full they are and the fact that they've drank some alcohol. Sabrina is out of DR. Sarah wonders if they will all be called to DR tonight. Sabrina isn't sure and recommends she holds off on washing off her makeup. Arlie wants to sleep in the HNR tonight because the BR is pretty hot. The HNR is the perfect temp right now. 10:49 PM BBT Rachelle and Kenny go up to the WA and begin nightly ADLs. Idle chit chat/play in the BY just off camera. Allison and Neda play with the exercise ball. 10:52 PM BBT Jon in the KT and says everyone is going to be back in the same room. He loves it. Arlie says not him and Jon asks why but Arlie kept on walking. Sabrina and Jon now dancing in the KT. Arlie is ready for bed now (he ate a lot tonight). Jon heads up and joins Kenny and now Neda and Adel in the WA. Adel is taking a shower and Kenny appears to be manscaping his face. 10:55 PM BBT Kenny, Jon and Neda all agree they are ready for bed. Jon comes out of the WA stall and says "Ooooh two freaks in a pod!" Neda tells him to wash his hands. Jon says no way and walks back out. Arlie comes in and checks his weight (I believe he said 6 lbs with some change). Down in the KT gathered around the table we have Heather, Allison, Sabrina and Rachelle with Sabrina leading a French lesson.
DRG Posted March 28, 2014 Posted March 28, 2014 10:56PM BBT: Girls at the table now talking about French idioms then doing bad French accents. They say that they are afraid that they are going to have to go to the DR so they are not going to get ready for bed yet. They think it feels weird that there is no HOH tonight. Arlie talking about how much weight he has gained in just the last couple of hours. Sarah says she needs to stop eating and Kenny said he would help me but he lied to me. Kenny Heather and Sarah are in the bedroom. Allison is at the table with Arlie. They cannot believe they cannot go to bed now. Allison says she is tired and that they gave her two beer so she is tired. Arlie says if they gave us more we could keep going. Kenny up in his tightie whities that resemble a jock strap more than anything else walking around the bedroom pulling then pulling on pants sayhing he is going to go make some tea. Sarah says she saw his butt crack. Arlie announces again he has gained 6.8 pounds in two and a half hours. Some one announces it is 9:30 and they review what happened to them when they tried to go to bed last night about this time. Allison says that as a live feeder the HGs would be up til about 10:30 or 11 BBT.
DRG Posted March 28, 2014 Posted March 28, 2014 11:04PM BBT: Talk now turning to Breaking Bad and some have not seen it so they cannot talk spoilers. Allison now asking Jon if he only had season 4. She says five is the last season split into 8 & 8. Sarah on her bed with Sabrina draped over her. She says maybe sleeping here will keep Jon from coming and molesting her. Allison pouring water now in the kitchen, most of the others now in the bedroom. Allison says to Arlie that it was a strange week, Sarah comes out and he calls to her, Mumsy stop me from eating.: She asks what he is doing and says that she thought he was already done. Sarah tells Jon they told him he was not allowed to follow them as she and Kenny start to prepare some Sleepy Time tea. Rachelle pulling up her top and grinding her hips in the bedroom with her bra exposed. Arlie announces his astounding weight gain out loud again. Sarah running some water then says to Kenny that she should have let him think she was doing the dishes. He says he would have known better. Andrew now talking with Allison on the green couches with Jon sitting behind them. Andrew asking Canada for beer in the HOH room every day. Allison asks what would be a Canadian drink and they say Canadian Club, Polar Ice. Andrew appears a little more lubricated than the others and is smooching Allison.
DRG Posted March 28, 2014 Posted March 28, 2014 11:12PM BBT: Allison now screeching and says that he had her jugular in his mouth when he asks what is going on. She says see all we need is two beer every night. he is growling and they are "wrestling" on the couch.(Get a room already. DRG) Neda now talking about the twist in the bedroom Heather is stretched out on the couch opposite the love beasts. Rachelle is now topless and they are commenting about her bra and how small it is. Neda says watch the camera it moves every time you move. BB tells them to stop talking about production. Heather sits up and asks the two what they are doing. Sarah walks past now. Jon comes in then he Neda and Rachelle head out of the bedroom. Heather now listing all the food she has eaten since they got off slop. Sarah being chased around the kitchen counter.
