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9/11 & 9/12 TV Show Eviction Night Thread


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1. Who will you vote for America's Favorite House Guest?

2. Predict something one particular hg's will do on the Wednesday/Thursday show .....

3. Who do you think/want to win FINAL FOUR HOH/VETO ?


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1. Helen- Was annoying with the cheers and tears but played hard and *gasp* refrained from spewing horribly offensive remarks about her fellow HGs, which practically everyone else did.

2. Judd will be moving around so much from his anxiety you'll wonder if all the ants have somehow gotten into his skin

3. Of course I don't want any of them to win anything but *sigh* if I have to choose I guess McCrae (HOH) and Andy (veto)-- I don't like Andy as a person but he deserves the win

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1. Who will you vote for America's Favorite House Guest? - Gina Marie

2. Predict something one particular hg's will do on the Wednesday/Thursday show ..... Andy will cry and say to Judd I really wanted to keep you. and say a little I love you as Judd goes out the door.

3. Who do you think/want to win FINAL FOUR HOH/VETO ? I want McCrae to win the HOH and then win the POV and send Andy home.

I think in reality Andy probably won the HOH and then wins the POV and sends McCrae home

I want GM to win the first in the round of final competitions

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1. AF: Helen...for exactly the same reason GreatSaltLuke gave. For all her faults, I see her as a decent human being.

2. Judd will storm out like a big baby.???

3. If Judd is evicted, i WANT McCrae to win HOH & Andy to win veto & send GM home. (Ultimately, I would like to see Andy & McCrae in f2. I would be fine with either winning really. Andy, because I've said all along he's played a focused game or McCrae, because I dislike him less than everyone else still in the game)

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1. Who will you vote for America's Favorite House Guest? I might just pass on voting for any of them.

2. Predict something one particular hg's will do on the Wednesday/Thursday show ..... Andy will ask Spencer if he's done with the cantelope, he wants a protien shake... Sorry, just had to do it!!!

3. Who do you think/want to win FINAL FOUR HOH/VETO ? Just because he's a rat and we don't want him to win. ANDY... Veto, McStinky...

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1. Who will you vote for America's Favorite House Guest? Elissa, so I can see Andy kill himself

2. Predict something one particular hg's will do on the Wednesday/Thursday show ..... Andy will declare his undying love and loyalty to whomever he votes out

3. Who do you think/want to win FINAL FOUR HOH/VETO ? McCrae because he's the least offensive of those left...and he's probably the only one with enough balls to vote out the rat and liar, Andy

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I like CAndy because she was in such a difficult spot and yet held up so well with so much against her and such bad advice and pressure from her only supposed ally.

GM will do something self deprecatory and laugh at her self.

I'd like to see GM win because she is and has always in her life been the underdog.

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1. Who will you vote for America's Favorite House Guest? ~ Helen or maybe Jessie or maybe.......I might still jump on the "in your face" bandwagon and vote Elissa.... :P

2. Predict something one particular hg's will do on the Wednesday/Thursday show ..... ~ GM will cackle

3. Who do you think/want to win FINAL FOUR HOH/VETO ? ~ I want Andy to win HOH and McCrae to win veto. I think GM will win HOH and McCrae will win veto.


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1. Who will you vote for America's Favorite House Guest? I will vote for Elissa.

2. Predict something one particular hg's will do on the Wednesday/Thursday show ..... Andy will lie at least three times!

3. Who do you think/want to win FINAL FOUR HOH/VETO ? Final four HOH McCrea and veto GM

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1. Who will you vote for America's Favorite House Guest? Elissa

2. Predict something one particular hg's will do on the Wednesday/Thursday show: Andy will cry as Judd is leaving but laugh about it in DR.

3. Who do you think/want to win FINAL FOUR HOH/VETO ? I'd like Andy gone. So I hope McCrea wins HoH and anyone other than Andy gets PoV, and he gets voted out. However, I bet McCrea will win HoH to get my hopes up and then Andy wins PoV.

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1. Who will you vote for America's Favorite House Guest?

If I vote it will be for Elissa

2. Predict something one particular hg's will do on the Wednesday/Thursday show .....

One will say I can believe he won again!

3. Who do you think/want to win FINAL FOUR HOH/VETO ?

Don't care who's HOH, but for Mcnasty POV and vote out Spencer


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1. Who will you vote for America's Favorite House Guest? I might just pass on voting for any of them.

2. Predict something one particular hg's will do on the Wednesday/Thursday show ..... Andy will ask Spencer if he's done with the cantelope, he wants a protien shake... Sorry, just had to do it!!!

3. Who do you think/want to win FINAL FOUR HOH/VETO ? Just because he's a rat and we don't want him to win. ANDY... Veto, McStinky...

#2 is really funny. :smilielol: and deserves to be bumped.

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show time :animated_bouncy:

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judd help seal his own fate :animated_bouncy:

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judd tried to pull a dan funeral during veto ceremony :animated_bouncy:

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judd maybe one of the dumbest to ever play the game :animated_bouncy:

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how many takes did it take andy to muster up those tear in the goodbye message :animated_bouncy:

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andy swoops in and wins hoh


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