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Watching nothing! SERIOUSLY


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Friday night and I'm watching Gina Marie lay in the cock pit? First she was playing cards. Generally people don't talk to themselves. But You go to Spencer and at least he's talking! But you leave him and go back to Gina Marie? Why I would have to say that people would rather listen to Spencer talk! Rather not here or see Andy, so that's a good thing! Here we are, your back and She's sitting up, Yep back to watching nothing. SOOOOO disappointed. I no your there, the camera's do move!

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We're delayed almost an hour.

NFL.. and then 60 Minutes to follow

The suspense is killing me ...... N O T

I'm watching it on ustream and can report that it's BORING. It's half way through and has only been re-hashing what was shown earlier as the F3 talk around the table while eating their brunch. Very lame.

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I'm watching it on ustream and can report that it's BORING. It's half way through and has only been re-hashing what was shown earlier as the F3 talk around the table while eating their brunch. Very lame.

Soooo boring...reminds me of the Survivor episodes that are Thanksgiving week that suck...argh

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ScreenShot2013-09-15at6.37.00PM_original:D More interesting

My husband is watching the 49ers/Seahawks. Ordinarily I'd watch it with him but he was talking on the phone while watching and it got annoying so I'm taking a break. I enjoyed the Broncos/Giants game earlier.

I missed the last 15 minutes of BB and I think I won't bother catching up with it later. What a waste of a show tonight. :(

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If anyone gets HGTV <-- that suppose to be TVGN (edited 1:59)

(I do but sometimes blocks of pixels run across the screen sometimes and the sound goes mute)...

Just happened to check the channel - and re-runs of Survivor Redemption Island are on this afternoon

in case you don't have anything to do.

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If anyone gets HGTV

(I do but sometimes blocks of pixels run across the screen sometimes and the sound goes mute)...

Just happened to check the channel - and re-runs of Survivor Redemption Island are on this afternoon

in case you don't have anything to do.

On the Home and Garden Channel? or the TVGN channel

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