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Elissa - Week 9 HOH


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comp .................... winner

she is starting to become a mini beast

no way will hg's keep her around now that she shown ability to win comps :animated_bouncy:

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She could put up Andy and Mcdirty, you know aMANda can't win anything and if Andy or mc dirty wins veto she can put up aMANda

i dont get why folks assume she cant win anything

she maynt have won anything yet but she is finishing mid of the pack in comps and this past comp towards the top half

i could understand if she was always first out making that claim :animated_bouncy:

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She told Helen earlier today that she wanted to put up Amanda and Aaryn. Helen told her it had to Amanda and McCrae up and then Elissa said it would be Aaryn as the replacement nom if the Veto is used. Helen told her that was fine but, that she couldn't tell GM that until she has to... if at all. (About Aaryn, that is.)

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She needs to ally with aaryn and spencer and GM and rid the house of amanda, that POS amanda sleeps with and the red-headed butt face.

i wouldnt touch aaryn with a ten foot pole to be in an alliance

aaryn cant be trusted

the very next week she would put elissa up in a heartbeat if she is still there if amanda survives :animated_bouncy:

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Who in the house can be trusted? She needs to convince aaryn. Aaryn was trustworthy to helen in the past.

not aaryn

judd had trust in aaryn what happen to judd

helen had trust in aaryn what happen to helen


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Let see if she has any guts NOT to put up Spencer?

IMHO, this season has been lame at times is largely because HGs won't make any moves, and always take the safe bet. Everybody is working hard not to lose, and very little effort is put into winning. I think many have thrown HoH and veto competitions simply to avoid having to make a decision. The only time a HG tries to win is when they know they have no other option; its win or go home, but until their back is against the wall, they won't do jack.

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I have to admit, I don't get all the hate for Macrae and Amanda. She is smug, but at least she is playing the game.

Even moreso though, I really do not get all the love for Elissa. She has such a superior, holier-than-thou attitude. She has said many times that she believes everyone else here is beneath her. Her me-me-me attitude and self centered conversations are truly annoying. She acts as though the others should all consider themselves lucky that she has even allowed them to be graced with her presence in the BB house. People call Macrae names like "Macboring" but all I ever see Elissa do is yoga. (And talk about herself, of course) I truly believe that if she were just a random player and not Rachel's sister, she would be one of the most despised people in BB history.

I have watched this show every season and seen people get blasted for having the same attitude and personality as her so why is she different? Oh yeah, her sister is semi-kinda-almost famous. Woohoo.

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