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Andy - DE/Week 11


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very good analogy! Andy will not win if he gets to final 2 ..ratboy has been outed in the jury now the only one i could tolerate winning is fatboy ..and i can't stand his deviant ass..but if GM or Andy or mcnasty or judd win ..i'm out of this show for good


i change my mind..no spenser..no way fat boy..i would rather see judd win and he's a pig ,too :crybaby:

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He weaseled and floated his way to the end. I think his stategy is to do NOTHING and just lie and say you masterminded everything in your goodbye messages.

Him and Helen were such fake asskissers. Her motivational speeches annoyed me. Somebody in there could take a dump and she'd pull them aside to tell them how great they are and how proud they should be of that turd.

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People like and trust Andy in the house because he is gay. I think people are probably scared to go against him thinking they will look homophobic. Also I think the houseguests think that he is trustworthy because he is gay.

They probably think Andy is very naive and very sensitive and wouldn't want anyone to feel bad because he has or had to face obstacles outside the house for his sexual preferences. They probably feel because of him being gay he is very sensitive to people's feelings and couldn't fathom hurting someone anywhere near the way he may have been hurt.

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Why would he tell amanda that he voted her out with glee on his face at the saying? He didn't like her, after all, would be my guess. It was a gotcha moment. She is probably going to do a number on him in the house. Andy probably shouldn't have done that.

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Why would he tell amanda that he voted her out with glee on his face at the saying? He didn't like her, after all, would be my guess. It was a gotcha moment. She is probably going to do a number on him in the house. Andy probably shouldn't have done that.

Yeah, it cost him 1 jury vote, or more :grin2:

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Yeah, it cost him 1 jury vote, or more :grin2:

Better than to keep on lying to her. His vote was going to get exposed one way or another so he might as well come clean ASAP so she finds out from him instead of from Elissa.

Andy is playing the best game of those that are left... hands down. That's not saying much considering who's left though.

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Unfortunately, I have to sadly agree with GreatSaltLuke! At this point, Andy has everyone fooled and he is playing the best game in the house now. He is still there and he assisted McManda in getting other targets out and now he is sitting pretty with Amanda out and McCrea with one foot in the door. I think if he makes it to F2, he will win.

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I agree that andy is playing the best game and has from the beginning. I just dunno about garnering the votes, though. As we all know, that can go anywhichway. The thing for me with andy is that he seems to enjoy being mean and if amanda saw that, for instance, in the goodbye message; she could lean no vote. I dunno. Interesting.

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Of course every year they get together and put all their differences aside (at least most of their differences) and actually vote for the person who they think actually played the best game.

They will be amazed at how Andy was able to pull the wool over their eyes for the ENTIRE game. LOL

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People like and trust Andy in the house because he is gay. I think people are probably scared to go against him thinking they will look homophobic. Also I think the houseguests think that he is trustworthy because he is gay.

They probably think Andy is very naive and very sensitive and wouldn't want anyone to feel bad because he has or had to face obstacles outside the house for his sexual preferences. They probably feel because of him being gay he is very sensitive to people's feelings and couldn't fathom hurting someone anywhere near the way he may have been hurt.

I totally agree with that, but I also think he's trusted a lot because he tends to stick with his alliances for awhile. He was with Helen for awhile at first and then rolled to Mc and Amanda almost half-way through. Then he stuck with Mc and Amanda until last week. So by the time he rolls, his friends have come to trust him a lot. Look how Amanda left somewhat thinking he was still with her.

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My hope is he makes f3, then gets booted! To come so close and have to walk out the door! Then vote for who wins thinking he could trust everyone because he has f2 with everyone!

That works for me...AddEmoticons00930.gif

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If most people thought Dan deserved to win last season than why is Andy any different? They both played very hard and backstabbed their way to the end.

Just my opinon is that Dan did not back stab and deceive unless it was really part of the game. They played a totally different game.

Not saying Andy has played a bad game. He has played a really good game putting himself in the position of the decider of what alliance he stuck with and when to make his own move.

Personally his wide eyed I am so innocent and please don't ever put me up or I will freak and being aligned with everyone in the house and scurrying around the house in every conversation got on my nerves. That is just my personal dislike of Andy but yes I would say he played a pretty good game.

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But everyone likes Andy!!!

That is the clear difference in strategy and why it will blow up in his face. He pretended to be everyone's bff, their biggest confidante in the house, rather than simply an ally. There is a big difference in reaction between the two when one is backstabbed/blindsided.

A person will be mad that someone they thought was an ally turned against them, but if they are fair, they will ultimately conceded they were planning to do the same. But when your bestie does it, that is personal and not easily forgiven. Think of Dawn in the last season of Survivor. People were genuinely hurt.

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I do not think anyone in that house thinks that voting out Andy will make them appear homophobic. Whatever degree of homophobia any of them have, I suspect he has encountered much worse and is able to let it glide off his back like a duck does water. (no reference to Elyssa here)

He has played a good game and if he is in final two, he could win because everyone might just admit he did even if peeved that he played them.

He is willing to be final two with anyone. Why not? 50K or 500K it is a crapshoot as to how the jury will vote. He knows that if he is with McC only Amanda will vote for McC. If with Spencer, well his game play will be seen as better same with Judd. No one credits GM with having a brain so his game play will win it for him.

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I do not think anyone in that house thinks that voting out Andy will make them appear homophobic. Whatever degree of homophobia any of them have, I suspect he has encountered much worse and is able to let it glide off his back like a duck does water. (no reference to Elyssa here)

He has played a good game and if he is in final two, he could win because everyone might just admit he did even if peeved that he played them.

He is willing to be final two with anyone. Why not? 50K or 500K it is a crapshoot as to how the jury will vote. He knows that if he is with McC only Amanda will vote for McC. If with Spencer, well his game play will be seen as better same with Judd. No one credits GM with having a brain so his game play will win it for him.

If and when he is gone, his fans will say it's because of homophobia. I don't like him because I think he is nothing but a wash woman bringing back tales. I guess it was the way he did it, like a little kid who couldn't wait to go back to his mommy and tell what he heard. Sickening for anyone gay or straight.

Anyways, he is still there so I have to say although I wouldn't consider it a "good" game, he played and his strategy could have blown up in his face at any time. I think it will but it might not be until he is sitting F2. I hope not!

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