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GinaMarie - Week 9


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she is going to be safe

surprised no one posted in this thread yet

even spencer thread has a post :animated_bouncy:

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* "12:49AM Andy comments that Aaryn succeeded in getting out the last minority. GM pipes up and says, "no, I did!" Andy reminds her that Helen is a minority. GM says, oh yeah...she's "oriental?" Conversation shifts into conversation about lineage of HG in the room. Someone [spencer?] says they're part Mayan."

*copied from LFU

This cheap trailer trash reject is so friggin annoying... :death:

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* "12:49AM Andy comments that Aaryn succeeded in getting out the last minority. GM pipes up and says, "no, I did!" Andy reminds her that Helen is a minority. GM says, oh yeah...she's "oriental?" Conversation shifts into conversation about lineage of HG in the room. Someone [spencer?] says they're part Mayan."

*copied from LFU

Damn how can she be a racist when she does not even recognize what is considered to be a race? I have said all along, her comments are completely from her background, what she has heard in her "hood" AND thought to be funny there. I am not saying that the comments are not racist, only that with her it comes from what she has heard and echoing in the house what Aryan has put out. I suspect that in working with the pageant, she would not have thought anything against any contestant no matter what degree of melanin they had. The ambiance of the competition would have guided her. I think she is completely a product of the water she swims in and if the water changes, so does she, and that has been her clue for survival...after all it surely was not her intelligence and education that she had to use.
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Gina Marie up in HOH - Elissa telling GM that Aaryn is McManda's biggest asset and does their dirty work.

(if only Eliisa knew it was Andy)

I think Elissa is trying to get GM on board with evicting Aaryn. I think that GM is carefully trying to put it back on Amanda.

We will see how this goes.

and of course FOTH - CBS has been giving us so much FOTH and trying to block the feeders from knowing what is going on.

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I cannot believe that elissa doesn't know that it is andy. Is she stupid? (you are excused from answering that, arrowhead and chief slapaho). Why is she so concerned with aaryn? Is she 30 with a 13-year old grudge? Put the cow and birdlegs on the block, dummy. It's easy. Do it.

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I cannot believe that elissa doesn't know that it is andy. Is she stupid? (you are excused from answering that, arrowhead and chief slapaho). Why is she so concerned with aaryn? Is she 30 with a 13-year old grudge? Put the cow and birdlegs on the block, dummy. It's easy. Do it.

I feel the same. How can she not know, but then again she isn't the brightest star in the sky if that is any argument. Elissa's is Grodner's pawn and it's evident she is there to help certain players along.

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I cannot believe that elissa doesn't know that it is andy. Is she stupid? (you are excused from answering that, arrowhead and chief slapaho). Why is she so concerned with aaryn? Is she 30 with a 13-year old grudge? Put the cow and birdlegs on the block, dummy. It's easy. Do it.

There might be hope after her talk with McSloth

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Hmmm I could have swore Spencer said it was Ginamarie.

It was Aaryn.


I don't get how she could have done that. It looks like she looked right at the bottle. Definitely one of the more funny (considering who it is) dumb moments of the season.

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Maybe ginamarie brought that character to the game to entertain and can't get rid of her? Dunno. She seems the tough girl but there remains the feeling that if you needed someone; really needed someone, ginamarie might be the one to call. I am done trashing ginamarie. I've said too much already. I wish her well and it would not bother me one iota to see ginamarie win it all or at least the $50,000.

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GM can turn the fight on and off faster than anyone! When she and Amanda had the fight last night GM held her own! ROFL Usually Amanda can talk over anyone but GM got louder and louder! McCrae had to come pull Amanda out of the room!


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Yep - GM held her own and would not back down to Amanda. Seems like everyone is getting some backbone now that Helen is gone and there's a new sheriff in town. LOL

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