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Houseguest thread: Arlie Shaban


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Arlie Shaban

Age: 25

Hometown: Claremont, ON (currently living in Stouffville, ON)

Occupation: Unemployed, but I’m treating this experience like a job.

Describe yourself in three words: Passionate, energetic, and conniving.

Who is your Big Brother idol (any season, any country) and why?

Will (BBUS2 and BBUS7) and Dan (BBUS10 and BBUS14), in that order. Will’s game was flawless even though he didn’t always win competitions. He is the smartest to ever compete in the house. He set stage for people like Dan. Dan put Will’s strategy into effect from day 1. Not many people can do what Will did and Dan almost did it better than Will.

Side Show Showdown! Who would you take to final two, Gary Levy or Peter Brown, and why?

They’re both really, really good competitors. Probably Peter though, strictly because Gary had the votes to win.

What prized possession (person, place, or thing) will you miss most and least?

Most: My friends in general. I need to talk to people so it’ll be hard not to have people I trust around me.

Least: The cold winter. It could be a new season by the time I get out. I’d love to skip winter.

Brain vs. Brawn. Which challenges, physical or mental, do you fear most?

I honestly don’t fear any. I’ll kill in all of the challenges. I’ll be the best competitor ever. There will be people who are physically stronger than me and so I may lose out there, but no one will be stronger mentally. I’ll dominate – I’ll never lose IF I decided I wanted to win.

Do you have a strategy going in to the house?

I have a very distinct strategy, but it’s not long term. I’ve studied every houseguest that’s ever won and they all say long term strategies don’t work so don’t put effort into them. Dan made a point that the competition is played in 3 big stages and that the only stage to plan for is the first. So my first stage plan is to be loved by everyone. I’m magnetic. I’ll be funny, and I’ll be the center of attention in a house full of attention-seekers.

What is your biggest pet peeve about other people?

People don’t really bug me, but I guess if someone a lot less intelligent than me tells me a boldface lie, it would insult me that they think I would fall for it.

If you could warn your fellow houseguests about one of your character traits, what would it be?

My dishonesty. I’ll seem trustworthy, but my word will actually mean nothing.

What are you in it for?

I’ve been a superfan my whole life and I’ve always known that I’m capable of doing enormously good things in the house. I want my game play to be respected by the public, more than I want to win the money. I’ve craved this experience and you couldn’t even pay me to leave the house in week one.


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