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Houseguest thread: Paul Jackson


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Paul Jackson

Age: 43

Hometown: Born in Cape Town, South Africa (lives in Toronto, ON)

Occupation: Consultant, Motivational Speaker

Describe yourself in three words: Analytical, funny, and creative.

Who is your Big Brother idol (any season, any country) and why?

It has to be “Chill Town” – I’ve been the biggest fan of Dr. Will Kirby (BBUS2 and BBUS7) and his sidekick Mike Boogie (BBUS2, BBUS7, and BBUS14). They gelled well. What I loved about them is the way that they played with the audience and the audience totally just ate it up. I think that’s what I am hoping to do, build a camaraderie with the audience.

Side Show Showdown! Who would you take to final two, Gary Levy or Peter Brown, and why?

I probably would take Peter. Gary was too well liked. I am planning to play a social game so that would have made it tough to go up against him since Gary did that well.

What prized possession (person, place, or thing) will you miss most and least?

Most: My three kids - 10, 8, and 6. I live for them and everything I do is for them. The best part of my day is when I get home and get those hugs

Least: The hustle and bustle of my everyday life – not having any down time.

Brain vs. Brawn. Which challenges, physical or mental, do you fear most?

For me it has to be brawn, at this point in my life. Ten years ago I could have probably ran with any youngster, but I’m just not as in shape as I was. I will have to make up for it with intellect, my observation skills and social skills.

Do you have a strategy going in to the house?

I don’t, honestly. I am going to bring my life skills like the ability to observe, connect, have a social game, and be supportive to those that feel a bit intimidated. That’s what I do, I support people through change, taking risks, and boosting their confidence, so I think that’s the route I will take.

What is your biggest pet peeve about other people?

Whiners! I’m not good with whiners. I think that when people complain it’s only their own insecurity. If you really want to complain you should go to a country where people have real things to complain about and see what that’s like. Put the violins away because I’m not playing it for you!

If you could warn your fellow houseguests about one of your character traits, what would it be?

My nail biting! It’s really bad. I started biting my nails when my mum passed away when I was six, and it became a comfort for me. It’s one of those things that I am still not able to kick. It bothers me, and it also bothers other people.

What are you in it for?

I have three reasons. The first is that I want to make a connection with Canada. I want them to see who I am and I want them to understand that I’m taking a risk and going in expecting the unexpected. The second thing is that I’m a Dad, and the main provider for the funds in my home, I have a mortgage and three kids, so this money would come in handy. The third thing is that it has been 27 years since I have seen my family in South Africa, my foster parents are in their late 80’s, and I would love to go back there and do something good for them.


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