DRG Posted March 28, 2014 Posted March 28, 2014 11:18PM BBT: All HGs seem a bit more animated now with general nonsense going on. Jon and Neda are at the counter Andrew and Allison on the couches with Sabrina and Heather across from them. They are all talking over one another. Allison calls out that Arlie has now been branded by Mumsy then Andrew calls out for her to come brand him. Allison says that she is down for that. Andrew says he is getting rebranded but she has to boil the water again first. Andrew says they need to clean again tomorrow and tells Allison that he swept. He starts biting at Allison's neck and she calls his name in a way to tell him to stop. Screeching now coming from the kitchen. Then they call out "Wake Up Canada." Sarah and Neda now reloading the kettle and Sarah says that Kenny is next. (They are branding one another with a hot spoon. DRG) One of the guys off camera is singing Ro Ro with the short shorts again and again. Allison now talking about how she will not lie to patients and tell them what she is about to do will not hurt when she knows it will. How can you build trust if you lie to people. Arlie sitting on the countertop still eating. Allison sitting against Andrew and he is manipulating her hands as if she were a marionette. Sarah says the boys are on the verge of being completely out of control. The kettle whistles and Sarah gets up to get her spoon while someone calls out for Jon to run. Jon calls someone a queerbag and they tell him he cannot say that. He asks why I meant weird. Sarah heads outside to see if it is open calling over her shoulder that what Jon said was rude. Kenny drinking his tea now saying that what Jon said was touchy someone says it was like the F word (meaning fag, not the other one DRG) Kenny now espousing that things you used to say back in Newfoundland are not ok to say now that you are educated about them. Andrew says that he is so bad at being in here. BB tells them to stop talking about production and Sarah asks who is in the DR then says that they all will be going.
niteslacker Posted March 28, 2014 Posted March 28, 2014 11:00 PM BBT Up in the BR Sarah, Heather and Jon are in bed. Arlie came out of the BR and said "they" woke him up. Arlie joins the girls down stairs and says "they" won't let them go to bed yet. Everyone agrees that "they" (Canada?) fed them a feast tonight. Sarah asks Kenny if he'll get bundled up and go outside and have a sleepy time tea with her. Kenny agrees. Jon comes in and Sarah tells him that she's heading out for tea. Jon is excited. She tells him to stay behind and keep Heather company. Jon says no way. 11:05 PM BBT Several conversations about TV shows going on here. Anytime they mention specific show names they get called out for talking about brand names. Down in the KT Allison says they're up for at least two hours. She says as a live feeder last season the HGs were up until 11:30-12:00 Newfie time. Sabrina, Neda and Rachelle head into BR. Sarah tells them BB woke them up. 11:10 PM BBT Neda, Rachelle and Sabrina wonder what Canada thinks of the HGs. Neda says Canada voted Allison in so they must like her. Neda says it depends on what BB has shown about Andrew. Sabrina tells Neda she should be safe. Neda says in her bio she was this a bitchy fashionista. Sabrina says in her bio she was a fun loving girl and she's been that way most of the season except for when Adel made fun of her religion and when know. Talk turns to breast/nipple size. Rachelle is standing in her top. Cameras remain focused on Neda and Sabrina on the bed and Rachelle from behind. Camera switches to Rachelle from a profile side. Neda tells Rachelle to put a shirt on before she punches her in the face. She's jealous. Sabrina says it's weird how the dynamic has changed so much. Neda agrees and says it's because it's Canada's HoH. Sabrina agrees. 11:15 PM BBT Rachelle says she's wearing Sabrina's bra. Meanwhile down in the LR Allison and Andrew have been flirting/being playful on the couch. Rachelle says she normally wears a DD but she's going to wear smaller from now because it does wonders for her bust. They say she's giving Canada a great show (nope, just BB). Jon runs inside the door out of breath. Everyone heads down stairs. 11:20 PM BBT Everyone is now being silly. Arlie was branded by mumsie (Sarah). Andrew tried to 'vamp' Allison according to Allison. 