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Spencer - Final Week - Evicted (Sep. 18) - Juror #9


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Not to worry folks.

There's NO WAY Spencer will walk away with the top money.

(and it's a pitiful shame he'll probably walk away with 2nd place $$$s)

No, I think if GM wins Part 3 and takes Spencer (as she clearly should), he could win it because he might get to 5 votes, especially with a bitter jury. Here's what votes I see him getting:

Aaryn- No

Amanda- Yes (GM got rid of her and called her all kinds of nasty stuff)

Andy- Yes (GM betrayed him)

Candice- Yes (bitter rivals with GM)

Elissa- No

Helen- No

Jessie- Maybe (who the heck knows what she's gonna do?)

Judd- Yes (better friends with Spencer)

McCrae- Yes (will probably vote with Amanda)

I see 5, possibly 6 votes there for him... SCARY!!!

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