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Judd - Week 9 Returning Juror


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I'll fix the thread once the returning juror is determined.

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elissa winning bought him a week

unless should by miracle someone gets into her head to put up judd :animated_bouncy:

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I am not about bringing people back to the game when they have had days with other evictees to chat about game. I think it is unfair but hey, I thought bringing coaches to the game after they had coached was patently stupid; as well.

I think judd is safe beyond immunity. He will smoke a lot. Mumble a lot. Etc.... I hope that judd sees through all the bs.

If judd makes it to F2, he could win because he is your basic good old Volunteer.

Jessie would have been my choice to return. She played the better comp. Shame she fell.

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Watching Judd on flashbacks last night he is all over the place. He is going from person to person bla bla bla then just turns around and goes somewhere else. That is one thing that drove me nuts about him is he was everywhere and nowhere.

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Watching Judd on flashbacks last night he is all over the place. He is going from person to person bla bla bla then just turns around and goes somewhere else. That is one thing that drove me nuts about him is he was everywhere and nowhere.

Remember in the very beginning the camera would catch judd lurking in the corner of each room shot? He would scurry from room to room with that eager look in his eyes.

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I just hope he does SOMETHING that makes a difference in the game... be it this week or a week to come.

It would be such a waste of all our anticipation about a returning HG - and how they might shake the house up.

lol... I'm just afraid if he DOES do something we won't be able to tell what it was that he did :laugh4:

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I'm not sure anyone should trust him right now. He is still trying to figure out what has gone on in the house while he was gone. AND why would he trust anyone in the house since they all agreed to backdoor him.

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Bless his heart, he's trying to figure out who he can trust because everyone voted him out in a short amount of time his head is still spinning. I think he realizes he can't trust Mccranda and is confused about trusting Aaryn. I hope he figures out that he can't trust Andy.

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I noticed on the Internet there is a new wave of love for Judd and he has a big fan club. Not sure why or what he has ever done. He seems like an OK guy but I can't see any good game moves or see anything he has done that is so special in the game of Big Brother.

Help me someone....

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I don't understand it either, Marty. He did nothing in the game but become another of the McNastys minions. Then he was evicted. He lost. Now he gets a second chance just because he stayed on the ledge the longest. He seemed to be OK as a person but as a player he didn't do much.

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