11:21 PM BBT Random chatter all over the house down stairs at this time. Andrew and Allison growl and flirt on the couch. Heather and Sabrina also sit on the couches watching Neda and Sarah horsing around in the KT. Sarah/Neda scream and play with each other. It's difficult to see what's happening due to the angle. Just as Allison explains that BB HGs are bored in the house trying to put a hot spoon on each other's skin, the camera turns and they stop. Sarah runs across the LR and tells Sabrina it won't hurt. Sabrina fears it will. Sarah puts the spoon on her thigh and Sabrina screams saying it hurts. Allison says that's something they aren't allowed to do is tell patients it won't hurt even if they know it will. It's not a good way to build trust. Allison and Andrew continue to act silly. 11:26 PM BBT Jon sings and BB calls him out almost instantly. Sarah laughs and says BB knows the HGs are going insane and they are called out for talking about production. Jon points at Sarah and says it was her. Sarah turns and walks over to the counter and everyone laughs and tells him to run. She grabs two spoons and chases him down. Kenny walks out from somewhere and Jon says "What's up queerbag!" Everyone warns him that it's just as bad as his F word slip up from the other day. Jon says it's a Newfie thing. Kenny agrees to an extent. Conversation turns to it. Jon isn't aware that it's not proper. Heather called to DR.
DRG Posted March 28, 2014 Posted March 28, 2014 11:30PM BBT: They are settling down a bit now and Kenny still talking about what is OK and what is offensive. Kenny saying what his father used to say and Jon saying he had no idea about these sayings and his father used to say a lot of them and he was a principal. His grandparents used to say them and on and on and on they go. Jon now jokes that he will be on the block now for sure. Arlie says that the folks on the live feeds will know what he meant and will not think it offensive. (I don't know about that I find this conversation rather painful as in tedious. DRG)
DRG Posted March 28, 2014 Posted March 28, 2014 11:36PM BBT: They start talking again about if they can go to bed and consensus is not if you have not done your DR session yet. Jon still going on about how he never knew that the word queer was associated with something bad. (Not that it is bad or anything. DRG) Sarah says that if they smelled his beard right now it might be a bit off. He says know and she goes in for a whiff. Adel and Jon now in the bedroom on feeds 1 & 2 talking about how they have a chance to go to final 5. Adel made his mistakes early. Adel wonders if the two who are put up by Canada will be sad. Jon says that if the two who go up act upset then they will go up again if Canada gets another chance. Adel says that tomorrow (POV) is going to be hockey and Jon is excited to play hockey. Now Jon back to talking about the Q word again, he thought it was a Newfie word made up to mean weird. They start bashing Sabrina for jumping all over him and go on to how she thinks she runs everything, but little does she know. Allison and Andrew on the green couches and the other two feeds same canoodling different night. Jon says that he is so tired and just wants to go to bed. he tells Adel his mic is not even on and BB does not even care. Now they talk about when Adel will come to Newfoundland and he says he knows lots of Newfies. 11:44PM BBT: Allison asks Andrew if he is a casual sex fiend and he says he does not know if he has a title. She now says that she could easily catch up to him by the time she reaches his age given the fact that she has doubled her number since she broke up with her ex. Feeds 1 & 2 now at the dining table where Sarah, Neather Neda Sabrina and Kenny are chatting about how this whole game could change with this whole Canada thing. Someone asks if there will be more fights between each other and he says he is just trying to prepare for anything, he does not want conflict. Heather says that BB likes drama. BB tells them to stop talking about production and Sarah asks the couple if they are talking about production and Andrew says no we are talking about sex. BB now tells the HGs to stop singing (must have been someone off camera in the bedroom DRG)
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